Пример #1
    // Discover tags button listener
    public void DiscoverTags()
        // UI Changes
        discoverAnchorsButton.GetComponent <Button>().interactable    = false;
        discoverAnchorsButton.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().color = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 0.4f);
        lookingForTags.GetComponent <Text>().text = "Looking \n for tags";

        // State machine changed
        state = TagsConfigState.SearchingTags;

        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Discovering Tags!");

        // Send messages
        clientUnity.client.SendCommand((byte)Modules.POSITIONING_MODULE, (byte)PositioningCommandType.IPS_DISCOVER_DRONETAGS);
        clientUnity.client.SendCommand((byte)Modules.DRONE_MODULE, (byte)DroneCommandType.DRONE_GET_ZCAMERA_OFFSET);
        clientUnity.client.SendCommand((byte)Modules.POSITIONING_MODULE, (byte)PositioningCommandType.IPS_GET_DRONEFILTER);
Пример #2
 // Confirm tag config button listener
 void ConfirmTagConfiguration()
     if ((clientUnity != null) && (clientUnity.client != null) && (clientUnity.client.isConnected))
         if (swValue >= 0 && nwValue >= 0 && neValue >= 0 && seValue >= 0 && widthValue >= 0 && heightValue >= 0)
             state = TagsConfigState.ConfigurationSent;
             confirmButton.GetComponent <Button>().interactable = false;
             ServerMessages.DroneCamInfo camInfo = new ServerMessages.DroneCamInfo(camDistValueX, camDistValueY, camDistValueZ);
             ServerMessages.IPSDroneTag  tagData = new ServerMessages.IPSDroneTag(swValue, nwValue, neValue, seValue, widthValue, heightValue, (int)camDistValueY);
             clientUnity.client.sendCommand((byte)Modules.POSITIONING_MODULE, (byte)PositioningCommandType.IPS_DRONETAGS_MANUAL_CONFIG, tagData);
             clientUnity.client.sendCommand((byte)Modules.DRONE_MODULE, (byte)DroneCommandType.DRONE_SET_ZCAMERA_OFFSET, camInfo);
             clientUnity.client.sendSetDroneFilter((byte)Modules.POSITIONING_MODULE, (byte)PositioningCommandType.IPS_SET_DRONEFILTER, 0, PozyxModule.updatePeriod, PozyxModule.movementFreedom);
             UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Some invalid values");
             PozyxModule.errorMsg = "Some invald values";
             state = TagsConfigState.ErrorReceived;
Пример #3
    void Update()
        //This if are consulted when the user presses the use last session configuration. It will enter if there is positioning and anchors.
        if (PozyxModule.positiningIsValid && skipClicked && CalibrationSettings.anchorConfigData[0] != null)
            PozyxModule.positiningIsValid = false;
            if (GeneralSceneManager.appState == GeneralSceneManager.ApplicationState.Mapping)
            else if (GeneralSceneManager.appState == GeneralSceneManager.ApplicationState.Recording)
        //If an error was received when trying to use the last session config, it will enter here
        else if (skipClicked && state == TagsConfigState.ErrorReceived)
            skipEverythingButton.GetComponent <Button>().interactable    = true;
            skipEverythingButton.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().color = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1f);

            discoverAnchorsButton.GetComponent <Button>().interactable    = true;
            discoverAnchorsButton.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().color = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1f);
            state = TagsConfigState.Idle;
        //Meanwhile, it will enter here to rotate the throbber
        else if (skipClicked)
            tagsThrobber.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -200 * Time.deltaTime);
        switch (state)
        case TagsConfigState.Idle:
            // Caso para comprobación de estado

        //Not used for the moment
        case TagsConfigState.SearchTagsReturn:
            discoverAnchorsButton.GetComponent <Button>().interactable = true;
            //We leave it idle while the user configs which tag is where
            state = TagsConfigState.Idle;

        //This case happens once the user clicked on the discover button
        case TagsConfigState.SearchingTags:
            tagsThrobber.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -200 * Time.deltaTime);
            if (camOffsetReceived && tagInfoReceived && droneFilterReceived)
                state = TagsConfigState.TagsFound;

        //Once the app gets the tag list, it enters here and displays them
        case TagsConfigState.TagsFound:
            if (!panelInstantiated)
                panelInstantiated = true;
                int      width        = Screen.width;
                int      height       = Screen.height;
                string[] tagsFoundStr = PozyxModule.decAnchors.Split('\n');
                tagsFoundCount = tagsFoundStr.Length - 1;
                tagsText.text  = PozyxModule.textMsg;

                Vector2 inputSize  = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.3f, panelSize.y / 12);
                Vector2 buttonSize = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.6f, panelSize.y / 10);
                //All of this resizes and positions the tag selection and configurations panel
                widthInput.GetComponent <InputField>().placeholder.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize           = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                heightInput.GetComponent <InputField>().placeholder.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize          = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                camDistInputX.GetComponent <InputField>().placeholder.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize        = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                camDistInputY.GetComponent <InputField>().placeholder.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize        = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                camDistInputZ.GetComponent <InputField>().placeholder.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize        = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                updatePeriodInput.GetComponent <InputField>().placeholder.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize    = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                movementFreedomInput.GetComponent <InputField>().placeholder.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize = (int)(width * 0.018f);

                widthInput.GetComponent <InputField>().textComponent.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize           = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                heightInput.GetComponent <InputField>().textComponent.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize          = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                camDistInputX.GetComponent <InputField>().textComponent.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize        = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                camDistInputY.GetComponent <InputField>().textComponent.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize        = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                camDistInputZ.GetComponent <InputField>().textComponent.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize        = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                updatePeriodInput.GetComponent <InputField>().textComponent.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize    = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                movementFreedomInput.GetComponent <InputField>().textComponent.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize = (int)(width * 0.018f);

                widthInput.GetComponent <InputField>().onValueChanged.AddListener(WidthInputText);
                heightInput.GetComponent <InputField>().onValueChanged.AddListener(HeightInputText);
                camDistInputX.GetComponent <InputField>().onValueChanged.AddListener(CamDistInputXText);
                camDistInputY.GetComponent <InputField>().onValueChanged.AddListener(CamDistInputYText);
                camDistInputZ.GetComponent <InputField>().onValueChanged.AddListener(CamDistInputZText);
                updatePeriodInput.GetComponent <InputField>().onValueChanged.AddListener(UpdatePeriodText);
                movementFreedomInput.GetComponent <InputField>().onValueChanged.AddListener(MovementFreedomText);

                widthLabel.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize           = (int)(width * 0.0225f);
                heightLabel.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize          = (int)(width * 0.0225f);
                camDistLabelX.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize        = (int)(width * 0.0225f);
                camDistLabelY.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize        = (int)(width * 0.0225f);
                camDistLabelZ.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize        = (int)(width * 0.0225f);
                updatePeriodLabel.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize    = (int)(width * 0.02f);
                movementFreedomLabel.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize = (int)(width * 0.02f);

                tagsFoundLabel.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(inputSize.x * 0.1f, inputSize.y * 1.5f);
                tagsFoundLabel.sizeDelta        = inputSize;
                tagsFoundLabel.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize = (int)(width * 0.03f);

                widthInput.sizeDelta           = inputSize;
                heightInput.sizeDelta          = inputSize;
                camDistInputX.sizeDelta        = inputSize;
                camDistInputY.sizeDelta        = inputSize;
                camDistInputZ.sizeDelta        = inputSize;
                updatePeriodInput.sizeDelta    = inputSize;
                movementFreedomInput.sizeDelta = inputSize;

                widthLabel.sizeDelta           = inputSize;
                heightLabel.sizeDelta          = inputSize;
                camDistLabelX.sizeDelta        = inputSize;
                camDistLabelY.sizeDelta        = inputSize;
                camDistLabelZ.sizeDelta        = inputSize;
                updatePeriodLabel.sizeDelta    = inputSize;
                movementFreedomLabel.sizeDelta = inputSize;

                tagsFoundCount = tagsFoundCount > 10 ? 10 : tagsFoundCount;

                widthInput.anchoredPosition           = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.6f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 0 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                heightInput.anchoredPosition          = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.6f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 1 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                camDistInputX.anchoredPosition        = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.6f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 2 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                camDistInputY.anchoredPosition        = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.6f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 3 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                camDistInputZ.anchoredPosition        = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.6f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 4 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                updatePeriodInput.anchoredPosition    = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.6f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 5 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                movementFreedomInput.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.6f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 6 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));

                widthLabel.anchoredPosition           = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.1f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 0 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                heightLabel.anchoredPosition          = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.1f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 1 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                camDistLabelX.anchoredPosition        = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.1f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 2 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                camDistLabelY.anchoredPosition        = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.1f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 3 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                camDistLabelZ.anchoredPosition        = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.1f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 4 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                updatePeriodLabel.anchoredPosition    = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.1f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 5 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                movementFreedomLabel.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.1f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 6 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                //This creates a button for each tag found
                for (int i = 0; i < tagsFoundCount; i++)
                    GameObject inputGO = Instantiate(idGroupPrefab, inputParent.transform);
                    inputGO.name = tagsFoundStr[i];
                    //inputGO.name = i.ToString();

                    inputGO.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta        = buttonSize;
                    inputGO.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.2f, (-panelSize.y / tagsFoundCount) * (i) - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * tagsFoundCount)) / (tagsFoundCount * 2)));    //  - (inputGO.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta.y * 1.1f)
                    inputGO.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().fontSize      = (int)(width * 0.025f);
                    //int hex = -1;
                    //if (!int.TryParse(inputGO.name, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out hex))
                    //    UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Unable to parse anchor Value!");
                    //inputGO.transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(0).GetComponent<Text>().text = hex.ToString("X");
                    inputGO.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().text = "0x" + int.Parse(inputGO.name).ToString("x");
                    //And assigns a function for each tag button clicked
                    inputGO.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => SelectTagId(inputGO.name, inputGO.transform.parent));
                //Gets the current offset of the camera
                Vector3 camInfo = DroneModule.GetCamOffset();
                camDistValueX = camInfo.x;
                camDistValueY = camInfo.y;
                camDistValueZ = camInfo.z;
                camDistInputX.GetComponent <InputField>().text = camDistValueX.ToString();
                camDistInputY.GetComponent <InputField>().text = camDistValueY.ToString();
                camDistInputZ.GetComponent <InputField>().text = camDistValueZ.ToString();
                camDistTextMesh.text = "(" + camDistValueX + ", " + camDistValueY + ", " + camDistValueZ + ")";
                //Gets the tag configuration (which tag belongs to which part of the drone, the widht and height ...
                ServerMessages.IPSDroneTag tagData = PozyxModule.GetTagFrame();
                if (tagData != null)
                    widthInput.GetComponent <InputField>().text = tagData.width.ToString();
                    widthValue = tagData.width;
                    heightInput.GetComponent <InputField>().text = tagData.height.ToString();
                    heightValue = tagData.height;
                    updatePeriodInput.GetComponent <InputField>().text    = PozyxModule.updatePeriod.ToString();
                    movementFreedomInput.GetComponent <InputField>().text = PozyxModule.movementFreedom.ToString();
                    //Here it is assigned to which drawing of the tag do they belong
                    for (int i = 0; i < tagsFoundCount; i++)
                        if (inputParent.transform.GetChild(i).name == tagData.idSW.ToString())
                            swTextMesh.text = "0x" + tagData.idSW.ToString("x");
                            inputParent.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().color = new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 1);
                            swValue = tagData.idSW;

                        if (inputParent.transform.GetChild(i).name == tagData.idNW.ToString())
                            nwTextMesh.text = "0x" + tagData.idNW.ToString("x");
                            inputParent.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().color = new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 1);
                            nwValue = tagData.idNW;

                        if (inputParent.transform.GetChild(i).name == tagData.idNE.ToString())
                            neTextMesh.text = "0x" + tagData.idNE.ToString("x");
                            inputParent.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().color = new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 1);
                            neValue = tagData.idNE;

                        if (inputParent.transform.GetChild(i).name == tagData.idSE.ToString())
                            seTextMesh.text = "0x" + tagData.idSE.ToString("x");
                            inputParent.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().color = new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 1);
                            seValue = tagData.idSE;

                state = TagsConfigState.ConfiguringTags;

        case TagsConfigState.ConfiguringTags:
            // Caso para comprobación de estado


        case TagsConfigState.ConfigurationSent:
            //After the user presses the confirm configuration, it enters here
            sendingDataThrobber.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -200 * Time.deltaTime);
            if (camOffsetConfirmed && tagInfoConfirmed)
                state = TagsConfigState.ConfigurationAccepted;

        case TagsConfigState.ConfigurationAccepted:
            //  We go here and start anchors calibration once the app sends all configurations
            state               = TagsConfigState.Idle;
            camOffsetReceived   = false;
            tagInfoReceived     = false;
            droneFilterReceived = false;

            camOffsetConfirmed = false;
            tagInfoConfirmed   = false;

        case TagsConfigState.ErrorReceived:
            if (tagsFound.gameObject != null)
                tagsText.text = PozyxModule.errorMsg;
                state         = TagsConfigState.SearchingTags;
            // ## TODO: Mostrar error recibido en escena?