public ComparePlayer(String player1, String team1, String player2, String team2) { this.player1 = player1; this.team1 = team1; this.player2 = player2; this.team2 = team2; pl1 = TeamsConnection.comparingPlayers(player1, team1); pl2 = TeamsConnection.comparingPlayers(player2, team2); pst1 = TeamsConnection.comparingFormerTeams(player1, team1); pst2 = TeamsConnection.comparingFormerTeams(player2, team2); }
public League(String lg) { teams = TeamsConnection.displayTeams(lg); league = lg; lastChamp = TeamsConnection.lastChampion(lg); topChampions = TeamsConnection.top5Champions(); topCupWinners = TeamsConnection.top5CupWinners(); topCurrentLeagueAppearances = TeamsConnection.top10LeagueAppearances(lg, true); topCurrentLeagueScorers = TeamsConnection.top10LeagueScorers(lg, true); topOverallLeagueAppearances = TeamsConnection.top10LeagueAppearances(lg, false); topOverallLeagueScorers = TeamsConnection.top10LeagueScorers(lg, false); leagueForeignGoals = TeamsConnection.LeagueGoalsFromForeigners(lg); }
public CompareTeam(String name1, String league1, String name2, String league2) { this.name1 = name1; this.name2 = name2; this.league1 = league1; this.league2 = league2; team1 = TeamsConnection.ComparingTeams(name1); team2 = TeamsConnection.ComparingTeams(name2); pos1 = TeamsConnection.getTeamPosition(name1, league1); pos2 = TeamsConnection.getTeamPosition(name2, league2); presentCommonPlayers = TeamsConnection.ActivePlayersPlayedInBothTeams(name1, name2); allTimeCommonPlayers = TeamsConnection.PlayersPlayedInBothTeams(name1, name2); }
protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <PastTeams> pastteams = new List <PastTeams>(); String playerID = TeamsConnection.transferedPlayerId(ddlPlayers.SelectedValue, ddlTeams.SelectedValue); String newTeam = ddlTeams2.SelectedValue; String formerTeam = ddlTeams.SelectedValue; String lb = loanedBy.Text; using (TransactionScope tran = new TransactionScope()) { if (ptlabel.Visible || PastTeamsFlag2.Checked) { int psts = Convert.ToInt16(PastTeamsNumber.Text); if (psts > 0) { bool fl = false; String team = null; String country = null; foreach (TextBox t in ts) { if (!fl) { team = GetValue(t.ID); fl = true; } else { country = GetValue(t.ID); pastteams.Add(new PastTeams(playerID, team, country)); fl = false; } } TeamsConnection.addPastTeamsOfNewPlayer(pastteams); } } if (!TeamsConnection.isPastTeam(playerID, formerTeam) && !PastTeamsFlag.Checked && !formerTeam.Equals("Εκτός Βάσης")) { pastteams.Clear(); pastteams.Add(new PastTeams(playerID, formerTeam, "Ελλάδα")); TeamsConnection.addPastTeamsOfNewPlayer(pastteams); } TeamsConnection.transferPlayerToTeam(playerID, newTeam, lb); tran.Complete(); } }
protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String league = dllLeague.SelectedValue; int homeScore = Convert.ToInt16(GetValue("h_score")); int awayScore = Convert.ToInt16(GetValue("a_score")); List <Scorer> pls; using (TransactionScope tran = new TransactionScope()) { pls = new List <Scorer>(); String playerID; int goals; for (int i = 0; i < hnames.Length; i++) { if (!GetValue(happs[i].ID).Equals("0")) { goals = Convert.ToInt16(GetValue(hgoals[i].ID)); playerID = TeamsConnection.transferedPlayerId(hnames[i], homeTeam); pls.Add(new Scorer(playerID, goals)); } } for (int i = 0; i < anames.Length; i++) { if (!GetValue(aapps[i].ID).Equals("0")) { goals = Convert.ToInt16(GetValue(agoals[i].ID)); playerID = TeamsConnection.transferedPlayerId(anames[i], awayTeam); pls.Add(new Scorer(playerID, goals)); } } TeamsConnection.updateGoalsForAwayPointsAndGames(homeTeam, homeScore, awayScore); TeamsConnection.updateGoalsForAwayPointsAndGames(awayTeam, awayScore, homeScore); TeamsConnection.updatePlayerAppearancesGoals(pls, league); tran.Complete(); } }
//String foreignGoals; public TeamOfLeague(String tm, String league) { t = tm; l = league; players = TeamsConnection.displayPlayers(t); pastTeams = TeamsConnection.loadPastTeams(); team = TeamsConnection.displayCurrentTeam(t, l); loaned = TeamsConnection.LoanedPlayers(t); currentAppearances = TeamsConnection.top5Appearances(t, l, true); currentGoals = TeamsConnection.Top5goalscorers(t, l, true); overallAppearances = TeamsConnection.top5Appearances(t, l, false); overallGoals = TeamsConnection.Top5goalscorers(t, l, false); avHeight = TeamsConnection.averageHeight(t); avAge = TeamsConnection.averageAge(t); travellers = TeamsConnection.top3travellers(t); formerPlayers = TeamsConnection.FormerPlayers(t); foreigners = TeamsConnection.foreigners(t); info = TeamsConnection.teamInfo(t); //foreignGoals = TeamsConnection.TeamGoalsFromForeigners(t, l); }
public PlayerOfTeam(String pID, String tm, String lg) { playerID = pID; team = tm; league = lg; player = TeamsConnection.getPlayerByID(pID, lg); overallLeagueAppearancesTeamOrder = TeamsConnection.getLeagueAppearancesTeamOrder(pID, tm, lg, false); overallLeagueAppearancesLeagueOrder = TeamsConnection.getLeagueAppearancesLeagueOrder(pID, lg, false); presentLeagueAppearancesTeamOrder = TeamsConnection.getLeagueAppearancesTeamOrder(pID, tm, lg, true); presentLeagueAppearancesLeagueOrder = TeamsConnection.getLeagueAppearancesLeagueOrder(pID, lg, true); overallLeagueGoalsTeamOrder = TeamsConnection.getLeagueGoalsTeamOrder(pID, tm, lg, false); overallLeagueGoalsLeagueOrder = TeamsConnection.getLeagueGoalsLeagueOrder(pID, lg, false); presentLeagueGoalsTeamOrder = TeamsConnection.getLeagueGoalsTeamOrder(pID, tm, lg, true); presentLeagueGoalsLeagueOrder = TeamsConnection.getLeagueGoalsLeagueOrder(pID, lg, true); overallLeagueGoalsRateTeamOrder = TeamsConnection.getLeagueGoalsRateTeamOrder(pID, tm, lg, false); overallLeagueGoalsRateLeagueOrder = TeamsConnection.getLeagueGoalsRateLeagueOrder(pID, lg, false); presentLeagueGoalsRateTeamOrder = TeamsConnection.getLeagueGoalsRateTeamOrder(pID, tm, lg, true); presentLeagueGoalsRateLeagueOrder = TeamsConnection.getLeagueGoalsRateLeagueOrder(pID, lg, true); info = TeamsConnection.teamInfo(tm); pastTeams = TeamsConnection.getPastTeamsOfPlayer(pID); }
private void loading() { lpid.Text = TeamsConnection.getLastPlayerID(); }
public PlayersPassedFromTeam(String team) { = team; players = TeamsConnection.getAllTheFormerOrPresentPlayers(team); }
public PlayerSearch(String nam, int r) : base(nam) { playersSearched = TeamsConnection.getPlayersSearched(nam, 432423); flag = false; }
public PlayerSearch(String nam) : base(nam) { playersSearched = TeamsConnection.getPlayersSearched(nam); name = nam; flag = true; }
public PlayerPlayedInCountry(String country) { = country; players = TeamsConnection.getAllPlayersPlayingInCountry(country); }
public PlayerComingFromCountry(String country) { = country; players = TeamsConnection.getAllPlayersComingFromCountry(country); }
public TeamOfFootballLeague(String t) : base(t, "Football League") { formerSups = TeamsConnection.FormerSuperleaguePlayers(t); }
protected void newPlayerSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool flag = false; if (npid.Text.Equals("")) { npid.Text = "FILL ME"; flag = true; } if (npname.Text.Equals("")) { npname.Text = "FILL ME"; flag = true; } if (npteam.Text.Equals("")) { npteam.Text = "FILL ME"; flag = true; } if (npheight.Text.Equals("")) { npheight.Text = "FILL ME"; flag = true; } if (npsgoals.Text.Equals("")) { npsgoals.Text = "FILL ME"; flag = true; } if (npfgoals.Text.Equals("")) { npfgoals.Text = "FILL ME"; flag = true; } if (npage.Text.Equals("")) { npage.Text = "FILL ME"; flag = true; } if (npposition.Text.Equals("")) { npposition.Text = "FILL ME"; flag = true; } if (npcountry.Text.Equals("")) { npcountry.Text = "FILL ME"; flag = true; } if (npsapps.Text.Equals("")) { npsapps.Text = "FILL ME"; flag = true; } if (npfapps.Text.Equals("")) { npfapps.Text = "FILL ME"; flag = true; } if (nploanedby.Text.Equals("")) { nploanedby.Text = "FILL ME"; flag = true; } if (npspapps.Text.Equals("")) { npspapps.Text = "FILL ME"; flag = true; } if (npfpapps.Text.Equals("")) { npfpapps.Text = "FILL ME"; flag = true; } if (npspgoals.Text.Equals("")) { npspgoals.Text = "FILL ME"; flag = true; } if (npfpgoals.Text.Equals("")) { npfpgoals.Text = "FILL ME"; flag = true; } if (npptnumber.Text.Equals("")) { npptnumber.Text = "FILL ME"; flag = true; } if (flag) { return; } using (TransactionScope tran = new TransactionScope()) { float h = float.Parse(npheight.Text); /*float hei = (float)h; * if (h.ToString().Length == 3) * { * hei =(float) (h * 0.01f); * } * else if ((h.ToString().Length == 2)) * { * hei = (double) (h * 0.1f); * }*/ Player player = new Player(npid.Text, npname.Text, npteam.Text, h, Convert.ToInt16(npsgoals.Text) , Convert.ToInt16(npfgoals.Text), Convert.ToInt16(npage.Text), npposition.Text, npcountry.Text, Convert.ToInt16(npsapps.Text), Convert.ToInt16(npfapps.Text), nploanedby.Text, Convert.ToInt16(npspapps.Text), Convert.ToInt16(npfpapps.Text), Convert.ToInt16(npspgoals.Text), Convert.ToInt16(npfpgoals.Text)); int res = TeamsConnection.addNewPlayer(player); if (res == -1) { newPlayerWarnings.Text = "An error occured while inserting the players' personal data"; return; } int ptnum = Convert.ToInt16(npptnumber.Text); if (ptnum == 0) { tran.Complete(); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); return; } List <PastTeams> psts = new List <PastTeams>(); bool fl = false; String team = null; String country = null; foreach (TextBox t in ts) { if (!fl) { team = GetValue(t.ID); fl = true; } else { country = GetValue(t.ID); psts.Add(new PastTeams(npid.Text, team, country)); fl = false; } } /*int counter = 0; * foreach (TableRow row in table.Rows) * { * bool fl = false; * string team = null; * string country = null; * TextBox t = null; * foreach (TableCell cell in row.Cells) * { * if (!cell.Text.Equals("TEAM") && !cell.Text.Equals("COUNTRY")) * { * if (!fl) { * t = cell.FindControl("pt" + counter) as TextBox; * team = t.Text; * } * else * { * t = cell.FindControl("ptc" + counter) as TextBox; * country = t.Text; * psts.Add(new PastTeams(npid.Text, team, country)); * counter++; * } * fl = true; * } * } * }*/ res = TeamsConnection.addPastTeamsOfNewPlayer(psts); if (res == -1) { newPlayerWarnings.Text = "An error occured while inserting the players' past teams' data"; return; } tran.Complete(); } Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); }
private void createControls(String team, Panel panel, bool home) { String prefix; if (home) { prefix = "h"; } else { prefix = "a"; } List <String> teamPlayers = TeamsConnection.displayPlayers(team, 23); TextBox[] goals = new TextBox[teamPlayers.Count]; TextBox score; TextBox[] apps = new TextBox[teamPlayers.Count]; String[] names = new String[teamPlayers.Count]; table = new Table(); table.CssClass = "players"; TableCell cell; TableCell cell2; TableCell cell3; TableRow row; TextBox c; Label l; TextBox t; cell = new TableCell(); cell2 = new TableCell(); row = new TableRow(); cell.Text = "SCORE"; cell.ColumnSpan = 2; score = new TextBox(); score.ID = prefix + "_score"; score.Width = 15; score.Text = "0"; cell2.Controls.Add(score); row.Cells.Add(cell); row.Cells.Add(cell2); table.Rows.Add(row); cell = new TableCell(); cell2 = new TableCell(); cell3 = new TableCell(); row = new TableRow(); cell.Text = "PLAYED"; cell2.Text = "NAME"; cell3.Text = "GOALS"; row.Cells.Add(cell); row.Cells.Add(cell2); row.Cells.Add(cell3); table.Rows.Add(row); int counter = 0; foreach (String pl in teamPlayers) { row = new TableRow(); cell = new TableCell(); cell2 = new TableCell(); cell3 = new TableCell(); c = new TextBox(); c.ID = prefix + "_app_" + counter.ToString(); if (prefix.Equals("h")) { c.TextChanged += new EventHandler(onHomePlayerNumber_Change); } else { c.TextChanged += new EventHandler(onAwayPlayerNumber_Change); } c.Text = "0"; c.Width = 10; //c.AutoPostBack = true; l = new Label(); l.Text = pl; l.CssClass = "playerName"; t = new TextBox(); t.ID = prefix + "_goals_" + counter.ToString(); t.Width = 10; t.Text = "0"; t.CssClass = "playerGoals"; cell.Controls.Add(c); cell2.Controls.Add(l); cell3.Controls.Add(t); goals[counter] = t; apps[counter] = c; names[counter] = pl; row.Cells.Add(cell); row.Cells.Add(cell2); row.Cells.Add(cell3); table.Rows.Add(row); counter++; } panel.Controls.Add(table); if (home) { happs = apps; hgoals = goals; hnames = names; hscore = score; } else { aapps = apps; agoals = goals; anames = names; ascore = score; } }
public TeamSearch(String nam) : base(nam) { teamsSearched = TeamsConnection.getTeamsSearched(nam); }