Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the <see cref="Command"/> encoded by given command string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandString">The command string to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="Command"/> encoded by given command string.</returns>
        public static Command GetCommand(string commandString)
            if (commandString.StartsWith("IRCODE"))

            if (commandString.StartsWith("KEYBOARD"))

            if (commandString.StartsWith("SETCH"))

            if (commandString.StartsWith("FORCECH"))

            if (commandString.StartsWith("TELEPORT"))

Пример #2
        public ApplicationArchiVR applicationArchiVR; // TODO: Design defect: this should be 'private' but because of unit testing we cannot make it so!


        /// <summary>
        /// <see cref="Server.OnClientConnected(ClientConnection)"/> implementation.
        /// </summary>
        override protected void OnClientConnected(ClientConnection newClientConnection)
            _log.Warning(string.Format("ServerArchiVR.OnClientConnected Client[{0}]", newClientConnection.ClientID));

            // Now the client is connected, initialize it to the server's application state.

            // A) Make the new Client know about existing Players.
            lock (applicationArchiVR.Players)
                if (applicationArchiVR.Players.Count == 0)
                    _log.Warning(string.Format("ServerArchiVR.OnClientConnected Client[{0}]: No pre-existing clients", newClientConnection.ClientID));

                // For each existing player, ...
                foreach (var player in applicationArchiVR.Players.Values)
                    //... except players hosted  by the new client ...
                    if (player.ClientID != newClientConnection.ClientID)
                        _log.Warning(string.Format("ServerArchiVR.OnClientConnected Client[{0}]: Notify new client about existing player {1}", newClientConnection.ClientID, player.LogID));
                        // ... send an AddPlayerCommand.
                        SendCommand(new AddPlayerCommand(player), newClientConnection); // This makes the new client initialize a remote user for the existing client.
                        _log.Warning(string.Format("ServerArchiVR.OnClientConnected Client[{0}]: Do not notify new client about existing player {1} because it is his/hers", newClientConnection.ClientID, player.ID));

            //B) Initialize new client to...
            if (clientConnections.Count > 1) // Hack to distinguish the local client running on server host. -> must/will be taken care of in ServerClient implementation.
                // ...correct project/POI: spawn at the current Project and POI.
                var teleportCommand = new TeleportCommand();
                teleportCommand.ProjectIndex = applicationArchiVR.ActiveProjectIndex;
                teleportCommand.POIName      = applicationArchiVR.ActivePOIName;

                SendCommand(teleportCommand, newClientConnection);

                // ...the same immersion mode.
                //var setImmersionModeCommand = new SetImmersionModeCommand();
                //setImmersionModeCommand.ImmersionModeIndex = applicationArchiVR.ActiveImmersionModeIndex;

                //SendCommand(setImmersionModeCommand, newClientConnection);

            bool playerForClientReceived = false;

            while (!playerForClientReceived)
                lock (applicationArchiVR.Players)
                    foreach (var player in applicationArchiVR.Players.Values)
                        if (player.ClientID == newClientConnection.ClientID)
                            playerForClientReceived = true;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles commands for the TiVo published to MQTT.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Event args.</param>
        protected override async void Mqtt_MqttMsgPublishReceived(MqttApplicationMessageReceivedEventArgs e)
            var message = e.ApplicationMessage.ConvertPayloadToString();

            _log.LogInformation("MQTT message received for topic " + e.ApplicationMessage.Topic + ": " + message);

            var commandType = e.ApplicationMessage.Topic.Replace(TopicRoot + "/controls/", string.Empty).Replace("/set", string.Empty);

            Command command = null;

            if (commandType == "setCh")
                var messageParts = message.Split('.');
                if (int.TryParse(messageParts[0], out int channel))
                    if (messageParts.Length == 1)
                        command = new SetChCommand {
                            Channel = channel
                    else if (messageParts.Length == 2 && int.TryParse(messageParts[0], out int subchannel))
                        command = new SetChCommand {
                            Channel = channel, Subchannel = subchannel

            if (commandType == "forceCh")
                var messageParts = message.Split('.');
                if (int.TryParse(messageParts[0], out int channel))
                    if (messageParts.Length == 1)
                        command = new ForceChCommand {
                            Channel = channel
                    else if (messageParts.Length == 2 && int.TryParse(messageParts[0], out int subchannel))
                        command = new ForceChCommand {
                            Channel = channel, Subchannel = subchannel

            if (commandType == "irCode")
                command = new IrCommand {
                    IrCode = message

            if (commandType == "teleport")
                command = new TeleportCommand {
                    TeleportCode = message

            if (commandType == "keyboard")
                command = new KeyboardCommand {
                    KeyboardCode = message

            if (command != null)
                await _client.SendCommandAsync(command)