public GridModel qryDrugsNoticeByMajorCaseGrid(int page, int pageSize, TbDrugsNoticeUtils tbDrugsNoticeUtils) { GridModel gridModel = new GridModel(); int endRow = page * pageSize; int beginRow = endRow - pageSize + 1; using (SqlConnection dbConn = new SqlConnection(DbConnection.connString)){ try{ dbConn.Open(); dao.dbConn = dbConn; tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isMajorCase = "Y"; List <TbDrugsNoticeUtils> rowList = dao.qryDrugsNoticeGrid(beginRow, endRow, "", "", "", tbDrugsNoticeUtils); gridModel.rows = rowList; gridModel.rowNum = dao.qryDrugsNoticeCount("", "", "", tbDrugsNoticeUtils); = page; gridModel.pageSize = pageSize; gridModel.totel = (gridModel.rowNum / pageSize); if (gridModel.rowNum % pageSize > 0) { gridModel.totel = gridModel.totel + 1; } }catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e, e.Message); } } return(gridModel); }
public JsonResult dynamicReportByGrid(int page, int pageSize, TbDrugsNoticeUtils tbDrugsNoticeUtils) { var loginUserInfo = this.getLoginUser(); string status = "success", msg = "執行成功"; GridModel gridModel = new GridModel(); gridModel = service.getDynamicReportByGrid(page, pageSize, tbDrugsNoticeUtils, loginUserInfo.loginType.ToString(), loginUserInfo.userId.ToString()); if (gridModel.rowNum == 0) { status = "error"; msg = "查無資料"; } return(Json(new { status = status, msg = msg, data = gridModel, token = new JwtUtils().EnCodeJwt(loginUserInfo) })); }
public List <TbDrugsNoticeUtils> getDynamicReportByList(TbDrugsNoticeUtils tbDrugsNoticeUtils, string loginType, string userId) { List <TbDrugsNoticeUtils> list = new List <TbDrugsNoticeUtils>(); using (SqlConnection dbConn = new SqlConnection(DbConnection.connString)){ try{ dbConn.Open(); dao.dbConn = dbConn; list = dao.qryDynamicReportByExp(tbDrugsNoticeUtils, loginType, userId); }catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e, e.Message); } } return(list); }
public List <TbDrugsNoticeUtils> qryStuAgainRecord(int noticeSno, string stuIdNo) { List <TbDrugsNoticeUtils> result = new List <TbDrugsNoticeUtils>(); string sql = this.getSelectSql("TbDrugsNoticeSqlProvider", "qryStuAgainRecord", "where SNO <> @noticeSno and STU_ID_NO = @stuIdNo"); var resultList = QueryTableListBySql(sql, new { noticeSno = noticeSno, stuIdNo = stuIdNo }); foreach (var row in resultList) { TbDrugsNoticeUtils tbDrugsNoticeUtils = new TbDrugsNoticeUtils(); tbDrugsNoticeUtils.idn = row.IDN; tbDrugsNoticeUtils.stuName = row.STU_NAME; = row.SCHOOL; result.Add(tbDrugsNoticeUtils); } return(result); }
public FileResult expDynamicReport(TbDrugsNoticeUtils tbDrugsNoticeUtils, List <string> needColumn) { var loginUserInfo = this.getLoginUser(); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); IWorkbook xlsx = new XSSFWorkbook(); ISheet sheet = xlsx.CreateSheet("動態一覽表"); IRow xlsxRow = sheet.CreateRow(0); List <TbDrugsNoticeUtils> dataList = service.getDynamicReportByList(tbDrugsNoticeUtils, loginUserInfo.loginType.ToString(), loginUserInfo.userId.ToString()); List <string> titleList = new List <string>(); List <string> columnList = new List <string>(); foreach (string json in needColumn) { Dictionary <string, string> map = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(json); columnList.Add(map["column"]); titleList.Add(map["columnValue"]); } int colI = 0, rowI = 1; foreach (string rowTitle in titleList) { ICell cell = xlsxRow.CreateCell(colI); cell.SetCellType(CellType.String); cell.SetCellValue(rowTitle); sheet.AutoSizeColumn(colI); colI++; } foreach (TbDrugsNoticeUtils row in dataList) { string jsonString = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(row); Dictionary <string, string> map = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(jsonString); xlsxRow = sheet.CreateRow(rowI); for (int idx = 0; idx < columnList.Count; idx++) { createCell(xlsxRow, idx, CellType.String, map[columnList[idx]]); sheet.AutoSizeColumn(idx); } rowI++; } xlsx.Write(ms); return(File(ms.ToArray(), "application/unknown", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_") + "動態一覽表.xlsx")); }
public GridModel getDynamicReportByGrid(int page, int pageSize, TbDrugsNoticeUtils tbDrugsNoticeUtils, string loginType, string userId) { List <TbDrugsNoticeUtils> list = new List <TbDrugsNoticeUtils>(); GridModel gridModel = new GridModel(); int totalCount = 0; using (SqlConnection dbConn = new SqlConnection(DbConnection.connString)){ try{ dbConn.Open(); dao.dbConn = dbConn; int[] rowIndex = commonService.getRowRange(page, pageSize); list = dao.qryDynamicReportByGrid(rowIndex[0], rowIndex[1], tbDrugsNoticeUtils, loginType, userId); totalCount = dao.qryDynamicReportCount(tbDrugsNoticeUtils, loginType, userId); gridModel = commonService.setGridModel(page, pageSize, totalCount, list); }catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e, e.Message); } } return(gridModel); }
public int qryDynamicReportCount(TbDrugsNoticeUtils tbDrugsNoticeUtils, string loginType, string loginUser) { int count = 0; string whereString = dynamicWhereString(tbDrugsNoticeUtils); string reative = ""; if (loginType == "2") { whereString += " and dn.USER_ID = @USER_ID "; } else if (loginType == "3") { whereString += " and dn.USER_ID in (select RELATIVE_USER_ID from user_relative) "; reative = this.getSelectSql("ReportViewSqlProvider", "relativeAuthUser") + " "; } string sql = getSelectSql("ReportViewSqlProvider", "qryDynamicReport", whereString); sql = reative + "select count(*) from ( " + sql + " ) new_table "; count = QueryTableFirstBySql <int>(sql, new{ isSetupCH = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isSetupCh, stuName = "%" + tbDrugsNoticeUtils.stuName + "%", school = "%" + + "%", isAgain = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isAgain, countyId = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.countyId, counselingStatus = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.counselingStatus, flowStatus = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.flowStatus, schoolSystemSno = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.schoolSystemSno, sex =, isPoliceSeized = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isPoliceSeized, useReason = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.useReason, drugsEventType = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.drugsEventType, drugsOrigin = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.drugsOrigin, counselingBeginDate = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.counselingBeginDateStr, counselingEndDate = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.counselingEndDateStr, birthDayStart = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.birthDayStart, birthDayEnd = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.birthDayEnd, USER_ID = loginUser }); return(count); }
public int getAllPeopleCount(string loginType, string userId, string counselingStatus = "") { int count = 0; using (SqlConnection dbConn = new SqlConnection(DbConnection.connString)){ try{ dbConn.Open(); dao.dbConn = dbConn; drugsDao.dbConn = dbConn; TbDrugsNoticeUtils tbDrugsNoticeUtils = new TbDrugsNoticeUtils(); tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isWrityComplet = "Y"; tbDrugsNoticeUtils.noticeStatus = "N"; tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isSetupCh = "Y"; tbDrugsNoticeUtils.counselingStatus = counselingStatus; count = drugsDao.qryDrugsNoticeCount(loginType, userId, "9", tbDrugsNoticeUtils); }catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e, e.Message); } } return(count); }
/// <summary> /// Qries the drugs notice count. /// </summary> /// <returns>The drugs notice count.</returns> /// <param name="tbDrugsNoticeUtils">Tb drugs notice utils.</param> /// <param name="isSetupCH">Is setup ch.</param> public int qryDrugsNoticeCount(string loginType, string loginUser, string loginTitle, TbDrugsNoticeUtils tbDrugsNoticeUtils) { int count = 0; string sql = getSelectSql("TbDrugsNoticeSqlProvider", "qryDrugsNoticeCount", qryNotSetupChWhereString(loginType, tbDrugsNoticeUtils)); if (loginType == "1" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(loginTitle)) { if (loginTitle != "7" && loginTitle != "8") { sql += " and exists (select * from TB_CH_GROUP cg where cg.NOTICE_SNO = dn.SNO and cg.USER_ID = dn.USER_ID and cg.USER_ACCOUNT = @userAccount) "; } } if (loginType == "3") { sql += " and dn.USER_ID in (select RELATIVE_USER_ID from user_relative) "; } sql = this.getSelectSql("TbDrugsNoticeSqlProvider", "relativeAuthUser") + " " + sql; count = this.QueryTableFirstBySql <int>(sql, new{ isMajorCase = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isMajorCase, isSetupCH = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isSetupCh, stuName = "%" + tbDrugsNoticeUtils.stuName + "%", idn = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.idn, stuIdNo = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.stuIdNo, school = "%" + + "%", isAgain = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isAgain, isGivenPeople = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isGivenPeople, noticeStatus = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.noticeStatus, isWrityComplet = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isWrityComplet, userId = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.userId, countyId = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.countyId, noticeSchedule = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.noticeSchedule, counselingStatus = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.counselingStatus, counselingTrack = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.counselingTrack, flowStatus = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.flowStatus, schoolSystemSno = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.schoolSystemSno, userAccount = loginUser }); return(count); }
public List <TbDrugsNoticeUtils> qryDynamicReportByGrid(int beginRow, int endRow, TbDrugsNoticeUtils tbDrugsNoticeUtils, string loginType, string loginUser) { List <TbDrugsNoticeUtils> dataList = new List <TbDrugsNoticeUtils>(); string whereString = dynamicWhereString(tbDrugsNoticeUtils); string reative = ""; if (loginType == "2") { whereString += " and dn.USER_ID = @USER_ID "; } else if (loginType == "3") { whereString += " and dn.USER_ID in (select RELATIVE_USER_ID from user_relative) "; reative = this.getSelectSql("ReportViewSqlProvider", "relativeAuthUser") + " "; } string sql = getSelectSql("ReportViewSqlProvider", "qryDynamicReport", whereString); if (beginRow > 0 && endRow > 0) { sql = reative + "select * from (" + sql + ") new_table where ROW_ID >= " + beginRow + " and ROW_ID <= " + endRow; } var resultList = QueryTableListBySql(sql, new{ isSetupCH = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isSetupCh, stuName = "%" + tbDrugsNoticeUtils.stuName + "%", school = "%" + + "%", isAgain = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isAgain, countyId = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.countyId, counselingStatus = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.counselingStatus, flowStatus = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.flowStatus, schoolSystemSno = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.schoolSystemSno, sex =, isPoliceSeized = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isPoliceSeized, useReason = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.useReason, drugsEventType = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.drugsEventType, drugsOrigin = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.drugsOrigin, counselingBeginDate = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.counselingBeginDateStr, counselingEndDate = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.counselingEndDateStr, birthDayStart = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.birthDayStart, birthDayEnd = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.birthDayEnd, USER_ID = loginUser }); foreach (var row in resultList) { TbDrugsNoticeUtils bean = new TbDrugsNoticeUtils(); bean.rowId = Int32.Parse(row.ROW_ID.ToString()); bean.idn = row.IDN.ToString(); bean.countyStr = row.COUNTY_STR; = row.SCHOOL; bean.schoolSystemStr = row.SCHOOL_SYSTEM_STR; bean.stuName = row.STU_NAME; bean.sexStr = row.SEX_STR; bean.stuBirth = row.STU_BIRTH; bean.eduInfo = row.EDU_INFO; bean.isPoliceSeizedStr = row.IS_POLICE_SEIZED_STR; bean.drugsOriginStr = row.DRUGS_ORIGIN_STR; bean.drugsEventTypeStr = row.DRUGS_EVENT_TYPE_STR; bean.useReasonStr = row.USE_REASON_STR; if (row.COUNSELING_BEGINTIME != null) { bean.counselingBeginDate = row.COUNSELING_BEGINTIME; } if (row.COUNSELING_ENDTIME != null) { bean.counselingEndDate = row.COUNSELING_ENDTIME; } bean.isAgainStr = row.IS_AGAIN_STR; bean.counselingStatusStr = row.COUNSELING_STATUS_STR; bean.flowStatusStr = row.FLOW_STATUS_STR; dataList.Add(bean); } return(dataList); }
public List <TbDrugsNoticeUtils> qryDynamicReportByExp(TbDrugsNoticeUtils tbDrugsNoticeUtils, string loginType, string loginUser) => qryDynamicReportByGrid(0, 0, tbDrugsNoticeUtils, loginType, loginUser);
private string dynamicWhereString(TbDrugsNoticeUtils tbDrugsNoticeUtils) { StringBuilder whereString = new StringBuilder(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.stuName)) { whereString.AppendLine(" and STU_NAME like @stuName "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { whereString.AppendLine(" and SCHOOL like @school "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.countyId)) { whereString.AppendLine(" and COUNTY_ID in @countyId "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { whereString.AppendLine(" and SEX = @sex "); } if (tbDrugsNoticeUtils.schoolSystemSno > 0) { whereString.AppendLine(" and SCHOOL_SYSTEM_SNO = @schoolSystemSno "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.counselingStatus)) { whereString.AppendLine(" and COUNSELING_STATUS = @counselingStatus "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isPoliceSeized)) { whereString.AppendLine(" and IS_POLICE_SEIZED = @isPoliceSeized "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.useReason)) { whereString.AppendLine(" and USE_REASON = @useReason "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.drugsEventType)) { whereString.AppendLine(" and DRUGS_EVENT_TYPE = @drugsEventType "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.drugsOrigin)) { whereString.AppendLine(" and DRUGS_ORIGIN = @drugsOrigin "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isAgain)) { whereString.AppendLine(" and IS_AGAIN = @isAgain "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isSetupCh)) { whereString.AppendLine(" and IS_SETUP_CH = @isSetupCh "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.counselingBeginDateStr)) { whereString.AppendLine(" and COUNSELING_BEGINTIME >= convert(datetime,@counselingBeginDate + ' 00:00:00',120) "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.counselingEndDateStr)) { whereString.AppendLine(" and COUNSELING_ENDTIME <= convert(datetime,@counselingEndDate + ' 23:59:59',120) "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.birthDayStart)) { whereString.AppendLine(" and convert(date,STU_BIRTH, 120) >= convert(datetime,@birthDayStart + ' 00:00:00',120) "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.birthDayEnd)) { whereString.AppendLine(" and convert(date,STU_BIRTH, 120) <= convert(datetime,@birthDayEnd + ' 23:59:59',120) "); } return(whereString.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Qries the drugs notice list. /// </summary> /// <returns>The drugs notice list.</returns> /// <param name="beginRow">Begin row.</param> /// <param name="endRow">End row.</param> /// <param name="tbDrugsNoticeUtils">Tb drugs notice utils.</param> public List <TbDrugsNoticeUtils> qryDrugsNoticeGrid(int beginRow, int endRow, string loginType, string loginUser, string loginTitle, TbDrugsNoticeUtils tbDrugsNoticeUtils) { List <TbDrugsNoticeUtils> gridList = new List <TbDrugsNoticeUtils>(); string sql = getSelectSql("TbDrugsNoticeSqlProvider", "qryDrugsNotice", qryNotSetupChWhereString(loginType, tbDrugsNoticeUtils)); if (loginType == "1" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(loginTitle)) { if (loginTitle != "7" && loginTitle != "8") { sql += " and exists (select * from TB_CH_GROUP cg where cg.NOTICE_SNO = dn.SNO and cg.USER_ID = dn.USER_ID and cg.USER_ACCOUNT = @userAccount) "; } } if (loginType == "3") { sql += " and dn.USER_ID in (select RELATIVE_USER_ID from user_relative) "; } sql = this.getSelectSql("TbDrugsNoticeSqlProvider", "relativeAuthUser") + " select * from (" + sql + ") new_table where ROW_ID >= " + beginRow + " and ROW_ID <= " + endRow; var resultList = QueryTableListBySql(sql, new{ isMajorCase = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isMajorCase, isSetupCH = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isSetupCh, stuName = "%" + tbDrugsNoticeUtils.stuName + "%", idn = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.idn, stuIdNo = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.stuIdNo, school = "%" + + "%", isAgain = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isAgain, isGivenPeople = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isGivenPeople, noticeStatus = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.noticeStatus, isWrityComplet = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isWrityComplet, userId = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.userId, countyId = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.countyId, noticeSchedule = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.noticeSchedule, counselingStatus = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.counselingStatus, counselingTrack = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.counselingTrack, flowStatus = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.flowStatus, schoolSystemSno = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.schoolSystemSno, userAccount = loginUser }); foreach (var row in resultList) { TbDrugsNoticeUtils bean = new TbDrugsNoticeUtils(); bean.rowId = Int32.Parse(row.ROW_ID.ToString()); bean.sno = Int32.Parse(row.SNO.ToString()); bean.idn = row.IDN.ToString(); bean.stuName = row.STU_NAME; = row.SEX; bean.sexStr = row.SEX_STR; = row.SCHOOL; bean.isAgain = row.IS_AGAIN; bean.isAgainStr = row.IS_AGAIN_STR; bean.isGivenPeople = row.IS_GIVEN_PEOPLE; bean.isGivenPeopleStr = row.IS_GIVEN_PEOPLE_STR; bean.isWrityComplet = row.IS_WRITY_COMPLET; bean.isWrityCompletStr = row.IS_WRITY_COMPLET_STR; bean.isMajorCase = row.IS_MAJOR_CASE; bean.counselingStatus = row.COUNSELING_STATUS; bean.counselingStatusStr = row.COUNSELING_STATUS_STR; bean.noticeSchedule = row.NOTICE_SCHEDULE; bean.noticeScheduleStr = row.NOTICE_SCHEDULE_STR; if (row.FLOW_SNO != null) { bean.flowSno = row.FLOW_SNO; } bean.flowStatus = row.FLOW_STATUS; bean.flowStatusStr = row.FLOW_STATUS_STR; bean.noticeStatus = row.NOTICE_STATUS; bean.noticeStatusStr = row.NOTICE_STATUS_STR; bean.noticeReason = row.NOTICE_REASON; bean.stuIdNo = row.STU_ID_NO; gridList.Add(bean); } return(gridList); }
private string qryNotSetupChWhereString(string loginType, TbDrugsNoticeUtils tbDrugsNoticeUtils) { StringBuilder whereString = new StringBuilder(); whereString.Append(" where 1 = 1 "); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isMajorCase)) { whereString.Append(" and dn.IS_MAJOR_CASE = @isMajorCase "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isSetupCh)) { whereString.Append(" and dn.IS_SETUP_CH = @isSetupCH "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.stuName)) { whereString.Append(" and dn.STU_NAME like @stuName "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.idn)) { whereString.Append(" and dn.IDN = @idn "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.stuIdNo)) { whereString.Append(" and dn.STU_ID_NO = @stuIdNo "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.eventReportBeginDateStr)) { string beginDate = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.eventReportBeginDateStr + " 00:00:00"; whereString.Append(" and dn.EVENT_REPORT_TIME >= convert(DATETIME, '" + beginDate + "', 120) "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.eventReportEndDateStr)) { string endDate = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.eventReportEndDateStr + " 23:59:59"; whereString.Append(" and dn.EVENT_REPORT_TIME <= convert(DATETIME, '" + endDate + "', 120) "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.counselingBeginDateStr)) { string beginDate = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.counselingBeginDateStr + " 00:00:00"; whereString.Append(" and dn.EVENT_REPORT_TIME >= convert(DATETIME, '" + beginDate + "', 120) "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.counselingEndDateStr)) { string endDate = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.counselingEndDateStr + " 23:59:59"; whereString.Append(" and dn.EVENT_REPORT_TIME <= convert(DATETIME, '" + endDate + "', 120) "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.closeMeetBeginDateStr)) { string beginDate = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.closeMeetBeginDateStr + " 00:00:00"; whereString.Append(" and dn.EVENT_REPORT_TIME >= convert(DATETIME, '" + beginDate + "', 120) "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.closeMeetEndDateStr)) { string endDate = tbDrugsNoticeUtils.closeMeetEndDateStr + " 23:59:59"; whereString.Append(" and dn.EVENT_REPORT_TIME <= convert(DATETIME, '" + endDate + "', 120) "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isAgain)) { whereString.Append(" and dn.IS_AGAIN = @isAgain "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isGivenPeople)) { whereString.Append(" and dn.IS_GIVEN_PEOPLE = @isGivenPeople "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.noticeStatus)) { whereString.Append(" and dn.NOTICE_STATUS = @noticeStatus "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.isWrityComplet)) { whereString.Append(" and dn.IS_WRITY_COMPLET = @isWrityComplet "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.countyId)) { whereString.Append(" and dn.COUNTY_ID = @countyId "); } if (loginType != "3") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.userId)) { whereString.Append(" and dn.USER_ID = @userId "); } } if (tbDrugsNoticeUtils.schoolSystemSno > 0) { whereString.Append(" and dn.SCHOOL_SYSTEM_SNO = @schoolSystemSno "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { whereString.Append(" and dn.SCHOOL like @school "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.noticeSchedule)) { whereString.Append(" and dn.NOTICE_SCHEDULE = @noticeSchedule "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.flowStatus)) { whereString.Append(" and dn.FLOW_STATUS = @flowStatus "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.counselingStatus)) { whereString.Append(" and dn.COUNSELING_STATUS = @counselingStatus "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDrugsNoticeUtils.counselingTrack)) { whereString.Append(" and dn.COUNSELING_TRACK = @counselingTrack "); } return(whereString.ToString()); }