Пример #1
        public String DescribeShortGeneralized(Individual ind, IEvolutionState state, int subpopulation, int threadnum)
            if (Start == null)
                Start     = new bool[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                Accept    = new bool[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                Reading   = new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                From      = new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                To        = new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                State1    = new bool[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                State2    = new bool[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                Reading1  = TensorFactory.Create <int>(MIN_ARRAY_SIZE, MIN_ARRAY_SIZE); // new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE][MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                Reading0  = TensorFactory.Create <int>(MIN_ARRAY_SIZE, MIN_ARRAY_SIZE); // new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE][MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                Epsilon   = TensorFactory.Create <int>(MIN_ARRAY_SIZE, MIN_ARRAY_SIZE); // new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE][MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                Reading1L = new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                Reading0L = new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                EpsilonL  = new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];

            FullTest(state, ind, threadnum, PosA, NegA);

            return(": " +
                   ((double)_totpos) / PosA.Length + " " +
                   ((double)_totneg) / NegA.Length + " " +
                   (((double)(_totpos + _totneg)) / (PosA.Length + NegA.Length)) + " " +
                   (((((double)_totpos) / PosA.Length) + (((double)_totneg) / NegA.Length)) / 2) + " " +
                   Math.Min((((double)_totpos) / PosA.Length), (((double)_totneg) / NegA.Length)) + " : ");
        public void setExpectedMaxSize(int numRows, int numCols)
            this.numCols = numCols;
            this.numRows = numRows;
            minLength    = Math.Min(numCols, numRows);
            int maxLength = Math.Max(numCols, numRows);

            if (dataQR == null || dataQR.Length < numCols || dataQR[0].Length < numRows * 2)
                //dataQR = new double[ numCols ][  numRows*2 ];
                dataQR = TensorFactory.Create <double>(numCols, numRows * 2);

                v      = new double[maxLength * 2];
                gammas = new double[minLength];

            if (v.Length < maxLength * 2)
                v = new double[maxLength * 2];
            if (gammas.Length < minLength)
                gammas = new double[minLength];
Пример #3
        public override void Setup(IEvolutionState state, IParameter paramBase)
            base.Setup(state, paramBase);
            IParameter kval = new Parameter(EvolutionState.P_EVALUATOR).Push(P_PROBLEM).Push(P_PROBLEMNAME)

            k = state.Parameters.GetInt(kval, null, 0);
            // System.out.println("K = " + k);

            for (int i = 0; i < _indices.Length; i++)
                _indices[i] = -1;
            _indices['A' - 'A'] = 0;
            _indices['B' - 'A'] = 1;
            _indices['X' - 'A'] = 2;
            _indices['Y' - 'A'] = 3;
            _indices['Z' - 'A'] = 4;
            _indices['W' - 'A'] = 5;

            // now do some initialization
            IMersenneTwister r = state.Random[0];

            _nodeScore = new double[6];
            _edgeScore = TensorFactory.Create <double>(2, 6);
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                _nodeScore[i] = 2 * r.NextDouble() - 1;
            // We need to assure that the best fitness is positive (to normalize it to 1)
            // A method to do this is to have at least one terminal symbol with a positive score.
            bool ok = false;

            for (int i = 2; i < 6; i++)
                if (_nodeScore[i] > 0)
                    ok = true;
            if (!ok)
                _nodeScore[2] = r.NextDouble();
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                    _edgeScore[i][j] = r.NextDouble();
            _bestFitness = ComputeBestFitness();
Пример #4
        public override void Describe(IEvolutionState state, Individual ind, int subpopulation, int threadnum, int log)
            if (Start == null)
                Start     = new bool[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                Accept    = new bool[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                Reading   = new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                From      = new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                To        = new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                State1    = new bool[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                State2    = new bool[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                Reading1  = TensorFactory.Create <int>(MIN_ARRAY_SIZE, MIN_ARRAY_SIZE); // new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE][MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                Reading0  = TensorFactory.Create <int>(MIN_ARRAY_SIZE, MIN_ARRAY_SIZE); // new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE][MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                Epsilon   = TensorFactory.Create <int>(MIN_ARRAY_SIZE, MIN_ARRAY_SIZE); // new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE][MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                Reading1L = new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                Reading0L = new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                EpsilonL  = new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];

            if (Generalize)
                FullTest(state, ind, threadnum, PosA, NegA);
                FullTest(state, ind, threadnum, PosT, NegT);

            if (Generalize)
                state.Output.PrintLn("\n\nBest Individual's Generalization Score...\n" +
                                     "Pos: " + _totpos + "/" + PosA.Length +
                                     " Neg: " + _totneg + "/" + NegA.Length +
                                     "\n(pos+neg)/(allpos+allneg):     " +
                                     (((double)(_totpos + _totneg)) / (PosA.Length + NegA.Length)) +
                                     "\n((pos/allpos)+(neg/allneg))/2: " +
                                     (((((double)_totpos) / PosA.Length) + (((double)_totneg) / NegA.Length)) / 2) +
                                     "\nMin(pos/allpos,neg/allneg):    " +
                                     (float)Math.Min((((double)_totpos) / PosA.Length), (((double)_totneg) / NegA.Length)),

            state.Output.PrintLn("\nBest Individual's NFA\n=====================\n",

            state.Output.PrintLn(PrintCurrentNFA(), log);
Пример #5
        public void Evaluate(IEvolutionState state, Individual ind, int subpop, int threadnum)
            if (Start == null)
                Start     = new bool[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                Accept    = new bool[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                Reading   = new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                From      = new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                To        = new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                State1    = new bool[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                State2    = new bool[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                Reading1  = TensorFactory.Create <int>(MIN_ARRAY_SIZE, MIN_ARRAY_SIZE); // new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE][MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                Reading0  = TensorFactory.Create <int>(MIN_ARRAY_SIZE, MIN_ARRAY_SIZE); // new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE][MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                Epsilon   = TensorFactory.Create <int>(MIN_ARRAY_SIZE, MIN_ARRAY_SIZE); // new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE][MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                Reading1L = new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                Reading0L = new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];
                EpsilonL  = new int[MIN_ARRAY_SIZE];

            if (!ind.Evaluated)  // don't bother reevaluating
                EdgeData input = (EdgeData)Input;

                FullTest(state, ind, threadnum, PosT, NegT);
                // the fitness better be KozaFitness!
                var f = (KozaFitness)ind.Fitness;

                // this is an awful fitness metric, but it's the standard
                // one used for these problems.  :-(

                f.SetStandardizedFitness(state, (float)
                                         (1.0 - (double)(_totpos + _totneg) /
                                          (PosT.Length + NegT.Length)));

                // here are two other more reasonable fitness metrics

                //(1.0 - Math.Min(((double)_totpos)/PosT.Length,

                //(1.0 - (((double)_totpos)/PosT.Length +

                f.Hits        = _totpos + _totneg;
                ind.Evaluated = true;
Пример #6
        public int RunCartPole(NEATNetwork net, IEvolutionState state)
            // double in[] = new double[5];  //Input loading array

            double out1;
            double out2;
            double twelve_degrees = 0.2094384;

            _x     = _xDot = _theta = _thetaDot = 0.0;
            _steps = 0;

            double[][] input = TensorFactory.Create <double>(1, 5);
            while (_steps++ < MAX_STEPS)
                /*-- setup the input layer based on the four inputs and bias --*/
                input[0][0] = 1.0; //Bias
                input[0][1] = (_x + 2.4) / 4.8;

                input[0][2] = (_xDot + .75) / 1.5;
                input[0][3] = (_theta + twelve_degrees) / .41;
                input[0][4] = (_thetaDot + 1.0) / 2.0;

                double[] output = GetNetOutput(net, input, state);

                /*-- decide which way to push via which output unit is greater --*/
                if (output[0] > output[1])
                    _y = 0;
                    _y = 1;

                /*--- Apply action to the simulated cart-pole ---*/

                /*--- Check for failure.  If so, return steps ---*/
                if (_x < -2.4 || _x > 2.4 || _theta < -twelve_degrees || _theta > twelve_degrees)

Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Build an NxN rotation matrix[row][column] with a given seed.
        /// </summary>
        public static double[] /* row */  [] /* column */  BuildRotationMatrix(IEvolutionState state, long rotationSeed, int N)
            if (rotationSeed == ROTATION_SEED)
                state.Output.WarnOnce("Default rotation seed being used (" + rotationSeed + ")");

            IMersenneTwister rand = new MersenneTwisterFast(ROTATION_SEED);

            for (int i = 0; i < 624 * 4; i++) // prime the MT for 4 full sample iterations to get it warmed up

            double[] /* row */ [] /* column */ o = TensorFactory.Create <double>(N, N);

            // make random values
            for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
                for (var k = 0; k < N; k++)
                    o[i][k] = rand.NextGaussian();

            // build random values
            for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
                // extract o[i] -> no
                var no = new double[N];
                for (var k = 0; k < N; k++)
                    no[k] = o[i][k];

                // go through o[i] and o[j], modifying no
                for (var j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    var d   = Dot(o[i], o[j]);
                    var val = ScalarMul(d, o[j]);
                    no = Sub(no, val);
                o[i] = Normalize(no);

Пример #8
        public override Object Clone()
            KLandscapes tmp = (KLandscapes)base.Clone();

            tmp._nodeScore   = new double[6];
            tmp._edgeScore   = TensorFactory.Create <double>(2, 6);
            tmp._bestFitness = _bestFitness;
            tmp.k            = k;
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                tmp._nodeScore[i] = _nodeScore[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                    tmp._edgeScore[j][i] = _edgeScore[j][i];
Пример #9
        public override void Setup(IEvolutionState state, IParameter paramBase)
            // very important, remember this
            base.Setup(state, paramBase);

            // I'm not using the default base for any of this stuff;
            // it's not safe I think.

            // set up our input
            Input = (LawnmowerData)state.Parameters.GetInstanceForParameterEq(
                paramBase.Push(P_DATA), null, typeof(LawnmowerData));
            Input.Setup(state, paramBase.Push(P_DATA));

            // load our map coordinates
            MaxX = state.Parameters.GetInt(paramBase.Push(P_X), null, 1);
            if (MaxX == 0)
                state.Output.Error("The width (x dimension) of the lawn must be >0",
            MaxY = state.Parameters.GetInt(paramBase.Push(P_Y), null, 1);
            if (MaxY == 0)
                state.Output.Error("The length (y dimension) of the lawn must be >0",

            // set up the map

            Map = TensorFactory.Create <int>(MaxX, MaxY); // new int[maxx][maxy];
            for (var x = 0; x < MaxX; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < MaxY; y++)
                    Map[x][y] = UNMOWED;
        public virtual void  BeforeCoevolutionaryEvaluation(IEvolutionState state, Population pop, IGroupedProblem prob)
            if (state.Generation == 0)
                // create arrays for the elite individuals in the population at the previous generation.
                // deep clone the elite individuals as random individuals (in the initial generation, nobody has been evaluated yet).

                // deal with the elites
                _eliteIndividuals = TensorFactory.Create <Individual>(state.Population.Subpops.Count, NumElite);

                // copy the first individuals in each subpop (they are already randomly generated)
                for (var i = 0; i < _eliteIndividuals.Length; i++)
                    if (NumElite > state.Population.Subpops[i].Individuals.Count)
                        state.Output.Fatal("Number of elite partners is greater than the size of the subpop.");
                    for (var j = 0; j < NumElite; j++)
                        _eliteIndividuals[i][j] = (Individual)(state.Population.Subpops[i].Individuals[j].Clone());  // just take the first N individuals of each subpopulation

                // test for shuffled
                if (NumShuffled > 0)
                    var size = state.Population.Subpops[0].Individuals.Count;
                    for (var i = 0; i < state.Population.Subpops.Count; i++)
                        if (state.Population.Subpops[i].Individuals.Count != size)
                            state.Output.Fatal("Shuffling was requested in MultiPopCoevolutionaryEvaluator, but the subpopulation sizes are not the same.  " +
                                               "Specifically, subpopulation 0 has size " + size + " but subpopulation " + i + " has size " + state.Population.Subpops[i].Individuals.Count);
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Build an NxN rotation matrix[row][column] with a given seed.
        /// </summary>
        public static double[] /* row */  [] /* column */  BuildRotationMatrix(double rotationSeed, int N)
            IMersenneTwister rand = new MersenneTwisterFast(ROTATION_SEED);

            double[] /* row */ [] /* column */ o = TensorFactory.Create <double>(N, N);

            // make random values
            for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
                for (var k = 0; k < N; k++)
                    o[i][k] = rand.NextGaussian();

            // build random values
            for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
                // extract o[i] -> no
                var no = new double[N];
                for (var k = 0; k < N; k++)
                    no[k] = o[i][k];

                // go through o[i] and o[j], modifying no
                for (var j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    var d   = Dot(o[i], o[j]);
                    var val = ScalarMul(d, o[j]);
                    no = Sub(no, val);
                o[i] = Normalize(no);

Пример #12
        double ComputeBestFitness()
            // This is a dynamic programming kludge.
            double[][] ttable = TensorFactory.Create <double>(k, 2);
            double[][] ftable = TensorFactory.Create <double>(k + 1, 2);
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                ftable[0][i] = _nodeScore[i];
            // Case 1: the optimum hase depth at most k
            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        double max = (1 + _edgeScore[j][2]) * _nodeScore[2];
                        for (int h = 3; h < 6; h++)
                            double tmp = (1 + _edgeScore[j][h]) * _nodeScore[h];
                            if (tmp > max)
                                max = tmp;
                        ttable[i][j] = _nodeScore[j] + 2 * max;
                        double max = (1 + _edgeScore[j][0]) * ttable[i - 1][0];
                        for (int h = 1; h < 2; h++)
                            double tmp = (1 + _edgeScore[j][h]) * ttable[i - 1][h];
                            if (tmp > max)
                                max = tmp;
                        ttable[i][j] = _nodeScore[j] + 2 * max;
            // Case 2: the optimum has depth k+1
            for (int i = 1; i < k + 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                    double max = (1 + _edgeScore[j][0]) * ftable[i - 1][0];
                    for (int h = 1; h < 2; h++)
                        double tmp = (1 + _edgeScore[j][h]) * ftable[i - 1][h];
                        if (tmp > max)
                            max = tmp;
                    ftable[i][j] = _nodeScore[j] + 2 * max;
            double best = _nodeScore[2];

            for (int i = 3; i < 6; i++)
                if (_nodeScore[i] > best)
                    best = _nodeScore[i];
            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                    if (ttable[i][j] > best)
                        best = ttable[i][j];
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                if (0.5 * ftable[k][i] > best)
                    best = 0.5 * ftable[k][i];
Пример #13
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Sets all subpops in pop to the expected Lambda size.  Does not fill new slots with individuals.
        ///// </summary>
        //public virtual Population SetToLambda(Population pop, IEvolutionState state)
        //    for (var x = 0; x < pop.Subpops.Length; x++)
        //    {
        //        var s = Lambda[x];
        //        // check to see if the array's not the right size
        //        if (pop.Subpops[x].Individuals.Length != s)
        //        // need to increase
        //        {
        //            var newinds = new Individual[s];
        //            Array.Copy(pop.Subpops[x].Individuals, 0, newinds, 0,
        //                s < pop.Subpops[x].Individuals.Length ? s : pop.Subpops[x].Individuals.Length);
        //            pop.Subpops[x].Individuals = newinds;
        //        }
        //    }
        //    return pop;

        public override Population BreedPopulation(IEvolutionState state)
            // Complete 1/5 statistics for last population

            if (ParentPopulation != null)
                // Only go from 0 to Lambda-1, as the remaining individuals may be parents.
                // A child C's parent's index I is equal to C / Mu[subpop].
                for (var x = 0; x < state.Population.Subpops.Count; x++)
                    var numChildrenBetter = 0;
                    for (var i = 0; i < Lambda[x]; i++)
                        var parent = i / (Lambda[x] / Mu[x]); // note integer division
                        if (state.Population.Subpops[x].Individuals[i].Fitness.BetterThan(ParentPopulation.Subpops[x].Individuals[parent].Fitness))
                    if (numChildrenBetter > Lambda[x] / 5.0) // note double division
                        Comparison[x] = C_OVER_ONE_FIFTH_BETTER;
                    else if (numChildrenBetter < Lambda[x] / 5.0) // note double division
                        Comparison[x] = C_UNDER_ONE_FIFTH_BETTER;
                        Comparison[x] = C_EXACTLY_ONE_FIFTH_BETTER;

            // load the parent population
            ParentPopulation = state.Population;

            // MU COMPUTATION

            // At this point we need to do load our population info
            // and make sure it jibes with our mu info

            // the first issue is: is the number of subpops
            // equal to the number of mu's?

            if (Mu.Length != state.Population.Subpops.Count) // uh oh
                state.Output.Fatal("For some reason the number of subpops is different than was specified in the file (conflicting with Mu and Lambda storage).", null);

            // next, load our population, make sure there are no subpops smaller than the mu's
            for (var x = 0; x < state.Population.Subpops.Count; x++)
                if (state.Population.Subpops[0].Individuals.Count < Mu[x])
                    state.Output.Error("Subpopulation " + x + " must be a multiple of the equivalent mu (that is, " + Mu[x] + ").");

            // sort evaluation to get the Mu best of each subpop

            foreach (Subpopulation s in state.Population.Subpops)

            // now the subpops are sorted so that the best individuals
            // appear in the lowest indexes.

            Population newpop = state.Population.EmptyClone();

            // create the count array
            Count = new int[state.BreedThreads];

            // divvy up the Lambda individuals to create

            // how many threads do we really need?  No more than the maximum number of individuals in any subpopulation
            int numThreads = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x < state.Population.Subpops.Count; x++)
                numThreads = Math.Max(numThreads, Lambda[x]);
            numThreads = Math.Min(numThreads, state.BreedThreads);
            if (numThreads < state.BreedThreads)
                state.Output.WarnOnce("Largest lambda size (" + numThreads + ") is smaller than number of breedthreads (" + state.BreedThreads +
                                      "), so fewer breedthreads will be created.");

            NewIndividuals = TensorFactory.Create <IList <Individual> >(state.Population.Subpops.Count, numThreads);

            int[][] numinds = TensorFactory.Create <int>(numThreads, state.Population.Subpops.Count);
            int[][] from    = TensorFactory.Create <int>(numThreads, state.Population.Subpops.Count);

            for (int x = 0; x < state.Population.Subpops.Count; x++)
                for (int thread = 0; thread < numThreads; thread++)

                int length = Lambda[x];

                // we will have some extra individuals.  We distribute these among the early subpopulations
                int individualsPerThread = length / numThreads;  // integer division
                int slop        = length - numThreads * individualsPerThread;
                int currentFrom = 0;

                for (int y = 0; y < numThreads; y++)
                    if (slop > 0)
                        numinds[y][x] = individualsPerThread + 1;
                        numinds[y][x] = individualsPerThread;

                    if (numinds[y][x] == 0)
                        state.Output.WarnOnce("More threads exist than can be used to breed some subpopulations (first example: subpopulation " + x + ")");

                    from[y][x]   = currentFrom;
                    currentFrom += numinds[y][x];

            //for (var y = 0; y < state.BreedThreads; y++)
            //    for (var x = 0; x < state.Population.Subpops.Length; x++)
            //    {
            //        // figure numinds
            //        if (y < state.BreedThreads - 1)
            //            // not last one
            //            numinds[y][x] = Lambda[x] / state.BreedThreads;
            //        // in case we're slightly off in division
            //        else
            //            numinds[y][x] = Lambda[x] / state.BreedThreads + (Lambda[x] - (Lambda[x] / state.BreedThreads) * state.BreedThreads);

            //        // figure from
            //        from[y][x] = (Lambda[x] / state.BreedThreads) * y;
            //    }

            if (numThreads == 1)
                BreedPopChunk(newpop, state, numinds[0], from[0], 0);
                ParallelBreeding(state, newpop, from, numinds, this);

            // Coalesce
            for (int subpop = 0; subpop < state.Population.Subpops.Count; subpop++)
                IList <Individual> newpopinds = newpop.Subpops[subpop].Individuals;
                for (int thread = 0; thread < numThreads; thread++)
                    ((List <Individual>)newpopinds).AddRange(NewIndividuals[subpop][thread]);

            return(PostProcess(newpop, state.Population, state));
Пример #14
        public override int Produce(
            int min,
            int max,
            int subpop,
            IList <Individual> inds,
            IEvolutionState state,
            int thread,
            IDictionary <string, object> misc)
            int start = inds.Count;

            // how many individuals should we make?
            var n = TypicalIndsProduced;

            if (n < min)
                n = min;
            if (n > max)
                n = max;

            // should we bother?
            if (!state.Random[thread].NextBoolean(Likelihood))
                // just load from source 0
                Sources[0].Produce(n, n, subpop, inds, state, thread, misc);

            // fill up parents:
            for (var i = 0; i < Sources.Length; i++) // parents.length == sources.length
                // produce one parent from each source
                Sources[i].Produce(1, 1, subpop, Parents, state, thread, misc);

            // We assume all of the species are the same species ...
            var species = (VectorSpecies)((VectorIndividual)Parents[0]).Species;

            // an array of the split points (width = 1)
            var points = new int[((VectorIndividual)Parents[0]).GenomeLength - 1];

            for (var i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                points[i] = i + 1; // first split point/index = 1

            // split all the parents into object arrays
            var pieces = TensorFactory.Create <object>(Parents.Count, ((VectorIndividual)Parents[0]).GenomeLength);

            // splitting...
            for (int i = 0; i < Parents.Count; i++)
                if (((VectorIndividual)Parents[i]).GenomeLength != ((VectorIndividual)Parents[0]).GenomeLength)
                    state.Output.Fatal("All vectors must be of the same length for crossover!");
                    ((VectorIndividual)Parents[i]).Split(points, pieces[i]);

            // crossing them over now
            for (var i = 0; i < pieces[0].Length; i++)
                if (state.Random[thread].NextBoolean(species.CrossoverProbability))
                    // shuffle
                    for (var j = pieces.Length - 1; j > 0; j--) // no need to shuffle first index at the end
                        // find parent to swap piece with
                        var parent2 = state.Random[thread].NextInt(j); // not inclusive; don't want to swap with self
                        // swap
                        var temp = pieces[j][i];
                        pieces[j][i]       = pieces[parent2][i];
                        pieces[parent2][i] = temp;

            // join them and add them to the population starting at the start location
            for (int i = 0, q = start; i < Parents.Count; i++, q++)
                Parents[i].Evaluated = false;
                //if (q < inds.Count) // just in case
                //    inds[q] = Parents[i];
                // by Ermo. The comment code seems to be wrong. inds are empty, which means indes.size() returns 0.
                // I think it should be changed to following code
                // Sean -- right?
Пример #15
        public virtual void  Preprocess(IEvolutionState state, int maxTreeSize)
            state.Output.Message("Determining Tree Sizes");

            MaxTreeSize = maxTreeSize;

            var functionSetRepository = ((GPInitializer)state.Initializer).FunctionSetRepository;

            // Put each function set into the arrays
            FunctionSets     = new GPFunctionSet[functionSetRepository.Count];
            FunctionSetsHash = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable());
            var e     = functionSetRepository.Values.GetEnumerator();
            var count = 0;

            while (e.MoveNext())
                var funcs = (GPFunctionSet)e.Current;
                FunctionSetsHash[funcs] = count;
                FunctionSets[count++]   = funcs;

            // For each function set, assign each GPNode to a unique integer
            // so we can keep track of it (ick, this will be inefficient!)
            FuncNodesHash = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable());
            var t_nodes = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable());

            count    = 0;
            MaxArity = 0;
            for (var x = 0; x < FunctionSets.Length; x++)
                GPNode n;
                // hash all the nodes so we can remove duplicates
                for (var typ = 0; typ < FunctionSets[x].Nodes.Length; typ++)
                    for (var nod = 0; nod < FunctionSets[x].Nodes[typ].Length; nod++)
                        t_nodes[n = FunctionSets[x].Nodes[typ][nod]] = n;

                // rehash with Integers, yuck
                e = t_nodes.Values.GetEnumerator();
                GPNode tmpn;
                while (e.MoveNext())
                    tmpn = (GPNode)e.Current;
                    if (MaxArity < tmpn.Children.Length)
                        MaxArity = tmpn.Children.Length;
                    if (!FuncNodesHash.ContainsKey(tmpn))  // don't remap the node; it'd make holes
                        FuncNodesHash[tmpn] = count++;

            NumFuncNodes = FuncNodesHash.Count;

            var initializer        = (GPInitializer)state.Initializer;
            var numAtomicTypes     = initializer.NumAtomicTypes;
            var numSetTypes        = initializer.NumSetTypes;
            var functionSetsLength = FunctionSets.Length;
            var atomicPlusSetTypes = numAtomicTypes + numSetTypes;
            var maxTreeSizePlusOne = MaxTreeSize + 1;

            // set up the arrays

            // NUMTREESOFTYPE
            NUMTREESOFTYPE = TensorFactory.Create <BigInteger>(functionSetsLength, atomicPlusSetTypes, maxTreeSizePlusOne);

            NUMTREESROOTEDBYNODE = TensorFactory.Create <BigInteger>(functionSetsLength, NumFuncNodes, maxTreeSizePlusOne);

            NUMCHILDPERMUTATIONS = TensorFactory.Create <BigInteger>(functionSetsLength,

            // ROOT_D
            ROOT_D = TensorFactory.CreateOpenEnded <UniformGPNodeStorage>(functionSetsLength,
                                                                          maxTreeSizePlusOne); // 4D OpenEnded

            // ROOT_D_ZERO
            ROOT_D_ZERO = TensorFactory.Create <bool>(functionSetsLength,

            // CHILD_D
            CHILD_D = TensorFactory.CreateOpenEnded <double>(functionSetsLength,
                                                             maxTreeSizePlusOne); // 5D OpenEnded

            var types = ((GPInitializer)(state.Initializer)).Types;

            // _TrueSizesBigInt
            TrueSizesBigInt = TensorFactory.Create <BigInteger>(functionSetsLength,

            // Go through each function set and determine numbers
            // (this will take quite a while!  Thankfully it's offline)

            for (var x = 0; x < FunctionSets.Length; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < numAtomicTypes + numSetTypes; y++)
                    for (var z = 1; z <= MaxTreeSize; z++)
                        state.Output.Message("FunctionSet: " + FunctionSets[x].Name + ", Type: " + types[y].Name
                                             + ", Size: " + z + " num: " + (TrueSizesBigInt[x][y][z] = NumTreesOfType(initializer, x, y, z)));

            state.Output.Message("Compiling Distributions");

            TrueSizes = TensorFactory.Create <double>(functionSetsLength,

            // convert to doubles and organize distribution
            for (var x = 0; x < FunctionSets.Length; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < numAtomicTypes + numSetTypes; y++)
                    for (var z = 1; z <= MaxTreeSize; z++)
                        TrueSizes[x][y][z] = (double)TrueSizesBigInt[x][y][z]; // BRS : DOES THIS TRUNCATE ANYTHING ???
                    // and if this is all zero (a possibility) we should be forgiving (hence the 'true') -- I *think*
                    RandomChoice.OrganizeDistribution(TrueSizes[x][y], true);

            // compute our percentages
        public virtual void PerformCoevolutionaryEvaluation(IEvolutionState state, Population pop, IGroupedProblem prob)
            var evaluations = 0;

            _inds    = new Individual[pop.Subpops.Count];
            _updates = new bool[pop.Subpops.Count];

            // we start by warming up the selection methods
            if (NumCurrent > 0)
                for (var i = 0; i < _selectionMethodCurrent.Length; i++)
                    _selectionMethodCurrent[i].PrepareToProduce(state, i, 0);

            if (NumPrev > 0)
                for (var i = 0; i < _selectionMethodPrev.Length; i++)
                    // do a hack here
                    var currentPopulation = state.Population;
                    state.Population = _previousPopulation;
                    _selectionMethodPrev[i].PrepareToProduce(state, i, 0);
                    state.Population = currentPopulation;

            // build subpopulation array to pass in each time
            var subpops = new int[state.Population.Subpops.Count];

            for (var j = 0; j < subpops.Length; j++)
                subpops[j] = j;

            // handle shuffled always

            if (NumShuffled > 0)
                int[] /*numShuffled*/ [] /*subpop*/ [] /*shuffledIndividualIndexes*/ ordering = null;
                // build shuffled orderings
                ordering = TensorFactory.Create <Int32>(NumShuffled, state.Population.Subpops.Count,
                for (var c = 0; c < NumShuffled; c++)
                    for (var m = 0; m < state.Population.Subpops.Count; m++)
                        for (var i = 0; i < state.Population.Subpops[0].Individuals.Count; i++)
                            ordering[c][m][i] = i;
                        if (m != 0)
                            Shuffle(state, ordering[c][m]);

                // for each individual
                for (var i = 0; i < state.Population.Subpops[0].Individuals.Count; i++)
                    for (var k = 0; k < NumShuffled; k++)
                        for (var ind = 0; ind < _inds.Length; ind++)
                            _inds[ind]    = state.Population.Subpops[ind].Individuals[ordering[k][ind][i]];
                            _updates[ind] = true;
                        prob.Evaluate(state, _inds, _updates, false, subpops, 0);

            // for each subpopulation
            for (var j = 0; j < state.Population.Subpops.Count; j++)
                // now do elites and randoms

                if (!ShouldEvaluateSubpop(state, j, 0))
                    continue;                                      // don't evaluate this subpopulation
                // for each individual
                for (var i = 0; i < state.Population.Subpops[j].Individuals.Count; i++)
                    var individual = state.Population.Subpops[j].Individuals[i];

                    // Test against all the elites
                    for (var k = 0; k < _eliteIndividuals[j].Length; k++)
                        for (var ind = 0; ind < _inds.Length; ind++)
                            if (ind == j)
                                _inds[ind]    = individual;
                                _updates[ind] = true;
                                _inds[ind]    = _eliteIndividuals[ind][k];
                                _updates[ind] = false;
                        prob.Evaluate(state, _inds, _updates, false, subpops, 0);

                    // test against random selected individuals of the current population
                    for (var k = 0; k < NumCurrent; k++)
                        for (var ind = 0; ind < _inds.Length; ind++)
                            if (ind == j)
                                _inds[ind]    = individual;
                                _updates[ind] = true;
                                _inds[ind]    = ProduceCurrent(ind, state, 0);
                                _updates[ind] = true;
                        prob.Evaluate(state, _inds, _updates, false, subpops, 0);

                    // Test against random selected individuals of previous population
                    for (int k = 0; k < NumPrev; k++)
                        for (int ind = 0; ind < _inds.Length; ind++)
                            if (ind == j)
                                _inds[ind]    = individual;
                                _updates[ind] = true;
                                _inds[ind]    = ProducePrevious(ind, state, 0);
                                _updates[ind] = false;
                        prob.Evaluate(state, _inds, _updates, false, subpops, 0);

            // now shut down the selection methods
            if (NumCurrent > 0)
                for (var i = 0; i < _selectionMethodCurrent.Length; i++)
                    _selectionMethodCurrent[i].FinishProducing(state, i, 0);

            if (NumPrev > 0)
                for (var i = 0; i < _selectionMethodPrev.Length; i++)
                    // do a hack here
                    var currentPopulation = state.Population;
                    state.Population = _previousPopulation;
                    _selectionMethodPrev[i].FinishProducing(state, i, 0);
                    state.Population = currentPopulation;

            state.Output.Message("Evaluations: " + evaluations);
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// A simple breeder that doesn't attempt to do any cross-
        /// population breeding.  Basically it applies pipelines,
        /// one per thread, to various subchunks of a new population.
        /// </summary>
        public override Population BreedPopulation(IEvolutionState state)
            Population newpop;

            if (ClonePipelineAndPopulation)
                newpop = (Population)state.Population.EmptyClone();
                if (BackupPopulation == null)
                    BackupPopulation = (Population)state.Population.EmptyClone();
                newpop = BackupPopulation;
                BackupPopulation = state.Population;  // swap in

            // maybe resize?
            for (int i = 0; i < state.Population.Subpops.Count; i++)
                if (ReduceBy[i] > 0)
                    int prospectiveSize = Math.Max(
                        Math.Max(state.Population.Subpops[i].Individuals.Count - ReduceBy[i], MinimumSize[i]),
                        NumElites(state, i));
                    if (prospectiveSize < state.Population.Subpops[i].Individuals.Count)  // let's resize!
                        state.Output.Message("Subpop " + i + " reduced " + state.Population.Subpops[i].Individuals.Count + " -> " + prospectiveSize);

            // load Elites into top of newpop
            LoadElites(state, newpop);

            // how many threads do we really need?  No more than the maximum number of individuals in any subpopulation
            int numThreads = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x < state.Population.Subpops.Count; x++)
                numThreads = Math.Max(numThreads, state.Population.Subpops[x].Individuals.Count);
            numThreads = Math.Min(numThreads, state.BreedThreads);
            if (numThreads < state.BreedThreads)
                state.Output.WarnOnce("Largest subpopulation size (" + numThreads + ") is smaller than number of breedthreads (" + state.BreedThreads +
                                      "), so fewer breedthreads will be created.");

            NewIndividuals = TensorFactory.Create <IList <Individual> >(state.Population.Subpops.Count, numThreads);
            for (int subpop = 0; subpop < state.Population.Subpops.Count; subpop++)
                for (int thread = 0; thread < numThreads; thread++)
                    NewIndividuals[subpop][thread] = new List <Individual>();

            int[][] numinds = TensorFactory.Create <int>(state.BreedThreads, state.Population.Subpops.Count);
            int[][] from    = TensorFactory.Create <int>(state.BreedThreads, state.Population.Subpops.Count);

            for (int x = 0; x < state.Population.Subpops.Count; x++)
                for (int thread = 0; thread < numThreads; thread++)

                int length = ComputeSubpopulationLength(state, x, 0);

                // we will have some extra individuals.  We distribute these among the early subpopulations
                int individualsPerThread = length / numThreads;  // integer division
                int slop        = length - numThreads * individualsPerThread;
                int currentFrom = 0;

                for (int y = 0; y < numThreads; y++)
                    if (slop > 0)
                        numinds[y][x] = individualsPerThread + 1;
                        numinds[y][x] = individualsPerThread;

                    if (numinds[y][x] == 0)
                        state.Output.WarnOnce("More threads exist than can be used to breed some subpopulations (first example: subpopulation " + x + ")");

                    from[y][x]   = currentFrom;
                    currentFrom += numinds[y][x];

            if (numThreads == 1)
                BreedPopChunk(newpop, state, numinds[0], from[0], 0);
                ParallelBreeding(state, newpop, from, numinds, this);

            // Coalesce
            for (int subpop = 0; subpop < state.Population.Subpops.Count; subpop++)
                IList <Individual> newpopindividuals = newpop.Subpops[subpop].Individuals;
                for (int thread = 0; thread < numThreads; thread++)
                    ((List <Individual>)newpopindividuals).AddRange(NewIndividuals[subpop][thread]);

Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests an individual, returning its successful positives in totpos and its successful negatives in totneg.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        /// <param name="ind"></param>
        /// <param name="threadnum"></param>
        /// <param name="pos"></param>
        /// <param name="neg"></param>
        public void FullTest(IEvolutionState state, Individual ind, int threadnum, bool[][] pos, bool[][] neg)
            // reset the graph
            NumNodes   = 2;
            NumEdges   = 1; From[0] = 0; To[0] = 1;
            Start[0]   = Start[1] = Accept[0] = Accept[1] = false;
            Input.edge = 0;

            // generate the graph
                state, threadnum, Input, Stack, ((GPIndividual)ind), this);

            // produce the adjacency matrix
            if (Reading1.Length < NumNodes ||
                Reading1[0].Length < NumEdges)
                Reading1  = TensorFactory.Create <int>(NumNodes * 2, NumEdges * 2); // new int[numNodes * 2][numEdges * 2];
                Reading0  = TensorFactory.Create <int>(NumNodes * 2, NumEdges * 2); // new int[numNodes*2][numEdges*2];
                Epsilon   = TensorFactory.Create <int>(NumNodes * 2, NumEdges * 2); // new int[numNodes*2][numEdges*2];
                Reading1L = new int[NumNodes * 2];
                Reading0L = new int[NumNodes * 2];
                EpsilonL  = new int[NumNodes * 2];

            for (int y = 0; y < NumNodes; y++)
                Reading1L[y] = 0;
                Reading0L[y] = 0;
                EpsilonL[y]  = 0;

            for (var y = 0; y < NumEdges; y++)
                switch (Reading[y])
                case READING0:
                    Reading0[From[y]][Reading0L[From[y]]++] = To[y];

                case READING1:
                    Reading1[From[y]][Reading1L[From[y]]++] = To[y];

                case EPSILON:
                    Epsilon[From[y]][EpsilonL[From[y]]++] = To[y];

            // create the states
            if (State1.Length < NumNodes)
                State1 = new bool[NumNodes * 2];
                State2 = new bool[NumNodes * 2];

            // test the graph on our data

            _totpos = 0;
            _totneg = 0;
            for (var y = 0; y < pos.Length; y++)
                if (Test(pos[y]))
            for (var y = 0; y < neg.Length; y++)
                if (!Test(neg[y]))