Пример #1
        public void RunTestCases_TabadminErrors()
            var tabadminErrorTestCases = new List <PluginTestCase>
                new PluginTestCase
                    LogContents =
                        @"2018-07-10 11:28:33.510 -0700_FATAL_10.10.1.153:DEVSRV1_:_pid=12068_0x188ac8a3__user=__request=__ Error during restore: MultiCommand::ExternalCommandFailure 'Command '""E:/ Tableau Server / 10.3 / pgsql / bin / pg_restore.exe"" -h localhost -p 8060 -U tblwgadmin -C -d postgres -j 1 ""E:/ Tableau Server / workgroup.pg_dump""' failed with code 1, result was pg_restore: [archiver] unsupported version (1.13) in file header

                    LogFileInfo    = TestLogFileInfo,
                    LineNumber     = 51335,
                    ExpectedOutput = new TabadminError
                        File            = "tabadmin.log",
                        FilePath        = "logs/tabadmin.log",
                        Hostname        = "DEVSRV1",
                        Id              = "logs/tabadmin.log-51335",
                        Line            = 51335,
                        Message         = @"Error during restore: MultiCommand::ExternalCommandFailure 'Command '""E:/ Tableau Server / 10.3 / pgsql / bin / pg_restore.exe"" -h localhost -p 8060 -U tblwgadmin -C -d postgres -j 1 ""E:/ Tableau Server / workgroup.pg_dump""' failed with code 1, result was pg_restore: [archiver] unsupported version (1.13) in file header

                        Severity        = "FATAL",
                        Timestamp       = DateTime.Parse(@"2018-07-10 11:28:33.510"),
                        TimestampGmt    = DateTime.Parse(@"2018-07-10 04:28:33.510"),
                        TimestampOffset = "-0700",
                        Version         = null,
                        VersionId       = null,
                        VersionLong     = null,
                        Worker          = "worker0",

            var testWriterFactory = new TestWriterFactory();

            using (var plugin = new TabadminPlugin())
                plugin.Configure(testWriterFactory, null, null, new NullLoggerFactory());

                foreach (var testCase in tabadminErrorTestCases)
                    var logLine = testCase.GetLogLine();
                    plugin.ProcessLogLine(logLine, LogType.Tabadmin);


            var expectedOutput       = tabadminErrorTestCases.Select(testCase => testCase.ExpectedOutput).ToList();
            var tabadminActionWriter = testWriterFactory.Writers.Values.OfType <TestWriter <TabadminError> >().First();

Пример #2
        public void RunTestCases_TabadminActions()
            var tabadminActionTestCases = new List <PluginTestCase>
                new PluginTestCase()
                    LogContents    = @"2018-07-06 13:54:19.875 -0700_DEBUG_10.10.1.153:DEVSRV1_:_pid=18044_0x7a0e7ecd__user=__request=__ run as: <script> validate --skiptempIPv6 --output E:\Tableau Server\2018.1\temp\validation_results.txt",
                    LogFileInfo    = TestLogFileInfo,
                    LineNumber     = 3,
                    ExpectedOutput = new TabadminAction
                        Arguments       = @"--skiptempIPv6 --output E:\Tableau Server\2018.1\temp\validation_results.txt",
                        Command         = "validate",
                        File            = "tabadmin.log",
                        FilePath        = "logs/tabadmin.log",
                        Hostname        = "DEVSRV1",
                        Id              = "logs/tabadmin.log-3",
                        Line            = 3,
                        Timestamp       = DateTime.Parse(@"2018-07-06 13:54:19.875"),
                        TimestampGmt    = DateTime.Parse(@"2018-07-06 06:54:19.875"),
                        TimestampOffset = "-0700",
                        Version         = null,
                        VersionId       = null,
                        VersionLong     = null,
                        Worker          = "worker0",

            var testWriterFactory = new TestWriterFactory();

            using (var plugin = new TabadminPlugin())
                plugin.Configure(testWriterFactory, null, null, new NullLoggerFactory());

                foreach (var testCase in tabadminActionTestCases)
                    var logLine = testCase.GetLogLine();
                    plugin.ProcessLogLine(logLine, LogType.Tabadmin);


            var expectedOutput       = tabadminActionTestCases.Select(testCase => testCase.ExpectedOutput).ToList();
            var tabadminActionWriter = testWriterFactory.Writers.Values.OfType <TestWriter <TabadminAction> >().First();

Пример #3
        public void BadAndNoOpInput()
            var processingNotificationsCollector = new ProcessingNotificationsCollector(10);
            var testWriterFactory = new TestWriterFactory();

            using (var plugin = new TabadminPlugin())
                plugin.Configure(testWriterFactory, null, processingNotificationsCollector, new NullLoggerFactory());

                var wrongContentFormat = new LogLine(new ReadLogLineResult(123, 1234), TestLogFileInfo);
                var nullContent        = new LogLine(new ReadLogLineResult(123, null), TestLogFileInfo);
                var wrongContent       = new LogLine(new ReadLogLineResult(123, "Not a tabadmin line"), TestLogFileInfo);

                plugin.ProcessLogLine(wrongContentFormat, LogType.Apache);
                plugin.ProcessLogLine(nullContent, LogType.Apache);
                plugin.ProcessLogLine(wrongContent, LogType.Apache);

Пример #4
        public void RunTestCases_TableauServerVersions()
            var versionTestCases = new List <PluginTestCase>
                new PluginTestCase()
                    LogContents    = "2018-07-06 13:54:17.687 -0700_DEBUG_10.10.1.153:DEVSRV1_:_pid=18044_0x7a0e7ecd__user=__request=__ ====>> <script> 2018.1 (build: 20181.18.0615.1128): Starting at 2018-07-06 13:54:17.671 -0700 <<====",
                    LogFileInfo    = TestLogFileInfo,
                    LineNumber     = 1,
                    ExpectedOutput = new TableauServerVersion
                        EndDate         = DateTime.Parse(@"2018-07-10 11:06:36.543"),
                        EndDateGmt      = DateTime.Parse(@"2018-07-10 4:06:36.543"),
                        Id              = "logs/tabadmin.log-1",
                        StartDate       = DateTime.Parse(@"2018-07-06 13:54:17.687"),
                        StartDateGmt    = DateTime.Parse(@"2018-07-06 6:54:17.687"),
                        TimestampOffset = "-0700",
                        Version         = "2018.1",
                        VersionLong     = "20181.18.0615.1128",
                        Worker          = "worker0",
                new PluginTestCase
                    LogContents    = "2018-07-10 11:06:36.543 -0700_DEBUG_10.10.1.153:DEVSRV1_:_pid=16924_0x43e9089__user=__request=__ ====>> <script> 10.3 (build: 10300.17.0524.0223): Starting at 2018-07-10 11:06:36.527 -0700 <<====",
                    LogFileInfo    = TestLogFileInfo,
                    LineNumber     = 2,
                    ExpectedOutput = new TableauServerVersion
                        EndDate         = null,
                        EndDateGmt      = null,
                        Id              = "logs/tabadmin.log-2",
                        StartDate       = DateTime.Parse(@"2018-07-10 11:06:36.543"),
                        StartDateGmt    = DateTime.Parse(@"2018-07-10 04:06:36.543"),
                        TimestampOffset = "-0700",
                        Version         = "10.3",
                        VersionLong     = "10300.17.0524.0223",
                        Worker          = "worker0",

            var testWriterFactory = new TestWriterFactory();

            using (var plugin = new TabadminPlugin())
                plugin.Configure(testWriterFactory, null, null, new NullLoggerFactory());

                foreach (var testCase in versionTestCases)
                    var logLine = testCase.GetLogLine();
                    plugin.ProcessLogLine(logLine, LogType.Tabadmin);


            var expectedOutput             = versionTestCases.Select(testCase => testCase.ExpectedOutput).ToList();
            var tableauServerVersionWriter = testWriterFactory.Writers.Values.OfType <TestWriter <TableauServerVersion> >().First();
