Пример #1
 public static void PreserveTables(Hashtable replacements)
     replacements["table"] = new TagDesc(TagType.Block, "border", "cellpadding", "cellspacing");
     replacements["tr"]    = new TagDesc(TagType.Block);
     replacements["td"]    = new TagDesc(TagType.Block, "width", "valign");
     replacements["th"]    = new TagDesc(TagType.Block);
Пример #2
    private void outputClipTagInfo()
        StreamWriter sw;
        string       filePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(animator);

        if (filePath.LastIndexOf('.') > 0)
            filePath = filePath.Substring(0, filePath.LastIndexOf('.'));
        sw = File.CreateText(filePath + "TagInfo.txt");

        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <string> > kv in tagCount)
            TagDesc desc  = tagDescs[tagDescs.Count - 1];
            bool    found = false;
            foreach (TagDesc tagdesc in tagDescs)
                if (kv.Key == tagdesc.tagName)
                    desc  = tagdesc;
                    found = true;

            if (found)
                sw.WriteLine("标签:" + kv.Key + ";作用:" + desc.tagDesc);
                List <string> allPath = kv.Value;
                foreach (string path in allPath)
                    sw.WriteLine("   " + path);

        if (!tagCount.ContainsKey("Dead") || tagCount["Dead"].Count < 3)

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Write a begin tag to the StringBuilder.  Attributes will be
        /// filtered according to the provided TagDesc, if any.
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteBeginTag(TagDesc desc, string tagName, Attr[] attributes, StringBuilder output)
            output.Append("<" + tagName);
            for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++)
                Attr attr = attributes[i];
                if (attr != null && (desc == null || desc.AttributeAllowed(attr.Name)))
                    output.Append(" ");
                    string val = attributes[i].Value;
                    if (val != null)
                        // hack for Word 2007 footnotes.
                        if (tagName == "a")
                            if (attributes[i].NameEquals("name"))
                                // Do a fast check before doing an expensive one
                                if (val.StartsWith("_ftn", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && Regex.IsMatch(val, @"^_ftn(ref)?(\d+)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                                    val += WordFootnoteAnchorSuffix;
                            else if (attributes[i].NameEquals("href"))
                                // Do a fast check before doing an expensive one
                                if (val.StartsWith("#_ftn", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && Regex.IsMatch(val, @"^#_ftn(ref)?(\d+)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                                    val += WordFootnoteAnchorSuffix;

                        output.Append("=\"" + HtmlUtils.EscapeEntities(val) + "\"");
        /// <summary>
        /// Write a begin tag to the StringBuilder.  Attributes will be
        /// filtered according to the provided TagDesc, if any.
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteBeginTag(TagDesc desc, string tagName, Attr[] attributes, StringBuilder output)
            output.Append("<" + tagName);
            for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++)
                Attr attr = attributes[i];
                if (attr != null && (desc == null || desc.AttributeAllowed(attr.Name)))
                    output.Append(" ");
                    string val = attributes[i].Value;
                    if (val != null)
                        // hack for Word 2007 footnotes.
                        if (tagName == "a")
                            if (attributes[i].NameEquals("name"))
                                // Do a fast check before doing an expensive one
                                if (val.StartsWith("_ftn", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && Regex.IsMatch(val, @"^_ftn(ref)?(\d+)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                                    val += WordFootnoteAnchorSuffix;
                            else if (attributes[i].NameEquals("href"))
                                // Do a fast check before doing an expensive one
                                if (val.StartsWith("#_ftn", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && Regex.IsMatch(val, @"^#_ftn(ref)?(\d+)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                                    val += WordFootnoteAnchorSuffix;

                        output.Append("=\"" + HtmlUtils.EscapeEntities(val) + "\"");
        static LightWeightHTMLThinner2()
            #region tag map
            // Replace with <p>
            TagDesc P = new TagDesc("p", TagType.Block);
            TagDesc BR = new TagDesc("br", TagType.Empty);

            TagDesc BLOCK = new TagDesc(TagType.Block);
            TagDesc INLINE = new TagDesc(TagType.Inline);

            _tagSpecs.Add("p", BLOCK);
            _tagSpecs.Add("pre", BLOCK);

            // lists
            TagDesc LIST = new TagDesc(TagType.Block, "compact");
            _tagSpecs.Add("ol", new TagDesc(TagType.Block, "compact", "start"));
            _tagSpecs.Add("ul", LIST);
            _tagSpecs.Add("dir", LIST);
            _tagSpecs.Add("menu", LIST);
            _tagSpecs.Add("dl", LIST);
            _tagSpecs.Add("li", BLOCK);
            _tagSpecs.Add("dt", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("dd", BLOCK);

            // styles
            _tagSpecs.Add("tt", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("i", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("b", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("u", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("s", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("strike", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("big", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("small", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("em", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("strong", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("dfn", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("code", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("samp", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("kbd", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("var", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("cite", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("abbr", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("acronym", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("sub", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("sup", INLINE);

            _tagSpecs.Add("div", P);
            _tagSpecs.Add("center", P);

            // Heading tags get demoted a bit
            _tagSpecs.Add("h1", new TagDesc("h3", TagType.Block));
            _tagSpecs.Add("h2", new TagDesc("h4", TagType.Block));
            _tagSpecs.Add("h3", new TagDesc("h5", TagType.Block));
            _tagSpecs.Add("h4", new TagDesc("h6", TagType.Block));
            _tagSpecs.Add("h5", new TagDesc("h6", TagType.Block));
            _tagSpecs.Add("h6", new TagDesc("h6", TagType.Block));

            _tagSpecs.Add("a", new TagDesc(TagType.Inline, "href", "name"));

            _tagSpecs.Add("br", new TagDesc(TagType.Empty, "clear"));
            _tagSpecs.Add("img", new TagDesc(TagType.Empty, "src", "alt", "longdesc", "title", "border", "align", "height", "width", "hspace", "vspace"));
            _tagSpecs.Add("hr", new TagDesc(TagType.Empty, "align", "noshade", "size", "width"));

                                     new TagDesc(TagType.Block, "cite"));
            _tagSpecs.Add("q", new TagDesc(TagType.Inline, "cite"));
            _tagSpecs.Add("ins", new TagDesc(TagType.Inline, "cite", "datetime"));
            _tagSpecs.Add("del", new TagDesc(TagType.Inline, "cite", "datetime"));

            _tagSpecs.Add("tr", new TagDesc("p", TagType.Empty));
            _tagSpecs.Add("th", new TagDesc("br", TagType.Empty));
            _tagSpecs.Add("td", new TagDesc("br", TagType.Empty));


            #region tag map strict

            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("a", new TagDesc(TagType.Inline, "href", "name"));
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("img", new TagDesc(TagType.Empty, "src", "alt", "longdesc", "title", "height", "width"));

            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("p", BLOCK);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("pre", BLOCK);

            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("ol", P);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("ul", P);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("dir", P);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("menu", P);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("dl", BR);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("li", BR);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("dt", BR);

            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("div", P);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("center", P);

            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("h1", P);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("h2", P);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("h3", P);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("h4", P);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("h5", P);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("h6", P);

            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("br", BR);

            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("blockquote", P);

            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("tr", P);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("th", BR);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("td", BR);

 public static void PreserveTables(Hashtable replacements)
     replacements["table"] = new TagDesc(TagType.Block, "border", "cellpadding", "cellspacing");
     replacements["tr"] = new TagDesc(TagType.Block);
     replacements["td"] = new TagDesc(TagType.Block, "width", "valign");
     replacements["th"] = new TagDesc(TagType.Block);
Пример #7
        static LightWeightHTMLThinner2()
            #region tag map
            // Replace with <p>
            TagDesc P  = new TagDesc("p", TagType.Block);
            TagDesc BR = new TagDesc("br", TagType.Empty);

            TagDesc BLOCK  = new TagDesc(TagType.Block);
            TagDesc INLINE = new TagDesc(TagType.Inline);

            _tagSpecs.Add("p", BLOCK);
            _tagSpecs.Add("pre", BLOCK);

            // lists
            TagDesc LIST = new TagDesc(TagType.Block, "compact");
            _tagSpecs.Add("ol", new TagDesc(TagType.Block, "compact", "start"));
            _tagSpecs.Add("ul", LIST);
            _tagSpecs.Add("dir", LIST);
            _tagSpecs.Add("menu", LIST);
            _tagSpecs.Add("dl", LIST);
            _tagSpecs.Add("li", BLOCK);
            _tagSpecs.Add("dt", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("dd", BLOCK);

            // styles
            _tagSpecs.Add("tt", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("i", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("b", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("u", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("s", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("strike", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("big", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("small", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("em", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("strong", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("dfn", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("code", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("samp", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("kbd", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("var", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("cite", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("abbr", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("acronym", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("sub", INLINE);
            _tagSpecs.Add("sup", INLINE);

            _tagSpecs.Add("div", P);
            _tagSpecs.Add("center", P);

            // Heading tags get demoted a bit
            _tagSpecs.Add("h1", new TagDesc("h3", TagType.Block));
            _tagSpecs.Add("h2", new TagDesc("h4", TagType.Block));
            _tagSpecs.Add("h3", new TagDesc("h5", TagType.Block));
            _tagSpecs.Add("h4", new TagDesc("h6", TagType.Block));
            _tagSpecs.Add("h5", new TagDesc("h6", TagType.Block));
            _tagSpecs.Add("h6", new TagDesc("h6", TagType.Block));

            _tagSpecs.Add("a", new TagDesc(TagType.Inline, "href", "name"));

            _tagSpecs.Add("br", new TagDesc(TagType.Empty, "clear"));
            _tagSpecs.Add("img", new TagDesc(TagType.Empty, "src", "alt", "longdesc", "title", "border", "align", "height", "width", "hspace", "vspace"));
            _tagSpecs.Add("hr", new TagDesc(TagType.Empty, "align", "noshade", "size", "width"));

                          new TagDesc(TagType.Block, "cite"));
            _tagSpecs.Add("q", new TagDesc(TagType.Inline, "cite"));
            _tagSpecs.Add("ins", new TagDesc(TagType.Inline, "cite", "datetime"));
            _tagSpecs.Add("del", new TagDesc(TagType.Inline, "cite", "datetime"));

            _tagSpecs.Add("tr", new TagDesc("p", TagType.Empty));
            _tagSpecs.Add("th", new TagDesc("br", TagType.Empty));
            _tagSpecs.Add("td", new TagDesc("br", TagType.Empty));


            #region tag map strict

            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("a", new TagDesc(TagType.Inline, "href", "name"));
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("img", new TagDesc(TagType.Empty, "src", "alt", "longdesc", "title", "height", "width"));

            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("p", BLOCK);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("pre", BLOCK);

            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("ol", P);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("ul", P);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("dir", P);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("menu", P);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("dl", BR);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("li", BR);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("dt", BR);

            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("div", P);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("center", P);

            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("h1", P);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("h2", P);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("h3", P);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("h4", P);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("h5", P);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("h6", P);

            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("br", BR);

            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("blockquote", P);

            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("tr", P);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("th", BR);
            _tagSpecsStrict.Add("td", BR);

Пример #8
        private string ThinInternal(string html, bool preserveImages, bool strict, params ModifyReplacement[] modifyReplacements)
            Hashtable replacements = _tagSpecs;

            if (strict)
                replacements = _tagSpecsStrict;

            if (modifyReplacements != null)
                replacements = (Hashtable)replacements.Clone();
                foreach (ModifyReplacement modifyReplacement in modifyReplacements)

            // Will hold the results of the leading whitespace buffer.
            // This buffer may or may not make it into the final result,
            // depending on whether any block-level tags are present.
            StringBuilder leadingOutput = new StringBuilder(10);
            // Will hold the results of everything else.
            StringBuilder mainOutput = new StringBuilder(html.Length);

            // references whichever output buffer is current.
            StringBuilder output = leadingOutput;

            SimpleHtmlParser parser = new SimpleHtmlParser(html);
            Element          el;

            bool             preserveWhitespace = false; // <pre> blocks should preserve whitespace
            WhitespaceBuffer whitespaceBuffer   = new WhitespaceBuffer();

            whitespaceBuffer.Promote(WhitespaceClass.Paragraph);  // Insert an implicit <p> unless the first non-whitespace element is a block
            bool hasBlock = false;

            while (null != (el = parser.Next()))
                if (el is Tag)
                    Tag    t         = (Tag)el;
                    string lowerName = t.Name.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    TagDesc desc = (TagDesc)replacements[lowerName];
                    // if this tag is not in the table, drop it
                    if (desc == null)

                    // Replace tag with substitute tag if necessary (e.g. <DIV> becomes <P>)
                    string tagName = desc.Substitute;
                    if (tagName == null)
                        tagName = lowerName;

                    // special case for images
                    if (!preserveImages && tagName == TAG_IMG)

                    bool beginTag = el is BeginTag;

                    ElementClass elClass = WhitespaceBuffer.ClassifyTag(tagName, desc.TagType);
                    hasBlock |= (elClass == ElementClass.Block || elClass == ElementClass.Paragraph || elClass == ElementClass.Break);
                    if (!preserveWhitespace && WhitespaceBuffer.ProcessElementClass(ref whitespaceBuffer, output, elClass, true))

                    output = mainOutput;

                    if (beginTag)
                        WriteBeginTag(desc, tagName, ((BeginTag)el).Attributes, output);
                        if (tagName == TAG_PRE)
                            preserveWhitespace = true;
                    else if (el is EndTag)
                        if (!((EndTag)el).Implicit && desc.TagType != TagType.Empty)
                            output.Append(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "</{0}>", tagName));
                        if (tagName == TAG_PRE)
                            preserveWhitespace = false;
                else if (el is Text)
                    string text = el.RawText;
                    text = HtmlUtils.EscapeEntities(HtmlUtils.UnEscapeEntities(text, HtmlUtils.UnEscapeMode.NonMarkupText));

                    if (!preserveWhitespace && WhitespaceBuffer.ProcessElementClass(ref whitespaceBuffer, output, WhitespaceBuffer.ClassifyText(text), false))

                    output = mainOutput;


            if (hasBlock && ReferenceEquals(mainOutput, output))
                output.Insert(0, leadingOutput.ToString());

            // The whitespace buffer may not be empty at this point.  That's OK--we want to drop trailing whitespace
