public string Get(string id, string temp, string wind)
            new ApplicationAction("Starting Weather Api Calls", "user", "WeatherTest for " + id).Save();

            new ApplicationAction("Using AutoFac", "user", "DI using a Framework").Save();

            //Dependency Injection with framework Autofac
            var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

            builder.RegisterType <ProcessApi>().As <IProcessApi>();
            builder.RegisterType <Config>().As <IConfig>();
            IContainer Container = builder.Build();

            TempType UserSelectTemp = (TempType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TempType), temp.ToUpper());
            WindType UserSelectWind = (WindType)Enum.Parse(typeof(WindType), wind.ToUpper());

            //List of Apis to call all based on the Strategy pattern
            var WeatherApis = new List <IWeatherStrategy>();

            // add new API which would have been created - TODO make this a dynaimc process so this file does not need to be edited
            WeatherApis.Add(new WeatherDataCollectorBbc());
            WeatherApis.Add(new WeatherDataCollectorAccu());

            new ApplicationAction("Added Apis", "user", "Two Apis").Save();

            //List to hold API call data
            var LocationDataSets = new List <string>();

            using (var scope = Container.BeginLifetimeScope())
                foreach (IWeatherStrategy api in WeatherApis)
                    // call each of the APIs and store the result
                    LocationDataSets.Add(api.gatherData(id, scope.Resolve <IProcessApi>(), scope.Resolve <IConfig>()));

            new ApplicationAction("Creating objects", "user", "Using factory pattern").Save();

            ITemperatureFactory tempFactory  = new TemperatureFactory();
            ITemperature        selectedTemp = tempFactory.CreateTemperature(UserSelectTemp);

            IWindFactory windFactory  = new WindFactory();
            IWind        selectedWind = windFactory.CreateWind(UserSelectWind);

            new ApplicationAction("Calcuating results", "user", "Aggregated result data").Save();

            //call the aggregator to work out the results
            var calculatedLocationWeather = new Aggregator(selectedTemp, selectedWind).AggregateData(LocationDataSets);

            calculatedLocationWeather.Location = id;

            new ApplicationAction("Completed prcoessing", "user", "TReturn data to client").Save();
            //return to client final result
 private ITemperature GetTemperature(decimal value)
 private ITemperature GetTemperature(decimal value)