private void SetScores(TeamLeague league, List <Tuple <Tuple <Team, int>, Tuple <Team, int> > > scores)
            int counter = 0;

            while (true)
                foreach (var round in league.Rounds)
                    foreach (var match in round.Matches)
                        var score = scores[counter];
                        match.MatchEntries.ToList()[0].Team  = score.Item1.Item1;
                        match.MatchEntries.ToList()[0].Score = new IntegerScore {
                            Value = score.Item1.Item2
                        match.MatchEntries.ToList()[1].Team  = score.Item2.Item1;
                        match.MatchEntries.ToList()[1].Score = new IntegerScore {
                            Value = score.Item2.Item2
                        if (counter == scores.Count)
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a complete list of PlayerFixtureStats representing an entire team for
        /// a fixture, regardless of whether the player has played in the fixture
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="existingPlayerFixtures"></param>
        /// <param name="allPlayersInTeam"></param>
        /// <param name="teamLeague"></param>
        /// <param name="fixture"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <PlayerFixtureStats> MapToPlayerFixtureStats(List <PlayerFixture> existingPlayerFixtures,
                                                                 List <Player> allPlayersInTeam,
                                                                 TeamLeague teamLeague,
                                                                 Fixture fixture)
            List <PlayerFixtureStats> playerFixturesScreen = new List <PlayerFixtureStats>();
            PlayerFixture             existingPlayerFixture;

            foreach (Player player in allPlayersInTeam)
                // Select PF record if exists
                existingPlayerFixture = existingPlayerFixtures.Where(x => x.Player.Id == player.Id).SingleOrDefault();

                // If a PF record exists, add it. If not, add a blank record
                if (existingPlayerFixture != null)
                    playerFixturesScreen.Add(new PlayerFixtureStats(existingPlayerFixture, true));
                    playerFixturesScreen.Add(new PlayerFixtureStats(new PlayerFixture(teamLeague, fixture, player, 0, 0), false));

        public void HomeAndAwayWins_TwoHomeWinsOneAwayWin_ReturnsTwoHomeWinsAndOneAwayWin()
            var teamLeagueA = new TeamLeague()
                Id = 1
            var teamLeagueB = new TeamLeague()
                Id = 2
            var teamLeagueC = new TeamLeague()
                Id = 3
            var fixtures = new List <Fixture>();

            fixtures.Add(GetFixture(teamLeagueA, teamLeagueB, true));  // A home win
            fixtures.Add(GetFixture(teamLeagueA, teamLeagueB, true));  // A home win
            fixtures.Add(GetFixture(teamLeagueB, teamLeagueA, false)); // A away win
            fixtures.Add(GetFixture(teamLeagueB, teamLeagueA, true));  // B win
            fixtures.Add(GetFixture(teamLeagueB, teamLeagueC, true));

            Assert.That(teamLeagueA.GetHomeWins(fixtures), Is.EqualTo(2));
            Assert.That(teamLeagueA.GetAwayWins(fixtures), Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(teamLeagueA.GetTotalWins(fixtures), Is.EqualTo(3));
        private TeamLeague AddTeamLeague(int id, Team team, League league, out TeamLeague teamLeague)
            teamLeague    = new TeamLeague(league, team, team.TeamName, team.TeamNameLong);
            teamLeague.Id = id;

        public void GetHomeWins_AwayForfeit_ReturnsOne()
            TeamLeague teamLeague = new TeamLeague()
                Id = 1, Team = new Team()
                    Id = 12
            List <Fixture> fixtures       = new List <Fixture>();
            Team           forfeitingTeam = new Team()
                Id = 11

            fixtures.Add(new Fixture()
                IsPlayed       = "Y",
                IsCupFixture   = false,
                Id             = 1,
                HomeTeamLeague = teamLeague,
                AwayTeamLeague = new TeamLeague()
                    Id = 2, Team = forfeitingTeam
                IsForfeit      = true,
                ForfeitingTeam = forfeitingTeam

            Assert.That(teamLeague.GetHomeWins(fixtures), Is.EqualTo(1));
        public void CanCreateTeamLeague()
            string teamName     = "Velocity";
            string teamNameLong = "Nunthorpe Velocity";
            Season season       = new Season(2008, 2009);
            League league       = new League(season, "Mens", 1, 1);
            Team   team         = new Team(teamName, teamNameLong);;

            TeamLeague teamLeague = new TeamLeague(league, team, teamName, teamNameLong);

            Assert.That(teamLeague.TeamName, Is.EqualTo(teamName));
            Assert.That(teamLeague.TeamNameLong, Is.EqualTo(teamNameLong));
            Assert.That(teamLeague.Team, Is.EqualTo(team));
            Assert.That(teamLeague.League, Is.EqualTo(league));

            // Assert defaults
            Assert.That(teamLeague.GamesLostAway, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(teamLeague.GamesLostHome, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(teamLeague.GamesLostTotal, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(teamLeague.GamesPct, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(teamLeague.GamesPlayed, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(teamLeague.GamesWonAway, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(teamLeague.GamesWonHome, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(teamLeague.GamesWonTotal, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(teamLeague.PointsAgainstPerGameAvg, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(teamLeague.PointsLeague, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(teamLeague.PointsScoredAgainst, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(teamLeague.PointsScoredDifference, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(teamLeague.PointsScoredFor, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(teamLeague.PointsScoredPerGameAvg, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(teamLeague.Streak, Is.EqualTo(null));
        public void GetHomeLosses_HomeForfeitExcludeForfeits_ReturnsZero()
            Team forfeitingTeam = new Team()
                Id = 11
            TeamLeague teamLeague = new TeamLeague()
                Id = 1, Team = forfeitingTeam
            List <Fixture> fixtures = new List <Fixture>();

            fixtures.Add(new Fixture()
                IsPlayed       = "Y",
                IsCupFixture   = false,
                Id             = 1,
                HomeTeamLeague = new TeamLeague()
                    Id = 2, Team = new Team()
                        Id = 12
                AwayTeamLeague = teamLeague,
                IsForfeit      = true,
                ForfeitingTeam = forfeitingTeam

            Assert.That(teamLeague.GetHomeLosses(fixtures, false), Is.EqualTo(0));
Пример #8
        public static IList <TeamLeague> CreateTeamLeagueList()
            IList <TeamLeague> list = new List <TeamLeague>();

            League league = new League(new Season(2008, 2009), "Mens", 1, 1);

            EntityIdSetter.SetIdOf(league, 1);
            Team team = new Team("Velocity", "Velocity");

            EntityIdSetter.SetIdOf(team, 1);
            Team team2 = new Team("Heat", "Heat");

            EntityIdSetter.SetIdOf(team2, 2);

            TeamLeague teamLeague = new TeamLeague(league, team, "Velocity", "Velocity");

            EntityIdSetter.SetIdOf(teamLeague, 1);

            TeamLeague teamLeague2 = new TeamLeague(league, team2, "Velocity", "Velocity");

            EntityIdSetter.SetIdOf(teamLeague2, 2);


        public void IsTeamInLeagueShouldReturnTrue()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <FooteoDbContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "IsTeamInLeagueTrue_Teams_DB")

            var dbContext = new FooteoDbContext(options);

            var townsService   = new TownsService(dbContext);
            var leaguesService = new LeaguesService(dbContext, townsService);

            var mockUserStore = new Mock <IUserStore <FooteoUser> >();
            var userManager   = new Mock <UserManager <FooteoUser> >(mockUserStore.Object, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);

            var town = townsService.CreateTown("Stara Zagora");

            var user = new FooteoUser
                Age          = new Random().Next(20, 30),
                Email        = $"*****@*****.**",
                FirstName    = "Footeo",
                LastName     = "Player",
                UserName     = $"footeoPlayer",
                Town         = town,
                PasswordHash = "123123",
                Player       = new Player
                    FullName = "Footeo Player"


            userManager.Setup(u => u.RemoveFromRoleAsync(user, "Player")).Returns(Task.FromResult(IdentityResult.Success));
            userManager.Setup(u => u.AddToRoleAsync(user, "PlayerInTeam")).Returns(Task.FromResult(IdentityResult.Success));
            userManager.Setup(u => u.AddToRoleAsync(user, "Captain")).Returns(Task.FromResult(IdentityResult.Success));

            var teamsService = new TeamsService(dbContext, townsService, leaguesService, userManager.Object, null);

            teamsService.CreateTeam("Team", "TTT", user.UserName);
            var team = dbContext.Teams.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name == "Team");

            leaguesService.CreateLeague("League", "Desc", DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(2), "Stara Zagora");
            var league = dbContext.Leagues.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name == "League");

            var teamLeague = new TeamLeague
                Team   = team,
                League = league


            var isTeamInLeague = teamsService.IsTeamInLeague(team.Id);

Пример #10
        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            TeamLeague teamLeague = db.TeamLeagues.Find(id);

        public async Task <TeamLeagueDto> Handle(CreateTeamLeagueCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var league = await context.TeamLeagues.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Name == request.Name, cancellationToken);

            if (league != null)
                throw new CompetitionAlreadyExistsException(request.Name);

            var sports = await context.TeamSports
                         .Include(t => t.Options)
                         .SingleOrDefaultAsync(ts => ts.Name == request.Sports);

            if (sports == null)
                throw new SportsNotFoundException(request.Sports);

            Country country = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Country))
                country = await context.Countries.SingleOrDefaultAsync(c => c.Name == request.Country);

                if (country == null)
                    throw new CountryNotFoundException(request.Country);

            league = new TeamLeague {
                Sports  = sports,
                Name    = request.Name,
                Country = country,
                Logo    = request.Logo

            foreach (var teamName in request.SelectedTeams)
                var team = await context.Teams.SingleOrDefaultAsync(t => t.Name == teamName, cancellationToken);

                if (team == null)
                    throw new TeamNotFoundException(teamName);

                league.Competitors.Add(new Domain.Competitor.TeamCompetitor {
                    Team = team


            await context.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);

            return(mapper.Map <TeamLeagueDto>(league));
        private TeamLeague AddTeamLeague(Team team, League league)
            TeamLeague teamLeague = new TeamLeague(league, team, team.TeamName, team.TeamNameLong);

            //teamLeague = teamLeagueRepository.SaveOrUpdate(teamLeague);

 public TeamLeagueDto(TeamLeague tl)
     this.TeamId       = tl.Team.Id;
     this.TeamName     = tl.TeamName;
     this.GamesPlayed  = tl.GamesPlayed.ToString();
     this.GamesWon     = tl.GamesWonTotal.ToString();
     this.GamesLost    = tl.GamesLostTotal.ToString();
     this.GamesPct     = tl.GamesPct.ToString("0.00");
     this.PointsLeague = tl.PointsLeague.ToString();
Пример #14
 public void Teardown()
     season         = null;
     homeTeam       = null;
     homeTeam       = null;
     league         = null;
     teamLeagueHome = null;
     teamLeagueAway = null;
     fixture        = null;
Пример #15
        public static TeamLeague CreateTeamLeague()
            League league = new League(new Season(2008, 2009), "Mens", 1, 1);

            EntityIdSetter.SetIdOf(league, 1);
            Team       team       = new Team("Velocity", "Velocity");
            TeamLeague teamLeague = new TeamLeague(league, team, "Velocity", "Velocity");

Пример #16
        public void GetStandingsForLeague_TwoTeamTieResolvedByFixtureLeaguePointsTwoWinsEachButOneLossForfeit_TeamBAboveA()
            List <TeamLeague> basicLeagueStands = new List <TeamLeague>();
            Team forfeitingTeam = new Team()
                Id = 1
            TeamLeague tiedTeamA = new TeamLeague()
                Id = 1, PointsLeague = 10, PointsScoredDifference = 100, Team = forfeitingTeam
            TeamLeague tiedTeamB = new TeamLeague()
                Id = 2, PointsLeague = 10, PointsScoredDifference = 100, Team = new Team()
                    Id = 2

            basicLeagueStands.Add(new TeamLeague()
                Id = 3, PointsLeague = 5, PointsScoredDifference = 50

            List <Fixture> tiedTeamFixtures = new List <Fixture>();

            tiedTeamFixtures.Add(new Fixture()
                HomeTeamLeague = tiedTeamA, AwayTeamLeague = tiedTeamB, HomeTeamScore = 40, AwayTeamScore = 20, IsPlayed = "Y"
            });                                                                                                                                                     // A wins
            tiedTeamFixtures.Add(new Fixture()
                HomeTeamLeague = tiedTeamB, AwayTeamLeague = tiedTeamA, HomeTeamScore = 40, AwayTeamScore = 20, IsPlayed = "Y"
            });                                                                                                                                                     // B wins
            tiedTeamFixtures.Add(new Fixture()
                HomeTeamLeague = tiedTeamA, AwayTeamLeague = tiedTeamB, HomeTeamScore = 40, AwayTeamScore = 20, IsPlayed = "Y"
            });                                                                                                                                                     // A wins
            tiedTeamFixtures.Add(new Fixture()
                HomeTeamLeague = tiedTeamB, AwayTeamLeague = tiedTeamA, HomeTeamScore = 20, AwayTeamScore = 0, IsForfeit = true, ForfeitingTeam = forfeitingTeam, IsPlayed = "Y"
            });                                                                                                                                                                                                      // B wins (A forfeit)

            // B team should be top
            var standings = competitionService.GetStandingsForLeague(1);

            Assert.That(standings.Count, Is.EqualTo(3));
            Assert.That(standings[0].Id, Is.EqualTo(tiedTeamB.Id));
            Assert.That(standings[1].Id, Is.EqualTo(tiedTeamA.Id));
            Assert.That(standings[2].Id, Is.EqualTo(3));
 public static int GetAwayLosses(this TeamLeague teamLeague, List <Fixture> teamFixtures, bool includeForfeitedFixtures = true)
     if (includeForfeitedFixtures)
         return(teamFixtures.Count(f => (f.IsAwayTeam(teamLeague) && (!f.IsAwayWin() || f.IsAwayForfeit()))));
         return(teamFixtures.Count(f => (f.IsAwayTeam(teamLeague) && !f.IsAwayWin() && !f.IsAwayForfeit())));
Пример #18
 public ActionResult Edit(TeamLeague @teamLeague)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
        //public void AddTeamLeaguePenalty(int teamLeagueId, int penaltyPoints)
        //    TeamLeague teamLeague = teamLeagueRepository.Get(teamLeagueId);

        //    teamLeague.PointsPenalty = penaltyPoints;

        //    //teamLeague = teamLeagueRepository.SaveOrUpdate(teamLeague);
        //    //FlushSessionAndEvict(teamLeague);

        private Fixture AddFixture(int id, TeamLeague home, TeamLeague away, string fixtureDate, string resultAddedDate, User lastUpdatedBy, bool penaltyAllowed = true)
            Fixture fixture = new Fixture(home, away, DateTime.Parse(fixtureDate), lastUpdatedBy);

            fixture.ResultAddedDate  = DateTime.Parse(resultAddedDate);
            fixture.IsPenaltyAllowed = penaltyAllowed;

            fixture.IsCupFixture = false;

Пример #20
 public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "TeamId,LeagueId")] TeamLeague teamLeague)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         db.Entry(teamLeague).State = EntityState.Modified;
     ViewBag.LeagueId = new SelectList(db.Leagues, "LeagueId", "NameOfLeague", teamLeague.LeagueId);
     ViewBag.TeamId   = new SelectList(db.Team, "TeamId", "Name", teamLeague.TeamId);
        //public void AddTeamLeaguePenalty(int teamLeagueId, int penaltyPoints)
        //    TeamLeague teamLeague = teamLeagueRepository.Get(teamLeagueId);

        //    teamLeague.PointsPenalty = penaltyPoints;

        //    //teamLeague = teamLeagueRepository.SaveOrUpdate(teamLeague);
        //    //FlushSessionAndEvict(teamLeague);

        private Fixture AddFixture(TeamLeague home, TeamLeague away, string fixtureDate, User lastUpdatedBy)
            Fixture fixture = new Fixture(home, away, DateTime.Parse(fixtureDate), lastUpdatedBy);

            fixture.IsCupFixture = false;
            //fixture = fixtureRepository.SaveOrUpdate(fixture);


Пример #22
        public static PlayerFixture CreatePlayerFixture(int id)
            Player player = CreatePlayer();

            Fixture    fixture = CreateFixture(id);
            TeamLeague tl      = CreateTeamLeague();

            PlayerFixture playerFixture = new PlayerFixture(tl, fixture, player, 10, 2);

            EntityIdSetter.SetIdOf(playerFixture, id);

Пример #23
 public void Setup()
     user           = new User();
     season         = new Season(2008, 2009);
     homeTeam       = new Team("home", "homeTeam");
     awayTeam       = new Team("away", "awayTeam");
     league         = new League(season, "league desc", 1, 1);
     teamLeagueHome = new TeamLeague(league, homeTeam, "home", "homeTeam");
     teamLeagueAway = new TeamLeague(league, awayTeam, "away", "awayTeam");
     player         = new Player("Phil", "Hale");
     fixtureDate    = DateTime.Today;
     fixture        = new Fixture(teamLeagueHome, teamLeagueAway, fixtureDate, user);
        private Fixture AddPlayedFixture(int id, TeamLeague home, TeamLeague away, string fixtureDate, int homeScore, int awayScore, User lastUpdatedBy)
            Fixture fixture = new Fixture(home, away, DateTime.Parse(fixtureDate), lastUpdatedBy);

            // myUser Result added date
            fixture.IsCupFixture  = false;
            fixture.IsPlayed      = "Y";
            fixture.HomeTeamScore = homeScore;
            fixture.AwayTeamScore = awayScore;
            fixture.Id            = id;

 public void Setup()
     user           = new User();
     season         = new Season(2008, 2009);
     homeTeam       = new Team("home", "homeTeam");
     homeTeam.Id    = 1;
     awayTeam       = new Team("away", "awayTeam");
     awayTeam.Id    = 2;
     league         = new League(season, "league desc", 1, 1);
     homeTeamLeague = new TeamLeague(league, homeTeam, "home", "homeTeam");
     awayTeamLeague = new TeamLeague(league, awayTeam, "away", "awayTeam");
     fixtureDate    = DateTime.Today;
Пример #26
        // GET: TeamLeagues/Details/5
        public ActionResult Details(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            TeamLeague teamLeague = db.TeamLeagues.Find(id);

            if (teamLeague == null)
 private void AddTeamStats(int homeTeamGoals, int awayTeamGoals, TeamLeague homeTeamLeague, TeamLeague awayTeamLeague)
     if (homeTeamGoals > awayTeamGoals)
         this.HomeWin(homeTeamGoals, awayTeamGoals, homeTeamLeague, awayTeamLeague);
     if (awayTeamGoals > homeTeamGoals)
         this.AwayWin(homeTeamGoals, awayTeamGoals, homeTeamLeague, awayTeamLeague);
     if (homeTeamGoals == awayTeamGoals)
         Draw(homeTeamGoals, awayTeamGoals, homeTeamLeague, awayTeamLeague);
Пример #28
        // GET: TeamLeagues/Edit/5
        public ActionResult Edit(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            TeamLeague teamLeague = db.TeamLeagues.Find(id);

            if (teamLeague == null)
            ViewBag.LeagueId = new SelectList(db.Leagues, "LeagueId", "NameOfLeague", teamLeague.LeagueId);
            ViewBag.TeamId   = new SelectList(db.Team, "TeamId", "Name", teamLeague.TeamId);
Пример #29
        static TeamAppearance ParseTeamStandings(JToken entry)
            var        leagueDivision = entry.SafeParseToken <string>("division");
            TeamLeague league         = TeamLeague.UNKNOWN;

            if (leagueDivision.Split(' ').First().Equals("National"))
                league = TeamLeague.NATIONAL;
            else if (leagueDivision.Split(' ').First().Equals("American"))
                league = TeamLeague.AMERICAN;
            return(new TeamAppearance()
                Team = new Team()
                    TeamId = entry.SafeParseToken <int>("team_id", Logger),
                    Code = entry.SafeParseToken <string>("file_code", Logger),
                    FullName = entry.SafeParseToken <string>("team_full", Logger),
                    Division = leagueDivision.Split(' ').Last().ToDivision(),
                    League = league,
                Standings = new Standings()
                    Points = entry.SafeParseToken <int>("points", Logger),
                    Place = entry.SafeParseToken <int>("place", Logger),
                    Totals = new WinLossSplit()
                        Losses = entry.SafeParseToken <int>("l", Logger),
                        Wins = entry.SafeParseToken <int>("w", Logger),
                    Away = ParseWinLoss(entry, "away"),
                    ExtraInnings = ParseWinLoss(entry, "extra_inn"),
                    Home = ParseWinLoss(entry, "home"),
                    InterLeague = ParseWinLoss(entry, "interleague"),
                    LastTen = ParseWinLoss(entry, "last_ten"),
                    OneRunGames = ParseWinLoss(entry, "one_run"),
                    VsCentral = ParseWinLoss(entry, "vs_central"),
                    VsDivision = ParseWinLoss(entry, "vs_division"),
                    VsEast = ParseWinLoss(entry, "vs_east"),
                    VsLeft = ParseWinLoss(entry, "vs_left"),
                    VsRight = ParseWinLoss(entry, "vs_right"),
                    VsWest = ParseWinLoss(entry, "vs_west"),
        public void IsAwayTeam_PassAwayTeam_True()
            TeamLeague homeTeamLeague = new TeamLeague()
                Id = 1
            TeamLeague awayTeamLeague = new TeamLeague()
                Id = 2
            Fixture f = new Fixture()
                HomeTeamLeague = homeTeamLeague, AwayTeamLeague = awayTeamLeague

            Assert.That(f.IsAwayTeam(awayTeamLeague), Is.True);
        private TeamLeague ResetStats(TeamLeague tl)
            tl.PointsLeague = 0;
            tl.GamesPlayed = 0;
            tl.GamesPct = 0;
            tl.GamesWonTotal = 0;
            tl.GamesWonHome = 0;
            tl.GamesWonAway = 0;
            tl.GamesLostTotal = 0;
            tl.GamesLostHome = 0;
            tl.GamesLostAway = 0;
            tl.PointsScoredFor = 0;
            tl.PointsScoredAgainst = 0;
            tl.PointsScoredDifference = 0;
            tl.Streak = null;
            tl.PointsAgainstPerGameAvg = 0;
            tl.PointsScoredPerGameAvg = 0;

            return tl;