public void SetLockOnLineIntersection() { TSCollider tsCollider = GetComponent <TSCollider>(); bool beforeUnlockedFlag = tsCollider.enabled; bool isUnlockedFlag = true; FP radius = GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.extents.magnitude; FP distanceToWorldCenter = tsTransform.position.magnitude; foreach (TSRigidBody rb in Line.LineList) { // Where is the nearest point on line? TSVector nearestPointOnLine = rb.tsTransform.forward * distanceToWorldCenter; if (TSVector.Distance(nearestPointOnLine, tsTransform.position) < radius) { isUnlockedFlag = false; break; } } if (beforeUnlockedFlag != isUnlockedFlag) // Check for state change { if (isUnlockedFlag) // State has been unlocked (now accessible for activation) { tsCollider.enabled = true; GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = ActivationUnlocked; OnUnlockForActivation(); } else // State has been locked (now accessible for activation) { tsCollider.enabled = false; GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = ActivationLocked; OnLockedForActivation(); } } }
private TSVector findAvailableStatusEffectPosition(FP selectedStatusEffectRadius) { // Find a location where random status effect will not overlap TSVector randomPos = getRandomPosition(); bool positionFound = true; do { positionFound = true; // default to found position foreach (StatusEffect effect in spawnedStatusEffects) { if (TSVector.Distance(effect.tsTransform.position, randomPos) <= selectedStatusEffectRadius + effect.GetComponent <TSSphereCollider>().radius) { randomPos = getRandomPosition(); positionFound = false; break; } } if (positionFound) { break; } } while (!positionFound); return(randomPos); }
void Move(FP h, FP v) { // Set the movement vector based on the axis input. TSVector cacheMove = new TSVector(h, 0, v); if (TSVector.Distance(cacheMove, Movement) > 0.001f) { // Debug.Log("PlayerMovement::Movement:" + Movement); Movement = cacheMove; KBEngine.Event.fireIn("reqFrameChange", FrameProto.encode(new FrameUser(SyncFrame.CMD.USER, Movement))); // startTime = System.DateTime.Now; } // Normalise the movement vector and make it proportional to the speed per second. //movement = movement.normalized * speed * Time.deltaTime; // Move the player to it's current position plus the movement. // playerRigidbody.MovePosition (transform.position + movement); // Vector3 destposition = transform.position + movement; // }
/// <summary> /// get closest ship to ensure nothing collides. /// </summary> /// <returns>Returns the TSTransform class attached to the closest ship</returns> TSTransform getclosesttarget() { if (unitcom) { List <TSTransform> output = new List <TSTransform>(); if (unitcom.allshipststransform.Length != 0) { output = unitcom.allshipststransform.ToList(); allshipstemp = output; } else { output = allshipstemp; } if (output.Contains(transformts)) { output.Remove(transformts); } if (output.Count != 0) { List <TSTransform> removable = new List <TSTransform>(); foreach (TSTransform gam in output) { if (gam == null || gam.gameObject == null) { removable.Add(gam); } } foreach (TSTransform gam in removable) { output.Remove(gam); } output = output.OrderBy(x => TSVector.Distance(transformts.position, x.position)).ToList(); if (output.Count > 0) { return(output[0]); } else { return(null); } } else { return(null); } } else { return(null); } }
/// <summary> // checks if target is in range and the same team. /// <summary> void fireweaponcheckshield() { if (TSVector.Distance(parentscript.WeaponTarget.GetComponent <TSTransform>().position, parentscript.fac.transformts.position) < Range && UnitMovementcommandcontroller.getteam(parentscript.WeaponTarget.shipscript.ShipColor, unittargetcontrol.crosslevelholder.Gamemode) == UnitMovementcommandcontroller.getteam(parentscript.ShipColor, unittargetcontrol.crosslevelholder.Gamemode)) { fireweapon(parentscript.WeaponTarget.transform.position); } else { parentscript.WeaponTarget = null; } }
/// <summary> /// OnTapLocation - call this to handle distributing and processing taps across a synchronized network game session /// Responds to taps and decides what to do /// </summary> /// <param name="tapLocation">location where tap/click took place</param> private void OnTapLocation(TSVector tapLocation) { // Handle powerup taps GameObject tlsc = TrueSyncManager.SyncedInstantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/TapLocationSphereCheck") as GameObject, tapLocation, TSQuaternion.identity); tlsc.GetComponent <TapLocationSphereCheck>().Owner = localOwner; // Find any status effect that may have been tapped FP shortestDistance = 1000; StatusEffect nearestSe = null; foreach (StatusEffect se in StatusEffectSystem.spawnedStatusEffects) { FP dist = TSVector.Distance(se.tsTransform.position, tapLocation); if (dist <= se.GetComponent <TSSphereCollider>().radius&& dist < shortestDistance) { shortestDistance = dist; nearestSe = se; } } if (nearestSe != null) // Found a status effect to handle { return; // exit this method to handle status effect within its own framework } // Shows where click took place (position marker): GameObject positionMarker = TrueSyncManager.SyncedInstantiate(PositionMarkerGO, tapLocation, TSQuaternion.identity); positionMarker.transform.position = tapLocation.ToVector(); = "Position Marker"; // Identify this marker game object in unity editor TSTransform tst = positionMarker.GetComponent <TSTransform>(); tst.scale = * PlayerConfig.Instance.MinTapDistance; Renderer rend = positionMarker.GetComponent <Renderer>(); if (TSVector.Distance(lastValidTapLocation, tapLocation) >= PlayerConfig.Instance.MinTapDistanceFromPrevious) { TapNearLine(tapLocation); rend.material.color =; } else { rend.material.color =; } DOTween.ToAlpha(() => rend.material.color, x => rend.material.color = x, 0, 5f).OnComplete(() => { TrueSyncManager.Destroy(positionMarker); }); lastValidTapLocation = tapLocation; }
/// <summary> // travel time of the projectile for the simulation /// <summary> public FP hittime(TSVector start, TSVector end, FP speed) { FP a = TSVector.Distance(start, end) / speed; if (guntypemain != guntype.Lazer) { return(a + 0.5); } else { return(3); } }
/// <summary> // get closest targfet to main ship to give attack order at. /// <summary> TSTransform getclosesttarget() { int randomtemp = randominst.Next(0, 2); List <TSTransform> output = new List <TSTransform>(); if (enemyships.Length != 0) { output = enemyships.ToList(); } if (output.Count != 0) { List <TSTransform> removable = new List <TSTransform>(); foreach (TSTransform gam in output) { if (gam == null || gam.gameObject == null) { removable.Add(gam); } } foreach (TSTransform gam in removable) { output.Remove(gam); } if (output.Count != 0) { if (ships.Count > 0 && ships[0].gameObject != null) { output = output.OrderBy(x => TSVector.Distance(ships[0].GetComponent <TSTransform>().position, x.GetComponent <TSTransform>().position)).ToList(); } return(output[0]); } else { return(null); } } else { return(null); } }
/// <summary> // called every second to update the AIs orders to adapt to the situation. /// <summary> public void GiveOrderwait(int waittime) { if (TrueSyncManager.Time > 0 && randominst != null) { ships.Clear(); ships = unitcontrol.teammembersout(team); List <TSTransform> temp = unitcontrol.targetsout(team); List <GameObject> removableships = new List <GameObject>(); List <TSTransform> enemyremovable = new List <TSTransform>(); foreach (GameObject ship in ships) { if (ship == null || ship.gameObject == null) { removableships.Add(ship); } } foreach (GameObject remov in removableships) { ships.Remove(remov); } foreach (TSTransform ship in temp) { if (ship == null || ship.gameObject == null) { enemyremovable.Add(ship); } } foreach (TSTransform remov in enemyremovable) { temp.Remove(remov); } debugmaxcount = ships.Count.ToString() + " out of " + UnitMovementcommandcontroller.getmaxshipnumbers().ToString(); if (startpos == new TSVector(0, 0, 0) && ships.Count > 0) { startpos = ships[0].GetComponent <TSTransform>().position + new TSVector(1, 0, 0); } Target = getclosesttarget(); if (((ismission == false && ships.Count > 0) || (crosslevelvar.campaign == true && crosslevelvar.campaignlevel.objective == MainMenuCampaignControlScript.eMissionObjective.Survive)) && unitcontrol) { BuyShip(); } if (temp.Count != 0) { enemyships = temp.ToArray(); } if (ships != null && ships.Count != 0 && ships.Count > 4) { state = AIstate.attacking; } if (ships != null && ships.Count != 0 && ships.Count <= 3) { state = AIstate.retreating; } if (ships != null && ships.Count != 0 && ships.Count > 2 && ships.Count < 4) { state = AIstate.maintain; } if (ships != null && ships.Count != 0 && state == AIstate.retreating && TSVector.Distance(ships[0].GetComponent <TSTransform>().position, startpos) < 1000) { state = AIstate.holding; } if (ships != null && ships != null && ships.Count != 0 && ships[0] && Target != null && ships[0].gameObject != null && state == AIstate.holding && TSVector.Distance(ships[0].GetComponent <TSTransform>().position, Target.GetComponent <TSTransform>().position) < 1000) { state = AIstate.attacking; } if (ships != null && ships.Count != 0 && state == AIstate.maintain && ships.Count > 0 && TSVector.Distance(ships[0].GetComponent <TSTransform>().position, startpos) < 1000) { state = AIstate.retreating; } if (ships != null && ships.Count != 0 && state == AIstate.maintain && ships.Count > 0 && TSVector.Distance(ships[0].GetComponent <TSTransform>().position, startpos) > 1000) { state = AIstate.attacking; } if (ismission && timepassedactual > 30) { state = AIstate.attacking; } if (ismission && timepassedactual < 30) { state = AIstate.holding; } if (ismission && unitcontrol.crosslevelholder.campaignlevel.objective == MainMenuCampaignControlScript.eMissionObjective.Survive) { state = AIstate.attacking; } int i = 0; foreach (GameObject ship in ships) { if (Target != null && ship.gameObject != null && state == AIstate.attacking) { ship.GetComponent <_Ship>().asignMoveOrder(Target.GetComponent <TSTransform>().position, Target.gameObject, RightHand_triggerInstantOrder.calculate_average_speed(ships.ToArray()), false); } if (ship.gameObject != null && state == AIstate.retreating) { ship.GetComponent <_Ship>().asignMoveOrder(TargetPosition(i, startpos, ships.Count), null, RightHand_triggerInstantOrder.calculate_average_speed(ships.ToArray()), false); } if (ship.gameObject != null && state == AIstate.holding) { _Ship shipscript = ship.GetComponent <_Ship>(); if (shipscript.HullType == eHullType.Light) { shipscript.asignMoveOrder(startpos, null, RightHand_triggerInstantOrder.calculate_average_speed(ships.ToArray()), false); } else { shipscript.asignMoveOrder(ship.GetComponent <TSTransform>().position, null, RightHand_triggerInstantOrder.calculate_average_speed(ships.ToArray()), false); } } i++; } } }
// Update is called once per frame void UpdateOrigin() { if (!isAvatar) { return; } FP dis = TSVector.Distance(Position, destPosition); FP currSpeed = DestDuration <= 0 ? Speed : (Speed * playTime / DestDuration); if (dis <= currSpeed * Time.deltaTime) { Position = destPosition; // Debug.LogError("----------diff time------------------:" + (playTime - FrameDuration)); } else { TSVector tempDirection = destPosition - Position; Position += tempDirection.normalized * currSpeed * Time.deltaTime; } FrameDuration += Time.deltaTime; if (FrameDuration >= DestDuration) { Position = destPosition; if (framePool.Count > 0) { DestDuration = playTime / (framePool.Count <= ThresholdFrame ? 1: framePool.Count / ThresholdFrame); // if(framePool.Count > 8) // Debug.LogError("framePool.Count too big:" + +framePool.Count); var framedata = framePool.Dequeue(); emptyFramesTime = 0.0f; // ThresholdFrame -= 1; // Debug.Log(""+ framedata.Key + " framePool.Count" + framePool.Count ); TSVector movement =; bool space = false; foreach (var item in framedata.Value.operation) { if (item.cmd_type != (UInt32)CMD.BOX) { continue; } FrameBox msg = FrameProto.decode(item) as FrameBox; movement = msg.movement; space =; } // Debug.Log("d_point:" + point); destPosition += Speed * movement * playTime; FrameDuration = 0.0f; } else if (lastFrameData != null) { // Debug.Log("emptyFramesTime," + emptyFramesTime); emptyFramesTime += Time.deltaTime; if (emptyFramesTime >= playTime) { // ThresholdFrame = (int)(emptyFramesTime / playTime); // Debug.LogError("one frame time out,emptyFramesTime:" + emptyFramesTime + ",ThresholdFrame:"+ ThresholdFrame); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Deterministic update function that, well , deterministically updates everything. /// </summary> public void SpecUpdate() { timepassedsincespawn++; if (turnspeed < shipscript.MaxAngularSpeed) { turnspeed = turnspeed + 0.003; } else { turnspeed = shipscript.MaxAngularSpeed; } thisposdif = Lastpos - transform.position; Lastpos = transform.position; if (timepassedsincespawn <= 180) { int i = 0; foreach (GameObject ship in shipscript.meshes) { Vector3 starttrans = ship.transform.localPosition; starttrans.z = Mathf.Lerp(-3000, startmeshpos[i].z, (1 / (180 / timepassedsincespawn))); debugtest = (1 / (180 / timepassedsincespawn)); ship.transform.localPosition = starttrans; i++; } } if (shipscript && timepassedsincespawn > 180) { distancetotarget = TSVector.Distance(transformts.position, localtarget); if (started == false) { maxspeed = shipscript.MaxSpeed * 30; started = true; } if (shipscript.WeaponTarget != null) { maxspeed = shipscript.MaxSpeed * 30; } else { maxspeed = shipscript.averagespeed * 30; } if (TrueSyncManager.Time > 0) { currentlymoving = false; if (distancetotarget > 10 || shipscript.HullType == eHullType.Light || shipscript.HullType == eHullType.Corvette) { if (localtarget != null && distancetotarget < mindecdistance) { if (speed > 0) { speed = speed - acceleration / 2; } } else { if (accelerating == true && speed < maxspeed) { speed += acceleration; } else if (speed > maxspeed) { accelerating = false; } } if (speed > maxspeed) { speed = maxspeed; } if (shipscript.HullType == eHullType.Light || shipscript.HullType == eHullType.Corvette) { speed = maxspeed; } if (Target != new TSVector(0, 0, 0) && moving == true && distancetotarget > 150) { Look(Target); } if ((Target != new TSVector(0, 0, 0) && moving == true) || shipscript.HullType == eHullType.Light || shipscript.HullType == eHullType.Corvette) { Move(speed); } } else if (shipscript.HullType != eHullType.Light && shipscript.HullType != eHullType.Corvette && speed > 0) { Move(speed); } if (distancetotarget < 400) { shipscript.movetonextstoredorder(); } } } else { shipscript = GetComponent <_Ship>(); } waitforpushaway++; if ((Closestoverall && shipscript.HullType != eHullType.Light && shipscript.HullType != eHullType.Corvette) && TSVector.Distance(Closestoverall.position, transformts.position) < 300 && Closestoverall.shipscript.HullType != eHullType.Light && Closestoverall.shipscript.HullType != eHullType.Corvette) { TSVector forwards = transformts.position - Closestoverall.position; transformts.position = transformts.position + (forwards * 0.005); } if (waitforpushaway > 10 && shipscript.HullType != eHullType.Light) { waitforpushaway = 0; TSTransform closest = getclosesttarget(); if (closest != null) { Closestoverall = closest; } } }
public static List <TSVector> SmoothSimple(List <TSVector> path, List <TSVector> subdivided) { if (path.Count < 2) { return(path); } //List<TSVector> subdivided; if (uniformLength) { maxSegmentLength = Math.Max(maxSegmentLength, 1); FP pathLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < path.Count - 1; i++) { pathLength += TSVector.Distance(path[i], path[i + 1]); } int estimatedNumberOfSegments = (pathLength / maxSegmentLength).AsInt(); // Get a list with an initial capacity high enough so that we can add all points //subdivided = ListPool<TSVector>.Claim(estimatedNumberOfSegments+2); subdivided.Capacity = estimatedNumberOfSegments + 2; FP distanceAlong = FP.Zero; // Sample points every [maxSegmentLength] world units along the path int count = path.Count - 1; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var start = path[i]; var end = path[i + 1]; FP length = TSVector.Distance(start, end); while (distanceAlong < length) { subdivided.Add(TSVector.Lerp(start, end, distanceAlong / length)); distanceAlong += maxSegmentLength; } distanceAlong -= length; } } else { subdivisions = Math.Max(subdivisions, 0); if (subdivisions > 10) { #if UNITY_EDITOR && PATHMANAGER_DEBUG UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Very large number of subdivisions. Cowardly refusing to subdivide every segment into more than " + (1 << subdivisions) + " subsegments"); #endif subdivisions = 10; } int steps = 1 << subdivisions; //subdivided = ListPool<TSVector>.Claim(); subdivided.Capacity = (path.Count - 1) * steps + 1;// for (int i = 0; i < path.Count - 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < steps; j++) { subdivided.Add(TSVector.Lerp(path[i], path[i + 1], j * FP.One / steps)); } } } // Make sure we get the exact position of the last point // (none of the branches above will add it) subdivided.Add(path[path.Count - 1]); if (strength > 0) { for (int it = 0; it < iterations; it++) { TSVector prev = subdivided[0]; for (int i = 1; i < subdivided.Count - 1; i++) { TSVector tmp = subdivided[i]; // prev is at this point set to the value that subdivided[i-1] had before this loop started // Move the point closer to the average of the adjacent points subdivided[i] = TSVector.Lerp(tmp, (prev + subdivided[i + 1]) / 2, strength); prev = tmp; } } } return(subdivided); }
public static FP GetDistanceToLineFromPosition(TSRigidBody lineRB, TSVector position) { return(TSVector.Distance(lineRB.tsTransform.forward * position.magnitude, position)); }