public void DoNotRemoveHistoricalCommandWhenUnderLimitTest()
            var terminalState   = new TerminalState();
            var terminalCommand = new TerminalCommand {
                TerminalCommandInput = "testInput", TerminalCommandOutput = "testOutput"
            var isHistoryLimitSet = terminalState.TrySetCommandHistoryLimit(5);
            var isAddSuccess      = terminalState.TryAddHistoricalCommand(terminalCommand);
            var isRemoveSuccess   = terminalState.TryRemoveOldestHistoricalCommand();
            var previousCommands  = terminalState.GetPreviousTerminalCommands();

Пример #2
        // Game Loop - Executed Once Per Frame
        public void Update()
            // First, figure out if the user has done anything to modify the input
            var isUpArrowPressed   = Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow);
            var isDownArrowPressed = Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow);
            var userInputString    = Input.inputString;
            var userInteraction    = _userInterfaceController.GetUserInteraction(userInputString, isUpArrowPressed, isDownArrowPressed, _terminalState);

            // Next, if the user submitted input as part of their interactions, attempt to validate and execute what they submitted
            if (userInteraction.IsInputSubmitted)
                // Need to get the current directory before we execute the command since it could change the current directory
                var currentDirectory        = _fileSystemState.GetCurrentDirectory();
                var userInteractionResponse = new StringBuilder();

                // Since the user submitted input, we now need to parse that input
                Debug.Log($"User input submitted: `{userInteraction.SubmittedInput}`");

                var isParseInputSuccess = _userInputParser.TryParseUserInput(userInteraction.SubmittedInput, out var parsedUserSubmittedInput);
                if (!isParseInputSuccess)
                    Debug.Log($"Failed to parse user input: `{userInteraction.SubmittedInput}`");

                // Extract the arguments into a parameterized array
                var args = parsedUserSubmittedInput.Arguments?.ToArray();

                // Check to see that the we can retrieve the command the user wants to execute from the parsed input
                var isCommandRetrievedSuccess = _commandController.TryGetCommand(_commandState, parsedUserSubmittedInput.CommandName, out var command);
                if (!isCommandRetrievedSuccess)
                    userInteractionResponse.AppendLine($"Command `{parsedUserSubmittedInput.CommandName}` not found.");
                    userInteractionResponse.AppendLine($"Run `{_helpCommandName}` for a list of available commands");

                // Execute the command if we successfully retrieved it
                // Note - Each command is in charge of its own validation and if / how it executes after succeeding or failing validation
                    var commandResponse = command.ExecuteCommand(args);

                // Mark that the user's output will change based on this latest terminal command
                userInteraction.IsOutputModified = true;
                var terminalCommand = new TerminalCommand
                    TerminalCommandNumber = _terminalState.GetTerminalCommandSubmissionNumber(),
                    TerminalCommandPath   = _directoryController.GetDirectoryPath(currentDirectory),
                    TerminalCommandInput  = userInteraction.SubmittedInput,
                    TerminalCommandOutput = userInteractionResponse.ToString(),

                    // If the command was a valid `clear` command, we do not want to show output for it, otherwise we do want output visible
                    IsVisibleInTerminal = command == null || command.GetType() != typeof(ClearCommand) || !command.TryValidateArguments(out _, args)


                // Add the input to the list of historical inputs if it is a valid input (not empty, null, or over the character limit)
                if (_terminalState.TryValidateInput(userInteraction.SubmittedInput, out var validSubmittedInput))
                    var isAddHistoricalInputSuccess = _terminalState.TryAddHistoricalCommand(terminalCommand);
                    if (!isAddHistoricalInputSuccess && _terminalState.TryRemoveOldestHistoricalCommand())
                        isAddHistoricalInputSuccess = _terminalState.TryAddHistoricalCommand(terminalCommand);

                    Debug.Assert(isAddHistoricalInputSuccess, $"Failed to add valid historical input: {validSubmittedInput} with output: {userInteractionResponse}");

            // Next, if the user has modified input, make sure that is reflected back in the UI
            if (userInteraction.IsInputModified)
                // Grab the current directory after the command has executed, because the command could have changed the current directory
                var currentDirectory     = _fileSystemState.GetCurrentDirectory();
                var currentDirectoryPath = _directoryController.GetDirectoryPath(currentDirectory);
                _userInterfaceController.SetUserInterfaceTextWithInputPrompt(InputTextObject, userInteraction.ModifiedInput, currentDirectoryPath);

            // Finally, if the user's input requires a corresponding change in output, reflect that in the UI
            if (userInteraction.IsOutputModified)
                // If a command was submitted, it has already been added to the previous commands with relevant output
                // We can construct full output to the user with the list of previous commands
                var previousTerminalCommands = _terminalState.GetPreviousTerminalCommands();
                userInteraction.ModifiedOutput = _userInterfaceController.BuildUserInterfaceText(previousTerminalCommands);

                _userInterfaceController.SetUserInterfaceText(OutputTextObject, userInteraction.ModifiedOutput);