Пример #1
        public void EmployeeManagerGetEmpLogin()
            //Grabs the fake emp id
            int ID = TestCleanupAccessor.getTestEmp();
            //Gets the entire Employee Record by login info
            Employee orig = myManager.GetEmployeeLogin(ID, Password);

            //Asserts that the record returned matches the one in setup.
            Assert.AreEqual("Test", orig.FirstName);
Пример #2
        public void EmployeeManagerEditEmployee()
        {   //Grabs the fake emp id
            int ID = TestCleanupAccessor.getTestEmp();
            //Gets the entire Employee Record
            Employee orig = EmployeeAccessor.GetEmployee(ID);
            //Creates a new employee object with the original properties, update the active property to false.
            Employee newEmp = new Employee(orig.FirstName, orig.LastName, orig.Password, (int)orig.Level, false);
            //calls to manager.
            ResultsEdit result = myManager.EditCurrentEmployee(orig, newEmp);

            //Asserts that the update went through
            Assert.AreEqual(ResultsEdit.Success, result);