Пример #1
        //Disables itself if far enough
        public void UpdateVisibilityOrLOD()
            float viewerDistanceFromNearestEdge = Mathf.Sqrt(worldBounds.SqrDistance(viewerPosition));
            bool  shouldBeVisible = viewerDistanceFromNearestEdge <= viewerSightLimit;

            if (!shouldBeVisible && assignedChunkGO != null) //Needed because this method can also be called from callbacks

            //Going through all the LOD limits (but the last one, because the player cannot see past that one, and choosing the corrent LOD
            if (shouldBeVisible && hasRecievedMapData)
                int lodIndex = 0;

                //Finding the correct LOD...
                for (int i = 0; i < LODLimits.Length - 1; i++)
                    if (viewerDistanceFromNearestEdge > LODLimits[i].distanceUpperBound)
                        lodIndex = i + 1;

                if (currentLevelOfDetailIndex != lodIndex)
                    LODMesh lodMesh = levelOfDetailMeshes[lodIndex];
                    if (lodMesh.hasRecievedMesh)
                        //Now that there's a mesh ready, we can request for a gameobject to represent us
                        if (assignedChunkGO == null)
                            assignedChunkGO = FindObjectOfType <TerrainChunkPooler>().supplyTCObject();

                        //Setting the mesh
                        currentLevelOfDetailIndex = lodIndex;
                    else if (!lodMesh.hasRequestedMesh)
                    //Otherwise we'll just have to wait and see if data has been recieved yet.
                    //UpdateVisibilityOrLOD will be called from a callback when a mesh is recieved.

                if (shouldBeVisible)
Пример #2
    public static void updateChunk(ChunkPos cp, Action <BlockType[, , ], Action <int, int, int, BlockType> > cb)
        TerrainChunkObject chunkObject = chunks[cp];

        BlockType[,,] blocks = chunkObject.Chunk.blocks;
        HashSet <TerrainChunkObject> changed = new HashSet <TerrainChunkObject>();

        cb(blocks, (x, y, z, block) =>
            updateChunkNearbyHelper(cp, changed, x, y, z, block);
            if (x == 1)
                updateChunkNearbyHelper(new ChunkPos(cp.x - TerrainChunk.chunkWidth, cp.z), changed, TerrainChunk.chunkWidth + 1, y, z, block);
            if (z == 1)
                updateChunkNearbyHelper(new ChunkPos(cp.x, cp.z - TerrainChunk.chunkWidth), changed, x, y, TerrainChunk.chunkWidth + 1, block);
            if (x == 1 + TerrainChunk.chunkWidth - 1)
                updateChunkNearbyHelper(new ChunkPos(cp.x + TerrainChunk.chunkWidth, cp.z), changed, 0, y, z, block);
            if (z == 1 + TerrainChunk.chunkWidth - 1)
                updateChunkNearbyHelper(new ChunkPos(cp.x, cp.z + TerrainChunk.chunkWidth), changed, x, y, 0, block);
        foreach (var chunk in changed)
Пример #3
    public static BlockType getBlock(ChunkPos pos, int x, int y, int z)
        while (x < 0)
            x  += TerrainChunk.chunkWidth;
            pos = new ChunkPos(pos.x - TerrainChunk.chunkWidth, pos.z);
        while (x >= TerrainChunk.chunkWidth)
            x  -= TerrainChunk.chunkWidth;
            pos = new ChunkPos(pos.x + TerrainChunk.chunkWidth, pos.z);
        while (z < 0)
            z  += TerrainChunk.chunkWidth;
            pos = new ChunkPos(pos.x, pos.z - TerrainChunk.chunkWidth);
        while (z >= TerrainChunk.chunkWidth)
            z  -= TerrainChunk.chunkWidth;
            pos = new ChunkPos(pos.x, pos.z + TerrainChunk.chunkWidth);
        if (!chunks.ContainsKey(pos))
        TerrainChunkObject chunk = chunks[pos];

        return(chunk.Chunk.blocks[x + 1, y, z + 1]);
Пример #4
    TerrainChunkObject LoadChunk(ChunkPos cp, bool instant)
        if (chunks.ContainsKey(cp))

        TerrainChunk chunk = TerrainChunkGenerator.request(cp, instant);

        if (chunk == null)

        int                xPos        = cp.x;
        int                zPos        = cp.z;
        GameObject         chunkGO     = Instantiate(terrainChunkPrefab, new Vector3(xPos, 0, zPos), Quaternion.identity);
        TerrainChunkObject chunkObject = chunkGO.GetComponent <TerrainChunkObject>();

        chunkObject.transform.parent = transform;
        chunkObject.name             = "Chunk:" + cp;


        WaterChunk wat = chunkObject.transform.GetComponentInChildren <WaterChunk>();

        wat.SetLocs(chunk.blocks, chunkObject.Chunk);


        chunks.Add(cp, chunkObject);

Пример #5
 public void disableChunkGO()
     if (assignedChunkGO == null)
     assignedChunkGO = null;
Пример #6
            /// <summary>
            /// raise the heightmap of the terrain and rebuild the mesh afterwards
            /// uses the BrushSizeSlider value for it's size
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="centerX">x position of the center point</param>
            /// <param name="centerY">y position of the center point</param>
            public void RaiseTerrain(int centerX, int centerY, TerrainChunkObject targetChunk)
                int r = TerrainTerraforming.Singleton.brushSize; //brush radius
                float s = TerrainTerraforming.Singleton.brushStrength; //brush strength

                int ox = centerX, oy = centerY; // origin
                int worldSize = WORLD_CHUNK_SIZE * TerrainChunkObject.TERRAIN_CHUNK_TILE_SIZE; //total world size
                List<TerrainChunkObject> affectedChunks = new List<TerrainChunkObject>(); //the chunks that will need to be rebuilt

                //raise the heightmap floats
                for (int x = -r; x < r; x++)
                    int height = (int)Mathf.Sqrt(r * r - x * x);

                    for (int y = -height; y < height; y++)
                        if (x + ox >= 0 && x + ox < worldSize && y + oy >= 0 && y + oy < worldSize)
                            m_globalheightMap.AddToFloat(x + ox, y + oy, s);

                int globalX =  ox; //global x of the circle's center
                int globalY =  oy; //global y of the circle's center

                //calculate affected chunks
                for (int width = 0; width < WORLD_CHUNK_SIZE; width++)
                    for (int length = 0; length < WORLD_CHUNK_SIZE; length++)
                        int currentGlobalX = m_terrainChunks[width, length].worldX * TerrainChunkObject.TERRAIN_CHUNK_TILE_SIZE;
                        int currentGlobalY = m_terrainChunks[width, length].worldY * TerrainChunkObject.TERRAIN_CHUNK_TILE_SIZE;

                        if (globalX + r > currentGlobalX && globalY + r > currentGlobalY)
                            if (globalX - r < (currentGlobalX + TerrainChunkObject.TERRAIN_CHUNK_TILE_SIZE) && globalY - r < (currentGlobalY + TerrainChunkObject.TERRAIN_CHUNK_TILE_SIZE))
                                affectedChunks.Add(m_terrainChunks[width, length]);

                        //reset the highlighing color
                        m_terrainChunks[width, length].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.white;

                //apply changed height floats
                for (int x = 0; x < WORLD_CHUNK_SIZE; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < WORLD_CHUNK_SIZE; y++)

                        m_chunkHeigtmaps[x, y].SetHeightMap(m_globalheightMap.GetPortion(x * TerrainChunkObject.TERRAIN_CHUNK_TILE_SIZE,
                            y * TerrainChunkObject.TERRAIN_CHUNK_TILE_SIZE, TerrainChunkObject.TERRAIN_CHUNK_TILE_SIZE), m_globalheightMap.highestFloat, m_globalheightMap.lowestFloat, m_globalheightMap.totalStrength);

                //rebuild affected chunks
                for (int i = 0; i < affectedChunks.Count; i++)
                        affectedChunks[i].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.blue;