public void AddUnPaidPurchaseScaleExpenses(int scaleId)
            // Search for all expenses that matches scaleId.
            ExpensesRequestLibrary lib             = new ExpensesRequestLibrary(ConfigurationHelper.GetsmARTDBContextConnectionString());
            string refTableName                    = new Model.Scale().GetType().Name;
            IEnumerable <ExpensesRequest> expenses = lib.GetAllPurchasingExepneseByRefTableAndRefId(scaleId, refTableName, new[] { "Payment", "Paid_Party_To" });
            ScaleLibrary scaleLib                  = new ScaleLibrary(ConfigurationHelper.GetsmARTDBContextConnectionString());

            foreach (var item in expenses)
                // If scale expense already exists.
                if (TempEntityList.FirstOrDefault(m => m.ID == item.ID) == null)
                    // Get scale entity
                    Scale scale = scaleLib.GetByID(item.Reference_ID.ToString(), new string[] { "Dispatch_Request_No" });
                    if (item.Paid_Party_To == null)
                        item.Paid_Party_To = new Party();
                    // Add eexpense to TempList.
                    // Add dispatcher expense.
                    if (scale.Dispatch_Request_No != null && scale.Dispatch_Request_No.ID > 0)
        public ActionResult GetUnPaidTickets(GridCommand command, string partyId, string locationId = "0")
            if (Convert.ToInt32(partyId) > 0)
                string            dbContextConnectionString = ConfigurationHelper.GetsmARTDBContextConnectionString();
                SettlementLibrary settlementLib             = new SettlementLibrary();
                IEnumerable <Settlement> results = settlementLib.GetUnPaidTickets(new string[] { "Scale", "Scale.Party_ID", "Scale.Purchase_Order", "Scale.Party_Address" }, int.Parse(partyId), int.Parse(locationId));

                if (results != null && results.Count() > 0)
                    PaymentReceiptDetails paymentDetails;
                    int id = 0;
                    foreach (var item in results)
                        //if (item.Scale != null && item.Scale.Purchase_Order == null) {
                        //  item.Scale.Purchase_Order = new PurchaseOrder();
                        id            += 1;
                        paymentDetails = new PaymentReceiptDetails()
                            ID             = id,
                            Settlement     = item,
                            Balance_Amount = item.Amount - item.Amount_Paid_Till_Date,
                            PaymentReceipt = new PaymentReceipt()

            return(Display(command, "0", true));
        public JsonResult _GetTotal(string id)
            int     scaleID = int.Parse(id);
            decimal gw      = 0;
            decimal nw      = 0;
            decimal amt     = 0;

            if (scaleID > 0)
                IEnumerable <ScaleDetails> sDetails = new ScaleDetailsLibrary(ConfigurationHelper.GetsmARTDBContextConnectionString()).GetAllByParentID(scaleID);
                gw  = sDetails.Sum(i => i.GrossWeight);
                nw  = sDetails.Sum(i => i.NetWeight);
                amt = sDetails.Sum(i => i.Amount);
                gw  = TempEntityList.Sum(i => i.GrossWeight);
                nw  = TempEntityList.Sum(i => i.NetWeight);
                amt = TempEntityList.Sum(i => i.Amount);

            var data = new {
                GW = gw, NW = nw, Amt = amt

            return(Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            //string str = string.Format("{0}#{1}#{2}", gw, nw, amt);
            //return str;
        private void AddNonInvoiceSellingDispatcherExpenses(int bookingId, string containerNo)
            // Search for expenses that matches dispatcher id.
            DispatcherRequestLibrary        dispathcerRequestLib = new DispatcherRequestLibrary(ConfigurationHelper.GetsmARTDBContextConnectionString());
            IEnumerable <DispatcherRequest> dispatcherReqs       = dispathcerRequestLib.GetDispatcherByBookingAndContainerNo(bookingId, containerNo, new string[] { "Booking_Ref_No", "Container" });

            foreach (DispatcherRequest dispatcherReq in dispatcherReqs)
                ExpensesRequestLibrary lib             = new ExpensesRequestLibrary(ConfigurationHelper.GetsmARTDBContextConnectionString());
                string refTableName                    = new Model.DispatcherRequest().GetType().Name;
                IEnumerable <ExpensesRequest> expenses = lib.GetAllPurchasingExepneseByRefTableAndRefId(dispatcherReq.ID, refTableName, new[] { "Payment", "Paid_Party_To", "Invoice" });
                foreach (var item in expenses)
                    // If expense already exists.
                    if (TempEntityList.FirstOrDefault(m => m.ID == item.ID) == null)
                        // If party is null.
                        if (item.Paid_Party_To == null)
                            item.Paid_Party_To = new Party();

                        // Add to TempList.
        //public void RemoveUnPaidSellingExpenses(string bookingId) {
        //  // If TEmpEntityList has no Items.
        //  if (TempEntityList != null) {
        //    int intBookingId = Convert.ToInt32(bookingId);
        //    if (intBookingId > 0) {
        //      // Get all scale exepenses.
        //      IEnumerable<ExpensesRequest> scaleExps = from exp in TempEntityList
        //                                               where exp.Reference_Table == "Scale" && exp.Reference_ID == intBookingId
        //                                               select exp;
        //      if (scaleExps != null) {
        //        IList<ExpensesRequest> removeExpenses = new List<ExpensesRequest>();
        //        ScaleLibrary scaleLib = new ScaleLibrary(ConfigurationHelper.GetsmARTDBContextConnectionString());
        //        foreach (var item in scaleExps) {
        //          // Get scale entity.
        //          Scale scale = scaleLib.GetByID(item.Reference_ID.ToString(), new string[] { "Dispatch_Request_No" });
        //          if (scale != null && scale.Dispatch_Request_No != null && scale.Dispatch_Request_No.ID > 0) {
        //            // Get dispatcher id.
        //            int dispatcherId = scale.Dispatch_Request_No.ID;
        //            // Get all dispatcher expenses.
        //            IEnumerable<ExpensesRequest> dispatcherExps = from exp in TempEntityList
        //                                                          where exp.Reference_Table == "DispatcherRequest" && exp.Reference_ID == dispatcherId
        //                                                          select exp;
        //            if (dispatcherExps != null) {
        //              foreach (var dispExp in dispatcherExps) {
        //                // Add dispatcher expense in removeExpense list.
        //                removeExpenses.Add(dispExp);
        //              }
        //            }

        //          }
        //          // Add scale expense in removeExpense list.
        //          removeExpenses.Add(item);
        //        }
        //        // Delete scale and dispatcher expense.
        //        foreach (var removeExp in removeExpenses) {
        //          TempEntityList.Remove(removeExp);
        //        }
        //      }
        //    }
        //  }

        public void AddNonInvoiceSellingScaleExpenses(int bookingId)
            ScaleLibrary        scaleLib = new ScaleLibrary(ConfigurationHelper.GetsmARTDBContextConnectionString());
            IEnumerable <Scale> scales   = scaleLib.GetScalesByBookingId(bookingId);
            // Search for all expenses that matches scaleId.
            ExpensesRequestLibrary lib = new ExpensesRequestLibrary(ConfigurationHelper.GetsmARTDBContextConnectionString());
            string refTableName        = new Model.Scale().GetType().Name;

            foreach (var scale in scales)
                IEnumerable <ExpensesRequest> expenses = lib.GetAllSellingExepneseByRefTableAndRefId(scale.ID, refTableName, new[] { "Payment", "Paid_Party_To", "Invoice" });
                foreach (var expense in expenses)
                    // If scale expense already exists.
                    if (TempEntityList.FirstOrDefault(m => m.ID == expense.ID) == null)
                        if (expense.Paid_Party_To == null)
                            expense.Paid_Party_To = new Party();
                        // Add eexpense to TempList.
                        // Add dispatcher expense.
                AddNonInvoiceSellingDispatcherExpenses(bookingId, scale.ContainerNo);
 public void RemoveUnPaidPurchaseExpenses(string scaleId)
     // If TEmpEntityList has no Items.
     if (TempEntityList != null)
         int intScaleId = Convert.ToInt32(scaleId);
         if (intScaleId > 0)
             // Get all scale exepenses.
             IEnumerable <ExpensesRequest> scaleExps = from exp in TempEntityList
                                                       where exp.Reference_Table == "Scale" && exp.Reference_ID == intScaleId
                                                       select exp;
             if (scaleExps != null)
                 IList <ExpensesRequest> removeExpenses = new List <ExpensesRequest>();
                 ScaleLibrary            scaleLib       = new ScaleLibrary(ConfigurationHelper.GetsmARTDBContextConnectionString());
                 foreach (var item in scaleExps)
                     // Get scale entity.
                     Scale scale = scaleLib.GetByID(item.Reference_ID.ToString(), new string[] { "Dispatch_Request_No" });
                     if (scale != null && scale.Dispatch_Request_No != null && scale.Dispatch_Request_No.ID > 0)
                         // Get dispatcher id.
                         int dispatcherId = scale.Dispatch_Request_No.ID;
                         // Get all dispatcher expenses.
                         IEnumerable <ExpensesRequest> dispatcherExps = from exp in TempEntityList
                                                                        where exp.Reference_Table == "DispatcherRequest" && exp.Reference_ID == dispatcherId
                                                                        select exp;
                         if (dispatcherExps != null)
                             foreach (var dispExp in dispatcherExps)
                                 // Add dispatcher expense in removeExpense list.
                     // Add scale expense in removeExpense list.
                 // Delete scale and dispatcher expense.
                 foreach (var removeExp in removeExpenses)
Пример #7
        public ActionResult GetUnPaidInvoices(GridCommand command, string partyId)
            int totalRows = 0;

            if (Convert.ToInt32(partyId) > 0)
                string         dbContextConnectionString = ConfigurationHelper.GetsmARTDBContextConnectionString();
                InvoiceLibrary lib = new InvoiceLibrary();
                IEnumerable <Invoice> results = lib.GetUnPaidInvoicesWithPaging(out totalRows,
                                                                                command.Page, command.PageSize == 0 ? 20 : command.PageSize,
                                                                                "", "Asc",
                                                                                new string[] { "Booking.Sales_Order_No.Party", "Sales_Order_No.Party" },

                if (results != null && results.Count() > 0)
                    PaymentReceiptDetails paymentDetails;
                    int id = 0;
                    foreach (var item in results)
                        id += 1;
                        if (item.Booking == null)
                            item.Booking = new Booking();
                        paymentDetails = new PaymentReceiptDetails()
                            ID             = id,
                            Invoice        = item,
                            Balance_Amount = item.Net_Amt - item.Amount_Paid_Till_Date,
                            PaymentReceipt = new PaymentReceipt()


            IEnumerable <PaymentReceiptDetails> resultList = TempEntityList;

            return(View(new GridModel {
                Data = resultList, Total = totalRows
Пример #8
        protected override ActionResult Display(GridCommand command, string id, bool isNew)
            int totalRows = 0;
            IEnumerable <CycleDetails> resultList;

            if (isNew == true || id == "0")
                if (TempEntityList.Count <= 0)
                    ItemLibrary        ItemLibrary = new smART.Library.ItemLibrary(ConfigurationHelper.GetsmARTDBContextConnectionString());
                    IEnumerable <Item> itemList    = ItemLibrary.GetAll().Where(o => o.IsActive == true && o.Active_Ind == true);
                    int iValue = 1;
                    foreach (var item in itemList)
                        CycleDetails cycleDetails = new CycleDetails();
                        cycleDetails.Item = item;
                        cycleDetails.ID   = iValue;
                    resultList = TempEntityList;
                    Session["CycleDetails"] = TempEntityList;
                    resultList = _cycleDetailsOps.GetAllByPaging(TempEntityList, out totalRows,
                                                                 command.SortDescriptors.Count == 0 ? "" : command.SortDescriptors[0].Member,
                                                                 command.SortDescriptors.Count == 0 ? "" : command.SortDescriptors[0].SortDirection == System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Descending ? "Desc" : "Asc",
                                                                 (command.FilterDescriptors.Count == 0 ? null : command.FilterDescriptors)
                Session["CycleDetails"] = TempEntityList;
                totalRows = TempEntityList.Count;
                resultList = ((IParentChildLibrary <CycleDetails>)Library).GetAllByPagingByParentID(out totalRows, int.Parse(id.ToString()), command.Page, command.PageSize == 0 ? 20 : command.PageSize, "", "Asc", IncludePredicates);

            return(View(new GridModel {
                Data = resultList, Total = totalRows
        public string _GetTotalAppliedAmount(string id)
            decimal totalApplyAmt = 0;
            int     parentId      = Convert.ToInt32(id);

            if (parentId > 0)
                PaymentReceiptDetailsLibrary        lib        = new PaymentReceiptDetailsLibrary(ConfigurationHelper.GetsmARTDBContextConnectionString());
                IEnumerable <PaymentReceiptDetails> resultList = lib.GetAllByParentID(parentId);
                totalApplyAmt = resultList.Sum(s => s.Apply_Amount);
            if (Session["PaymentDetails"] != null && ((IList <PaymentReceiptDetails>)Session["PaymentDetails"]).Count > 0)
                totalApplyAmt = TempEntityList.Sum(s => s.Apply_Amount);
Пример #10
        //protected override ActionResult Display(GridCommand command, string id, bool isNew)
        //    int totalRows = 0;
        //    IEnumerable<LOV> resultList;    // = ((IParentChildLibrary<TEntity>)Library).GetAllByPagingByParentID(out totalRows, int.Parse(id.ToString()), command.Page, command.PageSize==0?20:command.PageSize, "", "Asc", IncludePredicates);

        //    if (Convert.ToInt32(id)>0)
        //      ViewBag.Parent_Type_ID = id;

        //    if (isNew || id == "0")
        //    {
        //        resultList = TempEntityList;
        //        totalRows = TempEntityList.Count;
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        resultList = (Library.GetAllByPagingByParentID(out totalRows, int.Parse(id.ToString()), command.Page, command.PageSize == 0 ? 20 : command.PageSize, "", "Asc", IncludePredicates));
        //        //resultList = ((IParentChildLibrary<TEntity>)Library).GetAllByPagingByParentID(out totalRows, int.Parse(id.ToString()), command.Page, command.PageSize, "", "Asc", IncludePredicates);
        //    }

        //    return View(new GridModel { Data = resultList, Total = totalRows });

        //protected override ActionResult Display(GridCommand command, LOV entity, bool isNew = false)
        //    if (entity.LOVType != null && entity.LOVType.ID != 0)
        //        return Display(command, entity.LOVType.ID.ToString(), isNew);
        //    else
        //        return base.Display(command, entity, isNew);

        //public virtual ActionResult GetByParentID(string id)
        //    IEnumerable<LOV> resultList = Library.GetAllByParentID(int.Parse(id));
        //    SelectList list = new SelectList(resultList, "ListValue", "ListText");

        //    return Json(list);

        //[GridAction(EnableCustomBinding = true)]
        //public ActionResult _GetAllLOV(GridCommand command) {
        //  int totalRows = 0;
        //  IEnumerable<LOV> resultList = new LOVLibrary(ConfigurationHelper.GetsmARTDBContextConnectionString()).GetAllByPaging(
        //                                                                                                  out totalRows, command.Page,
        //                                                                                                  (command.PageSize == 0 ? 20 : command.PageSize),
        //                                                                                                  "", "Asc", new string[] { "LOVType" },
        //                                                                                                  (command.FilterDescriptors.Count == 0 ? null : command.FilterDescriptors)
        //                                                                                                  );
        //  return View(new GridModel {
        //    Data = resultList,
        //    Total = totalRows
        //  });

        protected override void ValidateEntity(smART.ViewModel.CycleDetails entity)
            if (entity.Item == null || entity.Item.ID == 0)
                ModelState.AddModelError("EmptyItem", "Item is required.");

            // Check duplicate item
            if (entity.Cycle.ID == 0)
                CycleDetails cycleDetails = TempEntityList.FirstOrDefault <CycleDetails>(s => s.Item.ID == entity.Item.ID && s.ID != entity.ID);
                if (cycleDetails != null)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("EmptyItem", "Similar transaction already exists. Please click on search button and fetch existing record.");
        public override ActionResult _Update(PaymentReceiptDetails data, GridCommand command, bool isNew = false)
            try {
                if (data.Apply_Amount == data.Balance_Amount)
                    data.Paid_In_Full = true;


                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    if (isNew)
                        //TODO: Add logic to update in memory data
                        TempEntityList.SingleOrDefault(m => m.ID == data.ID).InjectFrom(data);
                        using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, new TransactionOptions {
                            IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted
                        })) {
                            Library.Modify(data, new string[] { "Settlement", "PaymentReceipt", "ExpenseRequest" });
            catch (Exception ex) {
                if (ex.GetBaseException() is smART.Common.DuplicateException)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Error", ex.GetBaseException().Message);
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Error", ex.Message);

            return(Display(command, data.PaymentReceipt.ID.ToString(), isNew));
Пример #12
        protected override ActionResult Display(GridCommand command, string id, bool isNew)
            int totalRows = 0;
            IEnumerable <PriceListItem> resultList; // = ((IParentChildLibrary<TEntity>)Library).GetAllByPagingByParentID(out totalRows, int.Parse(id.ToString()), command.Page, command.PageSize==0?20:command.PageSize, "", "Asc", IncludePredicates);

            //if (isNew==true || id=="0" || id==null)
            if (isNew == true || id == "0")
                //PriceListItem priceListItem = new PriceListItem();
                //priceListItem.Item = new Item() { ID=1,Item_Category="A",Item_Group="B",Long_Name="Item1",Short_Name="I1",Site_Org_ID=1,Priced=true,Active_Ind=true};

                if (id == "-1")
                    string      dbContextConnectionString = ConfigurationHelper.GetsmARTDBContextConnectionString();
                    ItemLibrary ItemLibrary = new smART.Library.ItemLibrary();
                    IEnumerable <Item> itemList = ItemLibrary.GetAll().Where(o => o.Priced == true);
                    int iValue = 1;
                    foreach (var item in itemList)
                        PriceListItem priceListItem = new PriceListItem();
                        priceListItem.Item = item;
                        priceListItem.ID   = iValue;
                resultList = TempEntityList;
                totalRows  = TempEntityList.Count;
                resultList = ((IParentChildLibrary <PriceListItem>)Library).GetAllByPagingByParentID(out totalRows, int.Parse(id.ToString()), command.Page, command.PageSize == 0 ? 20 : command.PageSize, "", "Asc", IncludePredicates);
                //resultList = ((IParentChildLibrary<PriceListItem>)Library).GetAllByPagingByParentID(out totalRows, int.Parse(id.ToString()), command.Page, command.PageSize, "", "Asc", IncludePredicates);

            return(View(new GridModel {
                Data = resultList, Total = totalRows
        public override ActionResult _Insert(TEntity data, GridCommand command, bool isNew = false)
            try {
                string docRefId = Convert.ToString(TempData["DocRefId"]);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(docRefId))
                    ModelState.AddModelError("docRefId", "Error occured on save document.");

                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    data.Document_RefId = Guid.Parse(docRefId);
                    data = UpdateFileInfo(data, _fileHelper.GetTempSourceDirByFileRefId(docRefId));
                    data.Last_Updated_Date = DateTime.Now;
                    data.Updated_By        = User.Identity.Name; // HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;

                    if (isNew)
                        data.Document_Path = _fileHelper.GetFilePath(_fileHelper.GetTempSourceDirByFileRefId(docRefId)); // Path.Combine(Configuration.GetsmARTTempDocPath(), docRefId, data.Document_Name);
                        data.Document_Path = _fileHelper.GetFilePath(_fileHelper.GetSourceDirByFileRefId(docRefId));// Path.Combine(Configuration.GetsmARTDocPath(), docRefId, data.Document_Name);
                        data = Library.Add(data);

                        string destinationPath = _fileHelper.GetSourceDirByFileRefId(docRefId);     // Path.Combine(Configuration.GetsmARTDocPath(), docRefId);
                        string sourcePath      = _fileHelper.GetTempSourceDirByFileRefId(docRefId); // Path.Combine(Configuration.GetsmARTTempDocPath(), docRefId);

                        _fileHelper.MoveFile(data.Document_Name, sourcePath, destinationPath);
                    TempData["DocRefId"] = null;
            catch (Exception ex) {
                ModelState.AddModelError("Error", ex.Message);
            return(Display(command, data, isNew));
Пример #14
 public ActionResult _InsertUpdate(ScaleDetails data, GridCommand command, bool isNew = false)
     data.Split_Value = 100;
     if (data.ID > 0)
         return(_Update(data, command, isNew));
         ScaleDetails tempItem = TempEntityList.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Item_Received.ID == data.Item_Received.ID);
         if (tempItem == null)
             return(_Insert(data, command, isNew));
             data.ID = tempItem.ID;
             return(_Update(data, command, isNew));
Пример #15
        public override ActionResult _Delete(string id, GridCommand command, string MasterID = null, bool isNew = false)
            AddressBook entity;

            if (isNew)
                //TODO: Delete entity with id
                entity = TempEntityList.FirstOrDefault(m => m.ID == int.Parse(id));
                entity = Library.GetByID(id);

            if (entity.Primary_Flag == true)
                ModelState.AddModelError("delete", "Can't delete primary address");

            return(base._Delete(id, command, MasterID, isNew));
        public ActionResult GetUnPaidExpenses(GridCommand command, string partyId, string bookingId = "0")

            if (Convert.ToInt32(partyId) > 0)
                string dbContextConnectionString = ConfigurationHelper.GetsmARTDBContextConnectionString();
                ExpensesRequestLibrary lib       = new ExpensesRequestLibrary();
                IEnumerable <ExpensesRequest> results = lib.GetUnPaidExpenses(new string[] { "Paid_Party_To", "Scale_Ref", "Dispatcher_Request_Ref.Booking_Ref_No", "Dispatcher_Request_Ref.Container" },
                                                                              int.Parse(partyId), int.Parse(bookingId)
                if (results != null && results.Count() > 0)
                    PaymentReceiptDetails paymentDetails;
                    int id = 0;
                    foreach (var item in results)
                        id            += 1;
                        paymentDetails = new PaymentReceiptDetails()
                            ID             = id,
                            ExpenseRequest = item,
                            Balance_Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(item.Amount_Paid - item.Amount_Paid_Till_Date),
                            PaymentReceipt = new PaymentReceipt()
                        if (paymentDetails.Settlement != null)
                            paymentDetails.Settlement.Scale = null;
                        if (paymentDetails.ExpenseRequest.Dispatcher_Request_Ref != null)
                            paymentDetails.ExpenseRequest.Dispatcher_Request_Ref.TruckingCompany = null;
            return(Display(command, "0", true));
Пример #17
        public override ActionResult _Update(PaymentReceiptDetails data, GridCommand command, bool isNew = false)
            try {
                if (!isNew && !IsApplied_AmountZero(data))
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Applied_Amount", "Receipt details amount mismetch to total amount.");

                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    if (isNew)
                        //TODO: Add logic to update in memory data
                        TempEntityList.SingleOrDefault(m => m.ID == data.ID).InjectFrom(data);
                        using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, new TransactionOptions {
                            IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted
                        })) {
                            Library.Modify(data, new string[] { "Invoice", "PaymentReceipt" });
            catch (Exception ex) {
                if (ex.GetBaseException() is smART.Common.DuplicateException)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Error", ex.GetBaseException().Message);
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Error", ex.Message);
            return(Display(command, data.PaymentReceipt.ID.ToString(), isNew));
Пример #18
        private void SetPrimaryAddress(AddressBook entity)
            IEnumerable <AddressBook> resultList = null;

            if (entity.Party.ID > 0)
                resultList = new AddressBookLibrary(ConfigurationHelper.GetsmARTDBContextConnectionString()).GetAllByParentID(entity.Party.ID);
                resultList = (IList <AddressBook>)Session["AddressBook"];
            if (entity.Primary_Flag == true)
                var oldPrimaryAdd = resultList == null ? null : resultList.Where(o => o.Primary_Flag == true && o.ID != entity.ID).FirstOrDefault();

                if (oldPrimaryAdd != null)
                    oldPrimaryAdd.Primary_Flag = false;
                    if (entity.Party.ID > 0)
                        TempEntityList.SingleOrDefault(m => m.ID == oldPrimaryAdd.ID).InjectFrom(oldPrimaryAdd);
                var oldPrimaryAdd = resultList == null ? null : resultList.Where(o => o.Primary_Flag == true).FirstOrDefault();
                if (oldPrimaryAdd == null)
                    entity.Primary_Flag = true;
        public override ActionResult _Delete(string id, GridCommand command, string MasterID = null, bool isNew = false)
            string filePath;
            string fileName;

            try {
                if (isNew)
                    //TODO: Delete entity with id
                    TEntity entity = TempEntityList.SingleOrDefault(m => m.ID == int.Parse(id));
                    filePath = _fileHelper.GetTempSourceDirByFileRefId(entity.Document_RefId.ToString());// Path.Combine(Configuration.GetsmARTTempDocPath(), entity.Document_RefId.ToString());
                    fileName = entity.Document_Name;
                    TEntity entity = Library.GetByID(id);

                    filePath = _fileHelper.GetSourceDirByFileRefId(entity.Document_RefId.ToString());
                    fileName = entity.Document_Name;


                _fileHelper.RemoveFile(fileName, filePath);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                ModelState.AddModelError("Error", ex.Message);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MasterID))
                return(Display(command, isNew));
                return(Display(command, MasterID, isNew));
        private void AddUnPaidPurchaseDispatcherExpenses(int dispathcerId)
            // Search for expenses that matches dispatcher id.
            ExpensesRequestLibrary lib             = new ExpensesRequestLibrary(ConfigurationHelper.GetsmARTDBContextConnectionString());
            string refTableName                    = new Model.DispatcherRequest().GetType().Name;
            IEnumerable <ExpensesRequest> expenses = lib.GetAllPurchasingExepneseByRefTableAndRefId(dispathcerId, refTableName, new[] { "Payment", "Paid_Party_To" });

            foreach (var item in expenses)
                // If expense already exists.
                if (TempEntityList.FirstOrDefault(m => m.ID == item.ID) == null)
                    // If party is null.
                    if (item.Paid_Party_To == null)
                        item.Paid_Party_To = new Party();

                    // Add to TempList.
 public override ActionResult _Insert(SettlementDetails data, GridCommand command, bool isNew = false)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         ScaleDetailsLibrary ScaleDetailsLibrary = new ScaleDetailsLibrary(ConfigurationHelper.GetsmARTDBContextConnectionString());
         ScaleDetails        scaleDetails        = ScaleDetailsLibrary.GetByID(data.Scale_Details_ID.ID.ToString(), new string[] { "Scale", "Scale.Purchase_Order", "Item_Received", "Apply_To_Item" });
         data.Scale_Details_ID.Scale.ID             = scaleDetails.Scale.ID;
         data.Scale_Details_ID.Apply_To_Item        = scaleDetails.Apply_To_Item;
         data.Scale_Details_ID.Scale                = scaleDetails.Scale;
         data.Scale_Details_ID.Contamination_Weight = scaleDetails.Contamination_Weight;
         data.Scale_Details_ID.Split_Value          = scaleDetails.Split_Value;
         if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data.Item_UOM) || data.Item_UOM == "LBS")
             data.Item_UOM           = "LBS";
             data.Item_UOM_Conv_Fact = 1;
             data.Item_UOM_NetWeight = data.Actual_Net_Weight;
         TempEntityList.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Scale_Details_ID.ID == data.Scale_Details_ID.ID).InjectFrom(data);
     return(Display(command, data.Scale_Details_ID.Scale.ID.ToString(), isNew));
        public ActionResult _Index(GridCommand command, int id)
            int totalRows = 0;

            //Delete entity from TempEntityList if exits.
            if (TempEntityList != null && TempEntityList.Count > 0)
                IList <SettlementDetails> settlementDetails = (from data in TempEntityList
                                                               where data.Scale_Details_ID.Scale.ID == id
                                                               select data as SettlementDetails).ToList <SettlementDetails>();

                foreach (var item in settlementDetails)

            //Get all unsettled scale details tickets
            string dbContextConnectionString        = ConfigurationHelper.GetsmARTDBContextConnectionString();
            ScaleDetailsLibrary scaleDetailsLibrary = new smART.Library.ScaleDetailsLibrary();

            IEnumerable <ScaleDetails> scaleDetailsList = scaleDetailsLibrary.GetAllByPagingByParentID
                                                              (out totalRows,
                                                              new string[] { "Scale", "Scale.Purchase_Order", "Item_Received", "Apply_To_Item" }

            // Create temp settlement details collection by scale details tickets
            int iValue = 1;
            PurchaseOrderItemLibrary poItemLibrary = new smART.Library.PurchaseOrderItemLibrary();


            foreach (var item in scaleDetailsList)
                SettlementDetails settlementDetails = new SettlementDetails();
                settlementDetails.ID = iValue;
                settlementDetails.Scale_Details_ID  = item;
                settlementDetails.Actual_Net_Weight = settlementDetails.Scale_Details_ID.NetWeight;

                //Get rate from PO Item
                if (item.Scale.Purchase_Order != null)
                    PurchaseOrderItem poItem = poItemLibrary.GetPOItemByItemCode(item.Scale.Purchase_Order.ID, item.Item_Received.ID, null);
                    // If po item exits then update rate and amount.
                    if (poItem != null)
                        settlementDetails.Rate     = poItem.Price;
                        settlementDetails.Item_UOM = poItem.Ordered_Qty_UOM;

                        // If po item unit is not lbs.
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settlementDetails.Item_UOM) && settlementDetails.Item_UOM.ToLower() != "lbs")
                            UOMConversionLibrary uomConvLib = new UOMConversionLibrary();
                            UOMConversion uomConv = uomConvLib.GetByUOM(poItem.Ordered_Qty_UOM, "LBS");
                            // When convertion factor not exits.
                            if (uomConv != null)
                                settlementDetails.Item_UOM_Conv_Fact = (decimal)uomConv.Factor;
                                settlementDetails.Item_UOM_NetWeight = settlementDetails.Actual_Net_Weight / (decimal)uomConv.Factor;
                                settlementDetails.Item_UOM_NetWeight = decimal.Round(settlementDetails.Item_UOM_NetWeight, 3, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                                settlementDetails.Item_UOM_Conv_Fact = 1;
                                settlementDetails.Item_UOM_NetWeight = settlementDetails.Actual_Net_Weight;
                        // When Unit is default. Set default unit.
                        settlementDetails.Amount = settlementDetails.Item_UOM_NetWeight * poItem.Price;
                        settlementDetails.Amount = decimal.Round(settlementDetails.Amount, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                        // When PO Item not exists.Set default unit.
                // When PO not exists.Set default unit.
                settlementDetails.Settlement_ID = new Settlement();
                settlementDetails.Price_List_ID = new PriceList();


            return(Display(command, id.ToString(), true));