protected void SaveAttach(string url, string sourceId) { List <BaseAttach> attach = new List <BaseAttach>(); string htmlAnnex = string.Empty; try { htmlAnnex = this.ToolWebSite.GetHtmlByUrl(url, Encoding.UTF8); } catch { } Parser dtparser = new Parser(new Lexer(htmlAnnex)); NodeList dtList = dtparser.ExtractAllNodesThatMatch(new AndFilter(new HasAttributeFilter("id", "ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridView1"), new TagNameFilter("table"))); if (dtList != null && dtList.Count > 0) { TableTag dttable = dtList[0] as TableTag; for (int t = 1; t < dttable.RowCount; t++) { ATag file = dttable.SearchFor(typeof(ATag), true)[t - 1] as ATag; if (file.IsAtagAttach()) { string aurl = "" + file.Link.Replace("../", "").Replace("./", ""); try { BaseAttach entity = ToolHtml.GetBaseAttach(aurl, file.LinkText, sourceId, "SiteManage\\Files\\Attach\\"); if (entity != null) { attach.Add(entity); } } catch { } } } } if (attach.Count > 0) { string delSql = string.Format("delete from BaseAttach where SourceID='{0}'", sourceId); ToolFile.Delete(sourceId); int count = ToolDb.ExecuteSql(delSql); ToolDb.SaveDatas(attach, string.Empty); } }
protected override IList ExecuteCrawl(bool crawlAll) { IList list = new ArrayList(); string htl = string.Empty; string cookiestr = string.Empty; string viewState = string.Empty; int pageInt = 1; string eventValidation = string.Empty; try { htl = this.ToolWebSite.GetHtmlByUrl(SiteUrl, Encoding.UTF8); } catch { return(null); } Parser parser = new Parser(new Lexer(htl)); NodeList dList = parser.ExtractAllNodesThatMatch(new AndFilter(new HasAttributeFilter("cellSpacing", "2"), new TagNameFilter("table"))); if (dList != null && dList.Count > 0) { string pageString = dList.AsString(); Regex regexPage = new Regex(@"共[^页]+页,"); Match pageMatch = regexPage.Match(pageString); try { pageInt = int.Parse(pageMatch.Value.Replace("共", "").Replace("页,", "").Replace(" ", "")); } catch { } } for (int j = 1; j <= pageInt; j++) { if (j > 1) { viewState = this.ToolWebSite.GetAspNetViewState(htl); eventValidation = this.ToolWebSite.GetAspNetEventValidation(htl); NameValueCollection nvc = this.ToolWebSite.GetNameValueCollection(new string[] { "__EVENTTARGET", "__EVENTARGUMENT", "__VIEWSTATE", "__VIEWSTATEENCRYPTED", "__EVENTVALIDATION", "ctl00$Header$drpSearchType", "ctl00$Header$txtGcxm", "ctl00$Content$hdnId", "ctl00$Content$hdnOperate", "ctl00$hdnPageCount" }, new string[] { "ctl00$Content$GridView1", "Page$" + j.ToString(), viewState, "", eventValidation, "0", string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, pageInt.ToString() }); try { htl = this.ToolWebSite.GetHtmlByUrl(SiteUrl, nvc, Encoding.UTF8); } catch { return(list); } } parser = new Parser(new Lexer(htl)); NodeList nodeList = parser.ExtractAllNodesThatMatch(new AndFilter(new HasAttributeFilter("id", "ctl00_Content_GridView1"), new TagNameFilter("table"))); if (nodeList != null && nodeList.Count > 0) { TableTag table = nodeList[0] as TableTag; if (pageInt > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < table.RowCount - 1; i++) { string bProv = string.Empty, bCity = string.Empty, bArea = string.Empty, bPrjno = string.Empty, bPrjname = string.Empty, bExpertendtime = string.Empty, bBidresultendtime = string.Empty, bBaseprice = string.Empty, bBiddate = string.Empty, bBuildunit = string.Empty, bBidmethod = string.Empty, bRemark = string.Empty, bInfourl = string.Empty; TableRow tr = table.Rows[i]; bPrjno = tr.Columns[1].ToPlainTextString().Trim(); bPrjname = tr.Columns[2].ToPlainTextString().Trim(); bExpertendtime = tr.Columns[3].ToPlainTextString().Trim(); bInfourl = SiteUrl; ATag aTag = table.SearchFor(typeof(ATag), true)[i - 1] as ATag; string aLink = aTag.Link.Replace("viewPwmd('", "").Replace("')", ""); try { string[] link = aLink.Split(','); if (link.Length > 1) { string a1 = link[0].Replace(" ", "").Replace("'", "").Replace("'", ""); string a2 = link[1].Replace(" ", "").Replace("'", "").Replace("'", ""); byte[] byStr = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(a2); //默认是System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str) StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int d = 0; d < byStr.Length; d++) { sb.Append(@"%" + Convert.ToString(byStr[d], 16)); } aLink = a1 + "&gcmc=" + sb.ToString(); } } catch { } BidProject info = ToolDb.GenExpertProject("广东省", "深圳市", "", bPrjno, bPrjname, bExpertendtime, bBaseprice, bBiddate, bBuildunit, bBidmethod, bRemark, bInfourl); string sql = string.Format("select * from BidProject where 1=1 and PrjNo='{0}' and PrjName='{1}'", info.PrjNo, info.PrjName); DataTable dt = ToolDb.GetDbData(sql); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { sql = string.Format("select * from BidProject where 1=1 and PrjNo='{0}' and PrjName='{1}' and ExpertEndTime is null", info.PrjNo, info.PrjName); DataTable dtinfo = ToolDb.GetDbData(sql); if (dtinfo != null && dtinfo.Rows.Count > 0) { string id = Convert.ToString(dtinfo.Rows[0]["Id"]); string strSql = string.Format("update BidProject set ExpertEndTime='{0}' where Id='{1}'", info.ExpertEndTime, id); int result = ToolDb.ExecuteSql(strSql); if (result > 0) { string url = "" + aLink; string htmldetail = string.Empty; try { htmldetail = this.ToolWebSite.GetHtmlByUrl(url, Encoding.UTF8); } catch { } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(htmldetail)) { AddExpert(htmldetail, url, id); } } } } else { ToolDb.SaveEntity(info, ""); string url = "" + aLink; string htmldetail = string.Empty; try { htmldetail = this.ToolWebSite.GetHtmlByUrl(url, Encoding.UTF8); } catch { } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(htmldetail)) { AddExpert(htmldetail, url, info.Id); } } if (!crawlAll && list.Count >= this.MaxCount) { return(list); } } } else { for (int i = 1; i < table.RowCount; i++) { string bProv = string.Empty, bCity = string.Empty, bArea = string.Empty, bPrjno = string.Empty, bPrjname = string.Empty, bExpertendtime = string.Empty, bBidresultendtime = string.Empty, bBaseprice = string.Empty, bBiddate = string.Empty, bBuildunit = string.Empty, bBidmethod = string.Empty, bRemark = string.Empty, bInfourl = string.Empty; TableRow tr = table.Rows[i]; bPrjno = tr.Columns[1].ToPlainTextString().Trim(); bPrjname = tr.Columns[2].ToPlainTextString().Trim(); bExpertendtime = tr.Columns[3].ToPlainTextString().Trim(); bInfourl = SiteUrl; ATag aTag = table.SearchFor(typeof(ATag), true)[i - 1] as ATag; string aLink = aTag.Link.Replace("viewPwmd('", "").Replace("')", ""); try { string[] link = aLink.Split(','); if (link.Length > 1) { string a1 = link[0].Replace(" ", "").Replace("'", "").Replace("'", ""); string a2 = link[1].Replace(" ", "").Replace("'", "").Replace("'", ""); byte[] byStr = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(a2); //默认是System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str) StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int d = 0; d < byStr.Length; d++) { sb.Append(@"%" + Convert.ToString(byStr[d], 16)); } aLink = a1 + "&gcmc=" + sb.ToString(); } } catch { } BidProject info = ToolDb.GenExpertProject("广东省", "深圳市", "", bPrjno, bPrjname, bExpertendtime, bBaseprice, bBiddate, bBuildunit, bBidmethod, bRemark, bInfourl); string sql = string.Format("select * from BidProject where 1=1 and PrjNo='{0}' and PrjName='{1}'", info.PrjNo, info.PrjName); DataTable dt = ToolDb.GetDbData(sql); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { sql = string.Format("select * from BidProject where 1=1 and PrjNo='{0}' and PrjName='{1}' and ExpertEndTime is null", info.PrjNo, info.PrjName); DataTable dtinfo = ToolDb.GetDbData(sql); if (dtinfo != null && dtinfo.Rows.Count > 0) { string id = Convert.ToString(dtinfo.Rows[0]["Id"]); string strSql = string.Format("update BidProject set ExpertEndTime='{0}' where Id='{1}'", info.ExpertEndTime, id); int result = ToolDb.ExecuteSql(strSql); if (result > 0) { string url = "" + aLink; string htmldetail = string.Empty; try { htmldetail = this.ToolWebSite.GetHtmlByUrl(url, Encoding.UTF8); } catch { } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(htmldetail)) { AddExpert(htmldetail, url, id); } } } } else { ToolDb.SaveEntity(info, this.ExistCompareFields); string url = "" + aLink; string htmldetail = string.Empty; try { htmldetail = this.ToolWebSite.GetHtmlByUrl(url, Encoding.UTF8); } catch { } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(htmldetail)) { AddExpert(htmldetail, url, info.Id); } } if (!crawlAll && list.Count >= this.MaxCount) { return(list); } } } } } return(list); }
protected override IList ExecuteCrawl(bool crawlAll) { IList list = new ArrayList(); string htl = string.Empty; string cookiestr = string.Empty; string viewState = string.Empty; int pageInt = 1; string eventValidation = string.Empty; try { htl = this.ToolWebSite.GetHtmlByUrl(SiteUrl, Encoding.UTF8); } catch { return(null); } Parser parser = new Parser(new Lexer(htl)); NodeList pageList = parser.ExtractAllNodesThatMatch(new AndFilter(new HasAttributeFilter("cellspacing", "2"), new TagNameFilter("table"))); if (pageList != null && pageList.Count > 0) { string pageString = pageList.AsString(); Regex regexPage = new Regex(@"共[^页]+页,"); Match pageMatch = regexPage.Match(pageString); try { pageInt = int.Parse(pageMatch.Value.Replace("共", "").Replace("页,", "").Replace(" ", "")); } catch { pageInt = 1; } } for (int j = 1; j <= pageInt; j++) { if (j > 1) { viewState = this.ToolWebSite.GetAspNetViewState(htl); eventValidation = this.ToolWebSite.GetAspNetEventValidation(htl); NameValueCollection nvc = this.ToolWebSite.GetNameValueCollection(new string[] { "__EVENTTARGET", "__EVENTARGUMENT", "__VIEWSTATE", "__VIEWSTATEENCRYPTED", "__EVENTVALIDATION", "ctl00$Header$drpSearchType", "ctl00$Header$txtQymc", "ctl00$Content$hdnOperate", "ctl00$hdnPageCount" }, new string[] { "ctl00$Content$GridView1", "Page$" + j.ToString(), viewState, "", eventValidation, "0", string.Empty, string.Empty, pageInt.ToString() }); try { htl = this.ToolWebSite.GetHtmlByUrl(SiteUrl, nvc, Encoding.UTF8); } catch { } } parser = new Parser(new Lexer(htl)); NodeList nodeList = parser.ExtractAllNodesThatMatch(new AndFilter(new HasAttributeFilter("id", "ctl00_Content_GridView1"), new TagNameFilter("table"))); if (nodeList != null && nodeList.Count > 0) { TableTag table = nodeList[0] as TableTag; if (pageInt > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < table.RowCount - 1; i++) { string bProv = string.Empty, bCity = string.Empty, bArea = string.Empty, bPrjno = string.Empty, bPrjname = string.Empty, bBidresultendtime = string.Empty, bBaseprice = string.Empty, bBiddate = string.Empty, bBuildunit = string.Empty, bBidmethod = string.Empty, bRemark = string.Empty, bInfourl = string.Empty; TableRow tr = table.Rows[i] as TableRow; bPrjno = tr.Columns[1].ToPlainTextString(); bPrjname = tr.Columns[2].ToPlainTextString(); bBidresultendtime = tr.Columns[3].ToPlainTextString(); ATag aTag = table.SearchFor(typeof(ATag), true)[i - 1] as ATag; string aLink = "" + aTag.Link; bInfourl = aLink; BidProject info = ToolDb.GenResultProject("广东省", "深圳市", "", bPrjno, bPrjname, bBidresultendtime, bBaseprice, bBiddate, bBuildunit, bBidmethod, bRemark, bInfourl); string sql = string.Format("select Id from BidProject where 1=1 and PrjNo='{0}' and PrjName='{1}'", info.PrjNo, info.PrjName); object obj = ToolDb.ExecuteScalar(sql); //判断是否存在该条记录 if (obj != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.ToString())) { sql = string.Format("select Id from BidProject where 1=1 and PrjNo='{0}' and PrjName='{1}' and BidResultEndTime is null", info.PrjNo, info.PrjName); object dtinfo = ToolDb.ExecuteScalar(sql); if (dtinfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtinfo.ToString())) { string id = dtinfo.ToString(); string strSql = string.Format("update BidProject set BidResultEndTime='{0}' where Id='{1}'", info.BidResultEndTime, id); int result = ToolDb.ExecuteSql(strSql); if (result > 0) { SaveAttach(aLink, id); } } else { SaveAttach(aLink, obj.ToString()); } } else { ToolDb.SaveEntity(info, ""); SaveAttach(aLink, info.Id); } } } else { for (int i = 1; i < table.RowCount; i++) { string bProv = string.Empty, bCity = string.Empty, bArea = string.Empty, bPrjno = string.Empty, bPrjname = string.Empty, bBidresultendtime = string.Empty, bBaseprice = string.Empty, bBiddate = string.Empty, bBuildunit = string.Empty, bBidmethod = string.Empty, bRemark = string.Empty, bInfourl = string.Empty; TableRow tr = table.Rows[i] as TableRow; bPrjno = tr.Columns[1].ToPlainTextString(); bPrjname = tr.Columns[2].ToPlainTextString(); bBidresultendtime = tr.Columns[3].ToPlainTextString(); bInfourl = SiteUrl; ATag aTag = table.SearchFor(typeof(ATag), true)[i - 1] as ATag; string aLink = "" + aTag.Link; BidProject info = ToolDb.GenResultProject("广东省", "深圳市", "", bPrjno, bPrjname, bBidresultendtime, bBaseprice, bBiddate, bBuildunit, bBidmethod, bRemark, bInfourl); string sql = string.Format("select Id from BidProject where 1=1 and PrjNo='{0}' and PrjName='{1}'", info.PrjNo, info.PrjName); object obj = ToolDb.ExecuteScalar(sql); if (obj != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.ToString())) { sql = string.Format("select Id from BidProject where 1=1 and PrjNo='{0}' and PrjName='{1}' and BidResultEndTime is null", info.PrjNo, info.PrjName); object dtinfo = ToolDb.ExecuteScalar(sql); if (dtinfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtinfo.ToString())) { string id = dtinfo.ToString(); string strSql = string.Format("update BidProject set BidResultEndTime='{0}' where Id='{1}'", info.BidResultEndTime, id); int result = ToolDb.ExecuteSql(strSql); if (result > 0) { SaveAttach(aLink, id); } } else { SaveAttach(aLink, obj.ToString()); } } else { ToolDb.SaveEntity(info, ""); SaveAttach(aLink, info.Id); } } } } } return(list); }
protected override IList ExecuteCrawl(bool crawlAll) { IList list = new ArrayList(); string html = string.Empty; string cookiestr = string.Empty; string viewState = string.Empty; int sqlCount = 0; int pageInt = 1; string eventValidation = string.Empty; try { html = this.ToolWebSite.GetHtmlByUrl(SiteUrl, Encoding.UTF8); } catch { return(null); } Parser parser = new Parser(new Lexer(html)); NodeList pageList = parser.ExtractAllNodesThatMatch(new AndFilter(new HasAttributeFilter("cellspacing", "2"), new TagNameFilter("table"))); if (pageList != null && pageList.Count > 0) { string pageString = pageList.AsString(); Regex regexPage = new Regex(@"共[^页]+页,"); Match pageMatch = regexPage.Match(pageString); try { pageInt = int.Parse(pageMatch.Value.Replace("共", "").Replace("页,", "").Replace(" ", "")); } catch { pageInt = 1; } } for (int j = 1; j <= pageInt; j++) { if (j > 1) { viewState = this.ToolWebSite.GetAspNetViewState(html); eventValidation = this.ToolWebSite.GetAspNetEventValidation(html); NameValueCollection nvc = this.ToolWebSite.GetNameValueCollection(new string[] { "__EVENTTARGET", "__EVENTARGUMENT", "__VIEWSTATE", "__EVENTVALIDATION", "ctl00$Header$drpSearchType", "ctl00$Header$txtQymc", "ctl00$Content$hdnOperate", "ctl00$hdnPageCount" }, new string[] { "ctl00$Content$GridView1", "Page$" + j.ToString(), viewState, eventValidation, "0", string.Empty, string.Empty, pageInt.ToString() }); try { html = this.ToolWebSite.GetHtmlByUrl(SiteUrl, nvc, Encoding.UTF8, ref cookiestr); } catch { } } parser = new Parser(new Lexer(html)); NodeList nodeList = parser.ExtractAllNodesThatMatch(new AndFilter(new TagNameFilter("table"), new HasAttributeFilter("id", "ctl00_Content_GridView1"))); if (nodeList != null && nodeList.Count > 0) { TableTag table = nodeList[0] as TableTag; int rows = table.RowCount; if (pageInt > 1) { rows = rows - 1; } for (int i = 1; i < rows; i++) { string bProv = string.Empty, bCity = string.Empty, bArea = string.Empty, bPrjno = string.Empty, bPrjname = string.Empty, bBidresultendtime = string.Empty, bBaseprice = string.Empty, bBiddate = string.Empty, bBuildunit = string.Empty, bBidmethod = string.Empty, bRemark = string.Empty, bInfourl = string.Empty; TableRow tr = table.Rows[i] as TableRow; bPrjno = tr.Columns[1].ToPlainTextString(); bPrjname = tr.Columns[2].ToPlainTextString(); bBidresultendtime = tr.Columns[3].ToPlainTextString(); bInfourl = "" + tr.Columns[4].GetATagHref(); string htmlDtl = string.Empty; try { htmlDtl = this.ToolWebSite.GetHtmlByUrl(bInfourl, Encoding.UTF8); } catch { } BidProject info = ToolDb.GenResultProject("广东省", "深圳市", "", bPrjno, bPrjname, bBidresultendtime, bBaseprice, bBiddate, bBuildunit, bBidmethod, bRemark, bInfourl); sqlCount++; if (sqlCount > this.MaxCount) { return(null); } if (ToolDb.SaveEntity(info, ExistCompareFields, this.ExistsUpdate, this.ExistsHtlCtx, null)) { Parser dtparser = new Parser(new Lexer(htmlDtl)); NodeList dtList = dtparser.ExtractAllNodesThatMatch(new AndFilter(new HasAttributeFilter("id", "ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridView1"), new TagNameFilter("table"))); if (dtList != null && dtList.Count > 0) { TableTag dttable = dtList[0] as TableTag; for (int t = 1; t < dttable.RowCount; t++) { ATag file = dttable.SearchFor(typeof(ATag), true)[t - 1] as ATag; if (file.IsAtagAttach()) { string url = "" + file.Link.Replace("../", "").Replace("./", ""); BaseAttach entity = ToolHtml.GetBaseAttach(url, file.LinkText, info.Id, "SiteManage\\Files\\Attach\\"); if (entity != null) { ToolDb.SaveEntity(entity, string.Empty); } } } } } } } } return(list); }