// Scroll to bottom if TextBoxLog is visible private void TextBoxLog_VisibleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (TextBoxLog.Visible) { TextBoxLog.SelectionStart = TextBoxLog.TextLength; TextBoxLog.ScrollToCaret(); } }
public void LogMessage(string message, Color color, Font font) { if (this.TextBoxLog.InvokeRequired) { LogMessageCallback CB = new LogMessageCallback(LogMessage); this.Invoke(CB, new object[] { message, color, font }); } else { TextBoxLog.AppendText(message, color, font); TextBoxLog.ScrollToCaret(); } }
private void BindEvents() { Load += async(s, e) => { StatusStripLabel.Text = "checking configs..."; logger.Log("starting to CheckConfigs"); await CheckConfigs(); logger.Log("CheckConfigs finished"); StatusStripLabel.Text = "load solr infomation..."; await LoadSolrInfo(); StatusStripLabel.Text = "finished"; }; FormClosed += (s, e) => { logger.Log("application exit."); logger.Dispose(); }; timer.Tick += (s, e) => { if (_timerExec) { return; } _timerExec = true; var logs = logger.GetBufferLog(); Action act = () => { AppendLog(logs); TextBoxLog.Select(TextBoxLog.TextLength, 0); TextBoxLog.ScrollToCaret(); }; if (logs.Length > 0) { this.Invoke(act); } _timerExec = false; }; ComboSolrCollection.SelectedIndexChanged += async(s, e) => { var col = ComboSolrCollection.Items[ComboSolrCollection.SelectedIndex].ToString(); var files = await SolrHttpOperation.GetFiles(col); var dirs = files.Lst.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "files").Lsts .Where(x => x.Bool != null && x.Bool.Count > 0 && x.Bool.FirstOrDefault().Name == "directory") .Select(x => x.Name); if (files.Lst.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "files") != null) { await GenTree(tree.Nodes, col); } }; tree.AfterSelect += async(sender, treeArgs) => { var selectedNode = treeArgs.Node; var selectedNodeText = selectedNode.FullPath; if (selectedNode.Tag.ToString() == "d") { await GenTree(selectedNode.Nodes, ComboSolrCollection.Items[ComboSolrCollection.SelectedIndex].ToString(), selectedNodeText); } if (selectedNode.Tag.ToString() == "f") { var content = await SolrHttpOperation.GetFileContent(ComboSolrCollection.Items[ComboSolrCollection.SelectedIndex].ToString(), selectedNodeText); TextBoxFileContent.Text = content; TextBoxFileContent.Tag = $"{ComboSolrCollection.Items[ComboSolrCollection.SelectedIndex].ToString()}/{ selectedNode.FullPath.Replace("\\", "/")}"; } }; tree.AfterExpand += async(s, e) => { if (tree.SelectedNode != e.Node) { tree.SelectedNode = e.Node; } }; LinkLblCopy.Click += async(s, e) => { Clipboard.SetText(TextBoxFileContent.Text); LinkLblCopy.Text = "复制成功"; await Task.Delay(2000); LinkLblCopy.Text = "COPY"; }; //导出 BtnExportAllFiles.Click += async(s, e) => { BtnExportAllFiles.Enabled = false; var path = await ExportAllFiles(ComboSolrCollection.Items[ComboSolrCollection.SelectedIndex].ToString()); BtnExportAllFiles.Enabled = true; var psi = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", $"/c \"explorer.exe {path}\""); psi.CreateNoWindow = true; Process.Start(psi); }; BtnExportAllCollections.Click += async(s, e) => { BtnExportAllCollections.Enabled = false; var path = ""; ComboSolrCollection.SelectedIndex = 0; foreach (var item in ComboSolrCollection.Items) { path = await ExportAllFiles(item.ToString()); } var configPath = new DirectoryInfo(path).Parent.FullName; BtnExportAllCollections.Enabled = true; var psi = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", $"/c \"explorer.exe {configPath}\""); psi.CreateNoWindow = true; Process.Start(psi); }; //文件更新 BtnUpdateCurrentFile.Click += async(s, e) => { var path = TextBoxFileContent.Tag?.ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) { MessageBox.Show("please select a node for update."); return; } var dr = MessageBox.Show($"将更新文件:[{path}], 是否继续?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { BtnUpdateCurrentFile.Enabled = false; StatusStripLabel.Text = "updateing config..."; await UpdateCurrentFile(path); StatusStripLabel.Text = "finished"; BtnUpdateCurrentFile.Enabled = true; MessageBox.Show("更新成功"); } }; //重载 BtnReoload.Click += async(s, e) => { BtnReoload.Enabled = false; await LoadSolrInfo(); BtnReoload.Enabled = true; }; //创建配置 BtnUploadConfig.Click += async(s, e) => { BtnUploadConfig.Enabled = false; string confName = "", confFolder = ""; var frm = new FrmConfigUploadBox(); frm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; frm.FormClosing += (sender, args) => { confFolder = frm.ConfigFolder; confName = frm.ConfigName; }; frm.ShowDialog(this); if (confName != "" && confFolder != "") { var client = SolrHttpClient.Create( AppGlobalConfigs.AppConfig.Solr.BaseUrl, AppGlobalConfigs.AppConfig.Solr.Auth.Username, AppGlobalConfigs.AppConfig.Solr.Auth.Password ); if (Directory.Exists(confFolder)) { var tmpDir = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "tmp"); if (!Directory.Exists(tmpDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(tmpDir); } var file = Path.Combine(tmpDir, Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + ".zip"); using (var zip = new ZipFile()) { zip.AddDirectory(confFolder); zip.Save(file); } await SolrHttpOperation.CreateConfig(confName, file); } } BtnUploadConfig.Enabled = true; }; }