/// <summary> /// 绑定客户速查 /// </summary> /// <param name="txtCustCode"></param> public void BindCustomer(TextChooser txtCustCode) { //设置客户编码速查 txtCustCode.SetBindTable("tb_customer", "cust_code", "cust_name"); txtCustCode.GetDataSourced += new TextChooser.GetDataSourceHandler(txtcCustName_GetDataSourced); //txtCustCode.DataBacked += new TextChooser.DataBackHandler(txtcCustName_DataBacked); }
public static void CrossThreadInvoke(TextChooser t, MethodInvoker m) { if (t.InvokeRequired) { t.Invoke(m); } }
/// <summary> 绑定配件类型名称到选择器 /// </summary> /// <param name="tc"></param> /// <param name="sqlString"></param> private static void PartsType_NameBindData(TextChooser tc, string sqlString) { // sqlString = string.Format(@"select dic_name from sys_dictionaries where dic_id not in // (select parent_id from sys_dictionaries) and dic_name like '%{0}%'", tc.Text); // DataTable dt = CommonFuncCall.GetDataSource(sqlString); // tc.SetDataSource(dt); // if (dt != null) // { // tc.Search(); // } string dic_ids = string.Empty; List <string> list_dic_id = new List <string>(); CreateTreeViewChildNode(list_dic_id, "sys_parts_category"); if (list_dic_id.Count > 0) { foreach (string dic_id in list_dic_id) { dic_ids += "'" + dic_id + "',"; } } dic_ids = dic_ids.Trim(','); sqlString = string.Format(@"select dic_name from sys_dictionaries where dic_id in ({0}) and dic_name like '%{1}%'", dic_ids, tc.Text); DataTable dt = CommonFuncCall.GetDataSource(sqlString); tc.SetDataSource(dt); if (dt != null) { tc.Search(); } }
void txtcCustName_GetDataSourced(TextChooser tc, string sqlString) { try { if (sqlString.Contains("tb_customer")) { string fileds = "cust_name,cust_code"; sqlString = sqlString.Replace("*", fileds); } else if (sqlString.Contains("tb_supplier")) { string fileds = "sup_code,sup_full_name"; sqlString = sqlString.Replace("*", fileds); } DataTable dvt = CommonFuncCall.GetDataSource(sqlString); tc.SetDataSource(dvt); if (dvt != null) { tc.Search(); } } catch (Exception ex) { HXCPcClient.GlobalStaticObj.GlobalLogService.WriteLog(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// 设置速查 /// </summary> /// <param name="sqlString"></param> void tc_GetDataSourced(TextChooser tc, string sqlString) { DataTable dvt = CommonFuncCall.GetDataSource(sqlString); tc.SetDataSource(dvt); if (dvt != null) { tc.Search(); } }
/// <summary> 绑定供应商名称到选择器 /// </summary> /// <param name="tc"></param> /// <param name="sqlString"></param> private static void Sup_NameBindData(TextChooser tc, string sqlString) { DataTable dt = CommonFuncCall.GetDataSource(sqlString); tc.SetDataSource(dt); if (dt != null) { tc.Search(); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取查询条件 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected string GetWhere() { StringBuilder sbWhere = new StringBuilder(); sbWhere.Append("1=1"); foreach (Control ctr in pnlSearch.Controls) { if (ctr.Tag == null) { continue; } if (ctr.Tag.ToString().Length == 0) { continue; } if (ctr is TextBoxEx) { TextBoxEx txt = (TextBoxEx)ctr; string strTxt = txt.Caption.Trim(); if (strTxt.Length > 0) { sbWhere.AppendFormat(" and {0} like '%{1}%'", txt.Tag, strTxt); } } else if (ctr is ComboBoxEx) { ComboBoxEx cbo = (ComboBoxEx)ctr; string strCbo = CommonCtrl.IsNullToString(cbo.SelectedValue); if (strCbo.Length > 0) { sbWhere.AppendFormat(" and {0}='{1}'", cbo.Tag, strCbo); } } else if (ctr is TextChooser) { TextChooser txtc = (TextChooser)ctr; string strTxtc = txtc.Text.Trim(); if (strTxtc.Length > 0) { sbWhere.AppendFormat(" and {0}='{1}'", txtc.Tag, strTxtc); } } else if (ctr is DateInterval) { DateInterval di = (DateInterval)ctr; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(di.StartDate) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(di.EndDate)) { sbWhere.AppendFormat(" and {0} between {1} and {2}", di.Tag, Common.LocalDateTimeToUtcLong(Convert.ToDateTime(di.StartDate).Date), Common.LocalDateTimeToUtcLong(Convert.ToDateTime(di.EndDate).Date.AddDays(1).AddMilliseconds(-1))); } } } return(sbWhere.ToString()); }
/// <summary> 绑定配件类型名称到选择器 /// </summary> /// <param name="tc"></param> /// <param name="sqlString"></param> private static void PartsType_NameBindData(TextChooser tc, string sqlString) { sqlString = string.Format(@"select dic_name from sys_dictionaries where dic_id not in (select parent_id from sys_dictionaries) and dic_name like '%{0}%'", tc.Text); DataTable dt = CommonFuncCall.GetDataSource(sqlString); tc.SetDataSource(dt); if (dt != null) { tc.Search(); } }
/// <summary> 供应商名称速查选择器 /// </summary> /// <param name="ContorlName">控件ID</param> /// <param name="delDataBack">回调函数</param> public static void SupperNameChoose(TextChooser ContorlName, GreetingDelegate delDataBack) { string table = "tb_supplier"; string valueColumn = "sup_full_name"; //设置表和显示字段 ContorlName.SetBindTable(table, valueColumn); ContorlName.GetDataSourced += new TextChooser.GetDataSourceHandler(Sup_NameBindData); if (delDataBack != null) { ContorlName.DataBacked -= new TextChooser.DataBackHandler(delDataBack); ContorlName.DataBacked += new TextChooser.DataBackHandler(delDataBack); } }
/// <summary> 配件车型名称速查选择器 /// </summary> /// <param name="ContorlName">控件ID</param> /// <param name="delDataBack">回调函数</param> public static void PartsCarModelNameChoose(TextChooser ContorlName, GreetingDelegate delDataBack) { string table = "tb_vehicle_models"; string valueColumn = "vm_name"; //设置表和显示字段 ContorlName.SetBindTable(table, valueColumn); ContorlName.GetDataSourced += new TextChooser.GetDataSourceHandler(PartsCarModel_NameBindData); if (delDataBack != null) { ContorlName.DataBacked -= new TextChooser.DataBackHandler(delDataBack); ContorlName.DataBacked += new TextChooser.DataBackHandler(delDataBack); } }
/// <summary> 配件类型名称速查选择器 /// </summary> /// <param name="ContorlName">控件ID</param> /// <param name="delDataBack">回调函数</param> public static void PartsTypeNameChoose(TextChooser ContorlName, GreetingDelegate delDataBack) { string table = "sys_dictionaries"; string valueColumn = "dic_name"; //设置表和显示字段 ContorlName.SetBindTable(table, valueColumn); ContorlName.GetDataSourced += new TextChooser.GetDataSourceHandler(PartsType_NameBindData); if (delDataBack != null) { ContorlName.DataBacked -= new TextChooser.DataBackHandler(delDataBack); ContorlName.DataBacked += new TextChooser.DataBackHandler(delDataBack); } }
/// <summary> 客户编码速查选择器 /// </summary> /// <param name="ContorlName">控件ID</param> /// <param name="delDataBack">回调函数</param> public static void CusCodeChoose(TextChooser ContorlName, GreetingDelegate delDataBack) { string table = "tb_customer"; string displayColumn = "cust_code"; string valueColumn = "cust_name"; //设置表和显示字段 ContorlName.SetBindTable(table, displayColumn, valueColumn); ContorlName.GetDataSourced += new TextChooser.GetDataSourceHandler(Cus_CodeBindData); if (delDataBack != null) { ContorlName.DataBacked -= new TextChooser.DataBackHandler(delDataBack); ContorlName.DataBacked += new TextChooser.DataBackHandler(delDataBack); } }
/// <summary> /// 设置速查 /// </summary> /// <param name="sqlString"></param> void tc_GetDataSourced(TextChooser tc, string sqlString) { if (sqlString.Contains("v_vehicle")) { string fileds = string.Format(" license_plate,vin,engine_num,v_model,v_brand,v_color,turner,cust_code,cust_id,cust_name,cont_name,{0} phone ", EncryptByDB.GetDesFieldValue("cont_phone")); sqlString = sqlString.Replace("*", fileds); } DataTable dvt = CommonFuncCall.GetDataSource(sqlString); tc.SetDataSource(dvt); if (dvt != null) { tc.Search(); } }
/// <summary> /// 设置速查 /// </summary> /// <param name="sqlString"></param> void tc_GetDataSourced(TextChooser tc, string sqlString) { try { DataTable dvt = CommonFuncCall.GetDataSource(sqlString); tc.SetDataSource(dvt); if (dvt != null) { tc.Search(); } } catch (Exception ex) { HXCPcClient.GlobalStaticObj.GlobalLogService.WriteLog(ex); } }
void txtcParts_GetDataSourced(TextChooser tc, string sqlString) { try { string fileds = "parts_name,ser_parts_code"; sqlString = sqlString.Replace("*", fileds); DataTable dvt = CommonFuncCall.GetDataSource(sqlString); tc.SetDataSource(dvt); if (dvt != null) { tc.Search(); } } catch (Exception ex) { HXCPcClient.GlobalStaticObj.GlobalLogService.WriteLog(ex); } }
//清空查询 private void btnClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (Control ctr in pnlSearch.Controls) { if (ctr is TextBoxEx) { TextBoxEx txt = (TextBoxEx)ctr; txt.Caption = string.Empty; } else if (ctr is ComboBoxEx) { ComboBoxEx cbo = (ComboBoxEx)ctr; if (cbo.Items.Count > 0) { cbo.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { cbo.SelectedItem = null; } } else if (ctr is TextChooser) { TextChooser txtc = (TextChooser)ctr; txtc.Text = string.Empty; txtc.Tag = null; } else if (ctr is CheckBox) { CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)ctr; cb.Checked = false; } else if (ctr is DateInterval) { DateInterval di = (DateInterval)ctr; di.Empty(); di.StartDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-01"); di.EndDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } } }
/// <summary> /// 清除查询面板 /// </summary> /// <param name="pnlSearch">查询面板</param> public void ClearSearch(Panel pnlSearch) { foreach (Control ctr in pnlSearch.Controls) { if (ctr is TextBoxEx) { TextBoxEx txt = (TextBoxEx)ctr; txt.Caption = string.Empty; } else if (ctr is ComboBoxEx) { ComboBoxEx cbo = (ComboBoxEx)ctr; if (cbo.Items.Count > 0) { cbo.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { cbo.SelectedItem = null; } } else if (ctr is TextChooser) { TextChooser txtc = (TextChooser)ctr; txtc.Text = string.Empty; txtc.Tag = null; } else if (ctr is CheckBox) { CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)ctr; cb.Checked = false; } else if (ctr is DateInterval) { DateInterval di = (DateInterval)ctr; di.Empty(); } } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定供应商速查 /// </summary> /// <param name="txtcSupplier"></param> public void BindSupplier(TextChooser txtcSupplier) { //设置供应商编码速查 txtcSupplier.SetBindTable("tb_supplier", "sup_code", "sup_full_name"); txtcSupplier.GetDataSourced += new TextChooser.GetDataSourceHandler(txtcSupplier_GetDataSourced); }
/// <summary> /// 绑定配件速查 /// </summary> /// <param name="txtcParts"></param> public void BindParts(TextChooser txtcParts) { txtcParts.SetBindTable("tb_parts", "ser_parts_code", "parts_name"); txtcParts.GetDataSourced += new TextChooser.GetDataSourceHandler(txtcParts_GetDataSourced); }
/// <summary> 设置容器内控件替换为label /// </summary> /// <param name="cnl">容器控件</param> /// <param name="isCanUse">是否可用</param> public static void SetControlForLable(Control pControl, bool isShowButton) { int count = pControl.Controls.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var cnl = pControl.Controls[i]; if (cnl is TextBoxEx) { Label lable = new Label(); lable.AutoSize = false; lable.Size = cnl.Size; //lable.Location = cnl.Location; lable.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(cnl.Location.X, cnl.Location.Y + 4); pControl.Controls.Add(lable); lable.BringToFront(); TextBoxEx txt = cnl as TextBoxEx; lable.Text = txt.Caption; pControl.Controls.Remove(cnl); i--; } if (cnl is TextChooser) { Label lable = new Label(); lable.AutoSize = false; lable.Size = cnl.Size; //lable.Location = cnl.Location; lable.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(cnl.Location.X, cnl.Location.Y + 4); pControl.Controls.Add(lable); lable.BringToFront(); TextChooser txt = cnl as TextChooser; lable.Text = txt.Text; pControl.Controls.Remove(cnl); i--; } if (cnl is ComboBoxEx || cnl is ComboBox) { Label lable = new Label(); lable.AutoSize = false; lable.Size = cnl.Size; //lable.Location = cnl.Location; lable.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(cnl.Location.X, cnl.Location.Y + 4); pControl.Controls.Add(lable); lable.BringToFront(); lable.Text = cnl.Text; if (cnl.Text == "全部" || cnl.Text == "请选择") { lable.Text = ""; } pControl.Controls.Remove(cnl); i--; } else if (cnl is TextBox || cnl is ComboBox) { Label lable = new Label(); lable.AutoSize = false; lable.Size = cnl.Size; //lable.Location = cnl.Location; lable.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(cnl.Location.X, cnl.Location.Y + 4); pControl.Controls.Add(lable); lable.BringToFront(); lable.Text = cnl.Text; pControl.Controls.Remove(cnl); i--; } else if (cnl is NumericUpDown) { Label lable = new Label(); lable.AutoSize = false; lable.Size = cnl.Size; lable.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(cnl.Location.X, cnl.Location.Y + 4); pControl.Controls.Add(lable); lable.BringToFront(); lable.Text = cnl.Text; pControl.Controls.Remove(cnl); i--; } else if (cnl is ServiceStationClient.ComponentUI.DateTimePickerEx) { Label lable = new Label(); lable.AutoSize = false; lable.Size = cnl.Size; lable.Location = cnl.Location; DateTimePickerEx dtp = cnl as DateTimePickerEx; lable.Text = dtp.Value.ToString(dtp.ShowFormat); pControl.Controls.Add(lable); lable.BringToFront(); pControl.Controls.Remove(cnl); i--; } else if (cnl is CheckBox) { Label lable = new Label(); lable.AutoSize = false; lable.Size = cnl.Size; lable.Location = cnl.Location; CheckBox cb = cnl as CheckBox; if (cb.Checked) { lable.Text = "☑" + cb.Text; } else { lable.Text = "□" + cb.Text; } pControl.Controls.Add(lable); lable.BringToFront(); pControl.Controls.Remove(cnl); i--; } else if (cnl is RadioButton) { Label lable = new Label(); lable.AutoSize = false; lable.Size = cnl.Size; lable.Location = cnl.Location; RadioButton rb = cnl as RadioButton; if (rb.Checked) { lable.Text = "☑" + rb.Text; } else { lable.Text = "□" + rb.Text; } pControl.Controls.Add(lable); lable.BringToFront(); pControl.Controls.Remove(cnl); i--; } else if (cnl is DateTimePicker) { Label lable = new Label(); lable.AutoSize = false; lable.Size = cnl.Size; lable.Location = cnl.Location; DateTimePicker dtp = cnl as DateTimePicker; lable.Text = dtp.Value.ToString(dtp.CustomFormat); pControl.Controls.Add(lable); lable.BringToFront(); pControl.Controls.Remove(cnl); i--; } else if (cnl is Button || cnl is ServiceStationClient.ComponentUI.ButtonEx) { cnl.Visible = isShowButton; cnl.Enabled = false; } if (cnl is Label) { if (cnl.Text == "*") { cnl.Visible = false; } } else if (cnl is DataGridView) { DataGridView dgv = cnl as DataGridView; dgv.ReadOnly = true; } else { if (cnl.HasChildren) { SetControlForLable(cnl, isShowButton); } } } }