Пример #1
        public override bool Execute(List <string> args)
            if (args.Count < 2)
            var outputPath = args[0];

            // Load each file and do version detection
            var infos = new List <OpenTagCache>();

            foreach (var path in args.Skip(1))
                Console.WriteLine("Loading {0}...", path);

                // Load the cache file
                var info = new OpenTagCache {
                    CacheFile = new FileInfo(path)
                using (var stream = info.OpenCacheRead())
                    info.Cache = new TagCache(stream);

                // Do version detection, and don't accept the closest version
                // because that might not work
                DefinitionSet closestVersion;
                info.Version = Definition.Detect(info.Cache, out closestVersion);
                if (info.Version == DefinitionSet.Unknown)
                    Console.WriteLine("- Unrecognized version! Ignoring.");
                info.Deserializer = new TagDeserializer(info.Version);

            var result = new TagVersionMap();

            using (var baseStream = _info.OpenCacheRead())
                // Get the scenario tags for this cache
                Console.WriteLine("Finding base scenario tags...");
                var baseScenarios = FindScenarios(_info, baseStream);
                var baseVersion   = _info.Version;
                var baseTagData   = new Dictionary <int, object>();
                foreach (var scenario in baseScenarios)
                    baseTagData[scenario.Tag.Index] = scenario.Data;

                // Now compare with each of the other caches
                foreach (var info in infos)
                    using (var stream = info.OpenCacheRead())
                        Console.WriteLine("Finding scenario tags in {0}...", info.CacheFile.FullName);

                        // Get the scenario tags and connect them to the base tags
                        var scenarios     = FindScenarios(info, stream);
                        var tagsToCompare = new Queue <QueuedTag>();
                        for (var i = 0; i < scenarios.Count; i++)
                            if (i < baseScenarios.Count)
                                result.Add(baseVersion, baseScenarios[i].Tag.Index, info.Version, scenarios[i].Tag.Index);

                        // Process each tag in the queue, enqueuing all of its dependencies as well
                        while (tagsToCompare.Count > 0)
                            // Get the tag and its data
                            var tag = tagsToCompare.Dequeue();
                            var data = tag.Data;
                            if (data == null)
                                // No data yet - deserialize it
                                var context = new TagSerializationContext(stream, info.Cache, info.StringIDs, tag.Tag);
                                var type    = TagStructureTypes.FindByGroupTag(tag.Tag.Group.Tag);
                                data = info.Deserializer.Deserialize(context, type);

                            // Now get the data for the base tag
                            var baseTag = result.Translate(info.Version, tag.Tag.Index, baseVersion);
                            if (baseTag == -1 || _info.Cache.Tags[baseTag].Group.Tag != tag.Tag.Group.Tag)
                            object baseData;
                            if (!baseTagData.TryGetValue(baseTag, out baseData))
                                // No data yet - deserialize it
                                var context = new TagSerializationContext(baseStream, _info.Cache, _info.StringIDs, _info.Cache.Tags[baseTag]);
                                var type    = TagStructureTypes.FindByGroupTag(tag.Tag.Group.Tag);
                                baseData             = _info.Deserializer.Deserialize(context, type);
                                baseTagData[baseTag] = baseData;

                            // Compare the two blocks
                            CompareBlocks(baseData, baseVersion, data, info.Version, result, tagsToCompare);

            // Write out the CSV
            Console.WriteLine("Writing results...");
            using (var writer = new StreamWriter(File.Open(outputPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)))

Пример #2
        private static void CompareBlocks(object dataA, CacheVersion versionA, object dataB, CacheVersion versionB, TagVersionMap result, Queue <QueuedTag> tagQueue)
            if (dataA == null || dataB == null)

            if (dataA is CachedTagInstance)
                // If the objects are tags, then we've found a match
                var tagA = dataA as CachedTagInstance;
                var tagB = dataB as CachedTagInstance;

                if (tagA.Group.Tag != tagB.Group.Tag)

                if (tagA.IsInGroup("rmt2") || tagA.IsInGroup("rmdf") || tagA.IsInGroup("vtsh") || tagA.IsInGroup("pixl") || tagA.IsInGroup("rm  ") || tagA.IsInGroup("bitm"))

                var translated = result.Translate(versionA, tagA.Index, versionB);
                if (translated >= 0)

                result.Add(versionA, tagA.Index, versionB, tagB.Index);
                tagQueue.Enqueue(new QueuedTag {
                    Tag = tagB

            else if (dataA is IList) // Compare lists and arrays
                var collectionA = dataA as IList;
                var collectionB = dataB as IList;

                if (collectionA.Count == 0 || collectionA[0].GetType().IsPrimitive)

                // If the sizes are different, we probably can't compare them
                if (collectionA.Count != collectionB.Count)

                // Compare each element
                for (var i = 0; i < collectionA.Count; i++)
                    var itemA = collectionA[i];
                    var itemB = collectionB[i];
                    CompareBlocks(itemA, versionA, itemB, versionB, result, tagQueue);

            else if (dataA is TagStructure)
                var tagFieldInfosA = TagStructure.GetTagFieldEnumerable(dataA.GetType(), versionA);
                var tagFieldInfosB = TagStructure.GetTagFieldEnumerable(dataB.GetType(), versionB);

                // The objects are structures
                for (int a = 0, b = 0; a < tagFieldInfosA.Count && b < tagFieldInfosB.Count; a++, b++)
                    var tagFieldInfoA = tagFieldInfosA[a];
                    var tagFieldInfoB = tagFieldInfosB[b];

                    // Keep going on the left until the field is on the right
                    while (!CacheVersionDetection.IsBetween(versionB, tagFieldInfoA.Attribute.MinVersion, tagFieldInfoA.Attribute.MaxVersion))
                        if (++a < tagFieldInfosA.Count)
                            tagFieldInfoA = tagFieldInfosA[a];

                    // Keep going on the right until the field is on the left
                    while (!CacheVersionDetection.IsBetween(versionA, tagFieldInfoB.Attribute.MinVersion, tagFieldInfoB.Attribute.MaxVersion))
                        if (++b < tagFieldInfosB.Count)
                            tagFieldInfoB = tagFieldInfosB[b];

                    if (tagFieldInfoA.MetadataToken != tagFieldInfoB.MetadataToken)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("WTF, left and right fields don't match!");

                    // Process the fields
                    var fieldDataA = tagFieldInfoA.GetValue(dataA);
                    var fieldDataB = tagFieldInfoB.GetValue(dataB);
                    CompareBlocks(fieldDataA, versionA, fieldDataB, versionB, result, tagQueue);
Пример #3
        private object ConvertStructure(object data, Type type, OpenTagCache srcInfo, Stream srcStream, ResourceDataManager srcResources, OpenTagCache destInfo, Stream destStream, ResourceDataManager destResources, TagVersionMap tagMap)
            // Convert each field
            var enumerator = new TagFieldEnumerator(new TagStructureInfo(type, destInfo.Version));

            while (enumerator.Next())
                var oldValue = enumerator.Field.GetValue(data);
                var newValue = Convert(oldValue, srcInfo, srcStream, srcResources, destInfo, destStream, destResources, tagMap);
                enumerator.Field.SetValue(data, newValue);

            // Perform fixups
            FixObjectTypes(data, type, srcInfo);
            var scenario = data as Scenario;

            if (scenario != null)

Пример #4
        public override bool Execute(List <string> args)
            if (args.Count != 4)
            var srcTag = ArgumentParser.ParseTagIndex(_info, args[0]);

            if (srcTag == null)
            var csvPath    = args[1];
            var csvOutPath = args[2];
            var targetDir  = args[3];

            // Load the CSV
            Console.WriteLine("Reading {0}...", csvPath);
            TagVersionMap tagMap;

            using (var reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(csvPath)))
                tagMap = TagVersionMap.ParseTagVersionMap(reader);

            // Load destination files
            Console.WriteLine("Loading the target tags.dat...");
            var destCachePath = Path.Combine(targetDir, "tags.dat");
            var destInfo      = new OpenTagCache {
                CacheFile = new FileInfo(destCachePath)

            using (var stream = destInfo.OpenCacheRead())
                destInfo.Cache = new TagCache(stream);

            // Do version detection
            DefinitionSet guessedVersion;

            destInfo.Version = Definition.Detect(destInfo.Cache, out guessedVersion);
            if (destInfo.Version == DefinitionSet.Unknown)
                Console.WriteLine("Unrecognized target version!");
            Console.WriteLine("- Detected version {0}", Definition.GetVersionString(destInfo.Version));

            if (_info.Version != DefinitionSet.HaloOnline498295 && destInfo.Version != DefinitionSet.HaloOnline106708)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Conversion is only supported from 11.1.498295 Live to 1.106708 cert_ms23.");

            // Set up version-specific objects
            destInfo.Serializer   = new TagSerializer(destInfo.Version);
            destInfo.Deserializer = new TagDeserializer(destInfo.Version);

            // Load stringIDs
            Console.WriteLine("Loading the target string_ids.dat...");

            var resolver = StringIDResolverFactory.Create(destInfo.Version);

            var destStringIDsPath = Path.Combine(targetDir, "string_ids.dat");

            destInfo.StringIDsFile = new FileInfo(destStringIDsPath);

            using (var stream = destInfo.StringIDsFile.OpenRead())
                destInfo.StringIDs = new StringIDCache(stream, resolver);

            // Load resources for the target build
            Console.WriteLine("Loading target resources...");
            var destResources = new ResourceDataManager();


            // Load resources for our build
            Console.WriteLine("Loading source resources...");
            var srcResources = new ResourceDataManager();


            Console.WriteLine("CONVERTING FROM VERSION {0} TO {1}", Definition.GetVersionString(_info.Version), Definition.GetVersionString(destInfo.Version));

            TagInstance resultTag;

            using (Stream srcStream = _info.OpenCacheRead(), destStream = destInfo.OpenCacheReadWrite())
                resultTag = ConvertTag(srcTag, _info, srcStream, srcResources, destInfo, destStream, destResources, tagMap);

            Console.WriteLine("Repairing decal systems...");
            FixDecalSystems(destInfo, resultTag.Index);

            Console.WriteLine("Saving stringIDs...");
            using (var stream = destInfo.StringIDsFile.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))

            Console.WriteLine("Writing {0}...", csvOutPath);
            using (var stream = new StreamWriter(File.Open(csvOutPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite)))

            // Uncomment this to add the new tag as a dependency to cfgt to make testing easier

            /*using (var stream = destInfo.OpenCacheReadWrite())
             * {
             *  destInfo.Cache.Tags[0].Dependencies.Add(resultTag.Index);
             *  destInfo.Cache.UpdateTag(stream, destInfo.Cache.Tags[0]);
             * }*/

            Console.WriteLine("All done! The converted tag is:");
Пример #5
        private object Convert(object data, GameCacheContextHaloOnline srcCacheContext, Stream srcStream, GameCacheContextHaloOnline destCacheContext, Stream destStream, TagVersionMap tagMap)
            switch (data)
            case StringId stringId:
                return(ConvertStringID(stringId, srcCacheContext, destCacheContext));

            case null:
            case string _:
            case ValueType _:

            case CachedTagHaloOnline CachedTagHaloOnline:
                return(ConvertTag(CachedTagHaloOnline, srcCacheContext, srcStream, destCacheContext, destStream, tagMap));

            case PageableResource pageableResource:
                return(ConvertResource(pageableResource, srcCacheContext, destCacheContext));

            case RenderGeometry renderGeometry:
                return(ConvertGeometry(renderGeometry, srcCacheContext, destCacheContext));

            case GameObjectType gameObjectType:
                return(ConvertGameObjectType(gameObjectType, srcCacheContext, destCacheContext));

            case ObjectTypeFlags objectTypeFlags:
                return(ConvertObjectTypeFlags(objectTypeFlags, srcCacheContext, destCacheContext));

            case ScenarioObjectType scenarioObjectType:
                return(ConvertScenarioObjectType(scenarioObjectType, srcCacheContext, destCacheContext));

            case TagStructure tagStructure:
                return(ConvertStructure(tagStructure, srcCacheContext, srcStream, destCacheContext, destStream, tagMap));

            case IList collection:
                return(ConvertCollection(collection, srcCacheContext, srcStream, destCacheContext, destStream, tagMap));

Пример #6
        private object ConvertList(object list, Type type, OpenTagCache srcInfo, Stream srcStream, ResourceDataManager srcResources, OpenTagCache destInfo, Stream destStream, ResourceDataManager destResources, TagVersionMap tagMap)
            if (type.GenericTypeArguments[0].IsPrimitive)
            var count   = (int)type.GetProperty("Count").GetValue(list);
            var getItem = type.GetMethod("get_Item");
            var setItem = type.GetMethod("set_Item");

            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var oldValue = getItem.Invoke(list, new object[] { i });
                var newValue = Convert(oldValue, srcInfo, srcStream, srcResources, destInfo, destStream, destResources, tagMap);
                setItem.Invoke(list, new object[] { i, newValue });
Пример #7
        private TagInstance ConvertTag(TagInstance srcTag, OpenTagCache srcInfo, Stream srcStream, ResourceDataManager srcResources, OpenTagCache destInfo, Stream destStream, ResourceDataManager destResources, TagVersionMap tagMap)

            // Uncomment this to use 0x101F for all shaders

            /*if (srcTag.IsClass("rm  "))
             *  return destInfo.Cache.Tags[0x101F];*/

            // Check if the tag is in the map, and just return the translated tag if so
            var destIndex = tagMap.Translate(srcInfo.Version, srcTag.Index, destInfo.Version);

            if (destIndex >= 0)
                Console.WriteLine("- Using already-known index {0:X4}", destIndex);

            // Deserialize the tag from the source cache
            var structureType = TagStructureTypes.FindByGroupTag(srcTag.Group.Tag);
            var srcContext    = new TagSerializationContext(srcStream, srcInfo.Cache, srcInfo.StringIDs, srcTag);
            var tagData       = srcInfo.Deserializer.Deserialize(srcContext, structureType);

            // Uncomment this to use 0x101F in place of shaders that need conversion

            /*if (tagData is RenderMethod)
             * {
             *  var rm = (RenderMethod)tagData;
             *  foreach (var prop in rm.ShaderProperties)
             *  {
             *      if (tagMap.Translate(srcInfo.Version, prop.Template.Index, destInfo.Version) < 0)
             *          return destInfo.Cache.Tags[0x101F];
             *  }
             * }*/

            // Allocate a new tag and create a mapping for it
            var newTag = destInfo.Cache.AllocateTag(srcTag.Group);

            tagMap.Add(srcInfo.Version, srcTag.Index, destInfo.Version, newTag.Index);

            if (srcTag.IsInGroup("decs") || srcTag.IsInGroup("rmd "))
                _isDecalShader = true;

            // Convert it
            tagData = Convert(tagData, srcInfo, srcStream, srcResources, destInfo, destStream, destResources, tagMap);

            if (srcTag.IsInGroup("decs") || srcTag.IsInGroup("rmd "))
                _isDecalShader = false;

            // Re-serialize into the destination cache
            var destContext = new TagSerializationContext(destStream, destInfo.Cache, destInfo.StringIDs, newTag);

            destInfo.Serializer.Serialize(destContext, tagData);
Пример #8
        private static void CompareBlocks(object leftData, EngineVersion leftVersion, object rightData, EngineVersion rightVersion, TagVersionMap result, Queue<QueuedTag> tagQueue)
            if (leftData == null || rightData == null)
            var type = leftData.GetType();
            if (type == typeof(TagInstance))
                // If the objects are tags, then we've found a match
                var leftTag = (TagInstance)leftData;
                var rightTag = (TagInstance)rightData;
                if (leftTag.Group.Tag != rightTag.Group.Tag)
                if (leftTag.IsInGroup("rmt2") || leftTag.IsInGroup("rmdf") || leftTag.IsInGroup("vtsh") || leftTag.IsInGroup("pixl") || leftTag.IsInGroup("rm  ") || leftTag.IsInGroup("bitm"))
                var translated = result.Translate(leftVersion, leftTag.Index, rightVersion);
                if (translated >= 0)
                result.Add(leftVersion, leftTag.Index, rightVersion, rightTag.Index);
                tagQueue.Enqueue(new QueuedTag { Tag = rightTag });
            else if (type.IsArray)
                if (type.GetElementType().IsPrimitive)

                // If the objects are arrays, then loop through each element
                var leftArray = (Array)leftData;
                var rightArray = (Array)rightData;
                if (leftArray.Length != rightArray.Length)
                    return; // If the sizes are different, we probably can't compare them
                for (var i = 0; i < leftArray.Length; i++)
                    CompareBlocks(leftArray.GetValue(i), leftVersion, rightArray.GetValue(i), rightVersion, result, tagQueue);
            else if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(List<>))
                if (type.GenericTypeArguments[0].IsPrimitive)

                // If the objects are lists, then loop through each element
                var countProperty = type.GetProperty("Count");
                var leftCount = (int)countProperty.GetValue(leftData);
                var rightCount = (int)countProperty.GetValue(rightData);
                if (leftCount != rightCount)
                    return; // If the sizes are different, we probably can't compare them
                var getItem = type.GetMethod("get_Item");
                for (var i = 0; i < leftCount; i++)
                    var leftItem = getItem.Invoke(leftData, new object[] { i });
                    var rightItem = getItem.Invoke(rightData, new object[] { i });
                    CompareBlocks(leftItem, leftVersion, rightItem, rightVersion, result, tagQueue);
            else if (type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TagStructureAttribute), false).Length > 0)
                // The objects are structures
                var left = new TagFieldEnumerator(new TagStructureInfo(leftData.GetType(), leftVersion));
                var right = new TagFieldEnumerator(new TagStructureInfo(rightData.GetType(), rightVersion));
                while (left.Next() && right.Next())
                    // Keep going on the left until the field is on the right
                    while (!VersionDetection.IsBetween(rightVersion, left.MinVersion, left.MaxVersion))
                        if (!left.Next())

                    // Keep going on the right until the field is on the left
                    while (!VersionDetection.IsBetween(leftVersion, right.MinVersion, right.MaxVersion))
                        if (!right.Next())
                    if (left.Field.MetadataToken != right.Field.MetadataToken)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("WTF, left and right fields don't match!");

                    // Process the fields
                    var leftFieldData = left.Field.GetValue(leftData);
                    var rightFieldData = right.Field.GetValue(rightData);
                    CompareBlocks(leftFieldData, leftVersion, rightFieldData, rightVersion, result, tagQueue);
Пример #9
        private T ConvertStructure <T>(T data, GameCacheContextHaloOnline srcCacheContext, Stream srcStream, GameCacheContextHaloOnline destCacheContext, Stream destStream, TagVersionMap tagMap) where T : TagStructure
            // Convert each field
            foreach (var tagFieldInfo in TagStructure.GetTagFieldEnumerable(data.GetType(), destCacheContext.Version))
                var oldValue = tagFieldInfo.GetValue(data);
                var newValue = Convert(oldValue, srcCacheContext, srcStream, destCacheContext, destStream, tagMap);
                tagFieldInfo.SetValue(data, newValue);

            // Perform fixups

            if (data is Scenario scenario)

Пример #10
        public override object Execute(List <string> args)
            if (args.Count != 4)

            if (!CacheContext.TryGetTag(args[0], out var srcTag))

            var csvPath    = args[1];
            var csvOutPath = args[2];
            var targetDir  = args[3];

            // Load the CSV
            Console.WriteLine("Reading {0}...", csvPath);
            TagVersionMap tagMap;

            using (var reader = new StreamReader(File.Exists(csvPath) ? File.OpenRead(csvPath) : File.Create(csvPath)))
                tagMap = TagVersionMap.ParseTagVersionMap(reader);

            // Load destination cache files
            var destCacheContext = new GameCacheContextHaloOnline(new DirectoryInfo(targetDir));

            using (var stream = destCacheContext.OpenTagCacheRead())
                destCacheContext.TagCache = new TagCache(stream, destCacheContext.LoadTagNames());

            Console.WriteLine("CONVERTING FROM VERSION {0} TO {1}", CacheVersionDetection.GetBuildName(CacheContext.Version), CacheVersionDetection.GetBuildName(destCacheContext.Version));

            CachedTagHaloOnline resultTag;

            using (Stream srcStream = CacheContext.TagCache.OpenTagCacheRead(), destStream = destCacheContext.OpenTagCacheReadWrite())
                resultTag = ConvertTag(srcTag, CacheContext, srcStream, destCacheContext, destStream, tagMap);

            Console.WriteLine("Repairing decal systems...");

            if (CacheContext.Version != destCacheContext.Version)
                FixDecalSystems(destCacheContext, resultTag.Index);

            Console.WriteLine("Saving stringIDs...");
            using (var stream = destCacheContext.OpenStringIdCacheReadWrite())

            Console.WriteLine("Writing {0}...", csvOutPath);
            using (var stream = new StreamWriter(File.Open(csvOutPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite)))

            // Uncomment this to add the new tag as a dependency to cfgt to make testing easier

            /*using (var stream = destCacheContext.OpenCacheReadWrite())
             * {
             *  destCacheContext.Cache.Tags[0].Dependencies.Add(resultTag.Index);
             *  destCacheContext.Cache.UpdateTag(stream, destCacheContext.Cache.Tags[0]);
             * }*/

            Console.WriteLine("All done! The converted tag is:");


Пример #11
        private IList ConvertCollection(IList collection, GameCacheContextHaloOnline srcCacheContext, Stream srcStream, GameCacheContextHaloOnline destCacheContext, Stream destStream, TagVersionMap tagMap)
            if (collection.Count == 0 || collection[0].GetType().IsPrimitive)

            for (var i = 0; i < collection.Count; i++)
                var oldValue = collection[i];
                var newValue = Convert(oldValue, srcCacheContext, srcStream, destCacheContext, destStream, tagMap);
                collection[i] = newValue;
Пример #12
        private object ConvertList(object list, Type type, GameCacheContextHaloOnline srcCacheContext, Stream srcStream, GameCacheContextHaloOnline destCacheContext, Stream destStream, TagVersionMap tagMap)
            if (type.GenericTypeArguments[0].IsPrimitive)
            var count   = (int)type.GetProperty("Count").GetValue(list);
            var getItem = type.GetMethod("get_Item");
            var setItem = type.GetMethod("set_Item");

            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var oldValue = getItem.Invoke(list, new object[] { i });
                var newValue = Convert(oldValue, srcCacheContext, srcStream, destCacheContext, destStream, tagMap);
                setItem.Invoke(list, new object[] { i, newValue });
Пример #13
 private Array ConvertArray(Array array, GameCacheContextHaloOnline srcCacheContext, Stream srcStream, GameCacheContextHaloOnline destCacheContext, Stream destStream, TagVersionMap tagMap)
     if (array.GetType().GetElementType().IsPrimitive)
     for (var i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
         var oldValue = array.GetValue(i);
         var newValue = Convert(oldValue, srcCacheContext, srcStream, destCacheContext, destStream, tagMap);
         array.SetValue(newValue, i);
Пример #14
        public override object Execute(List <string> args)
            if (args.Count < 2)
            var outputPath = args[0];

            // Load each file and do version detection
            var infos = new List <HaloOnlineCacheContext>();

            foreach (var path in args.Skip(1))
                Console.WriteLine("Loading {0}...", path);

                // Load the cache file
                var cacheContext = new HaloOnlineCacheContext(new FileInfo(path).Directory);

            var result = new TagVersionMap();

            using (var baseStream = CacheContext.OpenTagCacheRead())
                // Get the scenario tags for this cache
                Console.WriteLine("Finding base scenario tags...");
                var baseScenarios = FindScenarios(CacheContext, baseStream);
                var baseVersion   = CacheContext.Version;
                var baseTagData   = new Dictionary <int, object>();
                foreach (var scenario in baseScenarios)
                    baseTagData[scenario.Tag.Index] = scenario.Data;

                // Now compare with each of the other caches
                foreach (var info in infos)
                    using (var stream = info.OpenTagCacheRead())
                        Console.WriteLine("Finding scenario tags in {0}...", info.TagCacheFile.FullName);

                        // Get the scenario tags and connect them to the base tags
                        var scenarios     = FindScenarios(info, stream);
                        var tagsToCompare = new Queue <QueuedTag>();
                        for (var i = 0; i < scenarios.Count; i++)
                            if (i < baseScenarios.Count)
                                result.Add(baseVersion, baseScenarios[i].Tag.Index, info.Version, scenarios[i].Tag.Index);

                        // Process each tag in the queue, enqueuing all of its dependencies as well
                        while (tagsToCompare.Count > 0)
                            // Get the tag and its data
                            var tag = tagsToCompare.Dequeue();
                            var data = tag.Data;
                            if (data == null)
                                // No data yet - deserialize it
                                var context = new TagSerializationContext(stream, info, tag.Tag);
                                var type    = TagDefinition.Find(tag.Tag.Group.Tag);
                                data = info.Deserializer.Deserialize(context, type);

                            // Now get the data for the base tag
                            var baseTag = result.Translate(info.Version, tag.Tag.Index, baseVersion);
                            if (baseTag == -1 || CacheContext.TagCache.Index[baseTag].Group.Tag != tag.Tag.Group.Tag)
                            if (!baseTagData.TryGetValue(baseTag, out object baseData))
                                // No data yet - deserialize it
                                var context = new TagSerializationContext(baseStream, CacheContext, CacheContext.TagCache.Index[baseTag]);
                                var type    = TagDefinition.Find(tag.Tag.Group.Tag);
                                baseData             = CacheContext.Deserializer.Deserialize(context, type);
                                baseTagData[baseTag] = baseData;

                            // Compare the two blocks
                            CompareBlocks(baseData, baseVersion, data, info.Version, result, tagsToCompare);

            // Write out the CSV
            Console.WriteLine("Writing results...");
            using (var writer = new StreamWriter(File.Open(outputPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)))

Пример #15
        private object Convert(object data, OpenTagCache srcInfo, Stream srcStream, ResourceDataManager srcResources, OpenTagCache destInfo, Stream destStream, ResourceDataManager destResources, TagVersionMap tagMap)
            if (data == null)
            var type = data.GetType();

            if (type.IsPrimitive)
            if (type == typeof(StringID))
                return(ConvertStringID((StringID)data, srcInfo, destInfo));
            if (type == typeof(TagInstance))
                return(ConvertTag((TagInstance)data, srcInfo, srcStream, srcResources, destInfo, destStream, destResources, tagMap));
            if (type == typeof(ResourceReference))
                return(ConvertResource((ResourceReference)data, srcInfo, srcResources, destInfo, destResources));
            if (type == typeof(GeometryReference))
                return(ConvertGeometry((GeometryReference)data, srcInfo, srcResources, destInfo, destResources));
            if (type.IsArray)
                return(ConvertArray((Array)data, srcInfo, srcStream, srcResources, destInfo, destStream, destResources, tagMap));
            if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(List <>))
                return(ConvertList(data, type, srcInfo, srcStream, srcResources, destInfo, destStream, destResources, tagMap));
            if (type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TagStructureAttribute), false).Length > 0)
                return(ConvertStructure(data, type, srcInfo, srcStream, srcResources, destInfo, destStream, destResources, tagMap));
Пример #16
        private static void CompareBlocks(object leftData, EngineVersion leftVersion, object rightData, EngineVersion rightVersion, TagVersionMap result, Queue <QueuedTag> tagQueue)
            if (leftData == null || rightData == null)
            var type = leftData.GetType();

            if (type == typeof(TagInstance))
                // If the objects are tags, then we've found a match
                var leftTag  = (TagInstance)leftData;
                var rightTag = (TagInstance)rightData;
                if (leftTag.Group.Tag != rightTag.Group.Tag)
                if (leftTag.IsInGroup("rmt2") || leftTag.IsInGroup("rmdf") || leftTag.IsInGroup("vtsh") || leftTag.IsInGroup("pixl") || leftTag.IsInGroup("rm  ") || leftTag.IsInGroup("bitm"))
                var translated = result.Translate(leftVersion, leftTag.Index, rightVersion);
                if (translated >= 0)
                result.Add(leftVersion, leftTag.Index, rightVersion, rightTag.Index);
                tagQueue.Enqueue(new QueuedTag {
                    Tag = rightTag
            else if (type.IsArray)
                if (type.GetElementType().IsPrimitive)

                // If the objects are arrays, then loop through each element
                var leftArray  = (Array)leftData;
                var rightArray = (Array)rightData;
                if (leftArray.Length != rightArray.Length)
                    return; // If the sizes are different, we probably can't compare them
                for (var i = 0; i < leftArray.Length; i++)
                    CompareBlocks(leftArray.GetValue(i), leftVersion, rightArray.GetValue(i), rightVersion, result, tagQueue);
            else if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(List <>))
                if (type.GenericTypeArguments[0].IsPrimitive)

                // If the objects are lists, then loop through each element
                var countProperty = type.GetProperty("Count");
                var leftCount     = (int)countProperty.GetValue(leftData);
                var rightCount    = (int)countProperty.GetValue(rightData);
                if (leftCount != rightCount)
                    return; // If the sizes are different, we probably can't compare them
                var getItem = type.GetMethod("get_Item");
                for (var i = 0; i < leftCount; i++)
                    var leftItem  = getItem.Invoke(leftData, new object[] { i });
                    var rightItem = getItem.Invoke(rightData, new object[] { i });
                    CompareBlocks(leftItem, leftVersion, rightItem, rightVersion, result, tagQueue);
            else if (type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TagStructureAttribute), false).Length > 0)
                // The objects are structures
                var left  = new TagFieldEnumerator(new TagStructureInfo(leftData.GetType(), leftVersion));
                var right = new TagFieldEnumerator(new TagStructureInfo(rightData.GetType(), rightVersion));
                while (left.Next() && right.Next())
                    // Keep going on the left until the field is on the right
                    while (!VersionDetection.IsBetween(rightVersion, left.MinVersion, left.MaxVersion))
                        if (!left.Next())

                    // Keep going on the right until the field is on the left
                    while (!VersionDetection.IsBetween(leftVersion, right.MinVersion, right.MaxVersion))
                        if (!right.Next())
                    if (left.Field.MetadataToken != right.Field.MetadataToken)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("WTF, left and right fields don't match!");

                    // Process the fields
                    var leftFieldData  = left.Field.GetValue(leftData);
                    var rightFieldData = right.Field.GetValue(rightData);
                    CompareBlocks(leftFieldData, leftVersion, rightFieldData, rightVersion, result, tagQueue);
Пример #17
 private Array ConvertArray(Array array, OpenTagCache srcInfo, Stream srcStream, ResourceDataManager srcResources, OpenTagCache destInfo, Stream destStream, ResourceDataManager destResources, TagVersionMap tagMap)
     if (array.GetType().GetElementType().IsPrimitive)
     for (var i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
         var oldValue = array.GetValue(i);
         var newValue = Convert(oldValue, srcInfo, srcStream, srcResources, destInfo, destStream, destResources, tagMap);
         array.SetValue(newValue, i);
Пример #18
        public override bool Execute(List<string> args)
            if (args.Count < 2)
                return false;
            var outputPath = args[0];

            // Load each file and do version detection
            var infos = new List<OpenTagCache>();
            foreach (var path in args.Skip(1))
                Console.WriteLine("Loading {0}...", path);

                // Load the cache file
                var info = new OpenTagCache { CacheFile = new FileInfo(path) };
                using (var stream = info.OpenCacheRead())
                    info.Cache = new TagCache(stream);

                // Do version detection, and don't accept the closest version
                // because that might not work
                EngineVersion closestVersion;
                info.Version = VersionDetection.DetectVersion(info.Cache, out closestVersion);
                if (info.Version == EngineVersion.Unknown)
                    Console.WriteLine("- Unrecognized version! Ignoring.");
                info.Deserializer = new TagDeserializer(info.Version);

            var result = new TagVersionMap();
            using (var baseStream = _info.OpenCacheRead())
                // Get the scenario tags for this cache
                Console.WriteLine("Finding base scenario tags...");
                var baseScenarios = FindScenarios(_info, baseStream);
                var baseVersion = _info.Version;
                var baseTagData = new Dictionary<int, object>();
                foreach (var scenario in baseScenarios)
                    baseTagData[scenario.Tag.Index] = scenario.Data;

                // Now compare with each of the other caches
                foreach (var info in infos)
                    using (var stream = info.OpenCacheRead())
                        Console.WriteLine("Finding scenario tags in {0}...", info.CacheFile.FullName);

                        // Get the scenario tags and connect them to the base tags
                        var scenarios = FindScenarios(info, stream);
                        var tagsToCompare = new Queue<QueuedTag>();
                        for (var i = 0; i < scenarios.Count; i++)
                            result.Add(baseVersion, baseScenarios[i].Tag.Index, info.Version, scenarios[i].Tag.Index);

                        // Process each tag in the queue, enqueuing all of its dependencies as well
                        while (tagsToCompare.Count > 0)
                            // Get the tag and its data
                            var tag = tagsToCompare.Dequeue();
                            var data = tag.Data;
                            if (data == null)
                                // No data yet - deserialize it
                                var context = new TagSerializationContext(stream, info.Cache, info.StringIds, tag.Tag);
                                var type = TagStructureTypes.FindByGroupTag(tag.Tag.Group.Tag);
                                data = info.Deserializer.Deserialize(context, type);

                            // Now get the data for the base tag
                            var baseTag = result.Translate(info.Version, tag.Tag.Index, baseVersion);
                            if (baseTag == -1 || _info.Cache.Tags[baseTag].Group.Tag != tag.Tag.Group.Tag)
                            object baseData;
                            if (!baseTagData.TryGetValue(baseTag, out baseData))
                                // No data yet - deserialize it
                                var context = new TagSerializationContext(baseStream, _info.Cache, _info.StringIds, _info.Cache.Tags[baseTag]);
                                var type = TagStructureTypes.FindByGroupTag(tag.Tag.Group.Tag);
                                baseData = _info.Deserializer.Deserialize(context, type);
                                baseTagData[baseTag] = baseData;

                            // Compare the two blocks
                            CompareBlocks(baseData, baseVersion, data, info.Version, result, tagsToCompare);

            // Write out the CSV
            Console.WriteLine("Writing results...");
            using (var writer = new StreamWriter(File.Open(outputPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)))

            return true;
Пример #19
        private CachedTagHaloOnline ConvertTag(CachedTagHaloOnline srcTag, GameCacheContextHaloOnline srcCacheContext, Stream srcStream, GameCacheContextHaloOnline destCacheContext, Stream destStream, TagVersionMap tagMap)

            // Uncomment this to use 0x101F for all shaders

            /*if (srcTag.IsClass("rm  "))
             *  return destCacheContext.Cache.Tags[0x101F];*/

            // Check if the tag is in the map, and just return the translated tag if so
            var destIndex = tagMap.Translate(srcCacheContext.Version, srcTag.Index, destCacheContext.Version);

            if (destIndex >= 0)
                Console.WriteLine("- Using already-known index {0:X4}", destIndex);

            // Deserialize the tag from the source cache
            var tagData = srcCacheContext.Deserialize(srcStream, srcTag);

            // Uncomment this to use 0x101F in place of shaders that need conversion

            /*if (tagData is RenderMethod)
             * {
             *  var rm = (RenderMethod)tagData;
             *  foreach (var prop in rm.ShaderProperties)
             *  {
             *      if (tagMap.Translate(srcCacheContext.Version, prop.Template.Index, destCacheContext.Version) < 0)
             *          return destCacheContext.Cache.Tags[0x101F];
             *  }
             * }*/

            // Allocate a new tag and create a mapping for it

            CachedTagHaloOnline instance = null;

            if (srcCacheContext.Version != destCacheContext.Version)
                for (var i = 0; i < destCacheContext.TagCache.Index.Count; i++)
                    if (destCacheContext.TagCache.Index[i] == null)
                        destCacheContext.TagCache.Index[i] = instance = new CachedTagHaloOnline(i, TagGroup.Instances[srcTag.Group.Tag]);
                if (destCacheContext.TagCache.Index[srcTag.Index] != null)
                    if (destCacheContext.TagCache.Index[srcTag.Index].IsInGroup(srcTag.Group))
                    destCacheContext.TagCache.Index[srcTag.Index] = instance = new CachedTagHaloOnline(srcTag.Index, TagGroup.Instances[srcTag.Group.Tag], srcTag.Name);

            if (instance == null)
                instance = destCacheContext.TagCache.AllocateTag(srcTag.Group);

            tagMap.Add(srcCacheContext.Version, srcTag.Index, destCacheContext.Version, instance.Index);

            if (srcTag.IsInGroup("decs") || srcTag.IsInGroup("rmd "))
                IsDecalShader = true;

            // Convert it
            tagData = Convert(tagData, srcCacheContext, srcStream, destCacheContext, destStream, tagMap);

            if (srcTag.IsInGroup("decs") || srcTag.IsInGroup("rmd "))
                IsDecalShader = false;

            // Re-serialize into the destination cache
            destCacheContext.Serialize(destStream, instance, tagData);