Пример #1
        private void CreateGraphicsTab()
            TabSelector.Tab graphicsTab = null;

            if (!TabSelector.Tabs.ContainsKey("Advanced Graphics"))
                graphicsTab = TabSelector.AddTab("Advanced Graphics");
                graphicsTab = TabSelector.Tabs["Advanced Graphics"];
            GridLayout tabLayout = new GridLayout(GUI, graphicsTab, 1, 1);

            ScrollView graphicsView = new ScrollView(GUI, tabLayout);

            tabLayout.SetComponentPosition(graphicsView, 0, 0, 1, 1);

            GroupBox graphicsBox = new GroupBox(GUI, graphicsView, "Advanced Graphics")
                WidthSizeMode  = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit,
                HeightSizeMode = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fixed,
                MinHeight      = 640,
                MaxHeight      = 640

            Categories["Advanced Graphics"] = graphicsBox;
            CurrentBox = graphicsBox;

            GridLayout graphicsLayout = new GridLayout(GUI, graphicsBox, 10, 5);

            Label resolutionLabel = new Label(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Resolution", GUI.DefaultFont)
                Alignment = Drawer2D.Alignment.Right

            ComboBox resolutionBox = new ComboBox(GUI, graphicsLayout)
                ToolTip = "Sets the size of the screen.\nSmaller for higher framerates."

            foreach (DisplayMode mode in GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.SupportedDisplayModes)
                if (mode.Format != SurfaceFormat.Color)

                if (mode.Width <= 640)

                string s = mode.Width + " x " + mode.Height;
                DisplayModes[s] = mode;
                if (mode.Width == GameSettings.Default.ResolutionX && mode.Height == GameSettings.Default.ResolutionY)
                    resolutionBox.CurrentValue = s;

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(resolutionLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1);
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(resolutionBox, 1, 0, 1, 1);

            resolutionBox.OnSelectionModified += s =>
                GameSettings.Default.ResolutionX = DisplayModes[s].Width;
                GameSettings.Default.ResolutionY = DisplayModes[s].Height;

            Checkbox fullscreenCheck = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Fullscreen", GUI.DefaultFont,
                ToolTip = "If this is checked, the game takes up the whole screen."

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(fullscreenCheck, 0, 1, 1, 1);

            fullscreenCheck.OnCheckModified += b => { GameSettings.Default.Fullscreen = b; };

            Label  drawDistance    = new Label(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Draw Distance", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider chunkDrawSlider = new Slider(GUI, graphicsLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.ChunkDrawDistance, 1, 1000,
                ToolTip = "Maximum distance at which terrain will be drawn\nSmaller for faster."

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(drawDistance, 0, 2, 1, 1);
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(chunkDrawSlider, 1, 2, 1, 1);
            chunkDrawSlider.OnValueModified += b => { GameSettings.Default.ChunkDrawDistance = b; };

            Label  cullDistance = new Label(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Cull Distance", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider cullSlider   = new Slider(GUI, graphicsLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.VertexCullDistance, 0.1f, 1000,
                ToolTip = "Maximum distance at which anything will be drawn\n Smaller for faster."

            cullSlider.OnValueModified += v => { GameSettings.Default.VertexCullDistance = v; };

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(cullDistance, 0, 3, 1, 1);
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(cullSlider, 1, 3, 1, 1);

            Label  generateDistance = new Label(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Generate Distance", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider generateSlider   = new Slider(GUI, graphicsLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.ChunkGenerateDistance, 1, 1000,
                ToolTip = "Maximum distance at which terrain will be generated."

            generateSlider.OnValueModified += v => { GameSettings.Default.ChunkGenerateDistance = v; };

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(generateDistance, 0, 4, 1, 1);
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(generateSlider, 1, 4, 1, 1);

            Checkbox glowBox = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Enable Glow", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.EnableGlow)
                ToolTip = "When checked, there will be a fullscreen glow effect."

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(glowBox, 1, 1, 1, 1);
            glowBox.OnCheckModified += b => { GameSettings.Default.EnableGlow = b; };

            Label aaLabel = new Label(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Antialiasing", GUI.DefaultFont)
                Alignment = Drawer2D.Alignment.Right

            ComboBox aaBox = new ComboBox(GUI, graphicsLayout)
                ToolTip = "Determines how much antialiasing (smoothing) there is.\nHigher means more smooth, but is slower."

            aaBox.AddValue("2x MSAA");
            aaBox.AddValue("4x MSAA");
            aaBox.AddValue("16x MSAA");

            foreach (string s in AAModes.Keys.Where(s => AAModes[s] == GameSettings.Default.AntiAliasing))
                aaBox.CurrentValue = s;

            aaBox.OnSelectionModified += s => { GameSettings.Default.AntiAliasing = AAModes[s]; };

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(aaLabel, 2, 0, 1, 1);
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(aaBox, 3, 0, 1, 1);

            Checkbox reflectTerrainBox = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Reflect Chunks", GUI.DefaultFont,
                ToolTip = "When checked, water will reflect terrain."

            reflectTerrainBox.OnCheckModified += b => { GameSettings.Default.DrawChunksReflected = b; };
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(reflectTerrainBox, 2, 1, 1, 1);

            Checkbox reflectEntities = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Reflect Entities", GUI.DefaultFont,
                ToolTip = "When checked, water will reflect trees, dwarves, etc."

            reflectEntities.OnCheckModified += b => { GameSettings.Default.DrawEntityReflected = b; };
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(reflectEntities, 3, 1, 1, 1);

            Checkbox sunlight = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Sunlight", GUI.DefaultFont,
                ToolTip = "When checked, terrain will be lit/shadowed by the sun."

            sunlight.OnCheckModified += b => { GameSettings.Default.CalculateSunlight = b; };
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(sunlight, 2, 3, 1, 1);

            Checkbox ao = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Ambient Occlusion", GUI.DefaultFont,
                ToolTip = "When checked, terrain will smooth shading effects."

            ao.OnCheckModified += b => { GameSettings.Default.AmbientOcclusion = b; };
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(ao, 3, 3, 1, 1);

            Checkbox ramps = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Ramps", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.CalculateRamps)
                ToolTip = "When checked, some terrain will have smooth ramps."

            ramps.OnCheckModified += b => { GameSettings.Default.CalculateRamps = b; };
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(ramps, 2, 4, 1, 1);

            Checkbox cursorLight = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Cursor Light", GUI.DefaultFont,
                ToolTip = "When checked, a light will follow the player cursor."

            cursorLight.OnCheckModified += b => { GameSettings.Default.CursorLightEnabled = b; };
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(cursorLight, 2, 5, 1, 1);

            Checkbox entityLight = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Entity Lighting", GUI.DefaultFont,
                ToolTip = "When checked, dwarves, objects, etc. will be lit\nby the sun, lamps, etc."

            entityLight.OnCheckModified += b => { GameSettings.Default.EntityLighting = b; };
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(entityLight, 3, 4, 1, 1);

            Checkbox selfIllum = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Ore Glow", GUI.DefaultFont,
                ToolTip = "When checked, some terrain elements will glow."

            selfIllum.OnCheckModified += b => { GameSettings.Default.SelfIlluminationEnabled = b; };
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(selfIllum, 3, 5, 1, 1);

            Checkbox particlePhysics = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Particle Body", GUI.DefaultFont,
                ToolTip = "When checked, some particles will bounce off terrain."

            particlePhysics.OnCheckModified += b => { GameSettings.Default.ParticlePhysics = b; };
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(particlePhysics, 0, 5, 1, 1);

            Checkbox moteBox = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Generate Motes", GUI.DefaultFont,
                ToolTip = "When checked, small detail vegetation will be visible."

            moteBox.OnCheckModified += check => { GameSettings.Default.GrassMotes = check; };
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(moteBox, 0, 6, 1, 1);

            Label  numMotes    = new Label(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Num Motes", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider motesSlider = new Slider(GUI, graphicsLayout, "", (int)(GameSettings.Default.NumMotes), 100, 2048,
                ToolTip = "Determines the maximum amount of trees/grass that will be visible."

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(numMotes, 0, 7, 1, 1);
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(motesSlider, 1, 7, 1, 1);

            Checkbox lightMapBox = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Light Maps", GUI.DefaultFont,
                ToolTip = "When checked, terrain will be rendered using light maps."

            lightMapBox.OnCheckModified += check => { GameSettings.Default.UseLightmaps = check; };

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(lightMapBox, 0, 8, 1, 1);

            Checkbox shadowBox = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Dynamic Shadows", GUI.DefaultFont,
                ToolTip = "When checked, terrain casts dynamic shadows"

            shadowBox.OnCheckModified += check => { GameSettings.Default.UseDynamicShadows = check; };

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(shadowBox, 0, 9, 1, 1);

            motesSlider.OnValueModified += MotesSlider_OnValueModified;
Пример #2
        public override void OnEnter()
            DefaultFont   = Game.Content.Load <SpriteFont>(ContentPaths.Fonts.Default);
            GUI           = new DwarfGUI(Game, DefaultFont, Game.Content.Load <SpriteFont>(ContentPaths.Fonts.Title), Game.Content.Load <SpriteFont>(ContentPaths.Fonts.Small), Input);
            IsInitialized = true;
            Drawer        = new Drawer2D(Game.Content, Game.GraphicsDevice);
            MainWindow    = new Panel(GUI, GUI.RootComponent)
                LocalBounds = new Rectangle(EdgePadding, EdgePadding, Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - EdgePadding * 2, Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - EdgePadding * 2)
            Layout = new GridLayout(GUI, MainWindow, 12, 6);

            Label label = new Label(GUI, Layout, "Options", GUI.TitleFont);

            Layout.SetComponentPosition(label, 0, 0, 1, 1);

            TabSelector = new TabSelector(GUI, Layout, 6);
            Layout.SetComponentPosition(TabSelector, 0, 1, 6, 10);

            TabSelector.Tab simpleGraphicsTab = TabSelector.AddTab("Graphics");
            GroupBox        simpleGraphicsBox = new GroupBox(GUI, simpleGraphicsTab, "Graphics")
                WidthSizeMode  = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit,
                HeightSizeMode = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit
            FormLayout simpleGraphicsLayout   = new FormLayout(GUI, simpleGraphicsBox);
            ComboBox   simpleGraphicsSelector = new ComboBox(GUI, simpleGraphicsLayout);


            simpleGraphicsLayout.AddItem("Graphics Quality", simpleGraphicsSelector);

            simpleGraphicsSelector.OnSelectionModified += simpleGraphicsSelector_OnSelectionModified;


            TabSelector.Tab gameplayTab = TabSelector.AddTab("Gameplay");
            GroupBox        gameplayBox = new GroupBox(GUI, gameplayTab, "Gameplay")
                WidthSizeMode  = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit,
                HeightSizeMode = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit

            Categories["Gameplay"] = gameplayBox;

            GridLayout gameplayLayout = new GridLayout(GUI, gameplayBox, 6, 5);

            Label  moveSpeedLabel = new Label(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Camera Move Speed", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider moveSlider     = new Slider(GUI, gameplayLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.CameraScrollSpeed, 0.0f, 20.0f, Slider.SliderMode.Float)
                ToolTip = "Determines how fast the camera will move when keys are pressed."

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(moveSpeedLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1);
            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(moveSlider, 1, 0, 1, 1);
            moveSlider.OnValueModified += check => { GameSettings.Default.CameraScrollSpeed = check; };

            Label  zoomSpeedLabel = new Label(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Zoom Speed", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider zoomSlider     = new Slider(GUI, gameplayLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.CameraZoomSpeed, 0.0f, 2.0f, Slider.SliderMode.Float)
                ToolTip = "Determines how fast the camera will go\nup and down with the scroll wheel."

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(zoomSpeedLabel, 0, 1, 1, 1);
            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(zoomSlider, 1, 1, 1, 1);
            zoomSlider.OnValueModified += check => { GameSettings.Default.CameraZoomSpeed = check; };

            Checkbox invertZoomBox = new Checkbox(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Invert Zoom", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.InvertZoom)
                ToolTip = "When checked, the scroll wheel is reversed\nfor zooming."

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(invertZoomBox, 2, 1, 1, 1);
            invertZoomBox.OnCheckModified += check => { GameSettings.Default.InvertZoom = check; };

            Checkbox edgeScrollBox = new Checkbox(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Edge Scrolling", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.EnableEdgeScroll)
                ToolTip = "When checked, the camera will scroll\nwhen the cursor is at the edge of the screen."

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(edgeScrollBox, 0, 2, 1, 1);
            edgeScrollBox.OnCheckModified += check => { GameSettings.Default.EnableEdgeScroll = check; };

            Checkbox introBox = new Checkbox(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Play Intro", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.DisplayIntro)
                ToolTip = "When checked, the intro will be played when the game starts"

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(introBox, 1, 2, 1, 1);
            introBox.OnCheckModified += check => { GameSettings.Default.DisplayIntro = check; };

            Checkbox fogOfWarBox = new Checkbox(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Fog of War", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.FogofWar)
                ToolTip = "When checked, unexplored blocks will be blacked out"

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(fogOfWarBox, 2, 2, 1, 1);

            fogOfWarBox.OnCheckModified += check => { GameSettings.Default.FogofWar = check; };

             * Label chunkWidthLabel = new Label(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Chunk Width", GUI.DefaultFont);
             * Slider chunkWidthSlider = new Slider(GUI, gameplayLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.ChunkWidth, 4, 256, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
             * {
             *  ToolTip = "Determines the number of blocks in a chunk of terrain."
             * };
             * gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(chunkWidthLabel, 0, 3, 1, 1);
             * gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(chunkWidthSlider, 1, 3, 1, 1);
             * chunkWidthSlider.OnValueModified += ChunkWidthSlider_OnValueModified;
             * Label chunkHeightLabel = new Label(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Chunk Height", GUI.DefaultFont);
             * Slider chunkHeightSlider = new Slider(GUI, gameplayLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.ChunkHeight, 4, 256, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
             * {
             *  ToolTip = "Determines the maximum depth,\nin blocks, of a chunk of terrain."
             * };
             * gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(chunkHeightLabel, 2, 3, 1, 1);
             * gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(chunkHeightSlider, 3, 3, 1, 1);
             * chunkHeightSlider.OnValueModified += ChunkHeightSlider_OnValueModified;
             * Label worldWidthLabel = new Label(GUI, gameplayLayout, "World Width", GUI.DefaultFont);
             * Slider worldWidthSlider = new Slider(GUI, gameplayLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.WorldWidth, 4, 2048, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
             * {
             *  ToolTip = "Determines the size of the overworld."
             * };
             * gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(worldWidthLabel, 0, 4, 1, 1);
             * gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(worldWidthSlider, 1, 4, 1, 1);
             * worldWidthSlider.OnValueModified += WorldWidthSlider_OnValueModified;
             * Label worldHeightLabel = new Label(GUI, gameplayLayout, "World Height", GUI.DefaultFont);
             * Slider worldHeightSlider = new Slider(GUI, gameplayLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.WorldHeight, 4, 2048, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
             * {
             *  ToolTip = "Determines the size of the overworld."
             * };
             * gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(worldHeightLabel, 2, 4, 1, 1);
             * gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(worldHeightSlider, 3, 4, 1, 1);
             * worldHeightSlider.OnValueModified += WorldHeightSlider_OnValueModified;
             * Label worldScaleLabel = new Label(GUI, gameplayLayout, "World Scale", GUI.DefaultFont);
             * Slider worldScaleSlider = new Slider(GUI, gameplayLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.WorldScale, 2, 128, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
             * {
             *  ToolTip = "Determines the number of voxel\nper pixel of the overworld"
             * };
             * gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(worldScaleLabel, 0, 5, 1, 1);
             * gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(worldScaleSlider, 1, 5, 1, 1);
             * worldScaleSlider.OnValueModified += WorldScaleSlider_OnValueModified;

            TabSelector.Tab audioTab = TabSelector.AddTab("Audio");

            GroupBox audioBox = new GroupBox(GUI, audioTab, "Audio")
                WidthSizeMode  = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit,
                HeightSizeMode = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit

            Categories["Audio"] = audioBox;

            GridLayout audioLayout = new GridLayout(GUI, audioBox, 6, 5);

            Label  masterLabel  = new Label(GUI, audioLayout, "Master Volume", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider masterSlider = new Slider(GUI, audioLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.MasterVolume, 0.0f, 1.0f, Slider.SliderMode.Float);

            audioLayout.SetComponentPosition(masterLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1);
            audioLayout.SetComponentPosition(masterSlider, 1, 0, 1, 1);
            masterSlider.OnValueModified += value => { GameSettings.Default.MasterVolume = value; };

            Label  sfxLabel  = new Label(GUI, audioLayout, "SFX Volume", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider sfxSlider = new Slider(GUI, audioLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.SoundEffectVolume, 0.0f, 1.0f, Slider.SliderMode.Float);

            audioLayout.SetComponentPosition(sfxLabel, 0, 1, 1, 1);
            audioLayout.SetComponentPosition(sfxSlider, 1, 1, 1, 1);
            sfxSlider.OnValueModified += check => { GameSettings.Default.SoundEffectVolume = check; };

            Label  musicLabel  = new Label(GUI, audioLayout, "Music Volume", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider musicSlider = new Slider(GUI, audioLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.MusicVolume, 0.0f, 1.0f, Slider.SliderMode.Float);

            audioLayout.SetComponentPosition(musicLabel, 0, 2, 1, 1);
            audioLayout.SetComponentPosition(musicSlider, 1, 2, 1, 1);
            musicSlider.OnValueModified += check => { GameSettings.Default.MusicVolume = check; };

            TabSelector.Tab keysTab = TabSelector.AddTab("Keys");
            GroupBox        keysBox = new GroupBox(GUI, keysTab, "Keys")
                WidthSizeMode  = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit,
                HeightSizeMode = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit

            Categories["Keys"] = keysBox;

            KeyEditor  keyeditor = new KeyEditor(GUI, keysBox, new KeyManager(), 8, 4);
            GridLayout keyLayout = new GridLayout(GUI, keysBox, 1, 1);

            keyLayout.SetComponentPosition(keyeditor, 0, 0, 1, 1);

             * GroupBox customBox = new GroupBox(GUI, Layout, "Customization")
             * {
             *  IsVisible = false
             * };
             * Categories["Customization"] = customBox;
             * TabSelector.AddItem("Customization");
             * GridLayout customBoxLayout = new GridLayout(GUI, customBox, 6, 5);
             * List<string> assets = TextureManager.DefaultContent.Keys.ToList();
             * AssetManager assetManager = new AssetManager(GUI, customBoxLayout, assets);
             * customBoxLayout.SetComponentPosition(assetManager, 0, 0, 5, 6);

            Button apply = new Button(GUI, Layout, "Apply", GUI.DefaultFont, Button.ButtonMode.ToolButton, GUI.Skin.GetSpecialFrame(GUISkin.Tile.Check));

            Layout.SetComponentPosition(apply, 5, 11, 1, 1);
            apply.OnClicked += apply_OnClicked;

            Button back = new Button(GUI, Layout, "Back", GUI.DefaultFont, Button.ButtonMode.ToolButton, GUI.Skin.GetSpecialFrame(GUISkin.Tile.LeftArrow));

            Layout.SetComponentPosition(back, 4, 11, 1, 1);
            back.OnClicked += back_OnClicked;

Пример #3
        public override void OnEnter()
            DefaultFont   = Game.Content.Load <SpriteFont>(ContentPaths.Fonts.Default);
            GUI           = new DwarfGUI(Game, DefaultFont, Game.Content.Load <SpriteFont>(ContentPaths.Fonts.Title), Game.Content.Load <SpriteFont>(ContentPaths.Fonts.Small), Input);
            IsInitialized = true;
            Drawer        = new Drawer2D(Game.Content, Game.GraphicsDevice);
            MainWindow    = new Panel(GUI, GUI.RootComponent)
                LocalBounds = new Rectangle(EdgePadding, EdgePadding, Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - EdgePadding * 2, Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - EdgePadding * 2)
            Layout = new GridLayout(GUI, MainWindow, 10, 6);

            Label label = new Label(GUI, Layout, "Options", GUI.TitleFont);

            Layout.SetComponentPosition(label, 0, 0, 1, 1);

            TabSelector = new TabSelector(GUI, Layout, 6);
            Layout.SetComponentPosition(TabSelector, 0, 1, 6, 8);

            TabSelector.Tab graphicsTab = TabSelector.AddTab("Graphics");

            GroupBox graphicsBox = new GroupBox(GUI, graphicsTab, "Graphics")
                WidthSizeMode  = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit,
                HeightSizeMode = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit

            Categories["Graphics"] = graphicsBox;
            CurrentBox             = graphicsBox;

            GridLayout graphicsLayout = new GridLayout(GUI, graphicsBox, 6, 5);

            Label resolutionLabel = new Label(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Resolution", GUI.DefaultFont)
                Alignment = Drawer2D.Alignment.Right

            ComboBox resolutionBox = new ComboBox(GUI, graphicsLayout)
                ToolTip = "Sets the size of the screen.\nSmaller for higher framerates."

            foreach (DisplayMode mode in GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.SupportedDisplayModes)
                if (mode.Format != SurfaceFormat.Color)

                if (mode.Width <= 640)

                string s = mode.Width + " x " + mode.Height;
                DisplayModes[s] = mode;
                if (mode.Width == GameSettings.Default.ResolutionX && mode.Height == GameSettings.Default.ResolutionY)
                    resolutionBox.CurrentValue = s;

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(resolutionLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1);
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(resolutionBox, 1, 0, 1, 1);

            resolutionBox.OnSelectionModified += resolutionBox_OnSelectionModified;

            Checkbox fullscreenCheck = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Fullscreen", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.Fullscreen)
                ToolTip = "If this is checked, the game takes up the whole screen."

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(fullscreenCheck, 0, 1, 1, 1);

            fullscreenCheck.OnCheckModified += fullscreenCheck_OnClicked;

            Label  drawDistance    = new Label(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Draw Distance", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider chunkDrawSlider = new Slider(GUI, graphicsLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.ChunkDrawDistance, 1, 1000, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
                ToolTip = "Maximum distance at which terrain will be drawn\nSmaller for faster."

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(drawDistance, 0, 2, 1, 1);
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(chunkDrawSlider, 1, 2, 1, 1);
            chunkDrawSlider.OnValueModified += ChunkDrawSlider_OnValueModified;

            Label  cullDistance = new Label(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Cull Distance", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider cullSlider   = new Slider(GUI, graphicsLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.VertexCullDistance, 0.1f, 1000, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
                ToolTip = "Maximum distance at which anything will be drawn\n Smaller for faster."

            cullSlider.OnValueModified += CullSlider_OnValueModified;

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(cullDistance, 0, 3, 1, 1);
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(cullSlider, 1, 3, 1, 1);

            Label  generateDistance = new Label(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Generate Distance", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider generateSlider   = new Slider(GUI, graphicsLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.ChunkGenerateDistance, 1, 1000, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
                ToolTip = "Maximum distance at which terrain will be generated."

            generateSlider.OnValueModified += GenerateSlider_OnValueModified;

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(generateDistance, 0, 4, 1, 1);
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(generateSlider, 1, 4, 1, 1);

            Checkbox glowBox = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Enable Glow", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.EnableGlow)
                ToolTip = "When checked, there will be a fullscreen glow effect."

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(glowBox, 1, 1, 1, 1);
            glowBox.OnCheckModified += glowBox_OnCheckModified;

            Label aaLabel = new Label(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Antialiasing", GUI.DefaultFont)
                Alignment = Drawer2D.Alignment.Right

            ComboBox aaBox = new ComboBox(GUI, graphicsLayout)
                ToolTip = "Determines how much antialiasing (smoothing) there is.\nHigher means more smooth, but is slower."

            aaBox.AddValue("2x MSAA");
            aaBox.AddValue("4x MSAA");
            aaBox.AddValue("16x MSAA");

            foreach (string s in AAModes.Keys.Where(s => AAModes[s] == GameSettings.Default.AntiAliasing))
                aaBox.CurrentValue = s;

            aaBox.OnSelectionModified += AABox_OnSelectionModified;

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(aaLabel, 2, 0, 1, 1);
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(aaBox, 3, 0, 1, 1);

            Checkbox reflectTerrainBox = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Reflect Chunks", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.DrawChunksReflected)
                ToolTip = "When checked, water will reflect terrain."

            reflectTerrainBox.OnCheckModified += reflectTerrainBox_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(reflectTerrainBox, 2, 1, 1, 1);

            Checkbox refractTerrainBox = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Refract Chunks", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.DrawChunksRefracted)
                ToolTip = "When checked, water will refract terrain."

            refractTerrainBox.OnCheckModified += refractTerrainBox_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(refractTerrainBox, 2, 2, 1, 1);

            Checkbox reflectEntities = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Reflect Entities", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.DrawEntityReflected)
                ToolTip = "When checked, water will reflect trees, dwarves, etc."

            reflectEntities.OnCheckModified += reflectEntities_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(reflectEntities, 3, 1, 1, 1);

            Checkbox refractEntities = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Refract Entities", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.DrawEntityReflected)
                ToolTip = "When checked, water will reflect trees, dwarves, etc."

            refractEntities.OnCheckModified += refractEntities_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(refractEntities, 3, 2, 1, 1);

            Checkbox sunlight = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Sunlight", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.CalculateSunlight)
                ToolTip = "When checked, terrain will be lit/shadowed by the sun."

            sunlight.OnCheckModified += sunlight_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(sunlight, 2, 3, 1, 1);

            Checkbox ao = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Ambient Occlusion", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.AmbientOcclusion)
                ToolTip = "When checked, terrain will smooth shading effects."

            ao.OnCheckModified += AO_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(ao, 3, 3, 1, 1);

            Checkbox ramps = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Ramps", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.CalculateRamps)
                ToolTip = "When checked, some terrain will have smooth ramps."

            ramps.OnCheckModified += ramps_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(ramps, 2, 4, 1, 1);

            Checkbox cursorLight = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Cursor Light", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.CursorLightEnabled)
                ToolTip = "When checked, a light will follow the player cursor."

            cursorLight.OnCheckModified += cursorLight_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(cursorLight, 2, 5, 1, 1);

            Checkbox entityLight = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Entity Lighting", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.EntityLighting)
                ToolTip = "When checked, dwarves, objects, etc. will be lit\nby the sun, lamps, etc."

            entityLight.OnCheckModified += entityLight_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(entityLight, 3, 4, 1, 1);

            Checkbox selfIllum = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Ore Glow", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.SelfIlluminationEnabled)
                ToolTip = "When checked, some terrain elements will glow."

            selfIllum.OnCheckModified += selfIllum_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(selfIllum, 3, 5, 1, 1);

            Checkbox particlePhysics = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Particle Body", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.ParticlePhysics)
                ToolTip = "When checked, some particles will bounce off terrain."

            particlePhysics.OnCheckModified += particlePhysics_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(particlePhysics, 0, 5, 1, 1);

            TabSelector.Tab graphics2Tab = TabSelector.AddTab("Graphics II");
            GroupBox        graphicsBox2 = new GroupBox(GUI, graphics2Tab, "Graphics II")
                HeightSizeMode = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit,
                WidthSizeMode  = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit

            Categories["Graphics II"] = graphicsBox2;
            GridLayout graphicsLayout2 = new GridLayout(GUI, graphicsBox2, 6, 5);

            Checkbox moteBox = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout2, "Generate Motes", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.GrassMotes)
                ToolTip = "When checked, trees, grass, etc. will be visible."

            moteBox.OnCheckModified += MoteBox_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout2.SetComponentPosition(moteBox, 1, 2, 1, 1);

            Label  numMotes    = new Label(GUI, graphicsLayout2, "Num Motes", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider motesSlider = new Slider(GUI, graphicsLayout2, "", (int)(GameSettings.Default.NumMotes * 100), 0, 1000, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
                ToolTip = "Determines the maximum amount of trees/grass that will be visible."

            graphicsLayout2.SetComponentPosition(numMotes, 0, 1, 1, 1);
            graphicsLayout2.SetComponentPosition(motesSlider, 1, 1, 1, 1);
            motesSlider.OnValueModified += MotesSlider_OnValueModified;
            TabSelector.Tab gameplayTab = TabSelector.AddTab("Gameplay");
            GroupBox        gameplayBox = new GroupBox(GUI, gameplayTab, "Gameplay")
                WidthSizeMode  = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit,
                HeightSizeMode = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit

            Categories["Gameplay"] = gameplayBox;

            GridLayout gameplayLayout = new GridLayout(GUI, gameplayBox, 6, 5);

            Label  moveSpeedLabel = new Label(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Camera Move Speed", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider moveSlider     = new Slider(GUI, gameplayLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.CameraScrollSpeed, 0.0f, 20.0f, Slider.SliderMode.Float)
                ToolTip = "Determines how fast the camera will move when keys are pressed."

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(moveSpeedLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1);
            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(moveSlider, 1, 0, 1, 1);
            moveSlider.OnValueModified += MoveSlider_OnValueModified;

            Label  zoomSpeedLabel = new Label(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Zoom Speed", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider zoomSlider     = new Slider(GUI, gameplayLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.CameraZoomSpeed, 0.0f, 2.0f, Slider.SliderMode.Float)
                ToolTip = "Determines how fast the camera will go\nup and down with the scroll wheel."

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(zoomSpeedLabel, 0, 1, 1, 1);
            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(zoomSlider, 1, 1, 1, 1);
            zoomSlider.OnValueModified += ZoomSlider_OnValueModified;

            Checkbox invertZoomBox = new Checkbox(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Invert Zoom", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.InvertZoom)
                ToolTip = "When checked, the scroll wheel is reversed\nfor zooming."

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(invertZoomBox, 2, 1, 1, 1);
            invertZoomBox.OnCheckModified += InvertZoomBox_OnCheckModified;

            Checkbox edgeScrollBox = new Checkbox(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Edge Scrolling", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.EnableEdgeScroll)
                ToolTip = "When checked, the camera will scroll\nwhen the cursor is at the edge of the screen."

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(edgeScrollBox, 0, 2, 1, 1);
            edgeScrollBox.OnCheckModified += EdgeScrollBox_OnCheckModified;

            Checkbox introBox = new Checkbox(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Play Intro", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.DisplayIntro)
                ToolTip = "When checked, the intro will be played when the game starts"

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(introBox, 1, 2, 1, 1);
            introBox.OnCheckModified += IntroBox_OnCheckModified;

            Checkbox fogOfWarBox = new Checkbox(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Fog of War", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.FogofWar)
                ToolTip = "When checked, unexplored blocks will be blacked out"

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(fogOfWarBox, 2, 2, 1, 1);

            fogOfWarBox.OnCheckModified += fogOfWarBox_OnCheckModified;

             * Label chunkWidthLabel = new Label(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Chunk Width", GUI.DefaultFont);
             * Slider chunkWidthSlider = new Slider(GUI, gameplayLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.ChunkWidth, 4, 256, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
             * {
             *  ToolTip = "Determines the number of blocks in a chunk of terrain."
             * };
             * gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(chunkWidthLabel, 0, 3, 1, 1);
             * gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(chunkWidthSlider, 1, 3, 1, 1);
             * chunkWidthSlider.OnValueModified += ChunkWidthSlider_OnValueModified;
             * Label chunkHeightLabel = new Label(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Chunk Height", GUI.DefaultFont);
             * Slider chunkHeightSlider = new Slider(GUI, gameplayLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.ChunkHeight, 4, 256, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
             * {
             *  ToolTip = "Determines the maximum depth,\nin blocks, of a chunk of terrain."
             * };
             * gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(chunkHeightLabel, 2, 3, 1, 1);
             * gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(chunkHeightSlider, 3, 3, 1, 1);
             * chunkHeightSlider.OnValueModified += ChunkHeightSlider_OnValueModified;
             * Label worldWidthLabel = new Label(GUI, gameplayLayout, "World Width", GUI.DefaultFont);
             * Slider worldWidthSlider = new Slider(GUI, gameplayLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.WorldWidth, 4, 2048, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
             * {
             *  ToolTip = "Determines the size of the overworld."
             * };
             * gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(worldWidthLabel, 0, 4, 1, 1);
             * gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(worldWidthSlider, 1, 4, 1, 1);
             * worldWidthSlider.OnValueModified += WorldWidthSlider_OnValueModified;
             * Label worldHeightLabel = new Label(GUI, gameplayLayout, "World Height", GUI.DefaultFont);
             * Slider worldHeightSlider = new Slider(GUI, gameplayLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.WorldHeight, 4, 2048, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
             * {
             *  ToolTip = "Determines the size of the overworld."
             * };
             * gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(worldHeightLabel, 2, 4, 1, 1);
             * gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(worldHeightSlider, 3, 4, 1, 1);
             * worldHeightSlider.OnValueModified += WorldHeightSlider_OnValueModified;
             * Label worldScaleLabel = new Label(GUI, gameplayLayout, "World Scale", GUI.DefaultFont);
             * Slider worldScaleSlider = new Slider(GUI, gameplayLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.WorldScale, 2, 128, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
             * {
             *  ToolTip = "Determines the number of voxel\nper pixel of the overworld"
             * };
             * gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(worldScaleLabel, 0, 5, 1, 1);
             * gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(worldScaleSlider, 1, 5, 1, 1);
             * worldScaleSlider.OnValueModified += WorldScaleSlider_OnValueModified;

            TabSelector.Tab audioTab = TabSelector.AddTab("Audio");

            GroupBox audioBox = new GroupBox(GUI, audioTab, "Audio")
                WidthSizeMode  = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit,
                HeightSizeMode = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit

            Categories["Audio"] = audioBox;

            GridLayout audioLayout = new GridLayout(GUI, audioBox, 6, 5);

            Label  masterLabel  = new Label(GUI, audioLayout, "Master Volume", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider masterSlider = new Slider(GUI, audioLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.MasterVolume, 0.0f, 1.0f, Slider.SliderMode.Float);

            audioLayout.SetComponentPosition(masterLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1);
            audioLayout.SetComponentPosition(masterSlider, 1, 0, 1, 1);
            masterSlider.OnValueModified += MasterSlider_OnValueModified;

            Label  sfxLabel  = new Label(GUI, audioLayout, "SFX Volume", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider sfxSlider = new Slider(GUI, audioLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.SoundEffectVolume, 0.0f, 1.0f, Slider.SliderMode.Float);

            audioLayout.SetComponentPosition(sfxLabel, 0, 1, 1, 1);
            audioLayout.SetComponentPosition(sfxSlider, 1, 1, 1, 1);
            sfxSlider.OnValueModified += SFXSlider_OnValueModified;

            Label  musicLabel  = new Label(GUI, audioLayout, "Music Volume", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider musicSlider = new Slider(GUI, audioLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.MusicVolume, 0.0f, 1.0f, Slider.SliderMode.Float);

            audioLayout.SetComponentPosition(musicLabel, 0, 2, 1, 1);
            audioLayout.SetComponentPosition(musicSlider, 1, 2, 1, 1);
            musicSlider.OnValueModified += MusicSlider_OnValueModified;

            TabSelector.Tab keysTab = TabSelector.AddTab("Keys");
            GroupBox        keysBox = new GroupBox(GUI, keysTab, "Keys")
                WidthSizeMode  = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit,
                HeightSizeMode = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit

            Categories["Keys"] = keysBox;

            KeyEditor  keyeditor = new KeyEditor(GUI, keysBox, new KeyManager(), 8, 4);
            GridLayout keyLayout = new GridLayout(GUI, keysBox, 1, 1);

            keyLayout.SetComponentPosition(keyeditor, 0, 0, 1, 1);

             * GroupBox customBox = new GroupBox(GUI, Layout, "Customization")
             * {
             *  IsVisible = false
             * };
             * Categories["Customization"] = customBox;
             * TabSelector.AddItem("Customization");
             * GridLayout customBoxLayout = new GridLayout(GUI, customBox, 6, 5);
             * List<string> assets = TextureManager.DefaultContent.Keys.ToList();
             * AssetManager assetManager = new AssetManager(GUI, customBoxLayout, assets);
             * customBoxLayout.SetComponentPosition(assetManager, 0, 0, 5, 6);

            Button apply = new Button(GUI, Layout, "Apply", GUI.DefaultFont, Button.ButtonMode.ToolButton, GUI.Skin.GetSpecialFrame(GUISkin.Tile.Check));

            Layout.SetComponentPosition(apply, 5, 9, 1, 1);
            apply.OnClicked += apply_OnClicked;

            Button back = new Button(GUI, Layout, "Back", GUI.DefaultFont, Button.ButtonMode.ToolButton, GUI.Skin.GetSpecialFrame(GUISkin.Tile.LeftArrow));

            Layout.SetComponentPosition(back, 4, 9, 1, 1);
            back.OnClicked += back_OnClicked;
