/// <summary> /// 调用接口返回数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="pageIndex"></param> /// <param name="accId"></param> /// <param name="start"></param> /// <param name="end"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetWeixinFeedBack(int pageIndex, string accId, string start, string end) { ProxyRequestModel.ProxyRequest request = new ProxyRequestModel.ProxyRequest(); ProxyRequestModel.UserMessage usrMsg = new ProxyRequestModel.UserMessage(); Dictionary <string, string> dic = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "listData", "" }, { "rowCount", "" }, { "maxPage", "" } }; usrMsg.pageIndex = pageIndex; usrMsg.pageSize = 15; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(start)) { usrMsg.startTime = Convert.ToDateTime(start); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(end)) { usrMsg.endTime = Convert.ToDateTime(end); } if (int.Parse(accId) != 0) { usrMsg.accId = Convert.ToInt32(accId); request.RequestName = "getMessageByAccId"; } else { usrMsg.accId = 0; request.RequestName = "getMessage"; } request.RequestJson = CommonLib.Helper.JsonSerializeObject(usrMsg); ProxyRequestModel.WeixinResponseModel response = new ProxyRequestModel.WeixinResponseModel(); response = AuthMethod.SendRequest(request); if (response.Status) { OpenResponseModel.ResponseMessage responseModel = CommonLib.Helper.JsonDeserializeObject <OpenResponseModel.ResponseMessage>(response.ObjectStr); foreach (OpenResponseModel.T_UserMessageModel item in responseModel.userMessage) { item.CompanyName = T_AccountBLL.GetSingleCompanyName(item.accId); } dic["listData"] = CommonLib.Helper.JsonSerializeObject(responseModel.userMessage, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); dic["rowCount"] = responseModel.pageInfo.totalCount.ToString(); dic["maxPage"] = responseModel.pageInfo.pageCount.ToString(); return(CommonLib.Helper.JsonSerializeObject(dic, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); } else { return("API接口调用出错!"); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取充值状态列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="page"></param> /// <param name="phoneNum"></param> /// <param name="orderNo"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetRechargeOrderList(int page, string phoneNum, string orderNo) { var model = MobileRecharge.GetHistoryOrder(page, 15, phoneNum, orderNo); if (model.error_code == 0) { if (model.result.data != null) { foreach (var item in model.result.data) { //获取当前最后记录对应的订单ID //int lastOid = Sys_RechargeRecordBLL.GetLastOid(); var tempModel = T_OrderInfoBLL.GetRechargeOrderListExtend(item.uorderid); if (tempModel != null) { //更新的订单如果在记录表没有记录则插入信息 if (Sys_RechargeRecordBLL.CheckExist(tempModel.oid) == 0) { RechargeRecord recordModel = new RechargeRecord(); recordModel.AccId = tempModel.accId; recordModel.AddTime = item.addtime; recordModel.CardName = item.cardname; recordModel.Oid = tempModel.oid; recordModel.OrderNo = item.uorderid; recordModel.State = item.game_state; recordModel.CardNum = Convert.ToInt32(item.cardnum); recordModel.RealNum = Convert.ToDecimal(item.uordercash); recordModel.PaidNum = tempModel.RealPayMoney; recordModel.GapNum = recordModel.RealNum - recordModel.PaidNum; Sys_RechargeRecordBLL.AddNewRecord(recordModel); } item.accModel = T_AccountBLL.GetAccountBasic(tempModel.accId); } } model.result.Summary = Sys_RechargeRecordBLL.GetRecordSum(); return(CommonLib.Helper.JsonSerializeObject(model, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); } else { return(""); } } return(CommonLib.Helper.JsonSerializeObject(model)); }
/// <summary> /// 开通支付宝处理 /// </summary> /// <param name="accId"></param> /// <param name="alipayAccount"></param> /// <param name="alipayPid"></param> /// <param name="alipayKey"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static int AddAccountAlipay(int accId, string alipayAccount, string alipayPid, string alipayKey) { AlipayUserInfo infoModel = new AlipayUserInfo(); var model = T_AccountBLL.GetAccountBasic(accId); infoModel.AccId = accId; infoModel.AccName = model.UserRealName; infoModel.AliAccount = alipayAccount; infoModel.AliKey = alipayKey; infoModel.AliPid = alipayPid; infoModel.PhoneNum = model.PhoneNumber; return(T_PaymentInfoBLL.Add(infoModel)); }
public string GetShopSummary(string originList) { string detailList = ""; string sumStr = ""; List <string> list = new List <string>(originList.Split(',')); int strCount = 0; int count = list.Count; foreach (string str in list) { try { detailList += T_AccountBLL.GetCompanyName(Convert.ToInt32(str)) + "[" + Convert.ToInt32(str) + "]<br/>"; if (strCount < 5) { sumStr += T_AccountBLL.GetCompanyName(Convert.ToInt32(str)) + ","; } strCount++; } catch (Exception ex) { return("没有找到有关【" + str + "】这个Id相关的信息!"); } } Dictionary <string, string> dic = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "list", "" }, { "count", "" }, { "strsum", "" }, { "detail", "" } }; dic["list"] = CommonLib.Helper.JsonSerializeObject(list); dic["count"] = count.ToString(); dic["detail"] = detailList; dic["strsum"] = sumStr.Substring(0, sumStr.LastIndexOf(',')); return(CommonLib.Helper.JsonSerializeObject(dic)); }
/// <summary> /// 得到此店铺相关的分店 及 总店信息 如果需要 可以 转成对像 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Dictionary <string, object> GetSubbranchList(int id) { Dictionary <string, object> list = new Dictionary <string, object>(); List <dynamic> branch = T_AccountBLL.GetSubbranchInfo(id); dynamic head = T_AccountBLL.GetHeadquartersInfo(id); list["subbranch"] = null; list["headquerters"] = null; if (branch != null && branch.Count > 0) { list["subbranch"] = branch; list["headquerters"] = T_AccountBLL.GetHeadquartersInfo(Convert.ToInt32(branch[0].ID)); } if (head != null) { list["headquerters"] = head; list["subbranch"] = T_AccountBLL.GetSubbranchInfo(Convert.ToInt32(head.ID)); } return(list); }
public static Dictionary <string, string> GetForumContent(string url) { Dictionary <string, string> dic = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "title", "" }, { "user", "" } }; if (url.IndexOf("www.i200.cn/bbs") < 0) { return(null);//不是合法地址 } //制定编码格式 var encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"); //url的设置 var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); //设置请求的方式 request.Method = "Get"; //设置Content-Type 的值 //request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; //request.ContentLength = data.Length; //var outStream = request.GetRequestStream(); //outStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); //outStream.Close(); var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); var srContent = new System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), encoding); //获取抓取下来的页面内容 var strPage = srContent.ReadToEnd(); response.Close(); srContent.Close(); //获取帖子标题 Regex regTitle = new Regex(@"(?i)(?<=<a.*?id=""thread_subject"".*?>)[^<]+(?=</a>)"); MatchCollection mcTitle = regTitle.Matches(strPage); //获取帖子发表时间 Regex regTime = new Regex(@"(?i)(?<=<em.*?id=""authorposton.*?>发表于)[^<]+(?=</em>)"); MatchCollection mcTime = regTime.Matches(strPage); if (mcTime.Count == 0) { regTime = new Regex(@"(?i)(?<=<em.*?id=""authorposton.*?>发表于.*<span.*title="")[^<]+(?="">)"); mcTime = regTime.Matches(strPage); } string postUser = strPage.Substring(strPage.IndexOf("class=\"pi\""), 300); //获取发帖人 Regex regUser = new Regex(@"(?i)(?<=<a.*?uid=)[^<]+(?="".*?target)"); MatchCollection mcUser = regUser.Matches(postUser); if (mcUser.Count == 0) { regUser = new Regex(@"(?i)(?<=匿名.*?<em>)[^<]+(?=</em>)"); mcUser = regUser.Matches(postUser); } Sys_TaskDailyInfo model = new Sys_TaskDailyInfo(); dic["title"] = mcTitle[0].Groups[0].ToString(); if (mcUser[0].Groups[0].ToString().IndexOf('.') >= 0) { dic["user"] = "******"; } else { try { int accountid = T_AccountBLL.GetAccIdBybbsId(Convert.ToInt32(mcUser[0].Groups[0].ToString())); dic["user"] = T_AccountBLL.GetCompanyName(accountid); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("转换论坛ID出错!", ex); dic["user"] = "******"; } } return(dic); }
/// <summary> /// 插入论坛建议反馈 /// </summary> /// <param name="url"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetForumFeedBack(string url, string uName, string remark) { if (url.IndexOf("www.i200.cn/bbs") < 0) { return("");//不是合法地址 } //制定编码格式 var encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"); //url的设置 var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); //设置请求的方式 request.Method = "Get"; //设置Content-Type 的值 //request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; //request.ContentLength = data.Length; //var outStream = request.GetRequestStream(); //outStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); //outStream.Close(); var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); var srContent = new System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), encoding); //获取抓取下来的页面内容 var strPage = srContent.ReadToEnd(); response.Close(); srContent.Close(); //获取帖子标题 Regex regTitle = new Regex(@"(?i)(?<=<a.*?id=""thread_subject"".*?>)[^<]+(?=</a>)"); MatchCollection mcTitle = regTitle.Matches(strPage); //获取帖子发表时间 Regex regTime = new Regex(@"(?i)(?<=<em.*?id=""authorposton.*?>发表于)[^<]+(?=</em>)"); MatchCollection mcTime = regTime.Matches(strPage); if (mcTime.Count == 0) { regTime = new Regex(@"(?i)(?<=<em.*?id=""authorposton.*?>发表于.*<span.*title="")[^<]+(?="">)"); mcTime = regTime.Matches(strPage); } string postUser = strPage.Substring(strPage.IndexOf("class=\"pi\""), 300); //获取发帖人 Regex regUser = new Regex(@"(?i)(?<=<a.*?uid=)[^<]+(?="".*?target)"); MatchCollection mcUser = regUser.Matches(postUser); if (mcUser.Count == 0) { regUser = new Regex(@"(?i)(?<=匿名.*?<em>)[^<]+(?=</em>)"); mcUser = regUser.Matches(postUser); } Sys_TaskDailyInfo model = new Sys_TaskDailyInfo(); try { model.t_mk = mcTitle[0].Groups[0].ToString(); model.dt_Time = Convert.ToDateTime(mcTime[0].Groups[0].ToString()); if (mcUser[0].Groups[0].ToString().IndexOf('.') >= 0) { model.accountid = 0; } else { try { model.accountid = T_AccountBLL.GetAccIdBybbsId(Convert.ToInt32(mcUser[0].Groups[0].ToString())); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("转换论坛ID出错!", ex); model.accountid = 0; } } model.inertTime = DateTime.Now; model.dt_Level = 9; model.dt_Status = 99; model.insetName = uName; model.dt_remark = "@(" + url + ")" + remark; model.dt_logUid = 0; model.dt_Source = "论坛反馈"; if (Sys_TaskDailyBLL.CheckForumUrl(url)) { return("已经存在该条反馈!"); } else { if (Sys_TaskDailyBLL.AddModel(model) > 0) { return("添加成功!"); } else { return("添加出错!"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("添加论坛反馈出错!", ex); return("添加反馈出错!"); } //return mcTitle[0].Groups[0].ToString() + " " + mcTime[0].Groups[0].ToString() + " " + mcUser[0].Groups[0].ToString(); //foreach (Match m in mc) //{ // Console.WriteLine(m.Groups[0].ToString()); //} //return strPage; }
/// <summary> /// 在审核店铺时删除店铺 /// </summary> /// <param name="accid"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static int DeleteShopDuringChecking(int accid) { return(T_AccountBLL.DeleteShopDuringChecking(accid)); }
/// <summary> /// 审核店铺信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="accid"></param> /// <param name="type">0-邮件|1-手机</param> /// <returns></returns> public static int CheckShop(int accid, int type) { return(T_AccountBLL.CheckShop(accid, type)); }
/// <summary> /// 返回未审核的店铺列表 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static List <UncheckedShopModel> GetUncheckedShopList(DateTime regTime) { return(T_AccountBLL.GetUncheckedShopList(regTime)); }
/// <summary> /// 开通店铺权限 /// </summary> /// <param name="accid">店铺ID</param> /// <param name="appKey">权限KEY</param> /// <param name="operId">操作人ID</param> /// <returns></returns> public static int AddAccountApp(int accid, int appKey, int operId) { t_App_Au model = new t_App_Au(); model.accid = accid; model.appkey = appKey; model.appName = Enum.GetName(typeof(Model.Enum.AppAuEnum.AppName), appKey); model.stattime = DateTime.Now; model.endtime = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(6); model.aa_time = DateTime.Now; model.aa_remark = "(后台" + operId + "授权)"; model.aa_Status = 0; if (appKey == 1 || appKey == 2) { string rm = CommonLib.Helper.CreateUUID(); T_AccountBLL.UpdateRandomNumber(accid, rm); tb_user_inforBLL.InitializeUserInfor(accid); } if (appKey == 7) { #region 颜色尺码 List <DapperWhere> whereList = new List <DapperWhere>(); whereList.Add(new DapperWhere("accId", accid)); whereList.Add(new DapperWhere("gaType", 1)); List <T_Goods_Attribute> attributeList = new List <T_Goods_Attribute>(); attributeList = BLL.Base.T_Goods_AttributeBaseBLL.GetList(whereList); if (attributeList.Count < 2) { Dictionary <string, int> attr = new Dictionary <string, int>(); attr["颜色"] = 0; attr["尺码"] = 0; foreach (T_Goods_Attribute item in attributeList) { attr[item.gaName] = 1; } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> ik in attr) { if (ik.Value == 0) { T_Goods_Attribute addModel = new T_Goods_Attribute(); addModel.gaName = ik.Key; addModel.gaType = 1; addModel.gaRemark = ""; addModel.gaTime = DateTime.Now; addModel.gaAlive = 1; addModel.accId = accid; T_Goods_AttributeBLL.Add(addModel); } } } #endregion } if (appKey == 21) { #region 手机串号 List <DapperWhere> whereList = new List <DapperWhere>(); whereList.Add(new DapperWhere("accId", accid)); whereList.Add(new DapperWhere("gaType", 2)); List <T_Goods_Attribute> attributeList = new List <T_Goods_Attribute>(); attributeList = BLL.Base.T_Goods_AttributeBaseBLL.GetList(whereList); if (attributeList.Count < 2) { Dictionary <string, int> attr = new Dictionary <string, int>(); attr["串号"] = 0; foreach (T_Goods_Attribute item in attributeList) { attr[item.gaName] = 1; } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> ik in attr) { if (ik.Value == 0) { T_Goods_Attribute addModel = new T_Goods_Attribute(); addModel.gaName = ik.Key; addModel.gaType = 2; addModel.gaRemark = ""; addModel.gaTime = DateTime.Now; addModel.gaAlive = 0; addModel.accId = accid; T_Goods_AttributeBLL.Add(addModel); } } } #endregion } return(t_App_AuBLL.Add(model)); }
/// <summary> /// 得到店铺今天信息汇总 /// </summary> /// <param name="accid"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static T_AccountSummarize.TodaySummarize GetAccountTodaySummarize(int accid) { return(T_AccountBLL.GetAccountTodaySummarize(accid)); }
/// <summary> /// 得到店铺基本信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="accid"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static T_AccountBasic GetAccountBasic(int accid) { return(T_AccountBLL.GetAccountBasic(accid)); }
/// <summary> /// 返回店铺搜索分页列表 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static Dictionary <string, object> GetSearchList(int pageIndex, int pageSize, string companyName = "", string userRealName = "", string phoneNumber = "", string userEmail = "", int bbsUid = 0, int agentId = 0, string agentName = "", string serviceManager = "", string regSource = "all", DateTime?startRegTime = null, DateTime?endRegTime = null, string searchStr = "") { Dictionary <string, object> list = new Dictionary <string, object>(); List <DapperWhere> dapperWhere = new List <DapperWhere>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchStr)) { dapperWhere.Add(new DapperWhere("State", 1)); if (companyName != "") { dapperWhere.Add(new DapperWhere("CompanyName", companyName, " CompanyName like '%'+ @CompanyName +'%'")); } if (userRealName != "") { dapperWhere.Add(new DapperWhere("UserRealName", userRealName, " UserRealName like '%'+ @UserRealName +'%'")); } if (phoneNumber != "") { dapperWhere.Add(new DapperWhere("phoneNumber", phoneNumber, "ID in(select accountid from i200.dbo.T_Account_User where grade='管理员' and PhoneNumber like '%' + @phoneNumber + '%')")); } if (userEmail != "") { dapperWhere.Add(new DapperWhere("UserEmail", userEmail, "ID in(select accountid from i200.dbo.T_Account_User where grade='管理员' and UserEmail like '%' + @UserEmail + '%')")); } if (bbsUid != 0) { dapperWhere.Add(new DapperWhere("BBS_Uid", bbsUid)); } if (startRegTime != null) { dapperWhere.Add(new DapperWhere("startRegtime", startRegTime, " RegTime>=@startRegtime")); } if (endRegTime != null) { DateTime end = Convert.ToDateTime(endRegTime).Date.Add(new TimeSpan(23, 59, 59)); dapperWhere.Add(new DapperWhere("endRegtime", end, "RegTime<=@endRegtime")); } if (agentId != 0) { dapperWhere.Add(new DapperWhere("AgentId", agentId)); } if (agentName != "") { dapperWhere.Add(new DapperWhere("agentName", agentName, "AgentId in(select ID from Sys_agent_mess where AgentName=@agentName)")); } if (serviceManager != "") { dapperWhere.Add(new DapperWhere("ServiceManager", serviceManager, " ServiceManager like '%+ @ServiceManager +%'")); } if (regSource != "all") { switch (regSource) { case "0": dapperWhere.Add(new DapperWhere("Remark", "0")); break; case "9": dapperWhere.Add(new DapperWhere("Remark", "9")); break; case "8": dapperWhere.Add(new DapperWhere("Remark", "8")); break; case "10": dapperWhere.Add(new DapperWhere("Remark", "10")); break; case "11": dapperWhere.Add(new DapperWhere("Remark", "11")); break; } } } if (pageSize < 1) { pageSize = 20; } int rowCount = 0; if (pageIndex == 1) { rowCount = BLL.Base.T_AccountBaseBLL.GetCount(dapperWhere, searchStr); } int maxPage = 0; if (rowCount > 0) { maxPage = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDouble(rowCount) / pageSize)); } //List<dynamic> dataList = T_AccountBLL.GetSearchList(pageIndex, 15, dapperWhere, " id desc"); list["rowCount"] = rowCount; list["maxPage"] = maxPage; list["pageIndex"] = pageIndex; list["listData"] = T_AccountBLL.GetSearchList(pageIndex, 15, dapperWhere, " id desc", searchStr); //List<int> accidList = new List<int>(); //foreach (dynamic item in dataList) //{ // accidList.Add(item.ID); //} //list["accidList"] = CommonLib.Helper.JsonSerializeObject(accidList); return(list); }