public RemoveBlockElementsCommand(CommandContextStack contextStack, HaloOnlineCacheContext cacheContext, CachedTagInstance tag, TagStructureInfo structure, object owner)
            : base(true,

                   $"Removes block element(s) from a specified index of a specific tag block in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.",

                   "RemoveBlockElements <block name> [* | <block index> [* | amount = 1]]",
                   $"Removes block element(s) from a specified index of a specific tag block in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.")
            ContextStack = contextStack;
            CacheContext = cacheContext;
            Tag          = tag;
            Structure    = structure;
            Owner        = owner;
Пример #2
        public SetFieldCommand(CommandContextStack contextStack, HaloOnlineCacheContext cacheContext, CachedTagInstance tag, TagStructureInfo structure, object owner)
            : base(true,

                   $"Sets the value of a specific field in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.",

                   "SetField <field name> <field value>",

                   $"Sets the value of a specific field in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.")
            ContextStack = contextStack;
            CacheContext = cacheContext;
            Tag          = tag;
            Structure    = structure;
            Owner        = owner;
Пример #3
        private void CopyTagNames(Stream cacheStream, object edDef, TagStructureInfo edInfo, object blamDef, TagStructureInfo blamInfo)
            foreach (var blamField in TagStructure.GetTagFieldEnumerable(blamInfo.Types[0], blamInfo.Version))
                foreach (var edField in TagStructure.GetTagFieldEnumerable(edInfo.Types[0], edInfo.Version))
                    if (blamField.FieldType != edField.FieldType || edField.FieldInfo.Name != blamField.FieldInfo.Name)

                    var blamValue = blamField.FieldInfo.GetValue(blamDef);
                    var edValue   = edField.FieldInfo.GetValue(edDef);

                    if (blamValue is CachedTagInstance blamRef && edValue is CachedTagInstance edRef)
                        if (blamRef != null && edRef != null && blamRef.IsInGroup(edRef.Group))
                            CopyTagNames(cacheStream, edRef, BlamCache.GetIndexItemFromID(blamRef.Index));
Пример #4
        public ForEachCommand(CommandContextStack contextStack, HaloOnlineCacheContext cacheContext, CachedTagInstance tag, TagStructureInfo structure, object owner)
            : base(true,

                   "Executes a command for each element in the specified tag block.",

                   "ForEach <Tag Block> <Command>",

                   "Executes a command for each element in the specified tag block.")
            ContextStack = contextStack;
            CacheContext = cacheContext;
            Tag          = tag;
            Structure    = structure;
            Owner        = owner;
Пример #5
 public CopyElementsCommand(CommandContextStack stack, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, TagStructureInfo structure, object owner)
     : base(CommandFlags.None,
            "Copies block elements from one tag to another.",
            "copyelements <block name> [count = *] [index = 0]",
            "Copies block elements from one tag to another.")
     Stack     = stack;
     Info      = info;
     Tag       = tag;
     Structure = structure;
     Owner     = owner;
Пример #6
        public override bool Execute(List <string> args)
            if (args.Count < 1 || args.Count > 2)

            var blockName = args[0];
            var ownerType = Owner.GetType();

            var enumerator = new TagFieldEnumerator(Structure);

            var deferredNames = new List <string>();
            var deferredArgs  = new List <string>();

            if (blockName.Contains("."))
                blockName     = deferredNames[0];
                deferredNames = deferredNames.Skip(1).ToList();
                args = new List <string> {

            if (blockName.Contains("]"))
                var openBracketIndex  = blockName.IndexOf('[');
                var closeBracketIndex = blockName.IndexOf(']');
                var name  = blockName.Substring(0, openBracketIndex);
                var index = blockName.Substring(openBracketIndex + 1, (closeBracketIndex - openBracketIndex) - 1);

                blockName = name;
                args      = new List <string> {
                    name, index

            var blockNameLow = blockName.ToLower();
            var field        = enumerator.Find(f => f.Name == blockName || f.Name.ToLower() == blockNameLow);

            if (field == null)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} does not contain a block named \"{1}\"", ownerType.Name, blockName);

            var    contextName = "";
            object blockValue  = null;

            var structureAttribute = field.FieldType.CustomAttributes.ToList().Find(a => a.AttributeType == typeof(TagStructureAttribute));

            if (structureAttribute != null)
                if (args.Count != 1)

                blockValue  = field.GetValue(Owner);
                contextName = $"{blockName}";
                if (args.Count != 2)

                IList fieldValue = null;

                if (field.FieldType.GetInterface("IList") == null || (fieldValue = (IList)field.GetValue(Owner)) == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} does not contain a block named \"{1}\"", ownerType.Name, blockName);

                int blockIndex = 0;

                if (args[1] == "*")
                    blockIndex = fieldValue.Count - 1;
                else if (!int.TryParse(args[1], out blockIndex))
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid index requested from block {0}: {1}", blockName, blockIndex);

                if (blockIndex >= fieldValue.Count || blockIndex < 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid index requested from block {0}: {1}", blockName, blockIndex);

                blockValue  = fieldValue[blockIndex];
                contextName = $"{blockName}[{blockIndex}]";

            var blockStructure = new TagStructureInfo(blockValue.GetType());

            var blockContext = new CommandContext(Stack.Context, contextName);

            blockContext.AddCommand(new ListFieldsCommand(Info, blockStructure, blockValue));
            blockContext.AddCommand(new SetFieldCommand(Stack, Info, Tag, blockStructure, blockValue));
            blockContext.AddCommand(new EditBlockCommand(Stack, Info, Tag, blockValue));
            blockContext.AddCommand(new AddToBlockCommand(Stack, Info, Tag, blockStructure, blockValue));
            blockContext.AddCommand(new RemoveFromBlockCommand(Stack, Info, Tag, blockStructure, blockValue));
            blockContext.AddCommand(new ExitToCommand(Stack));

            if (deferredNames.Count != 0)
                var name = deferredNames[0];
                deferredNames = deferredNames.Skip(1).ToList();

                foreach (var deferredName in deferredNames)
                    name += '.' + deferredName;

                args = new List <string> {

                var command = new EditBlockCommand(Stack, Info, Tag, blockValue);

Пример #7
        public CopyBlockElementsCommand(CommandContextStack contextStack, CacheFile blamCache, CacheFile.IndexItem tag, TagStructureInfo structure, object owner)
            : base(false,

                   "Copies block elements from one tag to another.",

                   "CopyBlockElements <block name> [index = 0] [count = *]",

                   "Copies block elements from one tag to another.")
            ContextStack = contextStack;
            BlamCache    = blamCache;
            Tag          = tag;
            Structure    = structure;
            Owner        = owner;
Пример #8
        public CopyBlockElementsCommand(CommandContextStack contextStack, HaloOnlineCacheContext cacheContext, CachedTagInstance tag, TagStructureInfo structure, object owner)
            : base(false,

                   "Copies block elements from one tag to another.",

                   "CopyBlockElements <block name> [index = 0] [count = *]",

                   "Copies block elements from one tag to another.")
            ContextStack = contextStack;
            CacheContext = cacheContext;
            Tag          = tag;
            Structure    = structure;
            Owner        = owner;
 public void EndSerialize(TagStructureInfo info, byte[] data, uint mainStructOffset)
     ProcessStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
        public ExtractResourceCommand(CommandContextStack contextStack, HaloOnlineCacheContext cacheContext, CachedTagInstance tag, TagStructureInfo structure, object owner) :

                 $"Extracts the data of a specific resource field in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.",

                 "ExtractResource <field name> <path>",

                 $"Extracts the data of a specific resource field in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.")
            ContextStack = contextStack;
            CacheContext = cacheContext;
            Tag          = tag;
            Structure    = structure;
            Owner        = owner;
 public void EndDeserialize(TagStructureInfo info, object obj)
 public void BeginSerialize(TagStructureInfo info)
 public EndianReader BeginDeserialize(TagStructureInfo info)
     return(new EndianReader(ProcessStream));
        public static CommandContext Create(CommandContextStack stack, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag)
            var groupName = info.StringIds.GetString(tag.Group.Name);

            var context = new CommandContext(stack.Context,
                                             string.Format("0x{0:X4}.{1}", tag.Index, groupName));

            switch (tag.Group.Tag.ToString())
            case "vfsl":     // vfiles_list
                EditVFilesList(context, info, tag);

            case "unic":     // multilingual_unicode_string_list
                EditMultilingualUnicodeStringList(context, info, tag);

            case "bitm":     // bitmap
                EditBitmap(context, info, tag);

            case "hlmt":     // model
                EditModel(context, info, tag);

            case "mode":     // render_model
                EditRenderModel(context, info, tag);

            case "rm  ":     // render_method
            case "rmsh":     // shader
            case "rmd ":     // shader_decal
            case "rmfl":     // shader_foliage
            case "rmhg":     // shader_halogram
            case "rmss":     // shader_screen
            case "rmtr":     // shader_terrain
            case "rmw ":     // shader_water
            case "rmzo":     // shader_zonly
            case "rmcs":     // shader_custom
                EditRenderMethod(context, info, tag);

            case "scnr":
                EditScenario(context, info, tag);

            object value = null;

            using (var stream = info.OpenCacheRead())
                value = info.Deserializer.Deserialize(
                    new TagSerializationContext(stream, info.Cache, info.StringIds, tag),

            var structure = new TagStructureInfo(

            context.AddCommand(new ListFieldsCommand(info, structure, value));
            context.AddCommand(new SetFieldCommand(stack, info, tag, structure, value));
            context.AddCommand(new EditBlockCommand(stack, info, tag, value));
            context.AddCommand(new AddToBlockCommand(stack, info, tag, structure, value));
            context.AddCommand(new RemoveFromBlockCommand(stack, info, tag, structure, value));
            context.AddCommand(new SaveChangesCommand(info, tag, value));
            context.AddCommand(new ExitToCommand(stack));

 public RemoveFromBlockCommand(CommandContextStack stack, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, TagStructureInfo structure, object owner)
     : base(CommandFlags.Inherit,
           $"Removes block element(s) from a specified index of a specific tag block in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.",
           "RemoveFrom <tag block name> [* | <tag block index> [* | amount = 1]]",
           $"Removes block element(s) from a specified index of a specific tag block in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.")
     Stack = stack;
     Info = info;
     Tag = tag;
     Structure = structure;
     Owner = owner;
Пример #16
 public AddToCommand(CommandContextStack stack, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, TagStructureInfo structure, object owner)
     : base(CommandFlags.Inherit,
            $"Adds/inserts block element(s) to a specific tag block in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.",
            "addto <tag block name> [amount = 1] [index = *]",
            $"Adds/inserts block element(s) to a specific tag block in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.")
     Stack     = stack;
     Info      = info;
     Tag       = tag;
     Structure = structure;
     Owner     = owner;
        public PasteBlockElementsCommand(CommandContextStack contextStack, HaloOnlineCacheContext cacheContext, CachedTagInstance tag, TagStructureInfo structure, object owner)
            : base(true,

                   $"Pastes block element(s) to a specific tag block in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.",

                   "PasteBlockElements <tag block name> [index = *]",

                   $"Pastes block element(s) to a specific tag block in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.")
            ContextStack = contextStack;
            CacheContext = cacheContext;
            Tag          = tag;
            Structure    = structure;
            Owner        = owner;
Пример #18
 public SetFieldCommand(CommandContextStack stack, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, TagStructureInfo structure, object owner)
     : base(CommandFlags.Inherit,
            $"Sets the value of a specific field in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.",
            "SetField <field name> <field value>",
            $"Sets the value of a specific field in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.")
     Stack     = stack;
     Info      = info;
     Tag       = tag;
     Structure = structure;
     Owner     = owner;
Пример #19
        public AddBlockElementsCommand(CommandContextStack contextStack, GameCache cache, CachedTag tag, TagStructureInfo structure, object owner)
            : base(true,

                   $"Adds/inserts block element(s) to a specific tag block in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.",

                   "AddBlockElements <block name> [amount = 1] [index = *]",

                   $"Adds/inserts block element(s) to a specific tag block in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.")
            ContextStack = contextStack;
            Cache        = cache;
            Tag          = tag;
            Structure    = structure;
            Owner        = owner;