Пример #1
    //  This one function will handle the multiple types of death possible to the player
    //  Parameters:		The function takes in a TYPE_DEATH and uses that to determine
    //                    which actions to take.
    public void PlayerDeath(TYPE_DEATH method)
        if (method == TYPE_DEATH.MELEE)
            this.GetComponent<Invisiblilityscript> ().SetExposure (0);

        //GetComponent<Transform> ().position = new Vector3 (20.0f, 20.0f, 0.0f);
Пример #2
    //  This one function will handle the multiple types of death possible to the player
    //  Parameters:		The function takes in a TYPE_DEATH and uses that to determine
    //					which actions to take.
    public void PlayerDeath(TYPE_DEATH method)
        if (method == TYPE_DEATH.MELEE)
            this.GetComponent <Invisiblilityscript> ().SetExposure(0);

        //GetComponent<Transform> ().position = new Vector3 (20.0f, 20.0f, 0.0f);
    //  This one function will handle the multiple types of death possible to the player
    //  Parameters:		The function takes in a TYPE_DEATH and uses that to determine
    //                    which actions to take.
    public void PlayerDeath(TYPE_DEATH method)
        if (GetComponent<Invisiblilityscript> ().invisActive || GetComponent<Invisiblilityscript> ().onCooldown)
            GetComponent<Invisiblilityscript>().invisActive = false;
            GetComponent<Invisiblilityscript>().onCooldown = false;
            GetComponent<Invisiblilityscript>().cooldown = GetComponent<Invisiblilityscript>().fullCooldown;
            GetComponent<Invisiblilityscript>().duration = GetComponent<Invisiblilityscript>().fullDuration;
        //if (method == TYPE_DEATH.MELEE)
          //this.GetComponent<Invisiblilityscript> ().SetExposure (0);

        if (method == TYPE_DEATH.TRAP)
            GetComponentInChildren<ParticleSystem> ().startColor = Color.green;
            GetComponentInChildren<ParticleSystem> ().startColor = Color.red;

        GetComponentInChildren<ParticleSystem> ().Play ();

        if (SFXVolume != null)
            SFXVolume.Play ();

        GetComponent<Invisiblilityscript> ().cooldown = 0.0f;
        GetComponentInChildren<GrappleHookScript> ().shot = false;

        //GetComponent<Transform> ().position = new Vector3 (20.0f, 20.0f, 0.0f);
        //StartCoroutine (PlayerDeadRespawn());
        if (lives == 0)

            if(Application.loadedLevelName == "tutorial")
                Application.LoadLevel ("ContinuePage");
            lives = 3;
            if (hiddenDoor != null)
                hiddenDoor.GetComponent<HiddenDoorScript> ().DeactivateHiding ();

            transform.position = mainSpawn.transform.position;