Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Relieves the passed Taxlot
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="env">Environment</param>
        /// <param name="lot">The Tax Lot to relieve</param>
        /// <param name="trade">The current trade</param>
        /// <param name="quantity">Quantity to relieve</param>
        /// <param name="fxrate">Appropriate fxrate</param>
        internal static TaxLot RelieveTaxLot(PostingEngineEnvironment env, TaxLotDetail lot, Transaction trade, double quantity, bool reverse = false)
            var prevFxRate = FxRates.Find(lot.Trade.TradeDate, lot.Trade.SettleCurrency).Rate;

            var investmentAtCost = quantity * lot.Trade.SettleNetPrice * prevFxRate;

            if (reverse)
                investmentAtCost = investmentAtCost * -1;

            var tl = new TaxLot
                Trade            = trade,
                TradeDate        = trade.TradeDate,
                InvestmentAtCost = investmentAtCost, // Needs to be the Investment Cost that we are relieving from the Tax
                BusinessDate     = env.ValueDate,
                OpeningLotId     = lot.Trade.LpOrderId,
                ClosingLotId     = trade.LpOrderId,
                TradePrice       = lot.Trade.SettleNetPrice,
                CostBasis        = trade.SettleNetPrice,
                Quantity         = quantity

            CalculateRealizedPnl(env, tl);

            tl.Save(env.Connection, env.Transaction);

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the Realized Pnl based on the relieved Tax Lot
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="createdTaxLot">The Relief</param>
        /// <param name="taxLotToRelieve">The target taxlot</param>
        public static double CalculateRealizedPnl(PostingEngineEnvironment env, TaxLot createdTaxLot)
            var priceDiff   = (createdTaxLot.CostBasis - createdTaxLot.TradePrice);
            var realizedPnl = 0.0;

            double multiplier = 1.0;

            if (env.SecurityDetails.ContainsKey(createdTaxLot.Trade.BloombergCode))
                multiplier = env.SecurityDetails[createdTaxLot.Trade.BloombergCode].Multiplier;

            double fxrate = 1.0;

            // Lets get fx rate if needed
            if (!createdTaxLot.Trade.SettleCurrency.Equals(env.BaseCurrency))
                fxrate = Convert.ToDouble(FxRates.Find(env.ValueDate, createdTaxLot.Trade.SettleCurrency).Rate);

            if (createdTaxLot.Trade.IsBuy())
                realizedPnl = priceDiff * createdTaxLot.Quantity;
            else if (createdTaxLot.Trade.IsSell())
                realizedPnl = priceDiff * Math.Abs(createdTaxLot.Quantity);
            else if (createdTaxLot.Trade.IsShort())
                realizedPnl = priceDiff * createdTaxLot.Quantity;
            else if (createdTaxLot.Trade.IsCover())
                realizedPnl = priceDiff * createdTaxLot.Quantity * -1;

            createdTaxLot.RealizedPnl = realizedPnl * fxrate * multiplier;

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Relieves the passed TaxLostStatus, this should only be used for FORWARDS etc that expire
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="env">Environment</param>
        /// <param name="lot">The Tax Lot to relieve</param>
        /// <param name="trade">The current trade</param>
        /// <param name="quantity">Quantity to relieve</param>
        /// <param name="fxrate">Appropriate fxrate</param>
        internal static TaxLot RelieveTaxLot(PostingEngineEnvironment env, Transaction taxLotToRelieve, Transaction trade, double quantity, bool reverse = false)
            var SettleNetPrice = trade.SettleNetPrice;

            if (taxLotToRelieve.LpOrderId.Equals(trade.LpOrderId))
                // Same, so we are dealing with the same trade, so we are backing out the same trade
                SettleNetPrice = MarketPrices.GetPrice(env, trade.SettleDate, trade).Price;

            var prevFxRate = FxRates.Find(taxLotToRelieve.TradeDate, taxLotToRelieve.SettleCurrency).Rate;

            var investmentAtCost = quantity * taxLotToRelieve.SettleNetPrice * prevFxRate;

            if (reverse)
                investmentAtCost = investmentAtCost * -1;

            var tl = new TaxLot
                Trade            = trade,
                TradeDate        = trade.TradeDate,
                InvestmentAtCost = investmentAtCost, // Needs to be the Investment Cost that we are relieving from the Tax
                BusinessDate     = env.ValueDate,
                OpeningLotId     = taxLotToRelieve.LpOrderId,
                ClosingLotId     = trade.LpOrderId,
                TradePrice       = taxLotToRelieve.SettleNetPrice,
                CostBasis        = SettleNetPrice,
                Quantity         = quantity

            CalculateRealizedPnl(env, tl);

            tl.Save(env.Connection, env.Transaction);

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays the item information and item data information
        /// for the given investment itemSummary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemSummary">an itemSummary whose containerType is 'stocks'</param>
        public void displayInvestmentDataForItem(ItemSummary itemSummary)
            String containerType = itemSummary.contentServiceInfo.containerInfo.containerName;

            if (!containerType.Equals(ContainerTypes.INVESTMENT))
                throw new Exception("DisplayInvestmentDataForItem called with invalid container type" +

            DisplayItemInfo displayItemInfo = new DisplayItemInfo();


            // Get ItemData
            ItemData1 itemData = itemSummary.itemData;

            if (itemData == null)
                System.Console.WriteLine("\tItemData is null");
                // InvestmentData
                object[] accounts = itemData.accounts;
                if (accounts == null || accounts.Length == 0)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("\tNo accounts");
                    for (int i = 0; i < accounts.Length; i++)
                        InvestmentData investment = (InvestmentData)accounts[i];
                        System.Console.WriteLine("\t\tAccount Name: " + investment.accountName);
                        System.Console.WriteLine("\t\tAccount Number: " + investment.accountNumber);
                        System.Console.WriteLine("\t\tAccount Holder: " + investment.accountHolder);
                        System.Console.WriteLine("\t\tAccount Type: " + investment.acctType);
                        System.Console.WriteLine("\t\tCash: " + investment.cash);
                        System.Console.WriteLine("\t\tTotal Balance: " + investment.totalBalance.amount);
                        System.Console.WriteLine("\t\tTotal Vested Balance: " + investment.totalVestedBalance.amount);
                        System.Console.WriteLine("\t\tTotal Unvested Balance: " + investment.totalUnvestedBalance.amount);
                        System.Console.WriteLine("\t\tMargin Balance: " + investment.marginBalance.amount);
                        System.Console.WriteLine("\t\tlastUpdated: " + UtcToDateTime(investment.lastUpdated.Value));

                        // HoldingData
                        object[] holdings = investment.holdings;
                        if (holdings == null || holdings.Length == 0)
                            System.Console.WriteLine("\t\tNo investment holdings.");
                            for (int j = 0; j < holdings.Length; j++)
                                HoldingData holding = (HoldingData)holdings[j];
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tHoldingData Symbol: " + holding.symbol);
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tHoldingData Quantity: " + holding.quantity);
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tHoldingData Value: " + holding.value.amount);
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tHoldingData Description: " + holding.description);
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tHoldingData Price: " + holding.price.amount);
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tHoldingData Link: " + holding.link);
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tHoldingData HoldingType: " + holding.holdingType);
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tHoldingData HoldingTypeId: " + holding.holdingTypeId);
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tHoldingData Percentage Allocaton: " + holding.percentAllocation);
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tHoldingData Percantage Change: " + holding.percentageChange);
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tHoldingData Employee Contribution: " + holding.employeeContribution);
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tHoldingData Employeer Contribution: " + holding.employerContribution);
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tHoldingData Cusip Number: " + holding.cusipNumber);
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tHoldingData Daily Change: " + holding.dailyChange);
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tHoldingData Cost Basis: " + holding.costBasis.amount + "\n");

                                // TaxLots
                                object[] taxLots = holding.taxLots;
                                if (taxLots == null || taxLots.Length == 0)
                                    System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tNo holdings taxLots");
                                    for (int u = 0; u < taxLots.Length; u++)
                                        TaxLot taxLot = (TaxLot)taxLots[u];
                                        System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\tTaxLot Symbol: " + taxLot.symbol);
                                        System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\tTaxLot Description: " + taxLot.description);
                                        System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\tTaxLot Quantity: " + taxLot.quantity);
                                        System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\tTaxLot Amount: " + taxLot.amount.amount);
                                        System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\tTaxLot Price: " + taxLot.price.amount);
                                        System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\tTaxLot Link: " + taxLot.link);
                                        System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\tTaxLot Cusip Number: " + taxLot.cusipNumber + "\n");
                                // End TaxLot
                        // End HoldingData

                        // InvestmentTransactionData
                        object[] investTransactions = investment.investmentTransactions;
                        if (investTransactions == null || investTransactions.Length == 0)
                            System.Console.WriteLine("\t\tNo investment tranactions");
                            for (int j = 0; j < investTransactions.Length; j++)
                                InvestmentTransactionsData trans =
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tTranaction.symbol: " + trans.symbol);
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tTranaction.amount: " + trans.amount.amount);
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tTranaction.price : " + trans.price.amount);
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tTranaction.quantity : " + trans.quantity);
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tTranaction.transDate : " + trans.transDate.date);
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tTransaction.description: " + trans.description);
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tTranaction.link : " + trans.link);
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tTranaction.transactionType : " + trans.transactionType);
                                System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tTranaction.confirmantionNumber : " + trans.confirmationNumber + "\n");
                        // End InvestmentTransactionData
                // End InvestmentData

 *                      // Get AccountHistory
 *                      object[] acctHistories = itemData.accountHistory;
 *                      if(acctHistories == null || acctHistories.Length == 0)
 *                      {
 *                              System.Console.WriteLine("\tNo Account History");
 *                      }
 *                      else
 *                      {
 *                              System.Console.WriteLine("\n\t**Account History**");
 *                              for(int i = 0; i < acctHistories.Length; i++)
 *                              {
 *                                      AccountHistory acctHistory = (AccountHistory)acctHistories[i];
 *                                      System.Console.WriteLine("\tAccount ID: {0}", acctHistory.accountId );
 *                                      // Get History
 *                                      object[] histories = acctHistory.history;
 *                                      if(histories == null || histories.Length == 0)
 *                                      {
 *                                              System.Console.WriteLine("\t\tNo History");
 *                                      }
 *                                      else
 *                                      {
 *                                              System.Console.WriteLine("\t\t**History**");
 *                                              for(int j = 0; j < histories.Length; j++)
 *                                              {
 *                                                      InvestmentData investment = (InvestmentData) histories[j];
 *                                                      System.Console.WriteLine("\t\taccountName: "+ investment.accountName );
 *                                                      System.Console.WriteLine("\t\taccountNumber: "+ investment.accountNumber );
 *                                                      System.Console.WriteLine("\t\taccountHolder: "+ investment.accountHolder );
 *                                                      System.Console.WriteLine("\t\tacctType: "+ investment.acctType );
 *                                                      System.Console.WriteLine("\t\tcash: "+ investment.cash );
 *                                                      System.Console.WriteLine("\t\ttotalBalance: "+ investment.totalBalance.amount );
 *                                                      System.Console.WriteLine("\t\ttotalVestedBalance: "+ investment.totalVestedBalance.amount );
 *                                                      System.Console.WriteLine("\t\ttotalUnvestedBalance: "+ investment.totalUnvestedBalance.amount );
 *                                                      System.Console.WriteLine("\t\tmarginBalance: "+ investment.marginBalance.amount );
 *                                                      System.Console.WriteLine("\t\tlastUpdated: " + UtcToDateTime(investment.lastUpdated.Value) + "\n");
 *                                              }
 *                                      }
 *                              }
 *                      }
 *                      // AccountHistory*/
        public object AlleviateTaxLot(AlleviateTaxLotDto obj)
                string symbol  = obj.ProspectiveTrade.Symbol;
                string side    = obj.ProspectiveTrade.Side;
                string message = "Tax Lot(s) Alleviated Successfully";
                if (side.Equals("COVER"))
                    if (!obj.OpenTaxLots.All(x => x.Side.Equals("SHORT")))
                        message = "All selected lots are not SHORT";
                else if (side.Equals("SELL"))
                    if (!obj.OpenTaxLots.All(x => x.Side.Equals("BUY")))
                        message = "All selected lots are not BUY";
                    message = "Incorrect side for this transaction";

                int lotSum = obj.OpenTaxLots.Sum(x => Math.Abs(x.RemainingQuantity));
                int prospectiveTradeQuantity = Math.Abs(obj.ProspectiveTrade.RemainingQuantity);
                if (lotSum < prospectiveTradeQuantity)
                    //message = "Quantity Mismatch";

                List <TaxLot> taxLotList = new List <TaxLot>();
                foreach (var item in obj.OpenTaxLots)
                    TaxLot t = new TaxLot();
                    if (prospectiveTradeQuantity == 0)
                    else if (Math.Abs(item.RemainingQuantity) <= prospectiveTradeQuantity)
                        item.Status = "Closed";
                        if (Math.Abs(item.RemainingQuantity) < prospectiveTradeQuantity)
                            t.Quantity = Math.Abs(item.RemainingQuantity);
                            t.Quantity = prospectiveTradeQuantity;

                        prospectiveTradeQuantity -= Math.Abs(item.RemainingQuantity);
                        item.RemainingQuantity    = 0;
                    else if (Math.Abs(item.RemainingQuantity) > prospectiveTradeQuantity)
                        item.Status = "Partially Closed";
                        int absRemainingQuantity = Math.Abs(item.RemainingQuantity) - prospectiveTradeQuantity;
                        t.Quantity = prospectiveTradeQuantity;
                        prospectiveTradeQuantity = 0;
                        if (item.RemainingQuantity < 0)
                            item.RemainingQuantity = absRemainingQuantity * -1;
                            item.RemainingQuantity = absRemainingQuantity;

                    t.OpeningLotId = item.OpenLotId;
                    t.ClosingLotId = obj.ProspectiveTrade.LpOrderId;

                    //TODO. temporary assignment for now
                    t.BusinessDate     = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    t.RealizedPnl      = (obj.ProspectiveTrade.TradePrice - item.TradePrice) * t.Quantity;
                    t.CostBasis        = obj.ProspectiveTrade.TradePrice;
                    t.TradePrice       = item.TradePrice;
                    t.TradeDate        = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    t.Quantity         = SignedValueBasedOnSide(t.Quantity, obj.ProspectiveTrade.Side);
                    t.InvestmentAtCost = t.Quantity * t.TradePrice * -1;

                SqlHelper sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(connectionString);
                InsertTaxLot(taxLotList, sqlHelper);
                UpdateTaxLotStatus(obj.OpenTaxLots, sqlHelper);
                return(Utils.Wrap(true, null, HttpStatusCode.OK, message));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Пример #6
        internal static void GenerateCloseOutPostings(PostingEngineEnvironment env, TaxLotDetail lot, TaxLot taxlot, Transaction element, TaxLotStatus taxlotStatus, string fund)
            double multiplier = 1.0;

            if (env.SecurityDetails.ContainsKey(element.BloombergCode))
                multiplier = env.SecurityDetails[element.BloombergCode].Multiplier;

            double fxrate = 1.0;

            // Lets get fx rate if needed
            if (!element.SettleCurrency.Equals(env.BaseCurrency))
                fxrate = Convert.ToDouble(FxRates.Find(env.ValueDate, element.SettleCurrency).Rate);

            var prevPrice     = MarketPrices.GetPrice(env, env.PreviousValueDate, lot.Trade).Price;
            var unrealizedPnl = Math.Abs(taxlotStatus.Quantity) * (element.SettleNetPrice - prevPrice) * multiplier;

            unrealizedPnl = Math.Abs(unrealizedPnl) * CommonRules.DetermineSign(taxlotStatus.Trade);

            var buyTrade = env.FindTrade(lot.Trade.LpOrderId);

                MarketPrices.GetPrice(env, env.PreviousValueDate, lot.Trade).Price,
                element.SettleNetPrice, fxrate);

            var PnL = taxlot.RealizedPnl;

                taxlot.CostBasis, fxrate);

            var listOfFromTags = new List <Tag>

            Account fromAccount = null;
            Account toAccount   = null;

            if (element.IsDerivative())
                var accountType         = (buyTrade.IsShort() || buyTrade.IsCover()) ? "SHORT POSITIONS AT COST" : "LONG POSITIONS AT COST";
                var markToMarketAccount = (buyTrade.IsShort() || buyTrade.IsCover()) ? "Mark to Market Shorts" : "Mark to Market Longs";

                fromAccount = new AccountUtils().CreateAccount(AccountType.Find(accountType), listOfFromTags, element);
                toAccount   = new AccountUtils().CreateAccount(AccountType.Find(markToMarketAccount), listOfFromTags, element);

            new AccountUtils().SaveAccountDetails(env, fromAccount);
            new AccountUtils().SaveAccountDetails(env, toAccount);

            // Now Generate Entries
            var fromJournal = new Journal(element)
                Account     = fromAccount,
                CreditDebit = env.DebitOrCredit(fromAccount, PnL),
                When        = env.ValueDate,
                StartPrice  = taxlot.TradePrice,
                EndPrice    = taxlot.CostBasis,
                Value       = PnL,
                FxRate      = 1,
                Event       = Event.REALIZED_PNL,
                Fund        = env.GetFund(element),

            var toJournal = new Journal(fromJournal)
                Account     = toAccount,
                CreditDebit = env.DebitOrCredit(toAccount, PnL * -1),
                Value       = PnL * -1,

            env.Journals.AddRange(new[] { fromJournal, toJournal });