public void SecurityBoard() { Taskbar.Hide(); // |--> Taskbar Hide for Security HideDesktop(); // |--> Desktop Hide for Security KillProcess(); // |--> Process Kill Timer Enabled for Hard Security MinimizeAll(); }
private void frmGame_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Taskbar.Hide(); loadBullets(); gameInSession = true; song.PlayLooping(); }
private void BreakTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (minutesLeft <= 0 && secondsLeft <= 0) { BreakTimer.Stop(); PreFocusPage preFocus = new PreFocusPage(); preFocus.Show(); preFocus.SetDesktopLocation(this.Bounds.X, this.Bounds.Y); preFocus.Activate(); if (hideTaskbar) { Taskbar.Hide(); } this.Hide(); } if (minutesLeft != 0 && secondsLeft == 0) { minutesLeft--; secondsLeft = 59; } else { secondsLeft--; } BreakTimerLabel.Text = minutesLeft + ":" + secondsLeft.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); }
static public void HideTaskbar() { SetTaskbarState(AppBarStates.AutoHide); Taskbar.Hide(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); Taskbar.Hide(); }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); frmMain main = new frmMain(); main.Show(); Taskbar.Hide(); Application.Run(); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); //full screen this.Left = this.Top = 0; this.panelView.Size = new Size(App.Default.AppScreenWidth, App.Default.AppScreenHeight); this.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width; this.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height; formState.Maximize(this); this.TopMost = true; this.Bounds = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds; this.Location = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Location; this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; Taskbar.Hide(); this.context = Context.CreateFromXmlFile(SAMPLE_XML_FILE, out scriptNode); //this.context. this.depth = context.FindExistingNode(NodeType.Depth) as DepthGenerator; if (this.depth == null) { throw new Exception("Viewer must have a depth node!"); } this.userGenerator = new UserGenerator(this.context); this.skeletonCapbility = this.userGenerator.SkeletonCapability; this.poseDetectionCapability = this.userGenerator.PoseDetectionCapability; this.calibPose = this.skeletonCapbility.CalibrationPose; this.userGenerator.NewUser += userGenerator_NewUser; this.userGenerator.LostUser += userGenerator_LostUser; this.poseDetectionCapability.PoseDetected += poseDetectionCapability_PoseDetected; this.skeletonCapbility.CalibrationComplete += skeletonCapbility_CalibrationComplete; this.skeletonCapbility.SetSkeletonProfile(SkeletonProfile.All); this.joints = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <SkeletonJoint, SkeletonJointPosition> >(); this.userGenerator.StartGenerating(); this.histogram = new int[this.depth.DeviceMaxDepth]; MapOutputMode mapMode = this.depth.MapOutputMode; this.bitmap = new Bitmap((int)mapMode.XRes, (int)mapMode.YRes); this.shouldRun = true; this.readerThread = new Thread(ReaderThread); this.readerThread.Start(); }
private async void MainForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool Mine = false; //--------------------------------------------- this.Controls.AddRange(new Control[] { this.FirstLabel }); this.FirstLabel.Refresh(); //--------------------------------------------- if (Taskbar.IsShowing && sender is MainForm) { this.Shown -= MainForm_Shown; Taskbar.Hide(); } await Task.Run(() => { ThereIsConstants.Actions.CheckForInternetConnection(ref Mine); }); if (Mine) { //DateTime Current = ThereIsConstants.Actions.GetNistTime(); //Current = Current.ToLocalTime(); this.FirstLabel.Text = "Checking for updates..."; this.IsConnecting = false; this.IsShowingSandBox = false; this.IsCheckingForUpdate = true; //ThereIsConstants.AppSettings.AppDateTime = Current; //ThereIsConstants.AppSettings.DateTimeSettedWithNet = true; ThereIsConstants.Actions.IsLastVersion(); //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); } else { NoInternetConnectionSandBox myTest = new NoInternetConnectionSandBox(this); this.IsShowingSandBox = true; this.ShowingSandBox = myTest; myTest.Show(); myTest.Location = new Point((this.Width / 2) - (myTest.Width / 2), (this.Height / 2) - (myTest.Height / 2)); myTest.ClosedForRetry = false; //----------------------------------------------- myTest.FormClosed += MyTest_FormClosed; myTest.ButtonControl1.Click += ButtonControl1_Click; myTest.ButtonControl2.Click += ButtonControl2_Click; //------------------------------------------------ } }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; bwAnimation.RunWorkerAsync(); SetTaskManager(false); Taskbar.Hide(); this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; this.Closing += OnClosing; this.KeyPreview = true; this.KeyDown += OnKeyDown; SetStartup(); }
public void SetWindow() { if (chkCBW.CheckState == CheckState.Checked) { if (chkShowMenuStrip.CheckState == CheckState.Checked) { try { SetWindowLong(window, gwlStyle, wsSysMenu); SetWindowPos(window, 0, screens[0].Bounds.X, screens[0].Bounds.Y, screens[0].Bounds.Width, screens[0].Bounds.Height + wsMenuStrip, 0x0040); DrawMenuBar(window); Taskbar.Hide(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Failed to properly place Cemu into borderless window mode.", "Cemu Borderless Window"); } } else { try { SetWindowLong(window, gwlStyle, wsSysMenu); SetWindowPos(window, 0, screens[0].Bounds.X, screens[0].Bounds.Y - wsMenuStrip, screens[0].Bounds.Width, screens[0].Bounds.Height + wsMenuStrip, 0x0040); DrawMenuBar(window); Taskbar.Hide(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Failed to properly place Cemu into borderless window mode.", "Cemu Borderless Window"); } } } else { try { SetWindowLong(window, gwlStyle, wsCaption | wsBorder | wsSysMenu | wsMinimizeBox); SetWindowPos(window, 0, -6, 0, 1280, 770, 0x0040); DrawMenuBar(window); Taskbar.Show(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Failed to properly place Cemu into windowed mode.", "Cemu Borderless Window"); } } }
private void Btn_ChangeKioskMode_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { App.Setting.IsKioskMode = (bool)TS_KioskMode.IsChecked; if (App.Setting.IsKioskMode) { Taskbar.Hide(); App.MainWnd.Topmost = true; } else { App.MainWnd.Topmost = false; Taskbar.Show(); } App.Setting.Export(); }
private void SetupStartButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { data.Property("focusTime").Value = FocusPromptTextBox.Text; data.Property("breakTime").Value = BreakPromptTextBox.Text; data.Property("taskbarHide").Value = TaskbarCheckBox.Checked; File.WriteAllText(Storage.storagePath, data.ToString()); if (TaskbarCheckBox.Checked) { Taskbar.Hide(); } PreFocusPage preFocus = new PreFocusPage(); preFocus.Show(); preFocus.SetDesktopLocation(this.Bounds.X, this.Bounds.Y); this.Hide(); }
public void Magic() { if (AppSettings.DisabledWindowsKey) { WindowsKeyHook.Intercept(); } else { WindowsKeyHook.Release(); } if (AppSettings.HiddenTaskbar) { Taskbar.Hide(); } else { Taskbar.Show(); } }
private void Initialize() { // Core.KillExplorer(); Taskbar.Hide(); WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; Thread.Sleep(250); Image img = Wallpaper.Image; Wallpaper.Image = ImageHandling.ResizeImage(img, Wallpaper.Size.Width, Wallpaper.Size.Height); Thread.Sleep(100); LoadApps(); Thread.Sleep(100); Opacity = 1; }
private void kilitli()//Flash Belleği Bulamadığı Zaman Çalışacak Olan Kodlar { this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; this.TopMost = true; if (tools.internetSorgusu) { GetSourceCode("" + kullaniciAdi + "&pass=8" + kod + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH") + "&ip=" + tools.IpAdresi + "&kod=159753Guard"); } timer4.Enabled = true; timer2.Enabled = true; if (flashCikarili) { Flash_Kontrol flash = new Flash_Kontrol(); Flash_Kontrol.FlashKontrol(true); flash.Show(); flashCikarili = false; Mute(); this.TopMost = true; SetTaskbarState(AppBarStates.AutoHide); Taskbar.Hide(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); Taskbar.Hide(); RegistryKey rkey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies", true); rkey.CreateSubKey("System", RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.Default); rkey.Close(); RegistryKey rkey2 = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System", true); rkey2.SetValue("DisableTaskMgr", 1); rkey2.Close(); } flashTakili = true; }
protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F11) { if (Taskbar.IsShowing) { Taskbar.Hide(); } else { Taskbar.Show(); } this.Focus(); } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.LWin || e.KeyCode == Keys.RWin) { if (!Taskbar.IsShowing) { Taskbar.Show(); } } base.OnKeyDown(e); }
private void setWindow() { if (chkShowMenuStrip.CheckState == CheckState.Checked) { try { for (int i = 0; i < cemuWindows.Length; i++) { SetWindowLong(cemuWindows[i], gwlStyle, wsSysMenu); SetWindowPos(cemuWindows[i], 0, screens[projectorScreen].Bounds.X, screens[projectorScreen].Bounds.Y, screens[projectorScreen].Bounds.Width, screens[projectorScreen].Bounds.Height + wsMenuStrip, 0x0040); DrawMenuBar(cemuWindows[i]); Taskbar.Hide(); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Failed to properly place Cemu into borderless window mode.", "Cemu Borderless Window"); } } else { try { for (int i = 0; i < cemuWindows.Length; i++) { SetWindowLong(cemuWindows[i], gwlStyle, wsSysMenu); SetWindowPos(cemuWindows[i], 0, screens[projectorScreen].Bounds.X, screens[projectorScreen].Bounds.Y - wsMenuStrip, screens[projectorScreen].Bounds.Width, screens[projectorScreen].Bounds.Height + wsMenuStrip, 0x0040); DrawMenuBar(cemuWindows[i]); Taskbar.Hide(); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Failed to properly place Cemu into borderless window mode.", "Cemu Borderless Window"); } } }
protected override void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Taskbar.Hide(); Desktop.Hide(); Shared.TaskManager.Hide(); }
private void ManageExtPlayer(Process player, PlayableItem playable) { //minimize MCE if indicated IntPtr mceWnd = FindWindow(null, "Windows Media Center"); WINDOWPLACEMENT wp = new WINDOWPLACEMENT(); GetWindowPlacement(mceWnd, ref wp); Cursor.Hide(); if (HideTaskbar) { Taskbar.Hide(); } if (ShowSplashScreen) { //throw up a form to cover the desktop if we minimize and we are in the primary monitor if (System.Windows.Forms.Screen.FromHandle(mceWnd).Primary) { ExternalSplashForm.Display(Application.CurrentInstance.ExtSplashBmp); } } if (MinimizeMCE) { Logger.ReportVerbose("Minimizing Windows Media Center"); wp.showCmd = 2; // 1 - Normal; 2 - Minimize; 3 - Maximize; SetWindowPlacement(mceWnd, ref wp); } // async this so it doesn't slow us down if the service isn't responding for some reason Async.Queue("Wait for external player to launch", () => { player.Refresh(); player.WaitForInputIdle(5000); OnExternalPlayerLaunched(playable); }); //and wait for it to exit player.WaitForExit(); player.Dispose(); //now restore MCE wp.showCmd = 1; // 1 - Normal; 2 - Minimize; 3 - Maximize; SetWindowPlacement(mceWnd, ref wp); if (ShowSplashScreen) { ExternalSplashForm.Hide(); } if (HideTaskbar) { Taskbar.Show(); } Cursor.Show(); SetForegroundWindow(mceWnd); OnPlaybackFinished(GetFinishedPlaybackState()); }
public LockScreenForm(string[] args) { InitializeComponent(); this.args = args; Taskbar.Hide(); GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath(); gp.AddEllipse(ProfileIcon.ClientRectangle); Region region = new Region(gp); ProfileIcon.Region = region; string userName = Environment.UserName; UserNameLabel.Text = userName; //获取当前用户名 System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity currentUser = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(); string usersid = currentUser.User.ToString(); //获取当前用户sid //Console.WriteLine(usersid); FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; Location = new Point(0, 0); Size = new Size(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height); DirectoryInfo userimage = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\users\" + userName + @"\appdata\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\AccountPictures\"); FileInfo[] userfiles = userimage.GetFiles(); string user_image_path; //Console.WriteLine(userfiles.Length); if (userfiles.Length > 1) { user_image_path = userfiles[0].FullName; //当前用户头像 FileStream fs = new FileStream(user_image_path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); int length = (int)fs.Length; string filehex = ""; while (length > 0) { byte tempByte = br.ReadByte(); string tempStr = Convert.ToString(tempByte, 16); if (tempStr.Length == 1) { tempStr = "0" + tempStr; } //sw.Write(tempStr); filehex += tempStr; length--; } //Console.WriteLine("All:"+filehex); string filehex2 = filehex.Replace("ffd8", "~"); string[] filehexs = filehex2.Split('~'); string userhex = "ffd8" + filehexs[2]; //Console.WriteLine(userhex); //Console.WriteLine(filehexs[2]); System.IO.FileStream sw = new System.IO.FileStream(userfiles[0].DirectoryName + @"\lock.jpg", System.IO.FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.Write); int NumberChars = userhex.Length; for (int i = 0; i < NumberChars; i += 2) { sw.WriteByte(Convert.ToByte(userhex.Substring(i, 2), 16));//提取头像中的图片 } fs.Close(); br.Close(); sw.Close(); ProfileIcon.Image = Image.FromFile(userfiles[0].DirectoryName + @"\lock.jpg"); } else { user_image_path = @"C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user.png"; ProfileIcon.Image = Image.FromFile(user_image_path); } TopMost = true; UserNameLabel.BackColor = Color.Transparent; int usernameloch = (Convert.ToInt32(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height) / 100) * 64; int usericonh = (Convert.ToInt32(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height) / 100) * 29; int buttonh = (Convert.ToInt32(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height) / 100) * 64; int usernameh = (Convert.ToInt32(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height) / 100) * 50; int locked = (Convert.ToInt32(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height) / 100) * 57; PasswordTextBox.Top = usernameloch; PasswordTextBox.UseSystemPasswordChar = true; ProfileIcon.Top = usericonh; SubmitPasswordButton.Top = buttonh; UserNameLabel.Top = usernameh; LockedLabel.Top = locked; foreach (var screen in Screen.AllScreens) { Thread thread = new Thread(() => WorkThreadFunction(screen)); thread.Start(); } }
private void frmQuestions_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Taskbar.Hide(); }
public static void HideInterfaceArtifacts() { Taskbar.Hide(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Taskbar.Hide(); RenderWindow window = initWindow(); View GameView = window.GetView(); GameView.Center = new Vector2f(960 - 277, 540 - 156); window.SetView(GameView); Menu menu = new Menu(); GameObject gameObject = new GameObject(new Vector2f(1366, 768)); GameOver gameOverScreen = new GameOver(); Settings settings = new Settings(4, 1); Intro intro = new Intro(); Background bg = new Background(new Vector2f(1366, 768)); // gamestates 0: menu, 1: game, 2: gameover, 3: settings, 4: exit, 5: Intro int gamestate = 5; while (window.IsOpen) { window.Clear(); switch (gamestate) { case 0: window.Draw(menu); gamestate = menu.updateGameState(); break; case 1: window.Draw(bg); gameObject.TwoPlayerGame = false; gameObject.updateGame(); window.Draw(gameObject); gamestate = gameObject.Gamestate; break; case 2: window.Draw(gameOverScreen); gamestate = gameOverScreen.updateGameState(); break; case 3: window.Draw(settings); gamestate = settings.update(); gameObject.Difficulty = settings.updateDifficulty(); break; case 4: Taskbar.Show(); System.Environment.Exit(1); break; case 5: gamestate = intro.updateIntro(); window.Draw(intro); break; case 6: window.Draw(bg); gameObject.TwoPlayerGame = true; gameObject.updateGame(); window.Draw(gameObject); gamestate = gameObject.Gamestate; break; } window.Display(); } }