Пример #1
        public Blender(
            Lexer lexer,
            CSharp.CSharpSyntaxNode oldTree,
            IEnumerable <TextChangeRange> changes
            Debug.Assert(lexer != null);
            _lexer   = lexer;
            _changes = ImmutableStack.Create <TextChangeRange>();

            if (changes != null)
                // TODO: Consider implementing NormalizedChangeCollection for TextSpan. the real
                // reason why we are collapsing is because we want to extend change ranges and
                // cannot allow them to overlap. This does not seem to be a big deal since multiple
                // changes are infrequent and typically close to each other. However if we have
                // NormalizedChangeCollection for TextSpan we can have both - we can extend ranges
                // and not require collapsing them. NormalizedChangeCollection would also ensure
                // that changes are always normalized.

                // TODO: this is a temporary measure to prevent individual change spans from
                // overlapping after they are widened to effective width (+1 token at the start).
                // once we have normalized collection for TextSpan we will not need to collapse all
                // the change spans.

                var collapsed = TextChangeRange.Collapse(changes);

                // extend the change to its affected range. This will make it easier
                // to filter out affected nodes since we will be able simply check
                // if node intersects with a change.
                var affectedRange = ExtendToAffectedRange(oldTree, collapsed);
                _changes = _changes.Push(affectedRange);

            if (oldTree == null)
                // start at lexer current position if no nodes specified
                _oldTreeCursor = new Cursor();
                _newPosition   = lexer.TextWindow.Position;
                _oldTreeCursor = Cursor.FromRoot(oldTree).MoveToFirstChild();
                _newPosition   = 0;

            _changeDelta        = 0;
            _newDirectives      = default(DirectiveStack);
            _oldDirectives      = default(DirectiveStack);
            _newLexerDrivenMode = 0;
Пример #2
        public static TextChangeRange?Accumulate(this TextChangeRange?accumulatedTextChangeSoFar, IEnumerable <TextChangeRange> changesInNextVersion)
            if (!changesInNextVersion.Any())

            // get encompassing text change and accumulate it once.
            // we could apply each one individually like we do in SyntaxDiff::ComputeSpansInNew by calculating delta
            // between each change in changesInNextVersion which is already sorted in its textual position ascending order.
            // but end result will be same as just applying it once with encompassed text change range.
            var newChange = TextChangeRange.Collapse(changesInNextVersion);

            // no previous accumulated change, return the new value.
            if (accumulatedTextChangeSoFar == null)

            // set initial value from the old one.
            var currentStart  = accumulatedTextChangeSoFar.Value.Span.Start;
            var currentOldEnd = accumulatedTextChangeSoFar.Value.Span.End;
            var currentNewEnd = accumulatedTextChangeSoFar.Value.Span.Start + accumulatedTextChangeSoFar.Value.NewLength;

            // this is a port from
            //      csharp\rad\Text\SourceText.cpp - CSourceText::OnChangeLineText
            // which accumulate text changes to one big text change that would encompass all changes

            // Merge incoming edit data with old edit data here.
            // RULES:
            // 1) position values are always associated with a buffer version.
            // 2) Comparison between position values is only allowed if their
            //    buffer version is the same.
            // 3) newChange.Span.End and newChange.Span.Start + newChange.NewLength (both stored and incoming)
            //    refer to the same position, but have different buffer versions.
            // 4) The incoming end position is associated with buffer versions
            //    n-1 (old) and n(new).
            // 5) The stored end position BEFORE THIS EDIT is associated with
            //    buffer versions 0 (old) and n-1 (new).
            // 6) The stored end position AFTER THIS EDIT should be associated
            //    with buffer versions 0 (old) and n(new).
            // 7) To transform a position P from buffer version of x to y, apply
            //    the delta between any position C(x) and C(y), ASSUMING that
            //    both positions P and C are affected by all edits between
            //    buffer versions x and y.
            // 8) The start position is relative to all buffer versions, because
            //    it precedes all edits(by definition)

            // First, the start position.  This one is easy, because it is not
            // complicated by buffer versioning -- it is always the "earliest"
            // of all incoming values.
            if (newChange.Span.Start < currentStart)
                currentStart = newChange.Span.Start;

            // Okay, now the end position.  We must make a choice between the
            // stored end position and the incoming end position.  Per rule #2,
            // we must use the stored NEW end and the incoming OLD end, both of
            // which are relative to buffer version n-1.
            if (currentNewEnd > newChange.Span.End)
                // We have chosen to keep the stored end because it occurs past
                // the incoming edit.  So, we need currentOldEnd and
                // currentNewEnd.  Since currentOldEnd is already relative
                // to buffer 0, it is unmodified.  Since currentNewEnd is
                // relative to buffer n-1 (and we need n), apply to it the delta
                // between the incoming end position values, which are n-1 and n.
                currentNewEnd = currentNewEnd + newChange.NewLength - newChange.Span.Length;
                // We have chosen to use the incoming end because it occurs past
                // the stored edit.  So, we need newChange.Span.End and (newChange.Span.Start + newChange.NewLength).
                // Since (newChange.Span.Start + newChange.NewLength) is already relative to buffer n, it is copied
                // unmodified.  Since newChange.Span.End is relative to buffer n-1 (and
                // we need 0), apply to it the delta between the stored end
                // position values, which are relative to 0 and n-1.
                currentOldEnd = currentOldEnd + newChange.Span.End - currentNewEnd;
                currentNewEnd = newChange.Span.Start + newChange.NewLength;

            return(new TextChangeRange(TextSpan.FromBounds(currentStart, currentOldEnd), currentNewEnd - currentStart));
Пример #3
        internal static void VerifySource(this SyntaxTree tree, IEnumerable <TextChangeRange> changes = null)
            var        root     = tree.GetRoot();
            var        text     = tree.GetText();
            var        fullSpan = new TextSpan(0, text.Length);
            SyntaxNode node     = null;

            // If only a subset of the document has changed,
            // just check that subset to reduce verification cost.
            if (changes != null)
                var change = TextChangeRange.Collapse(changes).Span;
                if (change != fullSpan)
                    // Find the lowest node in the tree that contains the changed region.
                    node = root.DescendantNodes(n => n.FullSpan.Contains(change)).LastOrDefault();

            if (node == null)
                node = root;

            var span        = node.FullSpan;
            var textSpanOpt = span.Intersection(fullSpan);
            int index;

            if (textSpanOpt == null)
                index = 0;
                var fromText = text.ToString(textSpanOpt.Value);
                var fromNode = node.ToFullString();
                index = FindFirstDifference(fromText, fromNode);

            if (index >= 0)
                index += span.Start;
                string message;
                if (index < text.Length)
                    var position = text.Lines.GetLinePosition(index);
                    var line     = text.Lines[position.Line];
                    var allText  = text.ToString(); // Entire document as string to allow inspecting the text in the debugger.
                    message = string.Format("Unexpected difference at offset {0}: Line {1}, Column {2} \"{3}\"",
                                            position.Line + 1,
                                            position.Character + 1,
                    message = "Unexpected difference past end of the file";
                Debug.Assert(false, message);