Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void BT_Add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String lType            = RB_Inject.Checked ? "Inject" : "Redirect";
            String lRequestedURL    = TB_RequestedURL.Text;
            String lRequestedHost   = TB_RequestedHost.Text;
            String lReplacementHost = TB_ReplacementHost.Text;
            String lReplacementURL  = TB_ReplacementURL.Text;
            String lErrorMsg        = String.Empty;

                if (RB_Inject.Checked)
                    cTask.addRecord(lType, lRequestedHost, lRequestedURL, PluginParameters.HostApplication.GetCurrentIP().ToString(), Path.GetFileName(lReplacementURL), lReplacementURL);
                    cTask.addRecord(lType, lRequestedHost, lRequestedURL, lReplacementHost, lReplacementURL, String.Empty);

                TB_RequestedHost.Text   = String.Empty;
                TB_RequestedURL.Text    = String.Empty;
                TB_ReplacementHost.Text = String.Empty;
                TB_ReplacementURL.Text  = String.Empty;
            catch (Exception lEx)
                PluginParameters.HostApplication.LogMessage(String.Format("{0}: {1}", Config.PluginName, lEx.Message));
                MessageBox.Show(lEx.Message, "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void BT_Add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String lHostName  = TB_Host.Text.Trim();
            String lIPAddress = TB_Address.Text.Trim();

                cTask.addRecord(lHostName, lIPAddress);
            catch (Exception lEx)
                cPluginParams.HostApplication.LogMessage(String.Format("{0}: {1}", Config.PluginName, lEx.Message));
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("An error occurred while adding a record.\r\n{0}", lEx.Message), "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void ProcessEntries()
            if (cDataBatch != null && cDataBatch.Count > 0)
                List <IMAP4Account> lNewRecords = new List <IMAP4Account>();
                List <String>       lNewData;
                String[]            lSplitter;
                String lProto;
                String lSMAC;
                String lSIP;
                String lSPort;
                String lDIP;
                String lDPort;
                String lData;
                String lPassword;
                String lServer;

                lock (this)
                    lNewData = new List <String>(cDataBatch);
                } // lock (this)...

                List <IMAP4Account> lNewRecordsBatch = new List <IMAP4Account>();
                foreach (String lEntry in lNewData)
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lEntry))
                            if ((lSplitter = Regex.Split(lEntry, @"\|\|")).Length == 9)
                                lProto    = lSplitter[0];
                                lSMAC     = lSplitter[1];
                                lSIP      = lSplitter[2];
                                lSPort    = lSplitter[3];
                                lDIP      = lSplitter[4];
                                lDPort    = lSplitter[5];
                                lData     = lSplitter[6];
                                lPassword = lSplitter[7];
                                lServer   = lSplitter[8];

                                lNewRecordsBatch.Add(new IMAP4Account(lSMAC, lSIP, lDIP, lDPort, lData, lPassword, lServer));
                            } // if (lSplitter...
                        catch (Exception)
                    } // if (!String...
                }     // foreach (Str...

                if (lNewRecordsBatch.Count > 0)
            } // if (cData...
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pData"></param>
        /// <param name="pSrcMAC"></param>
        /// <param name="pSrcIP"></param>
        /// <param name="pURL"></param>
        /// <param name="pSessionName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool EvaluateSession(String pData, String pSrcMAC, String pSrcIP, String pURL, String pSessionName)
            bool   lRetVal  = false;
            String lCookies = String.Empty;
            String lBrowser = String.Empty;
            String lHost    = String.Empty;
            String lURI     = String.Empty;
            Match  lMatchCookies;
            Match  lMatchBrowser;
            Match  lMatchURI;
            Match  lMatchHost;

            if (((lMatchBrowser = Regex.Match(pData, @"\.\.User-Agent\s*:\s*(.*?)(\.\.|$)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))).Success &&
                ((lMatchCookies = Regex.Match(pData, @"\.\.Cookie\s*:\s*(.*?)(\.\.|$)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))).Success &&
                ((lMatchHost = Regex.Match(pData, @"\.\.Host\s*:\s*(.*?)(\.\.|$)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))).Success &&
                ((lMatchURI = Regex.Match(pData, @"GET\s+([^\s]+)\s+", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))).Success)
                 * Define connection data.
                lCookies = lMatchCookies.Groups[1].Value.ToString();
                lBrowser = lMatchBrowser.Groups[1].Value.ToString();

                if (pURL.Length > 0)
                    lHost = pURL;
                    lURI  = lMatchURI.Groups[1].Value.ToString();
                    lHost = "http://" + lMatchHost.Groups[1].Value.ToString() + lURI;

                if (lCookies.Length > 0 && lBrowser.Length > 0 && lHost.Length > 0)
                    if (IsInDGV(pSrcIP, lBrowser, lCookies) == false)
                        AddNode(pSessionName, pSrcIP, IL_Sessions.Images.IndexOfKey(pSessionName));
                        cTask.addRecord(new Session.Config.Session(pSrcMAC, pSrcIP, lHost, "80", lCookies, lBrowser, pSessionName));
                } // if (lCookies.L...
            }     // if (((lMatc...

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void BT_Add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String lProtocol        = CB_Protocol.Text;
            String lSrcIP           = CB_SrcIP.Text;
            String lDstIP           = CB_DstIP.Text;
            String lSrcPortLowerStr = TB_SrcPortLower.Text;
            String lSrcPortUpperStr = TB_SrcPortUpper.Text;
            String lDstPortLowerStr = TB_DstPortLower.Text;
            String lDstPortUpperStr = TB_DstPortUpper.Text;

                cTask.addRecord(lProtocol, lSrcIP, lDstIP, lSrcPortLowerStr, lSrcPortUpperStr, lDstPortLowerStr, lDstPortUpperStr);
            catch (Exception lEx)
                PluginParameters.HostApplication.LogMessage(String.Format("{0}: {1}", Config.PluginName, lEx.Message));
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format(lEx.Message, "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning));
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void ProcessEntries()
            if (cDataBatch != null && cDataBatch.Count > 0)
                List <DNSRequestRecord> lNewRecords = new List <DNSRequestRecord>();
                List <String>           lNewData;
                String[] lSplitter;
                String   lProto    = String.Empty;
                String   lSMAC     = String.Empty;
                String   lSIP      = String.Empty;
                String   lSrcPort  = String.Empty;
                String   lDstIP    = String.Empty;
                String   lDstPort  = String.Empty;
                String   lHostName = String.Empty;

                lock (this)
                    lNewData = new List <String>(cDataBatch);
                } // lock (this)...

                foreach (String lEntry in lNewData)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lEntry))
                            if ((lSplitter = Regex.Split(lEntry, @"\|\|")).Length == 7)
                                lProto    = lSplitter[0];
                                lSMAC     = lSplitter[1];
                                lSIP      = lSplitter[2];
                                lSrcPort  = lSplitter[3];
                                lDstIP    = lSplitter[4];
                                lDstPort  = lSplitter[5];
                                lHostName = lSplitter[6];

                                if (lDstPort != null && lDstPort == "53")
                                    lNewRecords.Add(new DNSRequestRecord(lSMAC, lSIP, lHostName, lProto));
                            } // if (lSplitter...
                        }     // if (pData.Le...
                    catch (Exception lEx)
                        if (PluginParameters.HostApplication != null)
                            PluginParameters.HostApplication.LogMessage(String.Format("{0}: {1}", Config.PluginName, lEx.Message));
                } // foreach(...

                if (lNewRecords.Count > 0)
                    catch (Exception lEx)
                        if (PluginParameters.HostApplication != null)
                            PluginParameters.HostApplication.LogMessage(String.Format("{0}: {1} (Host name: \"{2}\")", Config.PluginName, lEx.Message, lHostName));
                } // if (lNewR...
            }     // if (cDataBatch...
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void ProcessEntries()
            if (cDataBatch != null && cDataBatch.Count > 0)
                List <Account> lNewRecords = new List <Account>();
                List <String>  lNewData;
                int            lDstPortInt;
                String[]       lSplitter;
                String         lProto;
                String         lSMAC;
                String         lSIP;
                String         lSPort;
                String         lDIP;
                String         lDPort;
                String         lData;

                lock (this)
                    lNewData = new List <String>(cDataBatch);
                } // lock (this)...

                foreach (String lEntry in lNewData)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lEntry))
                            if ((lSplitter = Regex.Split(lEntry, @"\|\|")).Length == 7)
                                lProto = lSplitter[0];
                                lSMAC  = lSplitter[1];
                                lSIP   = lSplitter[2];
                                lSPort = lSplitter[3];
                                lDIP   = lSplitter[4];
                                lDPort = lSplitter[5];
                                lData  = lSplitter[6];

                                 * HTML GET authentication strings
                                sHTTPAccount lAuthData = new sHTTPAccount();

                                    lAuthData = FindAuthString(lData);
                                catch (Exception lEx)
                                    PluginParameters.HostApplication.LogMessage(String.Format("{0}: {1}", Config.PluginName, lEx.Message));

                                if (lAuthData.CompanyURL.Length > 0 && lAuthData.Username.Length > 0 && lAuthData.Password.Length > 0)
                                    if (!Int32.TryParse(lDPort, out lDstPortInt))
                                        throw new Exception("Something is wrong with the remote port.");
                                    else if (!Regex.Match(lDIP, @"^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$").Success&& !Regex.Match(lDIP, @"\.[\d\w]+").Success)
                                        throw new Exception("Something is wrong with the remote system.");

                                    lNewRecords.Add(new Account(lSMAC, lSIP, lAuthData.CompanyURL, lDPort, lAuthData.Username, lAuthData.Password));
                                } // if (lAuthData.Co...
                            }     // if (lSplitter...
                        }         // if (pData.Lengt ...
                    catch (Exception lEx)
                        PluginParameters.HostApplication.LogMessage(String.Format("{0} : {1}", Config.PluginName, lEx.Message));
                } // foreach ...

                if (lNewRecords.Count > 0)
            } // if (cDataBat...
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void ProcessEntries()
            if (cDataBatch != null && cDataBatch.Count > 0)
                List <SystemRecord> lNewRecords = new List <SystemRecord>();
                List <String>       lNewData;
                Match           lMatchUserAgent;
                EntryType       lEntryType;
                DataGridViewRow lTabelRow;
                String[]        lSplitter;
                String          lProto;
                String          lSMAC;
                String          lSIP;
                String          lSPort;
                String          lDIP;
                String          lDPort;
                String          lData;
                String          lOperatingSystem = String.Empty;
                String          lUserAgent       = String.Empty;

                lock (this)
                    lNewData = new List <String>(cDataBatch);
                } // lock (this)...

                foreach (String lEntry in lNewData)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lEntry))
                            if ((lSplitter = Regex.Split(lEntry, @"\|\|")).Length == 7)
                                lProto = lSplitter[0];
                                lSMAC  = lSplitter[1];
                                lSIP   = lSplitter[2];
                                lSPort = lSplitter[3];
                                lDIP   = lSplitter[4];
                                lDPort = lSplitter[5];
                                lData  = lSplitter[6];

                                lSMAC      = Regex.Replace(lSMAC, @"-", ":");
                                lEntryType = FullEntryExists(lSMAC, lSIP);

                                 * Determine the operating system due to the HTTP User-Agent string.
                                if (((lMatchUserAgent = Regex.Match(lData, @"\.\.User-Agent\s*:\s*(.+?)\.\.", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))).Success)
                                        lUserAgent       = lMatchUserAgent.Groups[1].Value.ToString();
                                        lOperatingSystem = GetOperatingSystem(lUserAgent);
                                    catch (Exception lEx)
                                        cPluginParams.HostApplication.LogMessage(String.Format("{0}: {1}", Config.PluginName, lEx.Message));

                                        if (lEntryType != EntryType.Full && lOperatingSystem.Length > 0)
                                            if (lEntryType == EntryType.Empty)
                                                lock (this)
                                                    cTask.addRecord(new SystemRecord(lSMAC, lSIP, lUserAgent, String.Empty, lOperatingSystem, String.Empty));
                                            else if (lEntryType == EntryType.Half)
                                                SetOS(lSMAC, lSIP, lOperatingSystem);

                                            if ((lTabelRow = GetRowByMAC(lSMAC)) != null)
                                                lTabelRow.Cells["OperatingSystem"].ToolTipText = lUserAgent;
                                        else if (lSIP.Length > 0 && lSMAC.Length > 0)
                                            cTask.addRecord(new SystemRecord(lSMAC, lSIP, lUserAgent, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty));
                                    catch (RecordException lEx)
                                        cPluginParams.HostApplication.LogMessage(String.Format("{0}: {1}", Config.PluginName, lEx.Message));
                                    catch (RecordExistsException lEx)
                                    catch (Exception lEx)
                                        cPluginParams.HostApplication.LogMessage(String.Format("{0}: {1}", Config.PluginName, lEx.Message));

                                     * The operating system cant be determined.
                                else if (lEntryType == EntryType.Empty && lSIP.Length > 0 && lSMAC.Length > 0)
                                        lock (this)
                                            cTask.addRecord(new SystemRecord(lSMAC, lSIP, String.Empty, lUserAgent, String.Empty, String.Empty));
                                    catch (RecordException)
                                } // if (lDstPort...

                                 * Updating LastSeen column.
                                using (DataGridViewRow lRow = ListEntryExists(lSMAC))
                                    if (lRow != null && lRow.Cells["LastSeen"] != null)
                                        lRow.Cells["LastSeen"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                            } // if (lSplit.Leng..
                        }     // if (pData.Leng...
                    catch (Exception lEx)
                        MessageBox.Show(String.Format("{0} : {1}", Config.PluginName, lEx.ToString()));
                } // foreach (St...
            }     // if (cDataBat...
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void ProcessEntries()
            if (cDataBatch != null && cDataBatch.Count > 0)
                List <ApplicationRecord> lNewRecords = new List <ApplicationRecord>();
                List <String>            lNewData;
                Match    lMatchURI;
                Match    lMatchHost;
                String   lRemoteHost   = String.Empty;
                String   lReqString    = String.Empty;
                String   lRemotePort   = "0";
                String   lRemoteString = String.Empty;
                String   lProto        = String.Empty;
                String   lSMAC         = String.Empty;
                String   lSIP          = String.Empty;
                String   lSPort        = String.Empty;
                String   lDIP          = String.Empty;
                String   lDPort        = String.Empty;
                String   lData         = String.Empty;
                String[] lSplitter;

                lock (this)
                    lNewData = new List <String>(cDataBatch);
                } // lock (this)...

                foreach (String lEntry in lNewData)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lEntry))
                            if ((lSplitter = Regex.Split(lEntry, @"\|\|")).Length == 7)
                                lProto = lSplitter[0];
                                lSMAC  = lSplitter[1];
                                lSIP   = lSplitter[2];
                                lSPort = lSplitter[3];
                                lDIP   = lSplitter[4];
                                lDPort = lSplitter[5];
                                lData  = lSplitter[6];

                                if (lProto == "TCP" && lDPort == "80" &&
                                    ((lMatchURI = Regex.Match(lData, @"(\s+|^)(GET|POST|HEAD)\s+([^\s]+)\s+HTTP\/"))).Success &&
                                    ((lMatchHost = Regex.Match(lData, @"\.\.Host\s*:\s*([\w\d\.]+?)\.\.", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))).Success)
                                    lRemotePort = "80";
                                    lRemoteHost = lMatchHost.Groups[1].Value.ToString();
                                    lReqString  = lMatchURI.Groups[3].Value.ToString();

                                    lRemoteString = lRemoteHost + ":" + lRemotePort + lReqString;
                                else if (lProto == "DNSREQ" && lDPort == "53")
                                    lRemoteString = lData;

                                 * Browse through patterns to identify the app
                                if (lRemoteString.Length > 5)
                                    foreach (MngApplication.ApplicationPattern lPattern in cApplicationPatterns)
                                        if (Regex.Match(lRemoteString, @lPattern.ApplicationPatternString).Success)
                                                cTask.addRecord(new ApplicationRecord(lSMAC, lSIP, lDPort, lRemoteHost, lReqString, lPattern.ApplicationName, lPattern.CompanyURL));
                                            catch (Exception lEx)
                                                cPluginParams.HostApplication.LogMessage(String.Format("{0}: {1}", Config.PluginName, lEx.Message));
                                        } // if (lSplit2.L...
                                    }     //foreach (st...
                                }         // if (lRemoteString...
                            }             // if (lSplitte...
                        }                 // if (pData.Leng...
                    catch (Exception lEx)
                        cPluginParams.HostApplication.LogMessage(String.Format("{0}: {1}", Config.PluginName, lEx.Message));
                } // foreach (...
            }     // if (cDataBa...