/* * This timer is required for Reading The Settings for the 2 icon Events for when Elsword is running or not. * What this should do is make it actually work and read in a timely manner using global variables to compare the 2 values if not the same change * the used global variable and set it accordingly. */ void Timer5_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { showintaskbar_tempvalue = settingsini.Read("Settings.ini", "IconWhileElsNotRunning"); showintaskbar_tempvalue2 = settingsini.Read("Settings.ini", "IconWhileElsRunning"); if (!Classes.ExecutionManager.RunningElswordDirectly) { if (showintaskbar_value != showintaskbar_tempvalue) { showintaskbar_value = showintaskbar_tempvalue; } TaskbarShow?.Invoke(this, new Classes.ShowTaskbarEvent(showintaskbar_value)); } else { if (showintaskbar_value2 != showintaskbar_tempvalue2) { showintaskbar_value2 = showintaskbar_tempvalue2; } TaskbarShow?.Invoke(this, new Classes.ShowTaskbarEvent(showintaskbar_value2)); } }
private void CheckSettings(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (end_settings_loop) { SettingsTmr.Enabled = false; } else { if (AbleToClose()) { Classes.SettingsFile.Settingsxml.ReopenFile(); showintaskbar_tempvalue = Classes.SettingsFile.Settingsxml.Read("IconWhileElsNotRunning"); showintaskbar_tempvalue2 = Classes.SettingsFile.Settingsxml.Read("IconWhileElsRunning"); ElsDir_temp = Classes.SettingsFile.Settingsxml.Read("ElsDir"); if (!string.Equals(ElsDir, ElsDir_temp)) { ElsDir = ElsDir_temp; } if (!Classes.ExecutionManager.GetRunningElswordDirectly()) { if (showintaskbar_value != showintaskbar_tempvalue) { showintaskbar_value = showintaskbar_tempvalue; } TaskbarShow?.Invoke(this, new Classes.ShowTaskbarEvent(showintaskbar_value)); } else { if (showintaskbar_value2 != showintaskbar_tempvalue2) { showintaskbar_value2 = showintaskbar_tempvalue2; } TaskbarShow?.Invoke(this, new Classes.ShowTaskbarEvent(showintaskbar_value)); } } } }