public static void UnitTest() { TSVLookup tsv = new TSVLookup("UnitTests/TSVLookup"); Debug.Log(String.Join("\n*", tsv.Lookup("VictoriaStreet", "Examine").ToArray())); Debug.Log(String.Join("\n*", tsv.Lookup("VictoriaStreet", "Examine", "Baton").ToArray())); Debug.Log(String.Join("\n*", tsv.Lookup("VictoriaStreet", "Examine", "Scissors").ToArray())); Debug.Log(String.Join("\n*", tsv.Lookup("VictoriaStreet", "Talk", "Daligmata", "!A").ToArray())); try { Debug.Log(String.Join("\n*", tsv.Lookup("VictoriaStreet", "Talk", "Daligmata", "!A", "something").ToArray())); // exception } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log(e.ToString()); } Debug.Log(String.Join("\n*", tsv.Lookup("VictoriaStreet", "Talker", "Daligmata", "!A").ToArray())); // returns empty list Debug.Log(String.Join("\n*", tsv.Lookup("VictoriaStreet", "Talk", "Daligmata", "anotherthing").ToArray())); // returns empty list }
private void Start() { gameState = GameObject.Find("GameState").GetComponent <GameStateBehaviour>(); TSVLookup tsv = null; try { tsv = new TSVLookup("Cards/" + cardName); } catch (NullReferenceException) { if (previousCardName != null) { transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0) = previousCardName; } } if (previousCardName == null) { startTime = 0; } Sprite background = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Cards/" + cardName); Sprite buttons = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Cards/" + cardName + "-buttons"); if (buttons == null) { buttons = background; } transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Image>().overrideSprite = background; transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Image>().overrideSprite = buttons; if (tsv != null) { int count = 0; foreach (string card in tsv.Lookup()) { foreach (string condition in tsv.Lookup(card)) { string flags = condition; string newStatus = null; if (condition.IndexOf('#') != -1) { flags = condition.Substring(0, condition.IndexOf('#')); newStatus = condition.Substring(condition.IndexOf('#') + 1); } if (gameState.EvaluateFlags(flags)) { if (newStatus != null && status != newStatus) { status = newStatus; startTime = 0; } if (count > 0) { Instantiate(transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0), transform.GetChild(0)); } Transform t = transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(count); = card; int[] coords = Array.ConvertAll <string, int>(tsv.Lookup(card, condition)[0].Split(','), int.Parse); t.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(coords[0], 512 - coords[1] - coords[3]); t.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(coords[2], coords[3]); t.GetChild(0).GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-coords[0], -(512 - coords[1] - coords[3])); if (coords.Length > 4 && (coords[4] & 1) == 0) { t.GetChild(0).GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Image>().overrideSprite = background; } else { t.GetChild(0).GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Image>().overrideSprite = buttons; } if (coords.Length > 4 && (coords[4] & 2) != 0) { t.GetChild(0) = "Glow"; } count++; break; } } } } }
public void ButtonPress() { GameObject obj = EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject; if (obj == null) { return; } string nextCard =; buttonCanvas.HideOverlay(); try { TSVLookup tsv = new TSVLookup("Cards/" + cardName); foreach (string condition in tsv.Lookup(nextCard)) { string flags = condition; if (condition.IndexOf('#') != -1) { flags = condition.Substring(0, condition.IndexOf('#')); } if (gameState.EvaluateFlags(flags)) { string coords = tsv.Lookup(nextCard, condition)[0]; string message = tsv.Lookup(nextCard, condition, coords)[0]; if (nextCard.Contains("%")) { // this card loads a level gameState.SetFlag("Global%LeaveMapOption", int.Parse(message)); if (!gameState.GetFlag(nextCard + "%End")) { gameState.EncodeAnalyticsLeaveMap(int.Parse(message)); } gameState.LoadARScene(nextCard); } else { // this card displays a dialogue and (potentially) resets to a module message = message.Replace("\\n", "\n"); while (message.IndexOf('{') != -1) { int i = message.IndexOf('{'); int j = i + 1; while (j < message.Length && message[j] != '}') { j++; } string variableName = message.Substring(i + 1, j - i - 1); string variableValue; if (variableName == "SERIAL") { variableValue = DeviceInput.HumanReadableEncoding(DeviceInput.deviceSerial); } else { variableValue = "" + gameState.GetFlagIntValue(variableName); } if (j != message.Length) { j++; } message = message.Substring(0, i) + variableValue + message.Substring(j); } buttonCanvas.ShowQuestionOverlay( message, nextCard[0] >= '0' && nextCard[0] <= '9' ? "Proceed" : "OK", nextCard[0] >= '0' && nextCard[0] <= '9' ? "Don't Proceed" : null, delegate(string pressedButton) { buttonCanvas.HideOverlay(); if (pressedButton == "Proceed") { gameState.AppendToAnalyticsString("_" + nextCard[0]); gameState.ResetFlags(gameState.GetFlagsStartingWith("M")); gameState.SetFlag("Global%Module", int.Parse(nextCard)); gameState.SetFlag("Global%ReplayModule", int.Parse(nextCard)); gameState.SetFlag("Global%GameEnd", true); } else { buttonCanvas.ShowCardOverlay(cardName, previousCardName); } } ); } return; } } } catch (NullReferenceException) { } catch (UnityException) { } if (nextCard == "Options") { buttonCanvas.ShowOptionsOverlay(delegate() { startTime = 0; buttonCanvas.ShowCardOverlay(cardName, previousCardName); }); } else if (nextCard == "Exit") { buttonCanvas.ShowQuestionOverlay("Are you sure you want to exit?", "Exit game", "Continue playing", delegate(string pressedButton) { buttonCanvas.HideOverlay(); if (pressedButton == "Exit game") { DeviceInput.ExitGame(buttonCanvas); } else { startTime = 0; buttonCanvas.ShowCardOverlay(cardName, previousCardName); } }); } else if (nextCard != "Close") { buttonCanvas.ShowCardOverlay(nextCard, cardName); } }