protected override void ActionFunction(TVRequestInfo curReqInfo)
            int           index = -1;
            TVRequestInfo tvInfo;
            var           curReqData = _dataSource.LoadRequestData(curReqInfo.Id);

            if (curReqData == null)
                ErrorBox.ShowDialog("No request data for selected request");

            HttpRequestInfo curHttpReqInfo = new HttpRequestInfo(curReqData);

            while ((tvInfo = _dataSource.GetNext(ref index)) != null)
                if (tvInfo.Id != curReqInfo.Id)
                    //replicate the headers
                    byte[]          reqData = _dataSource.LoadRequestData(tvInfo.Id);
                    HttpRequestInfo reqInfo = new HttpRequestInfo(reqData);
                    reqInfo.Headers = new HTTPHeaders();
                    foreach (var header in curHttpReqInfo.Headers)
                        reqInfo.Headers.Add(header.Name, header.Values.ToArray());
                    _dataSource.SaveRequest(tvInfo.Id, reqInfo.ToArray(false));
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the request to the proxy data store
        /// </summary>
        protected void AddRequestToDataStore()
            TVRequestInfo currDataStoreRequestInfo = new TVRequestInfo();

            currDataStoreRequestInfo.RequestLine = _requestInfo.RequestLine;

            currDataStoreRequestInfo.Description = _requestDescription;
            currDataStoreRequestInfo.RequestTime = _currentRequestTime;
            currDataStoreRequestInfo.ThreadId    = Utils.GetCurrentWin32ThreadId().ToString();
            currDataStoreRequestInfo.IsHttps     = _requestInfo.IsSecure;
            currDataStoreRequestInfo.Host        = _requestInfo.Host;

            int reqId = TrafficDataStore.AddRequestInfo(currDataStoreRequestInfo);

            if (reqId != -1)
                _currentRequestResponseBytes = new RequestResponseBytes();
                //saving the request in a direct to site format, since it will come
                //in proxy format GET rather than  GET /,
                //if we need a server to connect to the target the client will handle that
                TrafficDataStore.SaveRequest(reqId, _currentRequestResponseBytes);
                _currDataStoreRequestInfo = TrafficDataStore.GetRequestInfo(reqId);
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads data into selected view
 /// </summary>
 private void LoadSelectedView()
     if (_control.SelectedTab == RequestViewerTabs.HttpTraffic)
         _control.CrossThreadPopulateTrafficView(_requestText, _responseText);
     if (_control.SelectedTab == RequestViewerTabs.Entities)
         _control.LoadEntitiesView(_currentId, _dataSource, _requestText);
     else if (_control.SelectedTab == RequestViewerTabs.Browser ||
              _control.SelectedTab == RequestViewerTabs.DOM)
         if (_responseBytes != null && _responseBytes.Length > 0)
             _control.NavigateBrowser(_dataSource.GetRequestInfo(_currentId), _responseBytes);
     else if (_control.SelectedTab == RequestViewerTabs.LogSync)
         TVRequestInfo reqHeader = _dataSource.GetRequestInfo(_currentId);
         if (reqHeader != null)
             _control.LogSyncViewEvent = reqHeader.RequestTime;
 private void HandleFirstRequestLine(string line, byte[] lineBytes)
     _currentThreadInfo.Location = LocationInThread.InsideRequest;
     //if a current request already exists in the thread this is end of that request
     //except in the case of AppScan standard where manual explore requests are doubled
     if (!Utils.IsMatch(_currentThreadInfo.Description, _proxyConnectionToSiteRegex) &&
         _currentThreadInfo.CurrentRequests.Count > 0)
         KeyValuePair <int, RequestResponseBytes> top = _currentThreadInfo.CurrentRequests.Pop();
         TVRequestInfo header = _trafficViewerFile.GetRequestInfo(top.Key);
         if (header != null)
             if (top.Value.RawResponse == null)                    //there is no response, time out
                 if (top.Value.RequestSize > header.RequestLength)
                     _trafficViewerFile.SaveRequest(top.Key, top.Value);
                 //the request was already saved save the response if necessary
                 if (top.Value.ResponseSize > header.ResponseLength)
                     _trafficViewerFile.SaveResponse(top.Key, top.Value);
             //this concludes the current request update the requests counter
     //discard exclusions
     if (IsExcluded(line))
         _currentThreadInfo.Location = LocationInThread.Exclusion;
     //create new request header
     _currentHeader             = new TVRequestInfo();
     _currentHeader.Description = _currentThreadInfo.Description;
     _currentHeader.ThreadId    = _currentThreadInfo.ThreadId;
     _currentHeader.RequestLine = line;
         _currentHeader.RequestTime = DateTime.ParseExact(_currentTime, _timeFormat, _dateTimeFormatInfo);
     catch { }
     //save newly created request header to the list of headers
     _currentIndex = _trafficViewerFile.AddRequestInfo(_currentHeader);
     if (lineBytes != null)             //if lineBytes is null we are using the _currentRequestData
         //create new requestdata
         _currentRequestData = new RequestResponseBytes();
     _isNewThreadChunk = false;
     //push request header and request data to the stack of active requests for the current thread
     _currentThreadInfo.CurrentRequests.Push(new KeyValuePair <int, RequestResponseBytes>(_currentIndex, _currentRequestData));
     //since a request line was encountered we are inside a request from now on
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a  memory stream to search in for the specified context
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataSource"></param>
        /// <param name="header"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected MemoryStream GetMemoryStream(ITrafficDataAccessor dataSource, TVRequestInfo header, SearchContext context)
            MemoryStream toBeSearched;

            if (context == SearchContext.Request || context == SearchContext.RequestBody)
                toBeSearched = new MemoryStream(dataSource.LoadRequestData(header.Id));
            else if (context == SearchContext.Response)
                toBeSearched = new MemoryStream(dataSource.LoadResponseData(header.Id));
                toBeSearched = new MemoryStream();
                byte[] data = dataSource.LoadRequestData(header.Id);
                toBeSearched.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
                data = Constants.DefaultEncoding.GetBytes(Environment.NewLine);
                toBeSearched.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
                data = dataSource.LoadResponseData(header.Id);
                toBeSearched.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
                //reset the prosition so readline can start from the beggining
                toBeSearched.Position = 0;
Пример #6
        public void EditARequest()
            string originalRequest  = "GET / HTTP/1.1";
            string originalResponse = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK";

            TrafficViewerFile file = new TrafficViewerFile();
            int reqId = file.AddRequestResponse(originalRequest, originalResponse);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, file.RequestCount);
            TVRequestInfo reqInfo = file.GetRequestInfo(reqId);

            string newRequest  = "POST /login HTTP/1.1";
            string newResponse = "HTTP/1.1 302 Redirect";

            file.SaveRequest(reqId, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(newRequest));
            file.SaveResponse(reqId, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(newResponse));

            //check the response info was updated
            Assert.AreEqual(newRequest, reqInfo.RequestLine);
            Assert.AreEqual("302", reqInfo.ResponseStatus);
            Assert.AreEqual(newRequest.Length, reqInfo.RequestLength);
            Assert.AreEqual(newResponse.Length, reqInfo.ResponseLength);

            string loadedRequest = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(file.LoadRequestData(reqId));

            Assert.AreEqual(newRequest, loadedRequest);
            string loadedResponse = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(file.LoadResponseData(reqId));

            Assert.AreEqual(newResponse, loadedResponse);
        private void HandleSendingRequestLine(string line)
            byte[] bytes;

            bytes = ReadNextBytes(line, _sendingRequestRegex);
            if (bytes != null)
                if (_currentRequestData == null || _currentRequestData.RawResponse != null)
                    _currentRequestData = new RequestResponseBytes();
                    _currentHeader      = null;

                //check if this the start of a new request
                if (_currentHeader == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(_currentHeader.RequestLine))
                    string reqLine = HttpRequestInfo.GetRequestLine(_currentRequestData.RawRequest);
                    //check if it's recognized as a valid request line
                    if (_lineTypeSelector.GetLineType(reqLine) == LineType.FirstRequestLine)
                        HandleFirstRequestLine(reqLine, null);
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends http request asynchroneusly
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="param"></param>
        private void SendAsync(object param)
            object[] paramArray = param as object[];
            if (paramArray == null || paramArray.Length != 2)
            ITrafficDataAccessor  source         = paramArray[0] as ITrafficDataAccessor;
            Queue <TVRequestInfo> requestsToSend = paramArray[1] as Queue <TVRequestInfo>;

            if (source == null || requestsToSend == null)
            while (true)
                TVRequestInfo info = null;
                lock (_lock)
                    if (requestsToSend.Count == 0)
                    info = requestsToSend.Dequeue();
                if (info != null)
                    SendRequest(source, info);
Пример #9
        public void TestRequestLineAfterReplace()
            ITrafficDataAccessor tvf = TrafficViewer.Instance.TrafficViewerFile;
            string firstRequest      = "GET HTTP/1.1\r\nHeader1: a1";

            tvf.AddRequestResponse(firstRequest, String.Empty);

            TVRequestInfo reqInfo = tvf.GetRequestInfo(0);

            Assert.AreEqual("GET HTTP/1.1", reqInfo.RequestLine);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, tvf.RequestCount);

            LineSearcher searcher = new LineSearcher();
            LineMatches  result   = new LineMatches();

            SearchCriteriaSet criteriaSet = new SearchCriteriaSet();

            criteriaSet.Add(new SearchCriteria(SearchContext.RequestLine, true, "a1|a=2|<r>2</r>"));

            searcher.Search(tvf, criteriaSet, result);

            tvf.Replace(result, "replacement");

            firstRequest = Constants.DefaultEncoding.GetString(tvf.LoadRequestData(0));

            Assert.AreEqual("GET HTTP/1.1\r\nHeader1: a1", firstRequest);

            Assert.AreEqual("GET HTTP/1.1", reqInfo.RequestLine);
Пример #10
        public void TestLoginExportType()
            TempFile temp = new TempFile();


            TrafficViewerFile origFile = new TrafficViewerFile();


            Assert.AreEqual(4, origFile.RequestCount);


            IList <ITrafficExporter> exporters = TrafficViewer.Instance.TrafficExporters;

            ITrafficExporter loginExporter = null;

            foreach (ITrafficExporter exporter in exporters)
                if (exporter.Caption == "ASE Login Files (.login)")
                    loginExporter = exporter;


            TempFile exportedFile = new TempFile("exporttest.login");
            Stream   stream       = exportedFile.OpenStream();

            loginExporter.Export(origFile, stream, "", 80);


            //import the exported file

            TrafficViewerFile import = new TrafficViewerFile();

            ITrafficParser configurationParser = TrafficViewer.Instance.GetParser("Configuration Parser");


            configurationParser.Parse(exportedFile.Path, import, ParsingOptions.GetLegacyAppScanProfile());

            Assert.AreEqual(origFile.RequestCount, import.RequestCount);

            int           i = -1;
            TVRequestInfo origInfo;

            while ((origInfo = origFile.GetNext(ref i)) != null)
                TVRequestInfo importInfo      = import.GetRequestInfo(origInfo.Id);
                string        origRequest     = Constants.DefaultEncoding.GetString(origFile.LoadRequestData(origInfo.Id));
                string        importedRequest = Constants.DefaultEncoding.GetString(import.LoadRequestData(origInfo.Id));

                Assert.AreEqual(origRequest, importedRequest);
Пример #11
        private void TrafficViewSaveRequested(RequestTrafficViewSaveArgs e)
            if (_currentId > -1)
                //update the request info
                //parse the data
                HttpRequestInfo reqInfo = new HttpRequestInfo(e.Request);
                _responseBytes = Constants.DefaultEncoding.GetBytes(e.Response);
                HttpResponseInfo respInfo = new HttpResponseInfo();

                TVRequestInfo currentTVInfo = _dataSource.GetRequestInfo(_currentId);

                //do not set the dom uniqueness id, needs to be explicitly calculated
                currentTVInfo.DomUniquenessId = String.Empty;
                currentTVInfo.RequestLine     = reqInfo.RequestLine;
                currentTVInfo.RequestTime     = DateTime.Now;
                currentTVInfo.ResponseStatus  = respInfo.Status.ToString();
                currentTVInfo.ResponseTime    = DateTime.Now;
                currentTVInfo.Description     = "Traffic Viewer Request";
                currentTVInfo.ThreadId        = "[0000]";

                //convert the strings to bytes
                RequestResponseBytes reqData = new RequestResponseBytes();

                //save the requests to the current data source
                _dataSource.SaveRequest(_currentId, reqData);
                _dataSource.SaveResponse(_currentId, reqData);

                _requestText  = e.Request;
                _responseText = e.Response;
Пример #12
 private void AddRequestToFuzz(string requestToFuzz, TVRequestInfo tvInfo)
     if (!_requestsToFuzz.ContainsKey(requestToFuzz))
         _requestsToFuzz.Add(requestToFuzz, tvInfo);
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Traps the response and triggers the event for the current thread
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tvReqInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="httpRespInfo"></param>
        /// <returns>True of False if the request was trapped or not</returns>
        public bool TrapResponse(TVRequestInfo tvReqInfo, HttpResponseInfo httpRespInfo)
            if (_trapResponses)
                //trigger the event,
                if (_responseTrapped != null)
                    string rawResponse = httpRespInfo.ToString();
                    if (MatchesTrapDefs(httpRespInfo))
                        ManualResetEvent reqLock = new ManualResetEvent(false);
                        _trapOn.BeginInvoke(this, new EventArgs(), null, null);
                        _responseTrapped.BeginInvoke(new RequestTrapEventEventArgs(tvReqInfo, httpRespInfo, reqLock), null, null);

                        //wait for the event to finish
                        _trapOff.BeginInvoke(this, new EventArgs(), null, null);

                        //the request was trapped return true
Пример #14
        private void HandleFirstResponseLine(string line, byte[] lineBytes)
            //if you are inside an exclusion discard
            if (_currentThreadInfo.Location == LocationInThread.Exclusion)
            //if you never had a request before discard
            if (_currentIndex < 0)

            //save current request
            if (_currentRequestData.RawRequest != null)
                if (_currentHeader != null && _currentHeader.RequestLength < _currentRequestData.RequestSize)
                    _trafficViewerFile.SaveRequest(_currentIndex, _currentRequestData);

            //handle the case when there are two or more subsequent responses on the same thread(AppScan Manual Explore)
            //the fact that we still have more than one requests in this threads stack means we
            //didn't finish to process the first
            while (_currentRequestData.RawResponse != null && _currentThreadInfo.CurrentRequests.Count > 1)
                //the fact that we are now receiving the second response means that the first request is complete
                //extract the first request from the stack of current requests of the thread, save it and drop it
                KeyValuePair <int, RequestResponseBytes> top = _currentThreadInfo.CurrentRequests.Pop();
                TVRequestInfo header = _trafficViewerFile.GetRequestInfo(top.Key);
                //save the response only if it has changed since last
                if (top.Value.ResponseSize > header.ResponseLength)
                    _trafficViewerFile.SaveResponse(top.Key, top.Value);
                //update the request counter
                //set the _currentRequestData to the next request data in the stack
                _currentRequestData = _currentThreadInfo.CurrentRequests.Peek().Value;
                _currentIndex       = _currentThreadInfo.CurrentRequests.Peek().Key;
                _currentHeader      = _trafficViewerFile.GetRequestInfo(_currentIndex);

            if (lineBytes != null)
            _isNewThreadChunk             = false;
            _currentHeader.ResponseStatus =
                Utils.RegexFirstGroupValue(line, _responseStatusRegex);
                _currentHeader.ResponseTime =
                    DateTime.ParseExact(_currentTime, _timeFormat, _dateTimeFormatInfo);
            catch { }
            _currentThreadInfo.Location = LocationInThread.InsideResponse;
 protected override void ActionFunction(TVRequestInfo curReqInfo)
     while (curReqInfo != null && curReqInfo.RefererId != -1)
         _requestList.Select(curReqInfo.RefererId, false);
         curReqInfo = _dataSource.GetRequestInfo(curReqInfo.RefererId);
Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a request to the current Traffic Viewer File
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <param name="description"></param>
        private void AddAppScanRequest(XmlNode request, string description)
            TVRequestInfo reqInfo = new TVRequestInfo();

            reqInfo.Description = description;
            reqInfo.IsHttps     = request.Attributes["scheme"] != null && request.Attributes["scheme"].Equals("https");
            reqInfo.ThreadId    = Properties.Resources.Settings;

            XmlNode rawRequestNode = request.SelectSingleNode("raw");

            byte[] rawRequestBytes = new byte[0];
            if (rawRequestNode.Attributes["encoding"] != null && rawRequestNode.Attributes["encoding"].Value.Equals("none"))
                string rawRequest = String.Empty;
                rawRequest      = rawRequestNode.InnerText;
                rawRequestBytes = Constants.DefaultEncoding.GetBytes(rawRequest);
            reqInfo.RequestLine = HttpRequestInfo.GetRequestLine(rawRequestBytes);
            reqInfo.Id          = _tvFile.AddRequestInfo(reqInfo);
            _tvFile.SaveRequest(reqInfo.Id, rawRequestBytes);

            XmlNode response = request.SelectSingleNode("response");

            //put together the response

            if (response != null)
                ByteArrayBuilder builder     = new ByteArrayBuilder();
                XmlNode          headersNode = response.SelectSingleNode("headers");
                if (headersNode != null && headersNode.Attributes["value"] != null)

                XmlNode bodyNode = response.SelectSingleNode("body");
                if (bodyNode != null)
                    bool isCompressed = bodyNode.Attributes["compressedBinaryValue"] != null && bodyNode.Attributes["compressedBinaryValue"].Value == "true";

                    string body      = bodyNode.Attributes["value"].Value;
                    byte[] bodyBytes = new byte[0];
                    if (isCompressed)
                        bodyBytes = Utils.DecompressBytesFromBase64String(body);
                        body      = Utils.Base64Decode(body);
                        bodyBytes = Constants.DefaultEncoding.GetBytes(body);
                _tvFile.SaveResponse(reqInfo.Id, builder.ToArray());
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends all the requests in the attached file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        public void Send(ITrafficDataAccessor source)
            int           id   = -1;
            TVRequestInfo info = null;

            PatternTracker.Instance.PatternsToTrack = source.Profile.GetTrackingPatterns();

            while ((info = source.GetNext(ref id)) != null)
                SendRequest(source, info);
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Navigates the browser control to a temporary resource containing the response bytes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestHeader">The request information</param>
        /// <param name="fullResponse">The full response</param>
        public void Navigate(TVRequestInfo requestHeader, byte[] fullResponse)
            if (requestHeader == null)

            HttpResponseInfo respInfo = new HttpResponseInfo();

            byte [] fileContent = GetResponseBody(respInfo);

            if (_responseBytes == fileContent)
                return;                                            //this response is already displayed
            _responseBytes = fileContent;

            if (_responseBytes != null)
                //extract the file name from the request header
                string reqLine = requestHeader.RequestLine;
                int    index   = reqLine.IndexOf(' ');            //after the first space follows the uri
                reqLine = reqLine.Substring(index + 1);
                string tempFileName = Utils.GetFileNameFromUri(reqLine);

                //attach .htm to certain extensions or if the file doesn't have an extension
                if (Utils.IsMatch(tempFileName, SCRIPTING_LANGUAGES_EXTENSION) ||
                    tempFileName += HTM_EXTENSION;

                //if the overriding extension is set append it
                tempFileName += ExtensionOverride;

                //we don't care if the file name is empty, the temp file class will handle this case
                    //create a temp file
                    _temp = new TempFile(tempFileName);
                catch { }
Пример #19
        public void EditTVF()
            TrafficViewerFile tvf = UnitTestUtils.GenerateTestTvf();
            //check delete
            int initialCount = tvf.RequestCount;
            //get the first request id
            int           i      = -1;
            TVRequestInfo first  = tvf.GetNext(ref i);
            TVRequestInfo second = tvf.GetNext(ref i);

            HttpRequestInfo secondRequest = new HttpRequestInfo(tvf.LoadRequestData(second.Id));

            HttpResponseInfo secondResponse = new HttpResponseInfo();

            byte [] respBytes = tvf.LoadResponseData(second.Id);
            int referenceResponseStatus = secondResponse.Status;

            int referenceHash = secondRequest.GetHashCode();

            Assert.AreEqual(initialCount - 1, tvf.RequestCount);
            Assert.IsNull(tvf.GetPrevious(ref i));

            //check that

            //check add

            TVRequestInfo reqInfo = new TVRequestInfo();

            reqInfo.RequestLine = "GET /newrequest HTTP/1.1";
            string request  = "GET /newrequest HTTP/1.1\r\nHeader1:1\r\n\r\n";
            string response = "HTTP 200 OK\r\nHeader1:1\r\n\r\n<html><body>Added request</body></html>";

            RequestResponseBytes reqData = new RequestResponseBytes();


            tvf.SaveRequest(reqInfo.Id, reqData);
            tvf.SaveResponse(reqInfo.Id, reqData);

            //Check that the request was added
            response = Constants.DefaultEncoding.GetString(tvf.LoadResponseData(reqInfo.Id));

            Assert.AreEqual(38, response.IndexOf("Added request"));
            Assert.AreEqual(65, response.Length);
            //modify the recently added request slightly
Пример #20
        public string SendTest(string mutatedRequest, string host, int port, bool useSSL)
            HttpRequestInfo reqInfo = new HttpRequestInfo(mutatedRequest, false);

            reqInfo.IsSecure = useSSL;
            reqInfo.Host     = host;
            reqInfo.Port     = port;
            IHttpClient client = _httpClientFactory.MakeClient();

            DateTime reqTime = DateTime.Now;

            HttpResponseInfo resp = null;

            TVRequestInfo tvReqInfo = null;

            if (_verbose)
                tvReqInfo = SaveRequest("Custom Test", reqInfo, useSSL, String.Empty, reqTime, reqTime, "");

                resp = client.SendRequest(reqInfo);
            { }
            DateTime respTime = DateTime.Now;

            string response;

            if (resp != null)
                response = resp.ToString();
                if (tvReqInfo != null)
                    tvReqInfo.ResponseTime = DateTime.Now;
                    _trafficFile.SaveResponse(tvReqInfo.Id, resp.ToArray());
                response = String.Empty;

Пример #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Navigates the browser
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="requestHeader"></param>
 /// <param name="fullResponse"></param>
 public void NavigateBrowser(TVRequestInfo requestHeader, byte[] fullResponse)
     this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate
         if (SelectedTab == RequestViewerTabs.Browser)
             _pageBrowserView.Navigate(requestHeader, fullResponse);
             _domView.Navigate(requestHeader, fullResponse);
Пример #22
        private void AddRequest(ITrafficDataAccessor currentFile, Uri uri, string fullQuery, string format)
            string          request     = String.Format(format, uri.AbsolutePath, fullQuery, uri.Host, uri.Port);
            HttpRequestInfo requestInfo = new HttpRequestInfo(request);
            TVRequestInfo   tvReqInfo   = new TVRequestInfo();

            tvReqInfo.Description = Resources.UriParserDescription;
            tvReqInfo.RequestLine = HttpRequestInfo.GetRequestLine(request);
            tvReqInfo.ThreadId    = "N/A";
            tvReqInfo.RequestTime = DateTime.Now;
            tvReqInfo.IsHttps     = String.Compare(uri.Scheme, "https", true) == 0;
            currentFile.SaveRequest(tvReqInfo.Id, requestInfo.ToArray(false));
Пример #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Searches only in the specified subset
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dataSource"></param>
 /// <param name="criteriaSet"></param>
 /// <param name="result"></param>
 /// <param name="subset"></param>
 private void SubsetSearch(ITrafficDataAccessor dataSource, SearchCriteriaSet criteriaSet, ISearchResult result, SearchSubset subset)
     foreach (int reqId in subset)
         TVRequestInfo header = dataSource.GetRequestInfo(reqId);
         if (_stopSearch)
         if (header != null)
             RequestMatches(dataSource, header, criteriaSet, result);
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a request to the data accessor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        private void AddHttpRequest(HttpRequestInfo request)
            var reqInfo = new TVRequestInfo();

            reqInfo.Host    = request.Host;
            reqInfo.IsHttps = request.IsSecure;

            byte [] rawRequest = request.ToArray();

            reqInfo.RequestLine = HttpRequestInfo.GetRequestLine(rawRequest);
            reqInfo.Description = "Script Explore";

            var id = _curDataAccessor.AddRequestInfo(reqInfo);

            _curDataAccessor.SaveRequest(id, rawRequest);
Пример #25
        public void SaveAndOpen()
            string expectedRequest  = "GET / HTTP/1.1";
            string expectedResponse = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK";

            TrafficViewerFile file = new TrafficViewerFile();
            int reqId = file.AddRequestResponse(expectedRequest, expectedResponse);

            file.GetRequestInfo(reqId).IsHttps = true;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, file.RequestCount);

            TempFile temp = new TempFile(".tvf");

            //verify that the file can be saved
            Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(temp.Path), "Cannot save the file");


            //make a new file and verify we can open
            TrafficViewerFile file2 = new TrafficViewerFile();

            //verify actual file was open
            Assert.AreEqual(1, file2.RequestCount, "Incorrect request count after opening saved file");
            //verify request data is correct
            int           requestId = -1;
            TVRequestInfo info      = file2.GetNext(ref requestId);

            Assert.IsNotNull(info, "Cannot obtain request info");

            //veryfy transport info

            //verify request data
            string loadedRequest = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(file2.LoadRequestData(info.Id));

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedRequest, loadedRequest);

            string loadedResponse = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(file2.LoadResponseData(info.Id));

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedResponse, loadedResponse);

Пример #26
        private void AddRequest(ITrafficDataAccessor currentFile, Entry entry)
            Uri uri = entry.Request.Url;
            //check exclusions
            Request         harRequest  = entry.Request;
            string          request     = String.Format("{0} {1} {2}\r\n\r\n", harRequest.Method, uri.PathAndQuery, harRequest.HttpVersion);
            HttpRequestInfo requestInfo = new HttpRequestInfo(request);

            //add the headers
            foreach (var header in harRequest.Headers)
                if (!header.Name.ToLower().Equals("accept-encoding") &&
                    !header.Name.ToLower().Equals("if-modified-since") &&
                    requestInfo.Headers.Add(header.Name, header.Value);
            if (harRequest.PostData != null)
                requestInfo.ContentData = Constants.DefaultEncoding.GetBytes(harRequest.PostData.Text);
            TVRequestInfo tvReqInfo = new TVRequestInfo();

            tvReqInfo.Description = Resources.HarParserDescription;
            tvReqInfo.RequestLine = HttpRequestInfo.GetRequestLine(request);
            tvReqInfo.ThreadId    = "N/A";
            tvReqInfo.RequestTime = DateTime.Now;
            tvReqInfo.IsHttps     = String.Compare(uri.Scheme, "https", true) == 0;
            tvReqInfo.Host        = uri.Host;

            Response         harResponse  = entry.Response;
            string           responseHead = String.Format("{0} {1}\r\n\r\n", harResponse.HttpVersion, harResponse.Status);
            HttpResponseInfo respInfo     = new HttpResponseInfo(responseHead);

            foreach (var header in harResponse.Headers)
                respInfo.Headers.Add(header.Name, header.Value);
            if (harResponse.Content != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(harResponse.Content.Text))

            currentFile.SaveRequestResponse(tvReqInfo.Id, requestInfo.ToArray(false), respInfo.ToArray());
Пример #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the next unsent request
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Http Request Info</returns>
        private HttpRequestInfo GetNextRequest()
            TVRequestInfo   tvReqInfo   = null;
            HttpRequestInfo httpReqInfo = null;
            ICacheable      cacheEntry  = null;

            //get the next unvisited request
            bool isCached = true;
            int  hash     = 0;

                tvReqInfo = Source.GetNext(ref _currId);
                if (tvReqInfo != null)
                    isCached = true;
                    //skip js files and images
                    if (!Utils.IsMatch(tvReqInfo.RequestLine, KNOWN_RESOURCE_EXTENSIONS))
                        byte[] requestBytes = Source.LoadRequestData(tvReqInfo.Id);
                        httpReqInfo = new HttpRequestInfo(requestBytes);
                        //skip invalid requests
                        if (httpReqInfo.Path.Contains("/"))
                            hash = httpReqInfo.GetHashCode();

                            //check the cache for the request to see if it was already visited
                            //allow the same request to be sent more than once
                            if (hash != _lastRequestHash)
                                cacheEntry = TrafficServerCache.Instance.GetEntry(hash);
                                isCached   = cacheEntry != null;
                //keep doing this until the end of requests or until we found a request that is not cached
            }while (tvReqInfo != null && isCached);

            if (hash != _lastRequestHash)
                _lastRequestHash = hash;
                //clear the cache so we don't skip any repeats of the previous request
Пример #28
        void ValidateTrafficSourcesRequestsAreSame(ITrafficDataAccessor src1, ITrafficDataAccessor src2, bool includeResponses = true)
            Assert.AreEqual(src1.RequestCount, src2.RequestCount);

            int i = -1, j = -1;

            while (true)
                TVRequestInfo first  = src1.GetNext(ref i);
                TVRequestInfo second = src2.GetNext(ref j);

                if (first == null && second == null)

                Assert.AreEqual(first.RequestLine, second.RequestLine);

                //proceed to compare http requests

                byte[] firstRequest  = src1.LoadRequestData(first.Id);
                byte[] secondRequest = src2.LoadRequestData(second.Id);

                HttpRequestInfo firstRequestInfo = new HttpRequestInfo(firstRequest);
                HttpRequestInfo seconRequestInfo = new HttpRequestInfo(secondRequest);

                Assert.AreEqual(firstRequestInfo.ToString(), seconRequestInfo.ToString());

                if (includeResponses)
                    //proceed to compare responses
                    Assert.AreEqual(first.ResponseStatus, second.ResponseStatus);

                    byte[] firstResponse  = src1.LoadResponseData(first.Id);
                    byte[] secondResponse = src2.LoadResponseData(second.Id);

                    HttpResponseInfo firstResponseInfo  = new HttpResponseInfo(firstResponse);
                    HttpResponseInfo secondResponseInfo = new HttpResponseInfo(secondResponse);

                    Assert.AreEqual(firstResponseInfo.ToString(), secondResponseInfo.ToString());
Пример #29
        private static void ValidateASEFile(TrafficViewerFile tvFile)
            //after the import we should have 2 requests
            Assert.AreEqual(2, tvFile.RequestCount);
            int           i      = -1;
            TVRequestInfo first  = tvFile.GetNext(ref i);
            TVRequestInfo second = tvFile.GetNext(ref i);

            Assert.AreEqual("GET /index1 HTTP/1.1", first.RequestLine);
            Assert.AreEqual("[1000]", first.ThreadId);
            Assert.AreEqual("Stage::Purpose1", first.Description);

            Assert.AreEqual("POST /index2 HTTP/1.1", second.RequestLine);
            Assert.AreEqual("[2000]", second.ThreadId);
            Assert.AreEqual("Stage::Purpose2", second.Description);

            TimeSpan diff = second.RequestTime.Subtract(first.RequestTime);

            Assert.AreEqual(10, diff.Milliseconds);
            Assert.AreEqual("  0.03s", first.Duration);
            //check the requests
            HttpRequestInfo req1 = new HttpRequestInfo(tvFile.LoadRequestData(first.Id));
            HttpRequestInfo req2 = new HttpRequestInfo(tvFile.LoadRequestData(second.Id));

            Assert.AreEqual("", req1.Host);
            Assert.AreEqual("", req2.Host);

            //check the responses
            Assert.AreEqual("200", first.ResponseStatus);
            Assert.AreEqual("302", second.ResponseStatus);

            HttpResponseInfo resp1 = new HttpResponseInfo();
            HttpResponseInfo resp2 = new HttpResponseInfo();


            string firstBody  = resp1.ResponseBody.ToString();
            string secondBody = resp2.ResponseBody.ToString();


Пример #30
        private void DoDiff(int indexOfFirst, int indexOfSecond)
            TVRequestInfo info1 = _source.GetRequestInfo(indexOfFirst);
            TVRequestInfo info2 = _source.GetRequestInfo(indexOfSecond);

            _requestID1.Text = info1.Id + ", " + info1.Description + ", " + info1.DomUniquenessId;
            _requestID2.Text = info2.Id + ", " + info2.Description + ", " + info2.DomUniquenessId;;

            _progress.Visible = true;

            //turn off the diff buttons so the user doesn't start another async operation by mistake

            _diffWorker.RunWorkerAsync(new int[2] {
                indexOfFirst, indexOfSecond