private void WarnAboutPythonSymbols(string moduleName) { var dialog = new TaskDialog(_serviceProvider); var openSymbolSettings = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.MixedModeDebugSymbolsRequiredOpenSymbolSettings); var downloadSymbols = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.MixedModeDebugSymbolsRequiredDownloadSymbols); dialog.Buttons.Add(openSymbolSettings); dialog.Buttons.Add(downloadSymbols); dialog.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Close); dialog.UseCommandLinks = true; dialog.Title = Strings.MixedModeDebugSymbolsRequiredTitle; dialog.Content = Strings.MixedModeDebugSymbolsRequiredMessage.FormatUI(moduleName); dialog.Width = 0; dialog.ShowModal(); if (dialog.SelectedButton == openSymbolSettings) { var cmdId = new CommandID(VSConstants.GUID_VSStandardCommandSet97, VSConstants.cmdidToolsOptions); _serviceProvider.GlobalInvoke(cmdId, "1F5E080F-CBD2-459C-8267-39fd83032166"); } else if (dialog.SelectedButton == downloadSymbols) { PythonToolsPackage.OpenWebBrowser( _serviceProvider, string.Format("{0:X}", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID) ); } }
private void WarnAboutPythonSymbols(string moduleName) { const string content = "Python/native mixed-mode debugging requires symbol files for the Python interpreter that is being debugged. Please add the folder " + "containing those symbol files to your symbol search path, and force a reload of symbols for {0}."; var dialog = new TaskDialog(_serviceProvider); var openSymbolSettings = new TaskDialogButton("Open symbol settings dialog"); var downloadSymbols = new TaskDialogButton("Download symbols for my interpreter"); dialog.Buttons.Add(openSymbolSettings); dialog.Buttons.Add(downloadSymbols); dialog.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Close); dialog.UseCommandLinks = true; dialog.Title = "Python Symbols Required"; dialog.Content = string.Format(content, moduleName); dialog.Width = 0; dialog.ShowModal(); if (dialog.SelectedButton == openSymbolSettings) { var cmdId = new CommandID(VSConstants.GUID_VSStandardCommandSet97, VSConstants.cmdidToolsOptions); _serviceProvider.GlobalInvoke(cmdId, "1F5E080F-CBD2-459C-8267-39fd83032166"); } else if (dialog.SelectedButton == downloadSymbols) { PythonToolsPackage.OpenWebBrowser( string.Format("{0:X}", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID)); } }
private void PipExtensionProvider_QueryShouldElevate(object sender, QueryShouldElevateEventArgs e) { if (_pyService.GeneralOptions.ElevatePip) { e.Elevate = true; return; } try { // Create a test file and delete it immediately to ensure we can do it. // If this fails, prompt the user to see whether they want to elevate. var testFile = PathUtils.GetAvailableFilename(e.Configuration.PrefixPath, "access-test", ".txt"); using (new FileStream(testFile, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Delete, 4096, FileOptions.DeleteOnClose)) { } e.Elevate = false; return; } catch (IOException) { } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { } var td = new TaskDialog(_site) { Title = Strings.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_MainInstruction, AllowCancellation = true, }; var elevate = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_Elevate, Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_Elevate_Note) { ElevationRequired = true }; var noElevate = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_DoNotElevate, Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_DoNotElevate_Note); var elevateAlways = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_ElevateAlways, Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_ElevateAlways_Note) { ElevationRequired = true }; td.Buttons.Add(elevate); td.Buttons.Add(noElevate); td.Buttons.Add(elevateAlways); td.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Cancel); var sel = td.ShowModal(); if (sel == TaskDialogButton.Cancel) { e.Cancel = true; } else if (sel == noElevate) { e.Elevate = false; } else if (sel == elevateAlways) { _pyService.GeneralOptions.ElevatePip = true; _pyService.GeneralOptions.Save(); e.Elevate = true; } else { e.Elevate = true; } }
private bool ShouldIncludeNodeModulesFolderInProject() { var includeNodeModulesButton = new TaskDialogButton(SR.GetString(SR.IncludeNodeModulesIncludeTitle), SR.GetString(SR.IncludeNodeModulesIncludeDescription)); var cancelOperationButton = new TaskDialogButton(SR.GetString(SR.IncludeNodeModulesCancelTitle)); var taskDialog = new TaskDialog(_project.ProjectMgr.Site) { AllowCancellation = true, EnableHyperlinks = true, Title = SR.ProductName, MainIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Warning, Content = SR.GetString(SR.IncludeNodeModulesContent), Buttons = { cancelOperationButton, includeNodeModulesButton }, FooterIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Information, Footer = SR.GetString(SR.IncludeNodeModulesInformation), SelectedButton = cancelOperationButton }; var button = taskDialog.ShowModal(); return(button == includeNodeModulesButton); }
public static bool ShouldElevate(IServiceProvider site, InterpreterConfiguration config, string operation) { var opts = site.GetPythonToolsService().GeneralOptions; if (opts.ElevatePip) { return(true); } try { // Create a test file and delete it immediately to ensure we can do it. // If this fails, prompt the user to see whether they want to elevate. var testFile = PathUtils.GetAvailableFilename(config.PrefixPath, "access-test", ".txt"); using (new FileStream(testFile, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Delete, 4096, FileOptions.DeleteOnClose)) { } return(false); } catch (IOException) { } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { } var td = new TaskDialog(site) { Title = Strings.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_MainInstruction, AllowCancellation = true, }; var elevate = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_Elevate, Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_Elevate_Note) { ElevationRequired = true }; var noElevate = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_DoNotElevate, Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_DoNotElevate_Note); var elevateAlways = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_ElevateAlways, Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_ElevateAlways_Note) { ElevationRequired = true }; td.Buttons.Add(elevate); td.Buttons.Add(noElevate); td.Buttons.Add(elevateAlways); td.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Cancel); var sel = td.ShowModal(); if (sel == TaskDialogButton.Cancel) { throw new OperationCanceledException(); } if (sel == noElevate) { return(false); } if (sel == elevateAlways) { opts.ElevatePip = true; opts.Save(); } return(true); }
internal static bool LaunchFile(IServiceProvider provider, string filename, bool debug, bool saveDirtyFiles) { var project = (IPythonProject)provider.GetProjectFromOpenFile(filename) ?? new DefaultPythonProject(provider, filename); try { var starter = GetLauncher(provider, project); if (starter == null) { Debug.Fail("Failed to get project launcher"); return(false); } if (saveDirtyFiles) { var rdt = provider.GetService(typeof(SVsRunningDocumentTable)) as IVsRunningDocumentTable; if (rdt != null) { // Consider using (uint)(__VSRDTSAVEOPTIONS.RDTSAVEOPT_SaveIfDirty | __VSRDTSAVEOPTIONS.RDTSAVEOPT_PromptSave) // when VS settings include prompt for save on build var saveOpt = (uint)__VSRDTSAVEOPTIONS.RDTSAVEOPT_SaveIfDirty; var hr = rdt.SaveDocuments(saveOpt, null, VSConstants.VSITEMID_NIL, VSConstants.VSCOOKIE_NIL); if (hr == VSConstants.E_ABORT) { return(false); } } } starter.LaunchFile(filename, debug); } catch (MissingInterpreterException ex) { var interpreterRegistry = provider.GetComponentModel().GetService <IInterpreterRegistryService>(); if (project.GetInterpreterFactory() == interpreterRegistry.NoInterpretersValue) { OpenNoInterpretersHelpPage(provider, ex.HelpPage); } else { var td = new TaskDialog(provider) { Title = Strings.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = Strings.FailedToLaunchDebugger, Content = ex.Message }; td.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Close); td.ShowModal(); } return(false); } catch (NoInterpretersException ex) { OpenNoInterpretersHelpPage(provider, ex.HelpPage); return(false); } catch (IOException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, Strings.ProductTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } return(true); }
public override int DebugLaunch(uint flags) { if (_project.ShouldWarnOnLaunch) { var pyService = ProjectMgr.Site.GetPythonToolsService(); if (pyService.DebuggerOptions.PromptBeforeRunningWithBuildError) { var res = new StartWithErrorsDialog(pyService).ShowDialog(); if (res == DialogResult.No) { return(VSConstants.S_OK); } } } string errorMessage = null; try { return(base.DebugLaunch(flags)); } catch (MissingInterpreterException ex) { if (_project.ActiveInterpreter == _project.InterpreterRegistry.NoInterpretersValue) { PythonToolsPackage.OpenNoInterpretersHelpPage(ProjectMgr.Site, ex.HelpPage); } else { errorMessage = ex.Message; } } catch (NoInterpretersException ex) { PythonToolsPackage.OpenNoInterpretersHelpPage(ProjectMgr.Site, ex.HelpPage); } catch (IOException ex) { errorMessage = ex.Message; } catch (NoStartupFileException ex) { errorMessage = ex.Message; } catch (ArgumentException ex) { // Previously used to handle "No startup file" which now has its own exception. // Keeping it in case some launchers started relying on us catching this. errorMessage = ex.Message; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage)) { var td = new TaskDialog(ProjectMgr.Site) { Title = Strings.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = Strings.FailedToLaunchDebugger, Content = errorMessage, AllowCancellation = true }; td.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Close); td.ShowModal(); } return(VSConstants.S_OK); }
private string ResolveAppNameCollisionWithUser(EnvDTE.ProjectItems items, string name, out bool cancel) { while (true) { try { if (items.Item(name) == null) { break; } } catch (ArgumentException) { break; } var td = new TaskDialog(new ServiceProvider(GetSite())) { Title = Resources.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = string.Format(Resources.DjangoAppAlreadyExistsTitle, name), Content = string.Format(Resources.DjangoAppAlreadyExistsInstruction, name), AllowCancellation = true }; var cont = new TaskDialogButton( Resources.DjangoAppAlreadyExistsCreateAnyway, Resources.DjangoAppAlreadyExistsCreateAnywaySubtitle ); var retry = new TaskDialogButton(Resources.SelectAnotherName); td.Buttons.Add(cont); td.Buttons.Add(retry); td.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Cancel); var clicked = td.ShowModal(); if (clicked == cont) { break; } else if (clicked == retry) { name = GetNewAppNameFromUser(name); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { cancel = true; return(null); } } else { cancel = true; return(null); } } cancel = false; return(name); }
public void RunStarted(object automationObject, Dictionary <string, string> replacementsDictionary, WizardRunKind runKind, object[] customParams) { var provider = WizardHelpers.GetProvider(automationObject); try { if (AreToolsInstalled(provider)) { // If we fail to find the wizard, we will redirect the user to // install the required packages. var asm = Assembly.Load("Microsoft.VisualStudio.CloudService.Wizard,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"); var type = asm.GetType("Microsoft.VisualStudio.CloudService.Wizard.CloudServiceWizard"); _wizard = type.InvokeMember(null, BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, null, new object[0], CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) as IWizard; } } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (BadImageFormatException) { } catch (IOException) { } catch (MemberAccessException) { } if (_wizard == null) { try { Directory.Delete(replacementsDictionary["$destinationdirectory$"]); Directory.Delete(replacementsDictionary["$solutiondirectory$"]); } catch { // If it fails (doesn't exist/contains files/read-only), let the directory stay. } var dlg = new TaskDialog(provider) { Title = Strings.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = Strings.AzureToolsRequired, Content = Strings.AzureToolsInstallInstructions, AllowCancellation = true }; dlg.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Cancel); var download = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.DownloadAndInstall); dlg.Buttons.Insert(0, download); if (dlg.ShowModal() == download) { InstallTools(provider); throw new WizardCancelledException(); } // User cancelled, so go back to the New Project dialog throw new WizardBackoutException(); } // Run the original wizard to get the right replacements _wizard.RunStarted(automationObject, replacementsDictionary, runKind, customParams); }
private bool?QuerySetEvaluator(string newEvaluator, string newEvaluatorId) { var opts = _serviceProvider.GetPythonToolsService().SuppressDialogOptions; var opt = opts.SwitchEvaluator; if (opt == "AlwaysSwitch") { return(true); } else if (opt == "AlwaysOpenNew") { return(false); } var td = new TaskDialog(_serviceProvider) { Title = Strings.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = Strings.ReplQuerySwitchEvaluator.FormatUI(newEvaluator), Content = Strings.ReplQuerySwitchEvaluatorHint, VerificationText = Strings.RememberMySelection, AllowCancellation = true }; var sameWin = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.ReplQuerySwitchThisTab, Strings.ReplQuerySwitchThisTabHint); var newWin = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.ReplQuerySwitchNewTab, Strings.ReplQuerySwitchNewTabHint); td.Buttons.Add(sameWin); td.Buttons.Add(newWin); td.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Cancel); var result = td.ShowModal(); if (result == sameWin) { if (td.SelectedVerified) { opts.SwitchEvaluator = "AlwaysSwitch"; opts.Save(); } return(true); } else if (result == newWin) { if (td.SelectedVerified) { opts.SwitchEvaluator = "AlwaysOpenNew"; opts.Save(); } return(false); } return(null); }
public static void CallWithRetry( Action <int> action, IServiceProvider provider, string title, string failedText, string expandControlText, string retryButtonText, string cancelButtonText, Func <Exception, bool> canRetry = null ) { for (int retryCount = 1; ; ++retryCount) { try { action(retryCount); return; } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.IsCriticalException()) { throw; } if (canRetry != null && !canRetry(ex)) { throw; } var td = new TaskDialog(provider) { Title = title, MainInstruction = failedText, Content = ex.Message, CollapsedControlText = expandControlText, ExpandedControlText = expandControlText, ExpandedInformation = ex.ToString() }; var retry = new TaskDialogButton(retryButtonText); td.Buttons.Add(retry); td.Buttons.Add(new TaskDialogButton(cancelButtonText)); var button = td.ShowModal(); if (button != retry) { throw new OperationCanceledException(); } } } }
private void OfferUpgrade(IServiceProvider provider) { if (!_recommendUpgrade) { return; } var sm = SettingsManagerCreator.GetSettingsManager(provider); var store = sm.GetReadOnlySettingsStore(SettingsScope.UserSettings); if (!store.CollectionExists(PythonConstants.DontShowUpgradeDialogAgainCollection) || !store.GetBoolean(PythonConstants.DontShowUpgradeDialogAgainCollection, DontShowUpgradeDialogAgainProperty, false)) { var dlg = new TaskDialog(provider) { Title = Strings.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = Strings.AzureToolsUpgradeRecommended, Content = Strings.AzureToolsUpgradeInstructions, AllowCancellation = true, VerificationText = Strings.DontShowAgain }; var download = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.DownloadAndInstall); dlg.Buttons.Add(download); var cont = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.ContinueWithoutAzureToolsUpgrade); dlg.Buttons.Add(cont); dlg.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Cancel); var response = dlg.ShowModal(); if (dlg.SelectedVerified) { var rwStore = sm.GetWritableSettingsStore(SettingsScope.UserSettings); rwStore.CreateCollection(PythonConstants.DontShowUpgradeDialogAgainCollection); rwStore.SetBoolean(PythonConstants.DontShowUpgradeDialogAgainCollection, DontShowUpgradeDialogAgainProperty, true); } if (response == download) { Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(AzureToolsDownload)); throw new WizardCancelledException(); } else if (response == TaskDialogButton.Cancel) { // User cancelled, so go back to the New Project dialog throw new WizardBackoutException(); } } }
public override int DebugLaunch(uint flags) { if (_project.ShouldWarnOnLaunch) { var pyService = ProjectMgr.Site.GetPythonToolsService(); if (pyService.DebuggerOptions.PromptBeforeRunningWithBuildError) { var res = new StartWithErrorsDialog(pyService).ShowDialog(); if (res == DialogResult.No) { return(VSConstants.S_OK); } } } string errorMessage = null; try { return(base.DebugLaunch(flags)); } catch (MissingInterpreterException ex) { if (_project.ActiveInterpreter == _project.InterpreterRegistry.NoInterpretersValue) { PythonToolsPackage.OpenNoInterpretersHelpPage(ProjectMgr.Site, ex.HelpPage); } else { errorMessage = ex.Message; } } catch (NoInterpretersException ex) { PythonToolsPackage.OpenNoInterpretersHelpPage(ProjectMgr.Site, ex.HelpPage); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { errorMessage = ex.Message; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage)) { var td = new TaskDialog(ProjectMgr.Site) { Title = Strings.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = Strings.FailedToLaunchDebugger, Content = errorMessage }; td.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Close); td.ShowModal(); } return(VSConstants.S_OK); }
private static void ShowDebuggingErrorMessage(string main, string content, bool allowDisable, bool isError) { var serviceProvider = VisualStudio.Shell.ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider; try { serviceProvider.GetUIThread().Invoke(() => { var dlg = new TaskDialog(serviceProvider) { Title = Strings.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = main, Content = content, AllowCancellation = true, MainIcon = isError ? TaskDialogIcon.Error : TaskDialogIcon.Warning, EnableHyperlinks = true, }; var disable = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.PtvsdDisableCaption, Strings.PtvsdDisableSubtext); var learnMore = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.PtvsdLearnMoreCaption, Strings.PtvsdLearnMoreSubtext); dlg.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.OK); dlg.Buttons.Insert(0, learnMore); if (allowDisable) { dlg.Buttons.Insert(0, disable); } var selection = dlg.ShowModal(); if (selection == learnMore) { Process.Start("")?.Dispose(); } else if (selection == disable) { var debuggerOptions = ((PythonToolsService)Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(PythonToolsService))).DebuggerOptions; debuggerOptions.UseLegacyDebugger = true; debuggerOptions.Save(); } }); } catch (Exception ex) when(!ex.IsCriticalException()) { ex.ReportUnhandledException(serviceProvider, typeof(DebugPyVersionHelper)); } }
public static async Task ShowModalDelayed( this TaskDialog dialog, CancellationToken cancellationToken, TimeSpan?delay = null) { var dispatcher = Dispatcher.FromThread(Thread.CurrentThread); if (dispatcher == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Current thread has no dispatcher"); } try { await Delay(dispatcher, delay ?? TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250), cancellationToken); if (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { dialog.ShowModal(); } } catch (OperationCanceledException) { } }
public void RunStarted(object automationObject, Dictionary <string, string> replacementsDictionary, WizardRunKind runKind, object[] customParams) { var provider = WizardHelpers.GetProvider(automationObject); if (_wizard == null) { try { Directory.Delete(replacementsDictionary["$destinationdirectory$"]); Directory.Delete(replacementsDictionary["$solutiondirectory$"]); } catch { // If it fails (doesn't exist/contains files/read-only), let the directory stay. } var dlg = new TaskDialog(provider) { Title = Strings.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = Strings.AzureToolsRequired, Content = Strings.AzureToolsInstallInstructions, AllowCancellation = true }; dlg.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Cancel); var download = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.DownloadAndInstall); dlg.Buttons.Insert(0, download); if (dlg.ShowModal() == download) { StartDownload(provider); throw new WizardCancelledException(); } // User cancelled, so go back to the New Project dialog throw new WizardBackoutException(); } OfferUpgrade(provider); // Run the original wizard to get the right replacements _wizard.RunStarted(automationObject, replacementsDictionary, runKind, customParams); }
private bool ShouldIncludeNodeModulesFolderInProject() { var includeNodeModulesButton = new TaskDialogButton(Resources.IncludeNodeModulesIncludeTitle, Resources.IncludeNodeModulesIncludeDescription); var cancelOperationButton = new TaskDialogButton(Resources.IncludeNodeModulesCancelTitle); var taskDialog = new TaskDialog(_project.ProjectMgr.Site) { AllowCancellation = true, EnableHyperlinks = true, Title = SR.ProductName, MainIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Warning, Content = Resources.IncludeNodeModulesContent, Buttons = { cancelOperationButton, includeNodeModulesButton }, FooterIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Information, Footer = Resources.IncludeNodeModulesInformation, SelectedButton = cancelOperationButton }; var button = taskDialog.ShowModal(); return button == includeNodeModulesButton; }
private static void ShowDebuggingErrorMessage(string main, string content, bool isError) { var serviceProvider = VisualStudio.Shell.ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider; try { serviceProvider.GetUIThread().Invoke(() => { var dlg = new TaskDialog(serviceProvider) { Title = Strings.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = main, Content = content, AllowCancellation = true, MainIcon = isError ? TaskDialogIcon.Error : TaskDialogIcon.Warning, EnableHyperlinks = true, }; dlg.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.OK); dlg.ShowModal(); }); } catch (Exception ex) when(!ex.IsCriticalException()) { ex.ReportUnhandledException(serviceProvider, typeof(DebugPyVersionHelper)); } }
private bool? QuerySetEvaluator(string newEvaluator, string newEvaluatorId) { var opts = _serviceProvider.GetPythonToolsService().SuppressDialogOptions; var opt = opts.SwitchEvaluator; if (opt == "AlwaysSwitch") { return true; } else if (opt == "AlwaysOpenNew") { return false; } var td = new TaskDialog(_serviceProvider) { Title = Strings.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = Strings.ReplQuerySwitchEvaluator.FormatUI(newEvaluator), Content = Strings.ReplQuerySwitchEvaluatorHint, VerificationText = Strings.RememberMySelection, AllowCancellation = true }; var sameWin = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.ReplQuerySwitchThisTab, Strings.ReplQuerySwitchThisTabHint); var newWin = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.ReplQuerySwitchNewTab, Strings.ReplQuerySwitchNewTabHint); td.Buttons.Add(sameWin); td.Buttons.Add(newWin); td.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Cancel); var result = td.ShowModal(); if (result == sameWin) { if (td.SelectedVerified) { opts.SwitchEvaluator = "AlwaysSwitch"; opts.Save(); } return true; } else if (result == newWin) { if (td.SelectedVerified) { opts.SwitchEvaluator = "AlwaysOpenNew"; opts.Save(); } return false; } return null; }
int IOleCommandTarget.Exec(ref Guid pguidCmdGroup, uint nCmdID, uint nCmdexecopt, IntPtr pvaIn, IntPtr pvaOut) { if (pguidCmdGroup == GuidList.guidWebPackgeCmdId) { if (nCmdID == 0x101 /* EnablePublishToWindowsAzureMenuItem*/) { var shell = (IVsShell)((IServiceProvider)this).GetService(typeof(SVsShell)); var webPublishPackageGuid = GuidList.guidWebPackageGuid; IVsPackage package; int res = shell.LoadPackage(ref webPublishPackageGuid, out package); if (!ErrorHandler.Succeeded(res)) { return(res); } var cmdTarget = package as IOleCommandTarget; if (cmdTarget != null) { res = cmdTarget.Exec(ref pguidCmdGroup, nCmdID, nCmdexecopt, pvaIn, pvaOut); if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(res)) { // TODO: Check flag to see if we were notified // about being added as a web role. if (!AddWebRoleSupportFiles()) { VsShellUtilities.ShowMessageBox( this, Strings.AddWebRoleSupportFiles, null, OLEMSGICON.OLEMSGICON_INFO, OLEMSGBUTTON.OLEMSGBUTTON_OK, OLEMSGDEFBUTTON.OLEMSGDEFBUTTON_FIRST ); } } return(res); } } } else if (pguidCmdGroup == PublishCmdGuid) { if (nCmdID == PublishCmdid) { // Approximately duplicated in DjangoProject var opts = _site.GetPythonToolsService().SuppressDialogOptions; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(opts.PublishToAzure30)) { var td = new TaskDialog(_site) { Title = Strings.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = Strings.PublishToAzure30, Content = Strings.PublishToAzure30Message, VerificationText = Strings.DontShowAgain, SelectedVerified = false, AllowCancellation = true, EnableHyperlinks = true }; td.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.OK); td.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Cancel); if (td.ShowModal() == TaskDialogButton.Cancel) { return(VSConstants.S_OK); } if (td.SelectedVerified) { opts.PublishToAzure30 = "true"; opts.Save(); } } } } return(_menuService.Exec(ref pguidCmdGroup, nCmdID, nCmdexecopt, pvaIn, pvaOut)); }
private string ResolveAppNameCollisionWithUser(EnvDTE.ProjectItems items, string name, out bool cancel) { while (true) { try { if (items.Item(name) == null) { break; } } catch (ArgumentException) { break; } var td = new TaskDialog(new ServiceProvider(GetSite())) { Title = Resources.PythonToolsForVisualStudio, MainInstruction = string.Format(Resources.DjangoAppAlreadyExistsTitle, name), Content = string.Format(Resources.DjangoAppAlreadyExistsInstruction, name), AllowCancellation = true }; var cont = new TaskDialogButton( Resources.DjangoAppAlreadyExistsCreateAnyway, Resources.DjangoAppAlreadyExistsCreateAnywaySubtitle ); var retry = new TaskDialogButton(Resources.SelectAnotherName); td.Buttons.Add(cont); td.Buttons.Add(retry); td.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Cancel); var clicked = td.ShowModal(); if (clicked == cont) { break; } else if (clicked == retry) { name = GetNewAppNameFromUser(name); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { cancel = true; return null; } } else { cancel = true; return null; } } cancel = false; return name; }
int IOleCommandTarget.Exec(ref Guid pguidCmdGroup, uint nCmdID, uint nCmdexecopt, IntPtr pvaIn, IntPtr pvaOut) { if (pguidCmdGroup == GuidList.guidWebPackgeCmdId) { if (nCmdID == 0x101 /* EnablePublishToWindowsAzureMenuItem*/) { var shell = (IVsShell)((IServiceProvider)this).GetService(typeof(SVsShell)); var webPublishPackageGuid = GuidList.guidWebPackageGuid; IVsPackage package; int res = shell.LoadPackage(ref webPublishPackageGuid, out package); if (!ErrorHandler.Succeeded(res)) { return res; } var cmdTarget = package as IOleCommandTarget; if (cmdTarget != null) { res = cmdTarget.Exec(ref pguidCmdGroup, nCmdID, nCmdexecopt, pvaIn, pvaOut); if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(res)) { // TODO: Check flag to see if we were notified // about being added as a web role. if (!AddWebRoleSupportFiles()) { VsShellUtilities.ShowMessageBox( this, Strings.AddWebRoleSupportFiles, null, OLEMSGICON.OLEMSGICON_INFO, OLEMSGBUTTON.OLEMSGBUTTON_OK, OLEMSGDEFBUTTON.OLEMSGDEFBUTTON_FIRST ); } } return res; } } } else if (pguidCmdGroup == PublishCmdGuid) { if (nCmdID == PublishCmdid) { // Approximately duplicated in DjangoProject var opts = _site.GetPythonToolsService().SuppressDialogOptions; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(opts.PublishToAzure30)) { var td = new TaskDialog(_site) { Title = Strings.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = Strings.PublishToAzure30, Content = Strings.PublishToAzure30Message, VerificationText = Strings.DontShowAgain, SelectedVerified = false, AllowCancellation = true, EnableHyperlinks = true }; td.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.OK); td.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Cancel); if (td.ShowModal() == TaskDialogButton.Cancel) { return VSConstants.S_OK; } if (td.SelectedVerified) { opts.PublishToAzure30 = "true"; opts.Save(); } } } } return _menuService.Exec(ref pguidCmdGroup, nCmdID, nCmdexecopt, pvaIn, pvaOut); }
public void RunStarted(object automationObject, Dictionary <string, string> replacementsDictionary, WizardRunKind runKind, object[] customParams) { try { Directory.Delete(replacementsDictionary["$destinationdirectory$"]); Directory.Delete(replacementsDictionary["$solutiondirectory$"]); } catch { // If it fails (doesn't exist/contains files/read-only), let the directory stay. } var oleProvider = automationObject as Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IServiceProvider; if (oleProvider == null) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to start wizard: no automation object available.", "Visual Studio"); throw new WizardBackoutException(); } using (var serviceProvider = new ServiceProvider(oleProvider)) { int hr = EnsurePythonPackageLoaded(serviceProvider); if (ErrorHandler.Failed(hr)) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Unable to start wizard: failed to load Python support Package (0x{0:X08})", hr), "Visual Studio"); throw new WizardBackoutException(); } // Cookiecutter is installed by default, but can be deselected/uninstalled separately from Python component hr = EnsureCookiecutterPackageLoaded(serviceProvider); if (ErrorHandler.Failed(hr)) { var dlg = new TaskDialog(serviceProvider) { Title = Strings.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = Strings.CookiecutterComponentRequired, Content = Strings.CookiecutterComponentInstallInstructions, AllowCancellation = true }; dlg.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Cancel); var download = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.DownloadAndInstall); dlg.Buttons.Insert(0, download); if (dlg.ShowModal() == download) { InstallTools(serviceProvider); throw new WizardCancelledException(); } } var uiShell = (IVsUIShell)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsUIShell)); string projName = replacementsDictionary["$projectname$"]; string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(replacementsDictionary["$destinationdirectory$"]); var wizardData = replacementsDictionary["$wizarddata$"]; var templateUri = Resolve(new Uri(wizardData)); object inObj = projName + "|" + directory + "|" + templateUri.ToString(); var guid = GuidList.guidCookiecutterCmdSet; uiShell.PostExecCommand(ref guid, cmdidNewProjectFromTemplate, 0, ref inObj); } throw new WizardCancelledException(); }
public async Task CheckForLongPaths(string npmArguments = null) { if (_isCheckingForLongPaths || !NodejsPackage.Instance.GeneralOptionsPage.CheckForLongPaths) { return; } if (npmArguments != null && _uninstallRegex.IsMatch(npmArguments)) { return; } try { _isCheckingForLongPaths = true; TaskDialogButton dedupeButton, ignoreButton, disableButton; var taskDialog = new TaskDialog(NodejsPackage.Instance) { AllowCancellation = true, EnableHyperlinks = true, Title = Resources.LongPathWarningTitle, MainIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Warning, Content = Resources.LongPathWarningText, CollapsedControlText = Resources.LongPathShowPathsExceedingTheLimit, ExpandedControlText = Resources.LongPathHidePathsExceedingTheLimit, Buttons = { (dedupeButton = new TaskDialogButton(Resources.LongPathNpmDedupe, Resources.LongPathNpmDedupeDetail)), (ignoreButton = new TaskDialogButton(Resources.LongPathDoNothingButWarnNextTime)), (disableButton = new TaskDialogButton(Resources.LongPathDoNothingAndDoNotWarnAgain, Resources.LongPathDoNothingAndDoNotWarnAgainDetail)) }, FooterIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Information, Footer = Resources.LongPathFooter }; taskDialog.HyperlinkClicked += (sender, e) => { switch (e.Url) { case "#msdn": Process.Start(""); break; case "#uservoice": Process.Start(""); break; case "#help": Process.Start(""); break; default: System.Windows.Clipboard.SetText(e.Url); break; } }; recheck: var longPaths = await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => GetLongSubPaths(ProjectHome) .Concat(GetLongSubPaths(_intermediateOutputPath)) .Select(lpi => string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "• {1}\u00A0<a href=\"{0}\">{2}</a>", lpi.FullPath, lpi.RelativePath, Resources.LongPathClickToCopy)) .ToArray()); if (longPaths.Length == 0) { return; } taskDialog.ExpandedInformation = string.Join("\r\n", longPaths); var button = taskDialog.ShowModal(); if (button == dedupeButton) { var repl = NodejsPackage.Instance.OpenReplWindow(focus: false); await repl.ExecuteCommand(".npm dedupe").HandleAllExceptions(SR.ProductName); taskDialog.Content += "\r\n\r\n" + Resources.LongPathNpmDedupeDidNotHelp; taskDialog.Buttons.Remove(dedupeButton); goto recheck; } else if (button == disableButton) { var page = NodejsPackage.Instance.GeneralOptionsPage; page.CheckForLongPaths = false; page.SaveSettingsToStorage(); } } finally { _isCheckingForLongPaths = false; } }
private async Task ExecuteWorker(PythonProjectNode project) { _errorListProvider.Tasks.Clear(); var interpFactory = project.GetInterpreterFactoryOrThrow(); var startInfo = GetStartInfo(project); var packagesToInstall = new List <string>(); var pm = interpFactory.PackageManager; if (pm != null) { foreach (var pkg in startInfo.RequiredPackages) { if (!(await pm.GetInstalledPackageAsync(new PackageSpec(pkg), CancellationToken.None)).IsValid) { packagesToInstall.Add(pkg); } } } if (packagesToInstall.Any()) { var installMissingButton = new TaskDialogButton( Strings.CustomCommandPrerequisitesInstallMissing, Strings.CustomCommandPrerequisitesInstallMissingSubtext + "\r\n\r\n" + string.Join("\r\n", packagesToInstall)); var runAnywayButton = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.CustomCommandPrerequisitesRunAnyway); var doNotRunButton = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.CustomCommandPrerequisitesDoNotRun); var taskDialog = new TaskDialog(project.Site) { Title = Strings.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = Strings.CustomCommandPrerequisitesInstruction, Content = Strings.CustomCommandPrerequisitesContent.FormatUI(DisplayLabelWithoutAccessKeys), AllowCancellation = true, Buttons = { installMissingButton, runAnywayButton, doNotRunButton, TaskDialogButton.Cancel } }; var selectedButton = taskDialog.ShowModal(); if (selectedButton == installMissingButton) { var ui = new VsPackageManagerUI(project.Site); if (!pm.IsReady) { await pm.PrepareAsync(ui, CancellationToken.None); } await pm.InstallAsync(PackageSpec.FromArguments(string.Join(" ", packagesToInstall)), ui, CancellationToken.None); } else if (selectedButton == runAnywayButton) { } else { throw new TaskCanceledException(); } } if (startInfo.TargetType == PythonCommandTask.TargetTypePip) { if (startInfo.ExecuteInOutput && pm != null) { var ui = new VsPackageManagerUI(project.Site); if (!pm.IsReady) { await pm.PrepareAsync(ui, CancellationToken.None); } await pm.InstallAsync( PackageSpec.FromArguments(string.IsNullOrEmpty(startInfo.Arguments) ? startInfo.Filename : "{0} {1}".FormatUI(startInfo.Filename, startInfo.Arguments)), ui, CancellationToken.None ); return; } // Rewrite start info to execute startInfo.TargetType = PythonCommandTask.TargetTypeModule; startInfo.AddArgumentAtStart(startInfo.Filename); startInfo.Filename = "pip"; } if (startInfo.ExecuteInRepl) { if (await RunInRepl(project, startInfo)) { return; } } startInfo.AdjustArgumentsForProcessStartInfo(GetInterpreterPath(project, false)); if (startInfo.ExecuteInOutput) { RunInOutput(project, startInfo); } else { RunInConsole(project, startInfo); } }
private async Task ExecuteWorker(PythonProjectNode project) { _errorListProvider.Tasks.Clear(); var interpFactory = project.GetInterpreterFactoryOrThrow(); var startInfo = GetStartInfo(project); var packagesToInstall = new List <string>(); foreach (var pkg in startInfo.RequiredPackages) { if (!await Pip.IsInstalled(interpFactory, pkg)) { packagesToInstall.Add(pkg); } } if (packagesToInstall.Any()) { var installMissingButton = new TaskDialogButton( Strings.CustomCommandPrerequisitesInstallMissing, Strings.CustomCommandPrerequisitesInstallMissingSubtext + "\r\n\r\n" + string.Join("\r\n", packagesToInstall)); var runAnywayButton = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.CustomCommandPrerequisitesRunAnyway); var doNotRunButton = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.CustomCommandPrerequisitesDoNotRun); var taskDialog = new TaskDialog(project.Site) { Title = Strings.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = Strings.CustomCommandPrerequisitesInstruction, Content = Strings.CustomCommandPrerequisitesContent.FormatUI(DisplayLabelWithoutAccessKeys), AllowCancellation = true, Buttons = { installMissingButton, runAnywayButton, doNotRunButton, TaskDialogButton.Cancel } }; var selectedButton = taskDialog.ShowModal(); if (selectedButton == installMissingButton) { await Pip.Install( project.Site, interpFactory, string.Join(" ", packagesToInstall), false, OutputWindowRedirector.GetGeneral(project.Site)); } else if (selectedButton == runAnywayButton) { } else { throw new TaskCanceledException(); } } if (startInfo.TargetType == CreatePythonCommandItem.TargetTypePip) { if (startInfo.ExecuteInOutput) { await Pip.Install( _project.Site, interpFactory, string.IsNullOrEmpty(startInfo.Arguments)? startInfo.Filename : string.Format("{0} {1}", startInfo.Filename, startInfo.Arguments), project.Site, false, OutputWindowRedirector.GetGeneral(project.Site) ); return; } // Rewrite start info to execute startInfo.TargetType = CreatePythonCommandItem.TargetTypeModule; startInfo.AddArgumentAtStart(startInfo.Filename); startInfo.Filename = "pip"; } if (startInfo.ExecuteInRepl) { if (await RunInRepl(project, startInfo)) { return; } } startInfo.AdjustArgumentsForProcessStartInfo(GetInterpreterPath(project, false)); if (startInfo.ExecuteInOutput) { RunInOutput(project, startInfo); } else { RunInConsole(project, startInfo); } }
public void ProjectFinishedGenerating(Project project) { if (project.DTE.SuppressUI) { return; } string description = null; try { var p = project.Properties.Item("InterpreterDescription"); if (p != null) { description = p.Value as string; } } catch (ArgumentException) { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { bool isValid = false; try { var p = project.Properties.Item("InterpreterId"); isValid = p != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Value as string); } catch (ArgumentException) { } if (!isValid) { // We don't have a usable interpreter, so there's no point // going ahead. // Fall out - the user will find what they need when they // try and run or edit, but until then there's no reason to // block them or duplicate all of our help messages into yet // another assembly. return; } } ProjectItem requirementsTxt = null; try { requirementsTxt = project.ProjectItems.Item("requirements.txt"); } catch (ArgumentException) { } if (requirementsTxt == null) { return; } var txt = requirementsTxt.FileNames[0]; if (!File.Exists(txt)) { return; } var provider = WizardHelpers.GetProvider(project.DTE); if (provider == null) { return; } var td = new TaskDialog(provider) { Title = string.Format("{0} - {1}", project.Name, Strings.ProductTitle), MainInstruction = Strings.InstallRequirementsHeading, Content = Strings.InstallRequirementsMessage, EnableHyperlinks = true, AllowCancellation = true, }; var venv = new TaskDialogButton( Strings.InstallRequirementsIntoVirtualEnv, Strings.InstallRequirementsIntoVirtualEnvTip ); description = description ?? Strings.DefaultInterpreterDescription; var install = new TaskDialogButton( string.Format(Strings.InstallRequirementsIntoGlobalEnv, description), Strings.InstallRequirementsIntoGlobalEnvTip ); var goAway = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.InstallRequirementsNowhere); td.Buttons.Add(venv); td.Buttons.Add(install); td.Buttons.Add(goAway); try { td.ExpandedInformation = File.ReadAllText(txt); td.CollapsedControlText = Strings.InstallRequirementsShowPackages; td.ExpandedControlText = Strings.InstallRequirementsHidePackages; } catch (IOException) { } catch (NotSupportedException) { } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { } var btn = td.ShowModal(); int cmdId = 0; if (btn == venv) { cmdId = (int)PkgCmdIDList.cmdidAddVirtualEnv; } else if (btn == install) { cmdId = (int)PkgCmdIDList.cmdidInstallRequirementsTxt; } if (cmdId != 0) { object inObj = (object)true, outObj = null; try { project.DTE.Commands.Raise( GuidList.guidPythonToolsCmdSet.ToString("B"), cmdId, ref inObj, ref outObj ); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.IsCriticalException()) { throw; } TaskDialog.ForException( provider, ex, Strings.InstallRequirementsFailed, PythonConstants.IssueTrackerUrl ).ShowModal(); } } }
public void RunStarted(object automationObject, Dictionary<string, string> replacementsDictionary, WizardRunKind runKind, object[] customParams) { var provider = WizardHelpers.GetProvider(automationObject); if (_wizard == null) { try { Directory.Delete(replacementsDictionary["$destinationdirectory$"]); Directory.Delete(replacementsDictionary["$solutiondirectory$"]); } catch { // If it fails (doesn't exist/contains files/read-only), let the directory stay. } var dlg = new TaskDialog(provider) { Title = Strings.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = Strings.AzureToolsRequired, Content = Strings.AzureToolsInstallInstructions, AllowCancellation = true }; dlg.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Cancel); var download = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.DownloadAndInstall); dlg.Buttons.Insert(0, download); if (dlg.ShowModal() == download) { StartDownload(provider); throw new WizardCancelledException(); } // User cancelled, so go back to the New Project dialog throw new WizardBackoutException(); } OfferUpgrade(provider); // Run the original wizard to get the right replacements _wizard.RunStarted(automationObject, replacementsDictionary, runKind, customParams); }
internal static bool LaunchFile(IServiceProvider provider, string filename, bool debug, bool saveDirtyFiles) { bool isLaunchFileOpen = true; var project = (IPythonProject)provider.GetProjectFromOpenFile(filename); if (project == null) { project = (IPythonProject)provider.GetProjectContainingFile(filename); if (project == null) { project = new DefaultPythonProject(provider, filename); } else { isLaunchFileOpen = false; } } try { var starter = GetLauncher(provider, project); if (starter == null) { Debug.Fail("Failed to get project launcher"); return(false); } if (saveDirtyFiles) { if (!SaveDirtyFiles(provider, isLaunchFileOpen, ref filename)) { return(false); } } starter.LaunchFile(filename, debug); } catch (MissingInterpreterException ex) { var interpreterRegistry = provider.GetComponentModel().GetService <IInterpreterRegistryService>(); if (project.GetInterpreterFactory() == interpreterRegistry.NoInterpretersValue) { OpenNoInterpretersHelpPage(provider, ex.HelpPage); } else { var td = new TaskDialog(provider) { Title = Strings.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = Strings.FailedToLaunchDebugger, Content = ex.Message }; td.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Close); td.ShowModal(); } return(false); } catch (NoInterpretersException ex) { OpenNoInterpretersHelpPage(provider, ex.HelpPage); return(false); } catch (NoStartupFileException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, Strings.ProductTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } catch (IOException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, Strings.ProductTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } return(true); }
private void PipExtensionProvider_QueryShouldElevate(object sender, QueryShouldElevateEventArgs e) { if (_pyService.GeneralOptions.ElevatePip) { e.Elevate = true; return; } try { // Create a test file and delete it immediately to ensure we can do it. // If this fails, prompt the user to see whether they want to elevate. var testFile = PathUtils.GetAvailableFilename(e.TargetDirectory, "access-test", ".txt"); using (new FileStream(testFile, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Delete, 4096, FileOptions.DeleteOnClose)) { } e.Elevate = false; return; } catch (IOException) { } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { } var td = new TaskDialog(_site) { Title = Strings.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_MainInstruction, AllowCancellation = true, }; var elevate = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_Elevate, Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_Elevate_Note) { ElevationRequired = true }; var noElevate = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_DoNotElevate, Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_DoNotElevate_Note); var elevateAlways = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_ElevateAlways, Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_ElevateAlways_Note) { ElevationRequired = true }; td.Buttons.Add(elevate); td.Buttons.Add(noElevate); td.Buttons.Add(elevateAlways); td.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Cancel); var sel = td.ShowModal(); if (sel == TaskDialogButton.Cancel) { e.Cancel = true; } else if (sel == noElevate) { e.Elevate = false; } else if (sel == elevateAlways) { _pyService.GeneralOptions.ElevatePip = true; _pyService.GeneralOptions.Save(); e.Elevate = true; } else { e.Elevate = true; } }
public void RunStarted(object automationObject, Dictionary <string, string> replacementsDictionary, WizardRunKind runKind, object[] customParams) { var provider = WizardHelpers.GetProvider(automationObject); if (_wizard == null) { try { Directory.Delete(replacementsDictionary["$destinationdirectory$"]); Directory.Delete(replacementsDictionary["$solutiondirectory$"]); } catch { // If it fails (doesn't exist/contains files/read-only), let the directory stay. } var dlg = new TaskDialog(provider) { Title = Resources.PythonToolsForVisualStudio, MainInstruction = Resources.AzureToolsRequired, Content = Resources.AzureToolsInstallInstructions, AllowCancellation = true }; var download = new TaskDialogButton(Resources.DownloadAndInstall); dlg.Buttons.Add(download); dlg.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Cancel); if (dlg.ShowModal() == download) { Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(AzureToolsDownload)); throw new WizardCancelledException(); } // User cancelled, so go back to the New Project dialog throw new WizardBackoutException(); } if (_recommendUpgrade) { var sm = SettingsManagerCreator.GetSettingsManager(provider); var store = sm.GetReadOnlySettingsStore(SettingsScope.UserSettings); if (!store.CollectionExists(PythonConstants.DontShowUpgradeDialogAgainCollection) || !store.GetBoolean(PythonConstants.DontShowUpgradeDialogAgainCollection, DontShowUpgradeDialogAgainProperty, false)) { var dlg = new TaskDialog(provider) { Title = Resources.PythonToolsForVisualStudio, MainInstruction = Resources.AzureToolsUpgradeRecommended, Content = Resources.AzureToolsUpgradeInstructions, AllowCancellation = true, VerificationText = Resources.DontShowAgain }; var download = new TaskDialogButton(Resources.DownloadAndInstall); dlg.Buttons.Add(download); var cont = new TaskDialogButton(Resources.ContinueWithoutAzureToolsUpgrade); dlg.Buttons.Add(cont); dlg.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Cancel); var response = dlg.ShowModal(); if (response != cont) { try { Directory.Delete(replacementsDictionary["$destinationdirectory$"]); Directory.Delete(replacementsDictionary["$solutiondirectory$"]); } catch { // If it fails (doesn't exist/contains files/read-only), let the directory stay. } } if (dlg.SelectedVerified) { var rwStore = sm.GetWritableSettingsStore(SettingsScope.UserSettings); rwStore.CreateCollection(PythonConstants.DontShowUpgradeDialogAgainCollection); rwStore.SetBoolean(PythonConstants.DontShowUpgradeDialogAgainCollection, DontShowUpgradeDialogAgainProperty, true); } if (response == download) { Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(AzureToolsDownload)); throw new WizardCancelledException(); } else if (response == TaskDialogButton.Cancel) { // User cancelled, so go back to the New Project dialog throw new WizardBackoutException(); } } } // Run the original wizard to get the right replacements _wizard.RunStarted(automationObject, replacementsDictionary, runKind, customParams); }
private async Task ExecuteWorker(PythonProjectNode project) { _errorListProvider.Tasks.Clear(); var interpFactory = project.GetInterpreterFactoryOrThrow(); var startInfo = GetStartInfo(project); var packagesToInstall = new List<string>(); foreach (var pkg in startInfo.RequiredPackages) { if (!await Pip.IsInstalled(interpFactory, pkg)) { packagesToInstall.Add(pkg); } } if (packagesToInstall.Any()) { var installMissingButton = new TaskDialogButton( Strings.CustomCommandPrerequisitesInstallMissing, Strings.CustomCommandPrerequisitesInstallMissingSubtext + "\r\n\r\n" + string.Join("\r\n", packagesToInstall)); var runAnywayButton = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.CustomCommandPrerequisitesRunAnyway); var doNotRunButton = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.CustomCommandPrerequisitesDoNotRun); var taskDialog = new TaskDialog(project.Site) { Title = Strings.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = Strings.CustomCommandPrerequisitesInstruction, Content = Strings.CustomCommandPrerequisitesContent.FormatUI(DisplayLabelWithoutAccessKeys), AllowCancellation = true, Buttons = { installMissingButton, runAnywayButton, doNotRunButton, TaskDialogButton.Cancel } }; var selectedButton = taskDialog.ShowModal(); if (selectedButton == installMissingButton) { await Pip.Install( project.Site, interpFactory, string.Join(" ", packagesToInstall), false, OutputWindowRedirector.GetGeneral(project.Site)); } else if (selectedButton == runAnywayButton) { } else { throw new TaskCanceledException(); } } if (startInfo.TargetType == CreatePythonCommandItem.TargetTypePip) { if (startInfo.ExecuteInOutput) { await Pip.Install( _project.Site, interpFactory, string.IsNullOrEmpty(startInfo.Arguments) ? startInfo.Filename : string.Format("{0} {1}", startInfo.Filename, startInfo.Arguments), project.Site, false, OutputWindowRedirector.GetGeneral(project.Site) ); return; } // Rewrite start info to execute startInfo.TargetType = CreatePythonCommandItem.TargetTypeModule; startInfo.AddArgumentAtStart(startInfo.Filename); startInfo.Filename = "pip"; } if (startInfo.ExecuteInRepl) { if (await RunInRepl(project, startInfo)) { return; } } startInfo.AdjustArgumentsForProcessStartInfo(GetInterpreterPath(project, false)); if (startInfo.ExecuteInOutput) { RunInOutput(project, startInfo); } else { RunInConsole(project, startInfo); } }
public static bool ShouldElevate(IServiceProvider site, InterpreterConfiguration config, string operation) { var opts = site.GetPythonToolsService().GeneralOptions; if (opts.ElevatePip) { return true; } try { // Create a test file and delete it immediately to ensure we can do it. // If this fails, prompt the user to see whether they want to elevate. var testFile = PathUtils.GetAvailableFilename(config.PrefixPath, "access-test", ".txt"); using (new FileStream(testFile, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Delete, 4096, FileOptions.DeleteOnClose)) { } return false; } catch (IOException) { } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { } var td = new TaskDialog(site) { Title = Strings.ProductTitle, MainInstruction = Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_MainInstruction, AllowCancellation = true, }; var elevate = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_Elevate, Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_Elevate_Note) { ElevationRequired = true }; var noElevate = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_DoNotElevate, Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_DoNotElevate_Note); var elevateAlways = new TaskDialogButton(Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_ElevateAlways, Strings.ElevateForInstallPackage_ElevateAlways_Note) { ElevationRequired = true }; td.Buttons.Add(elevate); td.Buttons.Add(noElevate); td.Buttons.Add(elevateAlways); td.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Cancel); var sel = td.ShowModal(); if (sel == TaskDialogButton.Cancel) { throw new OperationCanceledException(); } if (sel == noElevate) { return false; } if (sel == elevateAlways) { opts.ElevatePip = true; opts.Save(); } return true; }
public void ProjectFinishedGenerating(Project project) { if (project.DTE.SuppressUI) { return; } string description = null; try { var p = project.Properties.Item("InterpreterDescription"); if (p != null) { description = p.Value as string; } } catch (ArgumentException) { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { bool isValid = false; try { var p = project.Properties.Item("InterpreterId"); isValid = p != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Value as string); } catch (ArgumentException) { } if (!isValid) { // We don't have a usable interpreter, so there's no point // going ahead. // Fall out - the user will find what they need when they // try and run or edit, but until then there's no reason to // block them or duplicate all of our help messages into yet // another assembly. return; } } ProjectItem requirementsTxt = null; try { requirementsTxt = project.ProjectItems.Item("requirements.txt"); } catch (ArgumentException) { } if (requirementsTxt == null) { return; } var txt = requirementsTxt.FileNames[0]; if (!File.Exists(txt)) { return; } var provider = WizardHelpers.GetProvider(project.DTE); if (provider == null) { return; } var td = new TaskDialog(provider) { Title = string.Format("{0} - {1}", project.Name, Resources.PythonToolsForVisualStudio), MainInstruction = Resources.InstallRequirementsHeading, Content = Resources.InstallRequirementsMessage, EnableHyperlinks = true, AllowCancellation = true, }; var venv = new TaskDialogButton( Resources.InstallRequirementsIntoVirtualEnv, Resources.InstallRequirementsIntoVirtualEnvTip ); description = description ?? Resources.DefaultInterpreterDescription; var install = new TaskDialogButton( string.Format(Resources.InstallRequirementsIntoGlobalEnv, description), Resources.InstallRequirementsIntoGlobalEnvTip ); var goAway = new TaskDialogButton(Resources.InstallRequirementsNowhere); td.Buttons.Add(venv); td.Buttons.Add(install); td.Buttons.Add(goAway); try { td.ExpandedInformation = File.ReadAllText(txt); td.CollapsedControlText = Resources.InstallRequirementsShowPackages; td.ExpandedControlText = Resources.InstallRequirementsHidePackages; } catch (IOException) { } catch (NotSupportedException) { } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { } var btn = td.ShowModal(); int cmdId = 0; if (btn == venv) { cmdId = (int)PkgCmdIDList.cmdidAddVirtualEnv; } else if (btn == install) { cmdId = (int)PkgCmdIDList.cmdidInstallRequirementsTxt; } if (cmdId != 0) { object inObj = (object)true, outObj = null; try { project.DTE.Commands.Raise( GuidList.guidPythonToolsCmdSet.ToString("B"), cmdId, ref inObj, ref outObj ); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.IsCriticalException()) { throw; } TaskDialog.ForException( provider, ex, Resources.InstallRequirementsFailed, PythonConstants.IssueTrackerUrl ).ShowModal(); } } }
public void RunStarted(object automationObject, Dictionary<string, string> replacementsDictionary, WizardRunKind runKind, object[] customParams) { var provider = WizardHelpers.GetProvider(automationObject); if (_wizard == null) { try { Directory.Delete(replacementsDictionary["$destinationdirectory$"]); Directory.Delete(replacementsDictionary["$solutiondirectory$"]); } catch { // If it fails (doesn't exist/contains files/read-only), let the directory stay. } var dlg = new TaskDialog(provider) { Title = SR.ProductName, MainInstruction = SR.GetString(SR.AzureToolsRequired), Content = SR.GetString(SR.AzureToolsInstallInstructions), AllowCancellation = true }; var download = new TaskDialogButton(SR.GetString(SR.DownloadAndInstall)); dlg.Buttons.Add(download); dlg.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Cancel); if (dlg.ShowModal() == download) { Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(AzureToolsDownload)); throw new WizardCancelledException(); } // User cancelled, so go back to the New Project dialog throw new WizardBackoutException(); } if (_recommendUpgrade) { var sm = SettingsManagerCreator.GetSettingsManager(provider); var store = sm.GetReadOnlySettingsStore(SettingsScope.UserSettings); if (!store.CollectionExists(DontShowUpgradeDialogAgainCollection) || !store.GetBoolean(DontShowUpgradeDialogAgainCollection, DontShowUpgradeDialogAgainProperty, false)) { var dlg = new TaskDialog(provider) { Title = SR.ProductName, MainInstruction = SR.GetString(SR.AzureToolsUpgradeRecommended), Content = SR.GetString(SR.AzureToolsUpgradeInstructions), AllowCancellation = true, VerificationText = SR.GetString(SR.DontShowAgain) }; var download = new TaskDialogButton(SR.GetString(SR.DownloadAndInstall)); dlg.Buttons.Add(download); var cont = new TaskDialogButton(SR.GetString(SR.ContinueWithoutAzureToolsUpgrade)); dlg.Buttons.Add(cont); dlg.Buttons.Add(TaskDialogButton.Cancel); var response = dlg.ShowModal(); if (response != cont) { try { Directory.Delete(replacementsDictionary["$destinationdirectory$"]); Directory.Delete(replacementsDictionary["$solutiondirectory$"]); } catch { // If it fails (doesn't exist/contains files/read-only), let the directory stay. } } if (dlg.SelectedVerified) { var rwStore = sm.GetWritableSettingsStore(SettingsScope.UserSettings); rwStore.CreateCollection(DontShowUpgradeDialogAgainCollection); rwStore.SetBoolean(DontShowUpgradeDialogAgainCollection, DontShowUpgradeDialogAgainProperty, true); } if (response == download) { Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(AzureToolsDownload)); throw new WizardCancelledException(); } else if (response == TaskDialogButton.Cancel) { // User cancelled, so go back to the New Project dialog throw new WizardBackoutException(); } } } // Run the original wizard to get the right replacements _wizard.RunStarted(automationObject, replacementsDictionary, runKind, customParams); }