void Update() { //from database //StartCoroutine(GetRequest("http://localhost:3000/api/simulation/state")); //from file string tele_in = File.ReadAllText(Application.dataPath + "/Test_1.json"); info = JsonUtility.FromJson <Teleinfo>(tele_in); Debug.Log(info.timer.ToString()); counttext.text = tele_in; if (info.heart_bpm < 60 || info.heart_bpm > 100) { Debug.Log("Emergency"); super_but.GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.red; warn_pan.SetActive(false); e_pan.SetActive(true); } /*if (timeLeft >= -4) * { * timeLeft -= Time.deltaTime; * //Debug.Log(timeLeft); * if (timeLeft < 24) * { * Debug.Log("warning"); * warn_pan.SetActive(true); * super_but.GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.yellow; * } * if (timeLeft < 10) * { * Debug.Log("emergency"); * * super_but.GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.red; * warn_pan.SetActive(false); * e_pan.SetActive(true); * } * * }else { * e_pan.SetActive(false); * warn_pan.SetActive(false); * }*/ }
//get touch with database IEnumerator GetRequest(string uri) { using (UnityWebRequest webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Get(uri)) { // Request and wait for the desired page. yield return(webRequest.SendWebRequest()); string[] pages = uri.Split('/'); int page = pages.Length - 1; if (webRequest.isNetworkError) { Debug.Log(pages[page] + ": Error: " + webRequest.error); counttext.text = webRequest.error; } else { //Debug.Log(pages[page] + ":\nReceived: " + webRequest.downloadHandler.text); counttext.text = webRequest.downloadHandler.text; //JSONObject json = new JSONObject(www.text); string response = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(webRequest.downloadHandler.data); //Teleinfo player= JsonUtility.ToJson(response); //Teleinfo player = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Teleinfo>(response); // Teleinfo t = new Teleinfo(); //Teleinfo json = new Teleinfo(webRequest.downloadHandler.text); info = JsonUtility.FromJson <Teleinfo>(webRequest.downloadHandler.text); Debug.Log(info.timer.ToString()); /*if (info.heart_bpm < 60 || info.heart_bpm > 100) * { * * Debug.Log("Emergency"); * * super_but.GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.red; * warn_pan.SetActive(false); * e_pan.SetActive(true); * * * }*/ } } }
//get touch with database IEnumerator GetRequest(string uri) { using (UnityWebRequest webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Get(uri)) { // Request and wait for the desired page. yield return(webRequest.SendWebRequest()); string[] pages = uri.Split('/'); int page = pages.Length - 1; if (webRequest.isNetworkError) { Debug.Log(pages[page] + ": Error: " + webRequest.error); counttext.text = webRequest.error; } else { //Debug.Log(pages[page] + ":\nReceived: " + webRequest.downloadHandler.text); counttext.text = webRequest.downloadHandler.text; //JSONObject json = new JSONObject(www.text); string response = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(webRequest.downloadHandler.data); //Teleinfo player= JsonUtility.ToJson(response); //Teleinfo player = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Teleinfo>(response); // Teleinfo t = new Teleinfo(); //Teleinfo json = new Teleinfo(webRequest.downloadHandler.text); if (webRequest.downloadHandler.text == null) { Debug.Log("No connection"); } info = JsonUtility.FromJson <Teleinfo>(webRequest.downloadHandler.text); //Debug.Log(info.timer.ToString()); time_text.text = "EVA time: " + info.timer.ToString().ToString(); bat_text.text = "Battery left: " + info.t_battery.ToString(); o2_text.text = "02 left: " + info.t_oxygen.ToString(); h20_text.text = "H20 left: " + info.t_water.ToString(); temp_text.text = "Temp:" + info.t_sub + "F"; subp_text.text = "Press:" + info.p_sub + "psia"; heart_text.text = "Heart:" + info.heart_bpm + "bmp"; fan_text.text = "Fan:" + info.v_fan + "rpm"; if (System.Convert.ToInt32(info.v_fan) < 10000) { Debug.Log("Emergency"); super_but.GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.red; //color_bt.GetComponent<Image>().color= Color.red; warn_pan.SetActive(false); e_pan.SetActive(true); } else if (System.Convert.ToInt32(info.v_fan) < 15000 || System.Convert.ToInt32(info.v_fan) > 40000) { Debug.Log("Warning"); super_but.GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.yellow; //color_bt.GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.yellow; warn_pan.SetActive(true); e_pan.SetActive(false); } else { super_but.GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.green; //Color c = new Color32(19, 210, 241, 255); //color_bt.GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.blue; warn_pan.SetActive(false); e_pan.SetActive(false); } } } }
void Update() { //from database //StartCoroutine(GetRequest("http://localhost:3000/api/simulation/state")); //StartCoroutine(GetRequest("http://gooabcgle.com")); // StartCoroutine(GetRequest("")); //from file //string path = string.Format("{0}/mydata/{1}.json", Application.persistentDataPath, filename); o2timeLeft -= Time.deltaTime; h20imeLeft -= Time.deltaTime; battimeLeft -= Time.deltaTime; evatime += Time.deltaTime; //Application.dataPath //Application.persistentDataPath //string tele_in = File.ReadAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/Test_1.json"); //info = JsonUtility.FromJson<Teleinfo>(tele_in); //Debug.Log(info.timer.ToString()); Teleinfo t = new Teleinfo(); t._id = "5eb45106a2e9745e38d1d8c6"; t.time = 8525.543000000038; t.timer = "02:22:05"; t.started_at = "2020-05-07T18:18:46.191Z"; t.heart_bpm = 90; t.p_sub = "3.93"; t.p_suit = "3.95"; t.t_sub = "31.7"; t.v_fan = "39986"; t.p_o2 = "775.02"; t.rate_o2 = "0.6"; t.batteryPercent = 40.79484027777724; t.battery_out = 40; t.cap_battery = 29; t.t_battery = "01:37:54"; t.p_h2o_g = "15.18"; t.p_h2o_l = "15.89"; t.p_sop = "882"; t.rate_sop = "1.0"; t.t_oxygenPrimary = "21.05978703703501"; t.t_oxygenSec = "100"; t.ox_primary = "21"; t.ox_secondary = "100"; t.t_oxygen = "03:37:54"; t.cap_water = 56.94170202020222; t.t_water = "03:07:54"; t.__v = 0; //counttext.text = tele_in; string tjson = JsonUtility.ToJson(t); Debug.Log(tjson.ToString()); counttext.text = tjson.ToString(); // time_text.text="EVA time: "+t.timer.ToString(); time_text.text = "EVA time: " + System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(evatime).ToString(); //bat_text.text = "Battery left: " + t.t_battery.ToString(); bat_text.text = "Battery left: " + System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(battimeLeft).ToString(); //o2_text.text = "02 left: " + t.t_oxygen.ToString(); o2_text.text = "02 left: " + System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(o2timeLeft).ToString(); // h20_text.text = "H20 left: " + t.t_oxygen.ToString(); h20_text.text = "H20 left: " + System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(h20imeLeft).ToString(); temp_text.text = "Temp:" + t.t_sub + "F"; subp_text.text = "Press:" + t.p_sub + "psia"; heart_text.text = "Heart:" + t.heart_bpm + "bmp"; fan_text.text = "Fan:" + t.v_fan + "rpm"; if (t.heart_bpm < 60 || t.heart_bpm > 100 || System.Convert.ToInt32(t.v_fan) < 10000) { Debug.Log("Emergency"); super_but.GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.red; warn_pan.SetActive(false); e_pan.SetActive(true); } if (timeLeft >= -4) { timeLeft -= Time.deltaTime; //Debug.Log(timeLeft); if (timeLeft < 24) { Debug.Log("warning"); warn_pan.SetActive(true); super_but.GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.yellow; } if (timeLeft < 10) { Debug.Log("emergency"); super_but.GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.red; warn_pan.SetActive(false); e_pan.SetActive(true); } } else { e_pan.SetActive(false); warn_pan.SetActive(false); } }