// CONNECT public void HandleTapjoyConnectSuccess() { Debug.Log("C#: HandleTapjoyConnectSuccess"); // Get the user virtual currency TapjoyPlugin.GetTapPoints(); // Preload direct play event diectPlayEvent = new TapjoyEvent("video_unit", this); diectPlayEvent.EnablePreload(true); diectPlayEvent.Send(); }
public void ContentDidDisappear(TapjoyEvent tapjoyEvent) { Debug.Log("C#: ContentDidDisappear for event: " + tapjoyEvent.GetName()); // Pre-load next event if direct play event if (tapjoyEvent.GetName() == diectPlayEvent.GetName()) { diectPlayEvent = new TapjoyEvent("video_unit", this); diectPlayEvent.EnablePreload(true); diectPlayEvent.Send(); tapPointsLabel = "Loading next direct play event."; } }
void OnGUI() { if (viewIsShowing) return; GUIStyle labelStyle = new GUIStyle(); labelStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; labelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; labelStyle.wordWrap = true; float centerx = Screen.width / 2; //float centery = Screen.height / 2; float spaceSize = 60; float buttonWidth = 300; float buttonHeight = 50; float fontSize = 20; float spacer = 100; // Quit app on BACK key. if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { Application.Quit(); } GUI.Label(new Rect(centerx - 200, spacer, 400, 25), "Tapjoy Connect Sample App", labelStyle); spacer += fontSize + 10; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerx - (buttonWidth / 2), spacer, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Show Offers")) { TapjoyPlugin.ShowOffers(); } spacer += spaceSize; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerx - (buttonWidth / 2), spacer, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Get Display Ad")) { TapjoyPlugin.GetDisplayAd(); } spacer += spaceSize; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerx - (buttonWidth / 2), spacer, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Hide Display Ad")) { TapjoyPlugin.HideDisplayAd(); } spacer += spaceSize; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerx - (buttonWidth / 2), spacer, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Toggle Display Ad Auto-Refresh")) { autoRefresh = !autoRefresh; TapjoyPlugin.EnableDisplayAdAutoRefresh(autoRefresh); } spacer += spaceSize; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerx - (buttonWidth / 2), spacer, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Show Direct Play Video Ad")) { TapjoyPlugin.GetFullScreenAd(); } spacer += spaceSize; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerx - (buttonWidth / 2), spacer, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Get Tap Points")) { TapjoyPlugin.GetTapPoints(); ResetTapPointsLabel(); } spacer += spaceSize; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerx - (buttonWidth / 2), spacer, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Spend Tap Points")) { TapjoyPlugin.SpendTapPoints(10); ResetTapPointsLabel(); } spacer += spaceSize; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerx - (buttonWidth / 2), spacer, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Award Tap Points")) { TapjoyPlugin.AwardTapPoints(10); ResetTapPointsLabel(); } spacer += spaceSize; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerx - (buttonWidth / 2), spacer, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Send Event")) { // Create a new sample event sampleEvent = new TapjoyEvent("test_unit", this); if (sampleEvent != null) { // By default, ad content will be shown automatically on a successful send. For finer control of when content should be shown, call: sampleEvent.EnableAutoPresent(false); sampleEvent.Send(); } } spacer += fontSize; // Display status GUI.Label(new Rect(centerx - 200, spacer, 400, 150), tapPointsLabel, labelStyle); }