Пример #1
            /// <summary>
            /// Check whether the ray originates in this intersection and exits.
            /// If so, find the exit point.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="src"></param>
            /// <param name="dst"></param>
            /// <param name="hitBlock"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public bool Leaves(Vector3 src, Vector3 dst, ref Terrain.HitBlock hitBlock)
                float collRadius = Road.Generator.CollRadius;

                if (collRadius > 0.0f)
                    Vector2 src2         = new Vector2(src.X, src.Y);
                    Vector2 src2toCenter = src2 - Node.Position2d;
                    float   distSq       = src2toCenter.LengthSquared();
                    float   radSumSq     = collRadius;
                    radSumSq *= radSumSq;

                    Vector2 cen2 = Node.Position2d;

                    if (distSq > radSumSq)
                    hitBlock.CrossesPath = true;
                    Vector2 dst2 = new Vector2(dst.X, dst.Y);

                    /// Okay, look for intersection with circle.
                    float a = Vector2.DistanceSquared(dst2, src2);
                    if (a > 0.0f)
                        float b = 2.0f * Vector2.Dot(src2 - cen2, dst2 - src2);
                        float c = Vector2.DistanceSquared(src2, cen2) - radSumSq;

                        float det = b * b - 4.0f * a * c;
                        if (det >= 0)
                            float t = (float)((-b - Math.Sqrt(det)) / (2.0f * a));
                            if ((t >= 0.0f) && (t <= 1.0f))
                                Vector3 hitPoint = src + t * (dst - src);
                                hitBlock.Position = hitPoint;
                                hitBlock.Normal   = Vector3.Normalize(new Vector3(
                                                                          cen2.X - hitPoint.X,
                                                                          cen2.Y - hitPoint.Y,
                                hitBlock.Min         = Math.Min(src.Z, hitPoint.Z);
                                hitBlock.Max         = Math.Max(src.Z, hitPoint.Z);
                                hitBlock.BlockHeight = 0.0f;
Пример #2
        private bool DegenerateBlocked(Vector3 src, ref Terrain.HitBlock hitBlock)
            float pathHeight = 0.0f;

            /// Handle unlikely degenerate input.
            if (GetHeight(src, ref pathHeight))
                hitBlock.Max         = hitBlock.Min = pathHeight;
                hitBlock.Position    = new Vector3(src.X, src.Y, pathHeight);
                hitBlock.Normal      = Vector3.UnitZ;
                hitBlock.BlockHeight = pathHeight;
                hitBlock.CrossesPath = true;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Line of sight test.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src"></param>
        /// <param name="dst"></param>
        /// <param name="hitBlock"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool Blocked(Vector3 src, Vector3 dst, ref Terrain.HitBlock hitBlock)
            bool ret = false;

            foreach (Path path in Paths)
                if (path.Road != null)
                    if (path.Road.Blocked(src, dst, ref hitBlock))
                        dst = hitBlock.Position;
                        ret = true;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Find where the ray leaves the road.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src"></param>
        /// <param name="dst"></param>
        /// <param name="hitBlock"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool LeavesRoad(Vector3 src, Vector3 dst, ref Terrain.HitBlock hitBlock)
            bool ret = false;

            foreach (Path path in Paths)
                if (path.Road != null)
                    if (path.Road.LeavesRoad(src, dst, ref hitBlock))
                        /// This isn't quite right, really should be like
                        /// Road.LeavesRoad(), but might be close enough,
                        /// and is definitely cheaper.
                        src = hitBlock.Position;
                        ret = true;
Пример #5
        public bool LeavesRoad(Vector3 src, Vector3 dst, ref Terrain.HitBlock hitBlock)
            if (!BlocksTravel && !IsGround)
            bool leaves = false;
            bool onPath = false;

                onPath = false;
                foreach (Section section in Sections)
                    if (!section.Abstain && section.Leaves(src, dst, ref hitBlock))
                        src             = hitBlock.Position;
                        section.Abstain = true;
                        onPath          = true;
                        leaves          = true;
                foreach (Intersection isect in Intersections)
                    if (!isect.Abstain && isect.Leaves(src, dst, ref hitBlock))
                        src           = hitBlock.Position;
                        isect.Abstain = true;
                        onPath        = true;
                        leaves        = true;
            }while (onPath);

Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the first (if any) wall blocking ray.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src"></param>
        /// <param name="dst"></param>
        /// <param name="hitBlock"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Blocked(Vector3 src, Vector3 dst, ref Terrain.HitBlock hitBlock)
            if (!BlocksTravel && !IsGround)
            /// Care about two cases:
            /// a. src on path, dst off (dst possibly off end of world)
            ///     need point where leave path, and normal back in there.
            /// b. ray src to dst passes through path
            ///     need first point hitting path, and normal out from there
            const float kCloseTogether = Single.Epsilon;

            if (Vector3.DistanceSquared(src, dst) <= kCloseTogether)
                return(DegenerateBlocked(src, ref hitBlock));

            bool hit = false;

            foreach (Section section in Sections)
                if (section.Blocked(src, dst, ref hitBlock))
                    dst = hitBlock.Position;
                    hit = true;
            foreach (Intersection isect in Intersections)
                if (isect.Blocked(src, dst, ref hitBlock))
                    dst = hitBlock.Position;
                    hit = true;
Пример #7
            /// <summary>
            /// Look for the exit point of ray from src to dst. Returns false of no
            /// exit found. That can be because either src is not inside the sections bounds
            /// or dst is inside.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="src"></param>
            /// <param name="dst"></param>
            /// <param name="hitBlock"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public bool Leaves(Vector3 src, Vector3 dst, ref Terrain.HitBlock hitBlock)
                Vector2 src2    = new Vector2(src.X, src.Y);
                Vector2 src2sec = Vector2.Transform(src2, worldToSection);

                float collWidth = Road.Generator.CollWidth;

                if (!InsideRect(src2sec))

                hitBlock.CrossesPath = true;

                Vector2 dst2    = new Vector2(dst.X, dst.Y);
                Vector2 dst2sec = Vector2.Transform(dst2, worldToSection);

                if (dst2sec.Y < -collWidth)
                    float   t       = (src2sec.Y + collWidth) / (src2sec.Y - dst2sec.Y);
                    Vector2 hit2sec = src2sec + t * (dst2sec - src2sec);
                    if (InsideRect(hit2sec))
                        Vector3 hitPoint = src + t * (dst - src);

                        hitBlock.Position = hitPoint;
                        hitBlock.Normal   = new Vector3(
                        hitBlock.Min         = Math.Min(src.Z, hitPoint.Z);
                        hitBlock.Max         = Math.Max(src.Z, hitPoint.Z);
                        hitBlock.BlockHeight = 0.0f;

                else if (dst2sec.Y > collWidth)
                    float   t       = (src2sec.Y - collWidth) / (src2sec.Y - dst2sec.Y);
                    Vector2 hit2sec = src2sec + t * (dst2sec - src2sec);
                    if (InsideRect(hit2sec))
                        Vector3 hitPoint = src + t * (dst - src);
                        hitBlock.Position = hitPoint;
                        hitBlock.Normal   = new Vector3(
                        hitBlock.Min         = Math.Min(src.Z, hitPoint.Z);
                        hitBlock.Max         = Math.Max(src.Z, hitPoint.Z);
                        hitBlock.BlockHeight = 0.0f;

                float halfEdge = edgeLength * 0.5f;

                if (dst2sec.X < -halfEdge)
                    float t = (src2sec.X + halfEdge) / (src2sec.X - dst2sec.X);

                    Vector2 hit2sec = src2sec + t * (dst2sec - src2sec);
                    if (InsideRect(hit2sec))
                        Vector3 hitPoint = src + t * (dst - src);
                        hitBlock.Position = hitPoint;
                        hitBlock.Normal   = new Vector3(
                        hitBlock.Min         = Math.Min(src.Z, hitPoint.Z);
                        hitBlock.Max         = Math.Max(src.Z, hitPoint.Z);
                        hitBlock.BlockHeight = 0.0f;

                else if (dst2sec.X > halfEdge)
                    float t = (src2sec.X - halfEdge) / (src2sec.X - dst2sec.X);

                    Vector2 hit2sec = src2sec + t * (dst2sec - src2sec);
                    if (InsideRect(hit2sec))
                        Vector3 hitPoint = src + t * (dst - src);
                        hitBlock.Position = hitPoint;
                        hitBlock.Normal   = new Vector3(
                        hitBlock.Min         = Math.Min(src.Z, hitPoint.Z);
                        hitBlock.Max         = Math.Max(src.Z, hitPoint.Z);
                        hitBlock.BlockHeight = 0.0f;

Пример #8
            /// Basic idea here is we'll transform the problem into the space where
            /// the section of road is a rectangle, so all tests become trivial because
            /// it's an axis aligned problem.
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="src"></param>
            /// <param name="dst"></param>
            /// <param name="hitBlock"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public bool Blocked(Vector3 src, Vector3 dst, ref Terrain.HitBlock hitBlock)
                Vector2 src2    = new Vector2(src.X, src.Y);
                Vector2 src2sec = Vector2.Transform(src2, worldToSection);
                Vector2 dst2    = new Vector2(dst.X, dst.Y);
                Vector2 dst2sec = Vector2.Transform(dst2, worldToSection);

                float collWidth = Road.Generator.CollWidth;

                if (InsideRect(src2sec))
                    hitBlock.CrossesPath = true;
                    /// src point is on the path.
                    float baseHeight = BaseHeight(src2);

                    Vector3 degNormal          = GetNormal(src2);
                    float   degCollisionHeight = baseHeight + Road.Generator.CollHeight;
                    float   degCollisionBase   = baseHeight + Road.Generator.CollBase;
                    float   degHeightDist      = Vector3.Dot(degNormal, new Vector3(src2.X, src2.Y, degCollisionHeight));
                    float   degBaseDist        = Vector3.Dot(degNormal, new Vector3(src2.X, src2.Y, degCollisionBase));

                    float startDist = Vector3.Dot(src, degNormal);
                    float endDist   = Vector3.Dot(dst, degNormal);

                    if ((startDist > degHeightDist) && (endDist < degHeightDist))
                        float   t       = (startDist - degHeightDist) / (startDist - endDist);
                        Vector2 hit2sec = src2sec + t * (dst2sec - src2sec);
                        if (InsideRect(hit2sec))
                            hitBlock.Position    = src + t * (dst - src);
                            hitBlock.Normal      = degNormal;
                            hitBlock.Min         = Math.Min(src.Z, degCollisionHeight);
                            hitBlock.Max         = Math.Max(src.Z, degCollisionHeight);
                            hitBlock.BlockHeight = degCollisionHeight;
                    if (Road.Generator.PassUnder)
                        if ((startDist < degBaseDist) && (endDist > degBaseDist))
                            float   t       = (startDist - degBaseDist) / (startDist - endDist);
                            Vector2 hit2sec = src2sec + t * (dst2sec - src2sec);
                            if (InsideRect(hit2sec))
                                hitBlock.Position    = src + t * (dst - src);
                                hitBlock.Normal      = -degNormal;
                                hitBlock.Min         = Math.Min(src.Z, degBaseDist);
                                hitBlock.Max         = Math.Max(src.Z, degBaseDist);
                                hitBlock.BlockHeight = degCollisionHeight;

                /// For the height of the wall, we'll appoximate it with the height
                /// at the point where the ray from src to dst crosses the wall's center.
                /// If src and dst are both on the same side of the wall, we'll approximate
                /// with the center point between src and dst.
                Vector2 cen2sec            = CenterPoint(src2sec, dst2sec);
                Vector2 cen2               = Vector2.Transform(cen2sec, sectionToWorld);
                float   cenBaseHeight      = BaseHeight(cen2);
                Vector3 cenNormal          = GetNormal(cen2);
                float   cenCollisionHeight = cenBaseHeight + Road.Generator.CollHeight;
                float   cenCollisionBase   = cenBaseHeight + Road.Generator.CollBase;
                float   cenHeightDist      = Vector3.Dot(cenNormal, new Vector3(cen2.X, cen2.Y, cenCollisionHeight));
                float   cenBaseDist        = Vector3.Dot(cenNormal, new Vector3(cen2.X, cen2.Y, cenCollisionBase));

                /// Three interesting cases:
                /// a) the ray pierces the top of the box.
                /// b) the ray pierces the bottom of the box (with PassUnder)
                /// c) the ray pierces the side of the box.
                float srcDist = Vector3.Dot(src, cenNormal);
                float dstDist = Vector3.Dot(dst, cenNormal);

                if ((srcDist > cenHeightDist) && (dstDist < cenHeightDist))
                    /// The ray pierces the infinite plane of the box top, see if it hits the finite
                    /// box top, case a.
                    float   t       = (srcDist - cenHeightDist) / (srcDist - dstDist);
                    Vector2 hit2sec = src2sec + t * (dst2sec - src2sec);
                    if (InsideRect(hit2sec))
                        hitBlock.Position    = src + t * (dst - src);
                        hitBlock.Normal      = cenNormal;
                        hitBlock.Min         = Math.Min(src.Z, cenCollisionHeight);
                        hitBlock.Max         = Math.Max(src.Z, cenCollisionHeight);
                        hitBlock.BlockHeight = cenCollisionHeight;
                        hitBlock.CrossesPath = true;
                if (Road.Generator.PassUnder)
                    if ((srcDist < cenBaseDist) && (dstDist > cenBaseDist))
                        /// The ray pierces the infinite plane of the box top, see if it hits the finite
                        /// box top, case a.
                        float   t       = (srcDist - cenBaseDist) / (srcDist - dstDist);
                        Vector2 hit2sec = src2sec + t * (dst2sec - src2sec);
                        if (InsideRect(hit2sec))
                            hitBlock.Position    = src + t * (dst - src);
                            hitBlock.Normal      = -cenNormal;
                            hitBlock.Min         = Math.Min(src.Z, cenCollisionBase);
                            hitBlock.Max         = Math.Max(src.Z, cenCollisionBase);
                            hitBlock.BlockHeight = cenCollisionBase;
                            hitBlock.CrossesPath = true;

                /// Now case c, piercing the side of the box.
                /// This is the last chance for a hit.
                if (src2sec.Y < -collWidth)
                    if (dst2sec.Y > -collWidth)
                        float   t       = (src2sec.Y + collWidth) / (src2sec.Y - dst2sec.Y);
                        Vector2 hit2sec = src2sec + t * (dst2sec - src2sec);
                        if (InsideRect(hit2sec))
                            hitBlock.CrossesPath = true;
                            Vector3 hitPoint = src + t * (dst - src);
                            bool    hit      = hitPoint.Z < cenCollisionHeight;
                            if (hit && Road.Generator.PassUnder)
                                hit = hitPoint.Z > cenCollisionBase;
                            if (hit)
                                hitBlock.Position = hitPoint;
                                hitBlock.Normal   = new Vector3(
                                hitBlock.Min         = Math.Min(src.Z, hitPoint.Z);
                                hitBlock.Max         = Math.Max(src.Z, hitPoint.Z);
                                hitBlock.BlockHeight = cenCollisionHeight;

                else if (src2sec.Y > collWidth)
                    if (dst2sec.Y < collWidth)
                        float   t       = (src2sec.Y - collWidth) / (src2sec.Y - dst2sec.Y);
                        Vector2 hit2sec = src2sec + t * (dst2sec - src2sec);
                        if (InsideRect(hit2sec))
                            hitBlock.CrossesPath = true;
                            Vector3 hitPoint = src + t * (dst - src);
                            bool    hit      = hitPoint.Z < cenCollisionHeight;
                            if (hit && Road.Generator.PassUnder)
                                hit = hitPoint.Z > cenCollisionBase;
                            if (hit)
                                hitBlock.Position = hitPoint;
                                hitBlock.Normal   = new Vector3(
                                hitBlock.Min         = Math.Min(src.Z, hitPoint.Z);
                                hitBlock.Max         = Math.Max(src.Z, hitPoint.Z);
                                hitBlock.BlockHeight = cenCollisionHeight;

                /// Note that we don't check hitting the ends of the box,
                /// because we expect the intersection to catch those cases.
Пример #9
            /// <summary>
            /// Check whether the ray passes through this intersection.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="src"></param>
            /// <param name="dst"></param>
            /// <param name="hitBlock"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public bool Blocked(Vector3 src, Vector3 dst, ref Terrain.HitBlock hitBlock)
                float collRadius = Road.Generator.CollRadius;

                if (collRadius > 0.0f)
                    Vector2 src2         = new Vector2(src.X, src.Y);
                    Vector2 src2toCenter = src2 - Node.Position2d;
                    float   distSq       = src2toCenter.LengthSquared();
                    float   radSumSq     = collRadius;
                    radSumSq *= radSumSq;

                    Vector2 cen2 = Node.Position2d;

                    float baseHeight = BaseHeight(cen2);
                    float collTop    = baseHeight + Road.Generator.CollEndHeight;
                    float collBot    = baseHeight + Road.Generator.CollEndBase;
                    if (!Road.Generator.PassUnderEnd)
                        collBot = 0.0f;

                    Vector3 normal  = Plane.Normal;
                    float   srcDist = Vector3.Dot(normal, src);
                    float   dstDist = Vector3.Dot(normal, dst);
                    float   topDist = Vector3.Dot(normal, new Vector3(cen2, collTop));
                    float   botDist = Vector3.Dot(normal, new Vector3(cen2, collBot));
                    if (distSq < radSumSq)
                        hitBlock.CrossesPath = true;
                        /// src is over the intersection, check for degenerate case.
                        if ((srcDist < topDist) && (srcDist > botDist))
                            hitBlock.Position    = src;
                            hitBlock.Normal      = Plane.Normal;
                            hitBlock.Min         = hitBlock.Max = collTop;
                            hitBlock.BlockHeight = collTop;
                    if ((srcDist > topDist) && (dstDist < topDist))
                        /// The ray crosses the collision top plane. See if it intersects
                        /// the collision top cap.
                        float   t        = (srcDist - topDist) / (srcDist - dstDist);
                        Vector3 hitPoint = src + t * (dst - src);
                        distSq = new Vector2(
                            cen2.X - hitPoint.X,
                            cen2.Y - hitPoint.Y).LengthSquared();
                        if (distSq < radSumSq)
                            hitBlock.Position    = hitPoint;
                            hitBlock.Normal      = Plane.Normal;
                            hitBlock.Min         = collTop;
                            hitBlock.Max         = src.Z;
                            hitBlock.BlockHeight = collTop;
                    if (Road.Generator.PassUnderEnd)
                        if ((srcDist < botDist) && (dstDist > botDist))
                            /// The ray crosses the collision top plane. See if it intersects
                            /// the collision top cap.
                            float   t        = (srcDist - botDist) / (srcDist - dstDist);
                            Vector3 hitPoint = src + t * (dst - src);
                            distSq = new Vector2(
                                cen2.X - hitPoint.X,
                                cen2.Y - hitPoint.Y).LengthSquared();
                            if (distSq < radSumSq)
                                hitBlock.Position    = hitPoint;
                                hitBlock.Normal      = -Plane.Normal;
                                hitBlock.Min         = collBot;
                                hitBlock.Max         = src.Z;
                                hitBlock.BlockHeight = collTop;
                    Vector2 dst2 = new Vector2(dst.X, dst.Y);

                    /// Okay, look for intersection with circle.
                    float a = Vector2.DistanceSquared(dst2, src2);
                    if (a > 0.0f)
                        float b = 2.0f * Vector2.Dot(src2 - cen2, dst2 - src2);
                        float c = Vector2.DistanceSquared(src2, cen2) - radSumSq;

                        float det = b * b - 4.0f * a * c;
                        if (det >= 0)
                            float t = (float)((-b - Math.Sqrt(det)) / (2.0f * a));
                            if ((t >= 0.0f) && (t <= 1.0f))
                                hitBlock.CrossesPath = true;
                                Vector3 hitPoint = src + t * (dst - src);
                                if ((hitPoint.Z < collTop) && (hitPoint.Z > collBot))
                                    hitBlock.Position = hitPoint;
                                    hitBlock.Normal   = Vector3.Normalize(new Vector3(
                                                                              hitPoint.X - cen2.X,
                                                                              hitPoint.Y - cen2.Y,
                                    hitBlock.Min         = Math.Min(src.Z, hitPoint.Z);
                                    hitBlock.Max         = Math.Max(src.Z, hitPoint.Z);
                                    hitBlock.BlockHeight = collTop;