Пример #1
        // TODO: Return the player for the specified player number, or null if not located.
        // The playerNumber parameter must be > 0. If it is not then return a null result.
        // Note
        //   Team.Players has the players for the team.
        //   Player.PlayerNumber is the field to be compared against
        public Player PlayerByPlayerNumber(int playerNumber)
            var selectedPlayer = TeamReferenceData
                                 .Select(tfd => tfd.Players.Where(p => p.PlayerNumber == playerNumber).FirstOrDefault())
                                 .Where(tfd => tfd != null).FirstOrDefault();

Пример #2
        // TODO: For each team return their win % as well as their players win %, sorted by the team 'win %' highest to lowest.
        // If a teamId is specified then return data for only that team i.e. result list will only contain a single entry
        // otherwise if the teamId=0 return item data for each team in TeamReferenceData supplied in the constructor.
        // If a team is specified and cannot be located then return a empty list (list must be empty and not null).
        // NB! If any player on the team has played 100 or more matches then IStatsWeighting must be invoked with the required parameters
        //    ONLY make this call if one or more of the player matches is >= 100.
        //    The result must be stored in the PlayerWeighting field inside the TeamValue result class.
        //    If all the players within the team has played less than 100 matches each then PlayerWeighting must be set to 0.
        // Note
        //   Team Win % is Team.Victories over Team.Matches
        //   Player Win % is Player.Wins over Player.Matches i.e. the sum of all players win / matches on the team.
        public IEnumerable <TeamValue> TeamWinPercentage(int teamId = 0)
            var teamValueList = TeamReferenceData
                                .Select(tfd =>
                teamModel          = tfd,
                teamWinsPercantage = percentageCalculator(tfd.Victories, tfd.Matches)
                                .Select(twp =>
                team       = twp,
                playerData = twp.teamModel.Players
                             .Select(p => new
                    player = p,
                    playerWinPercantage = percentageCalculator(p.Wins, p.Matches),
                    PlayerWeighting     = (p.Matches >= 100) ? StatsWeighting.Apply(percentageCalculator(p.Wins, p.Matches), p.Matches) : 0
                                .Select(twapwp => new TeamValue
                Id   = twapwp.team.teamModel.Id,
                Name = twapwp.team.teamModel.Name,
                TeamWinsPercentage  = twapwp.team.teamWinsPercantage,
                PlayerWinPercentage = twapwp.playerData.Select(pd => pd.playerWinPercantage).Sum(),
                PlayerWeighting     = (twapwp.playerData.Select(pd => pd.PlayerWeighting)).FirstOrDefault()
                                .OrderByDescending(tv => tv.TeamWinsPercentage)

            if (teamId > 0)
                if (teamValueList.Exists(tv => tv.Id == teamId))
                    return(teamValueList.Where(tv => tv.Id == teamId).ToList());
                    return(new List <TeamValue>());
Пример #3
        // TODO: Return the driver for the specified car number, or null if not located.
        // The carNo parameter must be > 0. If it is not then return a null result.
        // Note
        //   Team.Drivers has the drivers for the team.
        //   Driver.CarNumber contains the car number
        public Driver DriverByCarNo(int carNo)
            if (carNo <= 0)

            var driver = TeamReferenceData.ToList().SelectMany(team => team.Drivers.Where(racer => racer.CarNumber == carNo))
                         .FirstOrDefault(racer => racer.CarNumber == carNo);

            if (driver == null)
Пример #4
        // TODO: For each team return their win % as well as their drivers win %, sorted by the team 'win %' highest to lowest.
        // If a teamId is specified then return data for only that team i.e. method result list will only a single entry
        // otherwise if the teamId=0 return item data for each team in TeamReferenceData supplied in the constructor
        // If a team is specified and cannot be located then return a empty list.
        // NB! If a driver has done 100 or more races then IF1StatsWeighting must be invoked with the required parameters
        //    ONLY make this call if the drivers races >= 100.
        //    The result must be stored in the DriverWeighting field of team value.
        //    If the driver has done less than 100 races the DriverWeighting must be set to 0.
        // Note
        //   Team Win % is Team.Victories over Team.Races
        //   Driver Win % is Driver.Wins over Driver.Races
        //   Only calculate win % for drivers. Exclude test drivers
        public IEnumerable <TeamValue> TeamWinPercentage(int teamId = 0)
            List <TeamValue> results = new List <TeamValue>();

            if (teamId != 0)
                var team = TeamReferenceData.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == teamId);
                if (team != null)

                return(new List <TeamValue>());
            foreach (var team in TeamReferenceData)
                var resultsForTeam = CalcTeamStats(team);

            return(results.OrderByDescending(t => t.TeamWinsPercentage));
Пример #5
        // TODO: For each team return their win % as well as their drivers win %, sorted by the team 'win %' highest to lowest.

        // If a teamId is specified then return data for only that team i.e. method result list will only a single entry

        // otherwise if the teamId=0 return item data for each team in TeamReferenceData supplied in the constructor
        // If a team is specified and cannot be located then return a empty list.

        // NB! If a teams drivers has done a total of 100 or more races (sum of all driver races) then
        //     IF1StatsWeighting must be invoked with the required parameters.
        //              winPercentage is the teams drivers win % (summed result of each driver)
        //              numberOfRaces is the teams drivers races (sum of all driver races)
        //    ONLY make this call if the drivers total races >= 100.

        //    The result must be stored in the DriverWeighting field of team value.
        //    If the drivers have done less than 100 races the DriverWeighting must be set to 0.

        // Note
        //   Team Win % is Team.Victories over Team.Races
        //   Driver Win % is Driver.Wins over Driver.Races
        //   Only calculate win % for drivers. Exclude test drivers
        public IEnumerable <TeamValue> TeamWinPercentage(int teamId = 0)
            IEnumerable <TeamValue> teamValueCollection = new List <TeamValue>();

            if (teamId != 0)
                // Get team for teamId
                Team team = TeamReferenceData.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == teamId);
                if (team == null)

                // I assume the client want these default values set
                TeamValue teamValue = new TeamValue();
                teamValue.Id   = team.Id;
                teamValue.Name = team.Name;

                // Team teamWinsPercentage
                teamValue.TeamWinsPercentage = (((double)team.Victories) / team.Races) * 100;

                // Team Drivers
                IEnumerable <Driver> teamDrivers = team.Drivers.Where(driver => driver.GetType().Name != "TestDriver");

                // Team Drivers Wins
                double teamsDriversWins = teamDrivers.Sum(driverWins => driverWins.Wins);

                // Team Drivers Races
                double teamsDriversRaces = teamDrivers.Sum(driverWins => driverWins.Races);

                // Team DriverWeighting
                if (teamsDriversRaces >= 100)
                    teamValue.DriverWeighting = StatsWeighting.Apply(teamValue.TeamWinsPercentage, (int)teamsDriversRaces);;
                    teamValue.DriverWeighting = 0;

                // Team DriverWinPercentage
                teamValue.DriverWinPercentage = ((double)teamsDriversWins / teamsDriversRaces) * 100;

                ((List <TeamValue>)teamValueCollection).Add(teamValue);
                int maxTeams = TeamReferenceData.Count();
                IEnumerator <Team> teamIterator = TeamReferenceData.GetEnumerator();
                TeamValue          teamValue;

                while (teamIterator.MoveNext())
                    teamValue      = new TeamValue();
                    teamValue.Id   = teamIterator.Current.Id;
                    teamValue.Name = teamIterator.Current.Name;

                    teamValue.TeamWinsPercentage = (((double)teamIterator.Current.Victories) / teamIterator.Current.Races) * 100;

                    IEnumerable <Driver> currentTeamDrivers = teamIterator.Current.Drivers.Where(driver => driver.GetType().Name != "TestDriver");

                    double teamsDriversWins = currentTeamDrivers.Sum(driverWins => driverWins.Wins);

                    double teamsDriversRaces = currentTeamDrivers.Sum(driverWins => driverWins.Races);

                    if (teamsDriversRaces >= 100)
                        teamValue.DriverWeighting = StatsWeighting.Apply(teamValue.TeamWinsPercentage, (int)teamsDriversRaces);;
                        teamValue.DriverWeighting = 0;

                    teamValue.DriverWinPercentage = (((double)teamsDriversWins) / teamsDriversRaces) * 100;

                    ((List <TeamValue>)teamValueCollection).Add(teamValue);

                ((List <TeamValue>)teamValueCollection).Sort(new TeamValueComparer());