void Update() { if (PV.IsMine) { if (teamToken.teamCaptain != null || !waitForTeamToken) { foreach (string objectName in objectNames) { GameObject go = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate( Path.Combine("PhotonPrefabs", folderName, objectName), transform.position, transform.rotation ); //Color ColorInitializer colorInit = go.FindComponent <ColorInitializer>(); if (colorInit) { colorInit.setColor(PlayerColor); } //Delegate if (onObjectSpawned != null) { onObjectSpawned(go); } TeamToken.seeRecruiter(go, teamToken.owner, true); } PhotonNetwork.Destroy(this.gameObject); } } }
public GameObject spawnObject(ObjectSpawnInfo osi, Vector2 pos, Vector2 dir, float addSpawnBuffer = 0) { if (PV.IsMine) { //Make sure dir is a unit vector if (!Mathf.Approximately(dir.sqrMagnitude, 1)) { throw new System.ArgumentException( $"dir needs to be a unit vector! dir: {dir}, " + $"sqrMagnitude: {dir.sqrMagnitude}" ); } //Initialize arguments string pathName = Path.Combine("PhotonPrefabs", folderName, osi.objectName); Vector2 position = pos + (dir * (osi.spawnBuffer + addSpawnBuffer)); position += osi.spawnOffset; Quaternion rotation = (osi.rotateShot) ? Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, Vector2.SignedAngle(Vector2.up, dir)) : Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0); //Instantiate GameObject go = (SpawnMaster) //Spawn as scene object (doesn't disappear when player disconnects) ? PhotonNetwork.InstantiateRoomObject(pathName, position, rotation) //Spawn as player object (disappears when player disconnects) : PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(pathName, position, rotation) ; //Team Token if (osi.inheritTeamToken) { TeamToken.seeRecruiter(go, teamToken.owner, true); } //Color if (osi.inheritColor) { ColorInitializer colorInit = go.FindComponent <ColorInitializer>(); if (colorInit) { colorInit.setColor(PlayerColor); } } //Delegate onObjectSpawned?.Invoke(go, position, dir); //Return return(go); } return(null); }
public static void seeRecruiter(GameObject go, TeamToken recruiter, bool ownedObject = false) { TeamToken tt = getTeamToken(go, true); tt.seeRecruiter(recruiter, ownedObject); }