Пример #1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // use only a little bit of DI to get everything started.
            var provider = new ServiceCollection()
                           // register the tariff source, which is consumed by the commands
                           .AddSingleton(_ =>
                // ensure the tarrif data is loaded before we use it.
                ITariffSource source = new TariffSource();
                source.ReloadAsync(() => SimpleFileTariffLoader.Load(new FileInfo(Path.GetFullPath("./prices.json")))).Wait();
                           // Register our little 'command line' component
                           .AddCommands(config => config
                           // register the commands that we've implemented
                                        .AddCommand <CostCommand>()
                                        .AddCommand <UsageCommand>())
                           // this builds the MS container

            // run the app
            provider.ExecuteCommands(bootstrapper =>
                                     bootstrapper.Execute(args, System.Console.Out, System.Console.Error));
Пример #2
 public TariffSourceFixture()
     _source = new TariffSource();