Пример #1
        public void MultipleMatchColumnsShouldMatch()
            // arrange
            var instance = new TSqlGenerator <StandardModel>();
            var expected = $@"MERGE INTO dbo.StandardModels WITH (HOLDLOCK) AS target"
                           + Environment.NewLine
                           + "USING #StandardModels AS source"
                           + Environment.NewLine
                           + "ON target.PK = source.PK AND target.FK = source.FK"
                           + Environment.NewLine
                           + "WHEN MATCHED THEN"
                           + Environment.NewLine
                           + "UPDATE SET target.PK = source.PK, target.FK = source.FK, target.Name = source.Name"
                           + Environment.NewLine
                           + "WHEN NOT MATCHED BY target THEN"
                           + Environment.NewLine
                           + "INSERT (PK, FK, Name)"
                           + Environment.NewLine
                           + "VALUES (source.PK, source.FK, source.Name)"
                           + Environment.NewLine
                           + ";"; // final new line

            // act
            var actual = instance.Merge(new UpsertOptions <StandardModel>()
                                        .AddMatchColumn(o => o.PK)
                                        .AddMatchColumn(o => o.FK)
                                        .AddMapColumn(p => p.PK)
                                        .AddMapColumn(p => p.FK)
                                        .AddMapColumn(p => p.Name)

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Пример #2
        public void GeneratedMergeShouldShowMappedColumns()
            // arrange
            var instance = new TSqlGenerator <StandardModel>();
            var expected = $@"MERGE INTO dbo.StandardModels WITH (HOLDLOCK) AS target
USING #StandardModels AS source
ON target.PK = source.PK
UPDATE SET target.PK = source.PK, target.FK = source.FK, target.Name = source.Name
VALUES (source.PK, source.FK, source.Name)
;"; // final new line

            // act
            var actual = instance.Merge(new UpsertOptions <StandardModel>()
                                        .AddMatchColumn(o => o.PK)
                                        .AddMapColumn(p => p.PK)
                                        .AddMapColumn(p => p.FK)
                                        .AddMapColumn(p => p.Name)

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Пример #3
        public void MergeWithAllMapped()
            // arrange
            var instance = new TSqlGenerator <TestModel1>();
            var expected = $@"MERGE INTO dbo.TestModel1 WITH (HOLDLOCK) AS target"
                           + Environment.NewLine
                           + "USING #TestModel1 AS source"
                           + Environment.NewLine
                           + "ON target.TmId = source.TmId"
                           + Environment.NewLine
                           + "WHEN MATCHED THEN"
                           + Environment.NewLine
                           + "UPDATE SET target.TmId = source.TmId, target.TfkId = source.TfkId, target.ModifiedDate = source.ModifiedDate, target.PSI = source.PSI, target.ModifiedBy = source.ModifiedBy, target.CreatedBy = source.CreatedBy, target.Current = source.Current, target.CreatedDate = source.CreatedDate"
                           + Environment.NewLine
                           + "WHEN NOT MATCHED BY target THEN"
                           + Environment.NewLine
                           + "INSERT (TmId, TfkId, ModifiedDate, PSI, ModifiedBy, CreatedBy, Current, CreatedDate)"
                           + Environment.NewLine
                           + "VALUES (source.TmId, source.TfkId, source.ModifiedDate, source.PSI, source.ModifiedBy, source.CreatedBy, source.Current, source.CreatedDate)"
                           + Environment.NewLine
                           + ";"; // final new line

            // act
            var actual = instance.Merge(new UpsertOptions <TestModel1>()
                                        .AddMatchColumn(o => o.TmId)

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Пример #4
        public void TestEveryType()
            // arrange
            var instance = new TSqlGenerator <EachTypeWeHave>();
            var expected = $@"CREATE TABLE EachTypeWeHave (
[PK] [int] NOT NULL,
[FK] [int] NULL,
[theGuid] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[nullGuid] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
[Name] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
[Dt] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[NullableDt] [datetime] NULL,
[d] [real] NOT NULL,
[dNull] [real] NULL,
[longNumber] [bigint] NOT NULL,
[i64Number] [bigint] NOT NULL,
[er] [float] NOT NULL,
[dec] [decimal] NOT NULL,
[theBIT] [bit] NOT NULL,
[theBOOLEAN] [bit] NOT NULL,
[chewer] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
[bigChewer] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
[binary] [binary] NOT NULL,
[offset] [datetimeoffset] NOT NULL
            // act
            var actual = instance.CreateTable(false);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Пример #5
        public void TempTableShouldMatch()
            // arrange
            var instance = new TSqlGenerator <StandardModel>();
            var expected = $@"#StandardModels";

            // act
            var actual = instance.TableName(true);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Пример #6
        public void SetUp()
            var sqlServerCommandFactory = new SqlServerCommandFactory(null);

            _generator = new SqlCeTSqlGenerator(sqlServerCommandFactory);

            _subQuery = new AliasedSqlSubQuery();

            _subQuery.ExplicitlySpecifiedColumnsToSelect = new[] { "ColumnName1", "ColumnName2" };
            _subQuery.TableName            = "TableName";
            _subQuery.PrimaryKeyColumnName = "IdColumnName";
        public void SetUp()
            var sqlServerCommandFactory = new SqlServerCommandFactory(null);

            _generator = new SqlCeTSqlGenerator(sqlServerCommandFactory);

            _subQuery = new AliasedSqlSubQuery();

            _subQuery.ExplicitlySpecifiedColumnsToSelect = new[] { "ColumnName1", "ColumnName2" };
            _subQuery.TableName = "TableName";
            _subQuery.PrimaryKeyColumnName = "IdColumnName";
Пример #8
        public void TestNullAndNotNullInts()
            // arrange
            var instance = new TSqlGenerator <TestNullAndNotNullInt>();
            var expected = $@"CREATE TABLE TestNullAndNotNullInts (
[PK] [int] NOT NULL,
[FK] [int] NULL
            // act
            var actual = instance.CreateTable(false);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Пример #9
        public void TestTempTableGenerationExplicit()
            // arrange
            var instance = new TSqlGenerator <StandardModel>();
            var expected = $@"CREATE TABLE #StandardModels (
[PK] [int] NOT NULL,
[FK] [int] NULL,
[Name] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL
            // act
            var actual = instance.CreateTable(true);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Пример #10
        public void TestTempTableGeneration()
            // arrange
            var instance = new TSqlGenerator <StandardModel>();
            var expected = $@"CREATE TABLE #StandardModels ("
                           + Environment.NewLine
                           + "[PK] [int] NOT NULL,"
                           + Environment.NewLine
                           + "[FK] [int] NULL,"
                           + Environment.NewLine
                           + "[Name] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL"
                           + Environment.NewLine
                           + ")";

            // act
            var actual = instance.CreateTable();

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Upsert (insert if not matched, update if matched) a generic collection of objects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TEntity">The type of entities to be updated.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="conn">The <see cref="IDbConnection"/> instance we're hanging off.</param>
        /// <param name="entities">An IEnumerable of objects to be upserted into the connection.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Bulk Upsert Options that describe how this upsert should work.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool Upsert <TEntity>(
            this IDbConnection conn,
            IEnumerable <TEntity> entities,
            IUpsertOptions <TEntity> options)
            // setup
            var sqlGenerator  = new TSqlGenerator <TEntity>();
            var createScript  = sqlGenerator.CreateTable();
            var mergeScript   = sqlGenerator.Merge(options);
            var cleanUpScript = $"DROP TABLE {sqlGenerator.TableName(true)};";

            // execute
            using (var createTableCmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                createTableCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                createTableCmd.CommandText = createScript;

            // ==> bulk insert to temp table
            using (var copy = new SqlBulkCopy((SqlConnection)conn))
                using (var reader = FastMember.ObjectReader.Create(entities, sqlGenerator.GetProperties().ToArray()))
                    // setup mapping
                    foreach (var prop in sqlGenerator.GetProperties())
                        // force one<=>one mapping
                        copy.ColumnMappings.Add(prop, prop);
                    // set destination table (insert into TEMP table)
                    copy.DestinationTableName = sqlGenerator.TableName(true);
                    // write data from reader to server
                    // run the bulk insert to temp table
            // <== end bulk insert to temp table

            // ==> merge upsert
            using (var trans = conn.BeginTransaction())
                using (var mergeTempAndRealCmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                    // ==> merge temp table to target table
                    mergeTempAndRealCmd.Transaction = trans;
                    mergeTempAndRealCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                    mergeTempAndRealCmd.CommandText = mergeScript;
                    // <== end merge temp table to target table
            // <== end merge upsert

            // cleanup
            using (var dropTableCmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                dropTableCmd.CommandText = cleanUpScript;
            // finalize
            return(true); // maybe update this to indicate kinds of failure instead of simple true/false.