protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (base.Module != null) { this.controlPanel = null; if (base.Module is WebModule) { this.controlPanel = ((WebModule)base.Module).CreateControlPanel(this, true); } else { this.controlPanel = base.Module.CreateControlPanel(this); } if (this.controlPanel != null) { this.controlPanel.ID = "contolPanel"; this.ControlPanelHolder.Controls.Add(this.controlPanel); } if (this.controlPanel is Telerik.Web.IControlPanel) { Telerik.Web.IControlPanel ctrlPnl = (Telerik.Web.IControlPanel) this.controlPanel; foreach (Telerik.Web.ICommandPanel cmdPnl in ctrlPnl.CommandPanels) { this.ToolBoxHolder.Controls.Add((Control)cmdPnl); } } else { int i = 0; foreach (IControlPanelCommand ctrl in base.Module.CreateToolBoxControls(this)) { if (ctrl is Control) { i++; Control ctrl2 = ctrl as Control; ctrl2.ID = "toolBox" + i; } ctrl.ControlPanelID = "contolPanel"; this.ToolBoxHolder.Controls.Add((Control)ctrl); } } } }
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { base.OnPreRender(e); if (this.controlPanel is IControlPanel) { IControlPanel pnl = (IControlPanel)this.controlPanel; this.ControlPanelTitle.InnerText = pnl.Title; } else if (this.controlPanel is Telerik.Web.IControlPanel) { Telerik.Web.IControlPanel pnl = (Telerik.Web.IControlPanel) this.controlPanel; if (pnl is IViewModeControl) { // Ivan's note: UX does not want the title for the new modules, only breadcrumb this.ControlPanelTitle.Visible = false; } else { this.ControlPanelTitle.InnerText = pnl.Title; } } }