Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a mixed tile type for the given terrain types and combination.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="terrainTypeA">The name of the first terrain type.</param>
        /// <param name="terrainTypeB">The name of the second terrain type.</param>
        /// <param name="tileset">The tileset of the tile type.</param>
        /// <remarks>Terrain type A must be the parent of terrain type B.</remarks>
        public IsoTileType(string terrainTypeA, string terrainTypeB, TerrainCombination combination, TileSet tileset)
            if (terrainTypeA == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("terrainTypeA");
            if (terrainTypeB == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("terrainTypeB");
            if (tileset == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tileset");
            if (combination == TerrainCombination.Simple)
                throw new ArgumentException("combination", "Invalid combination for a mixed tile type!");

            this.tileset = tileset;
            TerrainType tA = this.tileset.GetTerrainTypeImpl(terrainTypeA);
            TerrainType tB = this.tileset.GetTerrainTypeImpl(terrainTypeB);

            if (tB.Parent != tA)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("TerrainType '{0}' must be the parent of TerrainType '{1}'!", terrainTypeA, terrainTypeB));

            this.terrainA         = tA;
            this.terrainB         = tB;
            this.combination      = combination;
            this.tmpCurrentBranch = null;
            this.defaultBranch    = null;
            this.variants         = new List <Tuple <List <IsoTileVariant>, IIsoTileCondition> >();
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the isometric tiles of the map structure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isotileListPackage">The package that contains the isometric tile informations.</param>
        private void LoadIsoTiles(RCPackage isotileListPackage)
            string[] terrainIndexTable = isotileListPackage.ReadStringArray(0);
            byte[]   isotileInfoBytes  = isotileListPackage.ReadByteArray(1);

            int offset = 0;

            while (offset < isotileInfoBytes.Length)
                int       parsedBytes;
                RCPackage package = RCPackage.Parse(isotileInfoBytes, offset, isotileInfoBytes.Length - offset, out parsedBytes);
                if (package == null || !package.IsCommitted)
                    throw new MapException("Syntax error!");
                offset += parsedBytes;
                if (package.PackageFormat.ID == MapFileFormat.ISOTILE)
                    RCIntVector        quadCoords   = new RCIntVector(package.ReadShort(0), package.ReadShort(1));
                    TerrainCombination terrainCombo = (TerrainCombination)package.ReadByte(4);
                    string             terrainA     = terrainIndexTable[package.ReadByte(2)];
                    string             terrainB     = terrainCombo != TerrainCombination.Simple ? terrainIndexTable[package.ReadByte(3)] : null;
                    int variantIdx = package.ReadByte(5);

                                                  terrainCombo == TerrainCombination.Simple ?
                                                  this.mapStructure.Tileset.GetIsoTileType(terrainA) :
                                                  this.mapStructure.Tileset.GetIsoTileType(terrainA, terrainB, terrainCombo),
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a mixed tile type for the given terrain types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="terrainTypeA">The name of the first terrain type.</param>
        /// <param name="terrainTypeB">The name of the second terrain type.</param>
        /// <param name="combination">The combination of the terrain types in the new mixed tile type.</param>
        /// <remarks>Terrain type A must be the parent of terrain type B.</remarks>
        public void CreateMixedTileType(string terrainTypeA, string terrainTypeB, TerrainCombination combination)
            if (this.isFinalized)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("It is not possible to create new tile type for a finalized TileSet!");
            if (terrainTypeA == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("terrainTypeA");
            if (terrainTypeB == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("terrainTypeB");
            if (combination == TerrainCombination.Simple)
                throw new ArgumentException("combination", "Invalid combination for a mixed tile type!");

            Tuple <string, string, TerrainCombination> key = new Tuple <string, string, TerrainCombination>(terrainTypeA, terrainTypeB, combination);

            if (this.mixedTileTypes.ContainsKey(key))
                throw new TileSetException(string.Format("Mixed tile type for terrain types '{0}' and '{1}' with combination '{2}' already exists!", terrainTypeA, terrainTypeB, combination));

            IsoTileType newTile = new IsoTileType(terrainTypeA, terrainTypeB, combination, this);

            this.mixedTileTypes.Add(key, newTile);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates whether the neighbour of this isometric tile in the given direction satisfies the
        /// constraints of the tileset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dir">The direction of the neighbour to validate.</param>
        private void ValidateNeighbour(MapDirection dir)
            IsoTile neighbour = this.neighbours[(int)dir];

            if (neighbour != null)
                /// To simplify the algorithm, we use terrain combinations rotated to MapDirection.NorthEast.
                TerrainCombination thisCombRot  = MapHelper.RotateTerrainCombination(this.type.Combination, dir, MapDirection.NorthEast);
                TerrainCombination neighCombRot = MapHelper.RotateTerrainCombination(neighbour.type.Combination, dir, MapDirection.NorthEast);

                /// Generate the terrain-NESW array for this tile and the neighbour.
                ITerrainType[] thisNESWRot  = MapHelper.GetTerrainNESW(this.type.TerrainA, this.type.TerrainB, thisCombRot);
                ITerrainType[] neighNESWRot = MapHelper.GetTerrainNESW(neighbour.type.TerrainA, neighbour.type.TerrainB, neighCombRot);

                /// Check the generated terrain-NESW arrays.
                if (thisNESWRot[0] != neighNESWRot[3] || thisNESWRot[1] != neighNESWRot[2])
                    throw new MapException(string.Format("Invalid neighbours at {0} and {1}!", this.mapCoords, neighbour.mapCoords));

                /// Check whether the given direction satisfies the transition-length constraint.
                if (this.type.TerrainB != null && this.type.TerrainB.TransitionLength > 0 &&
                    thisNESWRot[0] == this.type.TerrainA && thisNESWRot[1] == this.type.TerrainA)
                    int     remaining = this.type.TerrainB.TransitionLength;
                    IsoTile currTile  = neighbour;
                    while (currTile != null && remaining > 0)
                        /// Generate the terrain-NESW array of the currently checked tile.
                        TerrainCombination currCombRot = MapHelper.RotateTerrainCombination(currTile.type.Combination, dir, MapDirection.NorthEast);
                        ITerrainType[]     currNESWRot = MapHelper.GetTerrainNESW(currTile.type.TerrainA, currTile.type.TerrainB, currCombRot);

                        /// Check if the currently checked tile is part of the transition.
                        if (currNESWRot[0] != this.type.TerrainA || currNESWRot[1] != this.type.TerrainA ||
                            currNESWRot[2] != this.type.TerrainA || currNESWRot[3] != this.type.TerrainA)
                            /// No, it's not part of the transition. We have to check whether the upcoming terrain type
                            /// is another child of TerrainA or not.
                            if (currNESWRot[2] == this.type.TerrainA && currNESWRot[3] == this.type.TerrainA &&
                                (currNESWRot[0] == this.type.TerrainA || currNESWRot[0].Parent == this.type.TerrainA) &&
                                (currNESWRot[1] == this.type.TerrainA || currNESWRot[1].Parent == this.type.TerrainA))
                                /// It's another child of TerrainA, no contradiction with the tileset -> OK.
                                /// It's not a child of TerrainA -> Error.
                                throw new MapException(string.Format("Invalid transition from {0} in direction {1}! Length must be at least {2}!", this.mapCoords, dir, this.type.TerrainB.TransitionLength));

                        /// Yes, it's part of the transition. We can switch to the next tile in the same direction.
                        currTile = currTile.neighbours[(int)dir];
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a NeighbourCondition instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="combination">The terrain combination of the neighbour to check.</param>
        /// <param name="direction">The direction of the neighbour to check.</param>
        /// <param name="tileset">The tileset of this condition.</param>
        public NeighbourCondition(TerrainCombination combination, MapDirection direction, TileSet tileset)
            if (tileset == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tileset");

            this.combination = combination;
            this.direction   = direction;
            this.tileset     = tileset;
Пример #6
 /// <see cref="ITileSet.GetIsoTileType"/>
 public IIsoTileType GetIsoTileType(string terrainTypeA, string terrainTypeB, TerrainCombination combination)
     return(this.GetIsoTileTypeImpl(terrainTypeA, terrainTypeB, combination));
Пример #7
        /// <see cref="ITileSet.GetIsoTileType"/>
        public IsoTileType GetIsoTileTypeImpl(string terrainTypeA, string terrainTypeB, TerrainCombination combination)
            if (terrainTypeA == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("terrainTypeA");
            if (terrainTypeB == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("terrainTypeB");
            if (combination == TerrainCombination.Simple)
                throw new ArgumentException("combination", "Invalid combination for a mixed tile type!");

            Tuple <string, string, TerrainCombination> key = new Tuple <string, string, TerrainCombination>(terrainTypeA, terrainTypeB, combination);

            if (!this.mixedTileTypes.ContainsKey(key))
                throw new TileSetException(string.Format("Mixed tile type for terrain types '{0}' and '{1}' with combination '{2}' doesn't exist!", terrainTypeA, terrainTypeB, combination));

Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills up the layers from the base layer up to the target layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="center">The center of the draw operation.</param>
        /// <param name="targetTerrain">The target terrain of the draw operation.</param>
        /// <param name="baseTerrain">The base layer of the draw operation.</param>
        public void FillLayers(IMapAccess map, IIsoTile center, ITerrainType targetTerrain, ITerrainType baseTerrain)
            /// Find the biggest flood area to be filled.
            FloodArea areaToFill = new FloodArea();

            ITerrainType[] layersToFill = targetTerrain.FindRoute(baseTerrain);
            for (int routeIdx = 0; routeIdx < layersToFill.Length; routeIdx++)
                ITerrainType prevTerrain = routeIdx - 1 >= 0 ? layersToFill[routeIdx - 1] : null;
                if (prevTerrain != null)
                    areaToFill.Enlarge(prevTerrain.TransitionLength + 1);

            /// Fill the appropriate layers
            for (int routeIdx = layersToFill.Length - 1; routeIdx >= 0; routeIdx--)
                /// Fill the current layer at the appropriate area.
                ITerrainType currLayer = layersToFill[routeIdx];
                foreach (FloodItem floodItem in areaToFill)
                    IIsoTile filledTile = map.GetIsoTile(center.MapCoords + floodItem.Coordinates);
                    if (filledTile != null)
                        if (filledTile.Type.Combination != TerrainCombination.Simple)
                            /// Mixed tile.
                            if (filledTile.Type.TerrainB == currLayer)
                                int newCombInt             = (int)filledTile.Type.Combination | (floodItem.Combination != TerrainCombination.Simple ? (int)floodItem.Combination : 0xF);
                                TerrainCombination newComb = newCombInt != 0xF ? (TerrainCombination)newCombInt : TerrainCombination.Simple;
                                if (newComb != filledTile.Type.Combination)
                                        newComb == TerrainCombination.Simple ?
                                        map.Tileset.GetIsoTileType(filledTile.Type.TerrainB.Name) :
                                        map.Tileset.GetIsoTileType(filledTile.Type.TerrainA.Name, filledTile.Type.TerrainB.Name, newComb));
                            else if (currLayer.IsDescendantOf(filledTile.Type.TerrainB))
                                throw new MapException("Filling over the topmost layer is not possible!");
                            /// Simple tile.
                            if (filledTile.Type.TerrainA == currLayer.Parent)
                                    floodItem.Combination == TerrainCombination.Simple ?
                                    map.Tileset.GetIsoTileType(currLayer.Name) :
                                    map.Tileset.GetIsoTileType(filledTile.Type.TerrainA.Name, currLayer.Name, floodItem.Combination));
                            else if (currLayer.IsDescendantOf(filledTile.Type.TerrainA))
                                throw new MapException("Filling over the topmost layer is not possible!");

                if (routeIdx > 0)
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Clears the given layers for a draw operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map">Reference to the map.</param>
        /// <param name="center">The center of the draw operation.</param>
        /// <param name="targetTerrain">The target terrain of the draw operation.</param>
        /// <param name="baseTerrain">The base layer of the draw operation.</param>
        /// <param name="layersToClear">The route from the target terrain up to a topmost layer in the terrain tree.</param>
        private void ClearLayers(IMapAccess map, IIsoTile center, ITerrainType targetTerrain, ITerrainType baseTerrain, ITerrainType[] layersToClear)
            /// Find the biggest flood area to be cleared.
            FloodArea    areaToClear        = new FloodArea();
            ITerrainType lastUninjuredLayer = null;

            for (int routeIdx = 0; routeIdx < layersToClear.Length; routeIdx++)
                ITerrainType currTerrain = layersToClear[routeIdx];
                if (lastUninjuredLayer == null)
                    /// We are going downstairs.
                    ITerrainType nextTerrain = layersToClear[routeIdx + 1];
                    if (nextTerrain.Parent == currTerrain)
                        /// Last uninjured layer found, from now we go upstairs.
                        lastUninjuredLayer = currTerrain;

                        /// Enlarge the clear area by 1 if there was a previous layer along the way downstairs.
                        ITerrainType prevTerrain = routeIdx - 1 >= 0 ? layersToClear[routeIdx - 1] : null;
                        if (prevTerrain != null)
                        /// Enlarge the clear area by the transition length of the previous layer if there
                        /// was a previous layer along the way downstairs.
                        ITerrainType prevTerrain = routeIdx - 1 >= 0 ? layersToClear[routeIdx - 1] : null;
                        if (prevTerrain != null)
                            areaToClear.Enlarge(prevTerrain.TransitionLength + 1);
                    /// We are going upstairs.
                    ITerrainType prevTerrain = layersToClear[routeIdx - 1];
                    if (prevTerrain != lastUninjuredLayer)
                        areaToClear.Enlarge(currTerrain.TransitionLength + 1);

            /// Clear the appropriate layers.
            if (lastUninjuredLayer == null)
                throw new MapException("Last uninjured layer not found for draw terrain operation!");
            for (int routeIdx = layersToClear.Length - 1; routeIdx >= 0; routeIdx--)
                ITerrainType currLayer = layersToClear[routeIdx];
                if (currLayer == lastUninjuredLayer)

                /// Clear the current layer at the appropriate area.
                foreach (FloodItem floodItem in areaToClear)
                    IIsoTile clearedTile = map.GetIsoTile(center.MapCoords + floodItem.Coordinates);
                    if (clearedTile != null)
                        if (clearedTile.Type.Combination != TerrainCombination.Simple)
                            /// Mixed tile.
                            if (clearedTile.Type.TerrainB.IsDescendantOf(currLayer))
                                /// Check whether TerrainB will be cleared by another branch or this is an error.
                                if (!layersToClear.Contains(clearedTile.Type.TerrainB))
                                    throw new MapException("Clearing non-topmost layer is not possible!");
                            if (clearedTile.Type.TerrainB == currLayer)
                                TerrainCombination newComb = (TerrainCombination)((int)clearedTile.Type.Combination & ~(floodItem.Combination != TerrainCombination.Simple ? (int)floodItem.Combination : 0xF));
                                if (newComb != clearedTile.Type.Combination)
                                        newComb == TerrainCombination.Simple ?
                                        map.Tileset.GetIsoTileType(clearedTile.Type.TerrainA.Name) :
                                        map.Tileset.GetIsoTileType(clearedTile.Type.TerrainA.Name, clearedTile.Type.TerrainB.Name, newComb));
                            /// Simple tile.
                            if (clearedTile.Type.TerrainA.IsDescendantOf(currLayer))
                                /// Check whether TerrainA will be cleared by another branch or this is an error.
                                if (!layersToClear.Contains(clearedTile.Type.TerrainA))
                                    throw new MapException("Clearing non-topmost layer is not possible!");
                            if (clearedTile.Type.TerrainA == currLayer)
                                TerrainCombination newComb = (TerrainCombination)(0xF & ~(floodItem.Combination != TerrainCombination.Simple ? (int)floodItem.Combination : 0xF));
                                    newComb == TerrainCombination.Simple ?
                                    map.Tileset.GetIsoTileType(clearedTile.Type.TerrainA.Parent.Name) :
                                    map.Tileset.GetIsoTileType(clearedTile.Type.TerrainA.Parent.Name, clearedTile.Type.TerrainA.Name, newComb));

                if (routeIdx > 1)
Пример #10
        /// <summary>This method is used to rotate the terrain combination of an isometric tile.</summary>
        /// <param name="combination">The original terrain combination to be rotated.</param>
        /// <param name="origDir">
        /// The original direction vector of the isometric tile.
        /// Can be one of the followings: MapDirection.NorthEast, MapDirection.SouthEast, MapDirection.SouthWest,
        /// MapDirection.NorthWest.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="newDir">
        /// The new direction vector of the isometric tile.
        /// Can be one of the followings: MapDirection.NorthEast, MapDirection.SouthEast, MapDirection.SouthWest,
        /// MapDirection.NorthWest.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>The rotated terrain combination of the tile.</returns>
        public static TerrainCombination RotateTerrainCombination(TerrainCombination combination, MapDirection origDir, MapDirection newDir)
            /// No rotation has to be performed in case of simple terrain combination.
            if (combination == TerrainCombination.Simple)

            if (newDir != MapDirection.NorthEast)
                int modifiedOrigDir = ((int)MapDirection.NorthEast - (int)newDir + (int)origDir) % 8;
                                                          (MapDirection)(modifiedOrigDir >= 0 ? modifiedOrigDir : modifiedOrigDir + 8),

            if (origDir == MapDirection.NorthEast)
                /// No rotation has to be performed as the direction vector already points to MapDirection.NorthEast.
            else if (origDir == MapDirection.SouthEast)
                /// Rotate by +90 degrees.
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.AAAB)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.AABA)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.AABB)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.ABAA)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.ABAB)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.ABBA)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.ABBB)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.BAAA)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.BAAB)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.BABA)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.BABB)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.BBAA)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.BBAB)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.BBBA)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid terrain combination!", "combination");
            else if (origDir == MapDirection.SouthWest)
                /// Rotate by +180 degrees.
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.AAAB)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.AABA)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.AABB)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.ABAA)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.ABAB)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.ABBA)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.ABBB)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.BAAA)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.BAAB)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.BABA)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.BABB)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.BBAA)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.BBAB)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.BBBA)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid terrain combination!", "combination");
            else if (origDir == MapDirection.NorthWest)
                /// Rotate by +270 degrees.
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.AAAB)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.AABA)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.AABB)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.ABAA)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.ABAB)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.ABBA)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.ABBB)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.BAAA)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.BAAB)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.BABA)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.BABB)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.BBAA)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.BBAB)
                if (combination == TerrainCombination.BBBA)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid terrain combination!", "combination");
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid direction vector!", "direction");
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the terrain-NESW array for the given terrain types and their combination.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a">The first terrain type.</param>
        /// <param name="b">The second terrain type or null in case of simple combination.</param>
        /// <param name="combination">The combination of the terrains.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A 4-long array that contains the terrain types in the north, east, south and west quarter (in this order).
        /// </returns>
        public static ITerrainType[] GetTerrainNESW(ITerrainType a, ITerrainType b, TerrainCombination combination)
            if (a == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("a");
            if (combination == TerrainCombination.Simple && b != null)
                throw new ArgumentException("TerrainB must be null in case of simple tile type!", "b");
            if (combination != TerrainCombination.Simple && b == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("TerrainB cannot be null in case of mixed tile type!", "b");

            if (combination == TerrainCombination.Simple)
                return(new ITerrainType[4] {
                    a, a, a, a
            if (combination == TerrainCombination.AAAB)
                return(new ITerrainType[4] {
                    a, a, a, b
            if (combination == TerrainCombination.AABA)
                return(new ITerrainType[4] {
                    a, a, b, a
            if (combination == TerrainCombination.AABB)
                return(new ITerrainType[4] {
                    a, a, b, b
            if (combination == TerrainCombination.ABAA)
                return(new ITerrainType[4] {
                    a, b, a, a
            if (combination == TerrainCombination.ABAB)
                return(new ITerrainType[4] {
                    a, b, a, b
            if (combination == TerrainCombination.ABBA)
                return(new ITerrainType[4] {
                    a, b, b, a
            if (combination == TerrainCombination.ABBB)
                return(new ITerrainType[4] {
                    a, b, b, b
            if (combination == TerrainCombination.BAAA)
                return(new ITerrainType[4] {
                    b, a, a, a
            if (combination == TerrainCombination.BAAB)
                return(new ITerrainType[4] {
                    b, a, a, b
            if (combination == TerrainCombination.BABA)
                return(new ITerrainType[4] {
                    b, a, b, a
            if (combination == TerrainCombination.BABB)
                return(new ITerrainType[4] {
                    b, a, b, b
            if (combination == TerrainCombination.BBAA)
                return(new ITerrainType[4] {
                    b, b, a, a
            if (combination == TerrainCombination.BBAB)
                return(new ITerrainType[4] {
                    b, b, a, b
            if (combination == TerrainCombination.BBBA)
                return(new ITerrainType[4] {
                    b, b, b, a
            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid terrain combination!", "combination");