//RB: This function is a workaround to delete several tests in a row public static void DeleteTestsWorkAround(Dictionary <string, Tuple <int, string> > testsFromFile, string path, object project, Dictionary <string, string> dictNameSuite, Dictionary <string, string> dictNameSections, object suiteName, object sectionName) { var getCases = TestExporter.Get1("get_cases/" + AppSettings[project.ToString()] + "&suite_id=" + dictNameSuite[suiteName.ToString()] + "§ion_id=" + dictNameSections[sectionName.ToString()]); List <string> ListCasesToDelete = new List <string>(); if (getCases.Count != 0) { // List the tests that are not in the file foreach (var item in getCases.Children()) { var obj = JObject.Parse(item.ToString()); var title = (string)obj.SelectToken("title"); if (!testsFromFile.Keys.Contains(title)) { ListCasesToDelete.Add(title); } } // Create a section TestExporter.CreateSection("add_section/" + AppSettings[project.ToString()], "TestsToBeDeleted"); // Get the section and section Id dictNameSections = GetSections(project, dictNameSuite, suiteName.ToString()); string sectionId = dictNameSections["TestsToBeDeleted"]; // Add the unnecessary tests to the section foreach (var elem in ListCasesToDelete) { JObject r = TestExporter.CreateTestName("add_case/" + sectionId, elem); } // Delete the section TestExporter.Post("delete_section/" + sectionId); } }