Пример #1
    // LOGIC

    public void SetSeed(int i_Seed)
        TSRandom tsRandom = TSRandom.New(i_Seed);

        TSRandom.instance = tsRandom;

        m_Seed = i_Seed;
 /// <summary>
 /// 重生
 /// </summary>
 public void Respawn()
     // 死亡次数加一
     // 重置生命值
     // 设置随机出生位置
     tsTransform.position = new TSVector(TSRandom.Range(-5, 5), 0, TSRandom.Range(-5, 5));
Пример #3
     *  @brief Generates a new instance based on a given seed.
    public static TSRandom New(int seed)
        TSRandom r = new TSRandom(seed);

        //StateTracker.AddTracking(r, "mt");
        //StateTracker.AddTracking(r, "mti");

    public override void OnSyncedStart()
        tsTransform.position = new TSVector(TSRandom.Range(-5, 5), 0, TSRandom.Range(-5, 5));

        GameObject inputManagerObject = GameObject.FindWithTag("InputManager");

        if (inputManagerObject == null)
            Debug.LogError("场景中缺失 SyncedInputManager 对象!");

        _syncedInputManager = inputManagerObject.GetComponent <SyncedInputManager>();
        if (_syncedInputManager == null)
            Debug.LogError("场景中缺失 SyncedInputManager 组件!");

        if (owner.id.Equals(localOwner.id))
            _currentShot = playerShot;
            _currentShot = enemyShot;

        _syncedHealth = GetComponent <SyncedHealth>();

        // 如果该对象为本地玩家对象,则将其生命值显示到 UI 控件上
        if (owner.id.Equals(localOwner.id))
            GameObject uiCameraObject = GameObject.Find("UICamera");
            if (uiCameraObject != null)
                UIManager uiManager = uiCameraObject.GetComponent <UIManager>();
                if (uiManager != null)
                    uiManager.PlayerHealth = _syncedHealth;
                    Debug.LogError("Can not get the reference of 'HealthText'!");
                Debug.LogError("GameObject 'UICamera' is missing in the current scene!");

        _audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>();

        _death = 0;
Пример #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates a random position using min and max distribution radius
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>new random position (TSVector)</returns>
    /// FIXME:  This method will occasionally generate positions which existing powerups may be already occupying
    private TSVector getRandomPosition()
        // Place the powerup in a random location
        int direction = TSRandom.Range(0, 359);

        // Generate general position TSVector
        TSVector position = TSQuaternion.AngleAxis(direction, TSVector.up).Rotate(TSVector.forward);

        // Apply distance between min and max distribution radius
        return(position.normalized * TSRandom.Range(minDistributionRadius, maxDistributionRadius));
Пример #6
    // UTILS

    private RespawnPoint GetRandomSpawnPoint()
        if (m_RespawnPoints == null || m_RespawnPoints.Length == 0)

        int randomIndex = TSRandom.Range(0, m_RespawnPoints.Length);

Пример #7
        private static void Shuffle <T>(IList <T> list)
            TSRandom tsRandom = TSRandom.New(0);
            int      count    = list.Count;

            while (count > 1)
                int index = tsRandom.Next(0, count + 1);
                T   obj   = list[index];
                list[index] = list[count];
                list[count] = obj;
Пример #8
    private void Awake()
        GridMap.SetNodeSize(1, 1);
        _pfm = new PathFindingManager(1);
        //_pm = PathManager.Instance;
        _gridGraph._mapSizeX = 50;
        _gridGraph._mapSizeZ = 50;
        _gridGraph._startPos = TSVector.zero;

        _map = _gridGraph._map;    //GridMapManager.Instance.CreateGridMap(50, 50, TSVector.zero, 0, this.IsTileUnWalkable);
        PathFindingAgentBehaviour.C_DESIRED_DELTATIME = 18;
        s_AstarAgent = new SingleObjectPool <PathFindingAgentBehaviour>(10);
Пример #9
        public override void OnSyncedUpdate()
            Cooldown -= TrueSyncManager.DeltaTime;
            if (TrueSyncInput.GetByte((byte)InputKey.SpawnCoin) == 0 || Cooldown > 0.0 || Coin <= 0)

            var position = tsTransform.position;

            position.x = TSRandom.Range(-3.0f, 3.0f);
            TrueSyncManager.SyncedInstantiate(CoinPrefab, position, TSQuaternion.identity);
            Cooldown = 0.2;
Пример #10
        void RandCreateBalls()
            FP halfx = TableWidth / 2 - 2 * radius - 5;
            FP halfy = TableHeight / 2 - 2 * radius - 5;

            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                var ball = new BallObj(i, new TSVector2(TSRandom.Range((int)(-halfx), (int)halfx), TSRandom.Range((int)(-halfy), (int)halfy)), new TSVector2(TSRandom.Range(-1, 1), TSRandom.Range(-1, 1)).normalized, TSRandom.Range(10, 100), radius);
                //var ball = new BallObj(i, new TSVector2(TSRandom.Range((int)(-halfx), (int)halfx), TSRandom.Range((int)(-halfy), (int)halfy)), radius);
                if (ball.ID == 0)
                    mainBall = ball;
Пример #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Do a deterministic Start to the Game.
 /// </summary>
 void managerstart()
     TSRandom.instance = TSRandom.New(5);
     unitcon           = GameObject.Find("Controllers");
     unitcomscript     = unitcon.GetComponent <UnitMovementcommandcontroller>();
     foreach (Transform gam in unitcon.transform)
         if (gam.GetComponent <AIController>() != null)
             aicontrollers.Add(gam.GetComponent <AIController>());
     foreach (Transform t in Objects.transform)
         if (t.name != "Working" && t.name != "Engines")
             t.GetComponent <_Ship>().StartMain();
Пример #12
    /// <summary>
    // initializes deterministic start.
    /// <summary>
    public void StartMain(int randominput)
        int a = UnitMovementcommandcontroller.findspawnteamreverse(team);

        unitcontrol   = transform.parent.GetComponent <UnitMovementcommandcontroller>();
        crosslevelvar = unitcontrol.crosslevelholder;
        increaserate  = getaimoneyamount(crosslevelvar.botdifficulty, unitcontrol.moneyincreaserate).AsInt();
        if (unitcontrol.crosslevelholder.campaign == true && unitcontrol.crosslevelholder.campaignlevel.objective == MainMenuCampaignControlScript.eMissionObjective.Survive && unitcontrol.crosslevelholder.campaignlevel.name == "Final Assault")
            increaserate = 80;
        else if (unitcontrol.crosslevelholder.campaign == true && unitcontrol.crosslevelholder.campaignlevel.objective == MainMenuCampaignControlScript.eMissionObjective.Survive)
            increaserate = 70;
        World       = GameObject.Find("World").transform.Find("Objects").gameObject;
        state       = AIstate.attacking;
        debugseed   = 5 + a + randominput;
        randominst  = TSRandom.New(debugseed);
        startpos    = new TSVector(0, 0, 0);
        spawnerhold = a;
Пример #13
 public AbstractForceController() : base(ControllerType.AbstractForceController)
     this.Enabled       = true;
     this.Strength      = 1f;
     this.Position      = new TSVector2(0, 0);
     this.MaximumSpeed  = 100f;
     this.TimingMode    = AbstractForceController.TimingModes.Switched;
     this.ImpulseTime   = 0f;
     this.ImpulseLength = 1f;
     this.Triggered     = false;
     this.StrengthCurve = new Curve();
     this.Variation     = 0f;
     this.Randomize     = TSRandom.New(1234);
     this.DecayMode     = AbstractForceController.DecayModes.None;
     this.DecayCurve    = new Curve();
     this.DecayStart    = 0f;
     this.DecayEnd      = 0f;
     this.StrengthCurve.Keys.Add(new CurveKey(0, 5));
     this.StrengthCurve.Keys.Add(new CurveKey(0.1f, 5));
     this.StrengthCurve.Keys.Add(new CurveKey(0.2f, -4));
     this.StrengthCurve.Keys.Add(new CurveKey(1f, 0));
Пример #14
 public void OnSyncedCollisionEnter(TSCollision other)
     if (other.gameObject.tag == "Food")
         // grow slow and destroy food
         currentScale *= growSlow;
         // move food to a new place (deterministic randoms)
         TSRigidBody food = other.rigidbody;
         food.position = new TSVector(TSRandom.Range(-35, 35), 0, TSRandom.Range(-20, 20));
     else if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player")
         LockPlayer enemy = other.gameObject.GetComponent <LockPlayer> ();
         if (ss.Radius > enemy.ss.Radius)
             // grow fast and eat other
             currentScale *= growFast;
             enemy.tsRigidBody.position = new TSVector(TSRandom.Range(-35, 35), 0, TSRandom.Range(-20, 20));
             enemy.currentScale         = FP.One;
Пример #15
 public void Respawn()
     tsTransform.position = new TSVector(TSRandom.Range(-5, 5), 0, TSRandom.Range(-5, 5));
Пример #16
 public override void OnSyncedStart()
     tsTransform.position = new TSVector(TSRandom.Range(-5, 5), 0, TSRandom.Range(-5, 5));
Пример #17
    IEnumerator SpawnUnit()
        if (randomSeed == 0)
            randomSeed = (int)System.DateTime.Now.Ticks;
        TSRandom random = TSRandom.instance;

        while (true && countLimit > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < 10 && countLimit > 0; i++)
                TestAgent tagent = GameObject.Instantiate <TestAgent>(agent);
                PathFindingAgentBehaviour unit = s_AstarAgent.New();
                if (unit != null)
                    tagent._testPathFinding = this;
                    tagent.unit             = unit;
                    int camp = countLimit % campCount;
                    //start pos

                    Vector3 vPos = startObj[camp].transform.position
                                   + new Vector3(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2.0f), 0, UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2.0f));
                    TSVector pos = TSVector.zero;
                    pos.Set(CustomMath.FloatToFP(vPos.x), CustomMath.FloatToFP(vPos.y), CustomMath.FloatToFP(vPos.z));
                    TSVector sPos = pos;
                    tagent.gameObject.transform.position = CustomMath.TsVecToVector3(sPos);
                    //  Debug.Log(pos);
                    //target pos
                    Vector3 tpos = destObj[camp].transform.position;        // new Vector3(48.0f, 0.0f, 46.8f);
                    pos.Set(CustomMath.FloatToFP(tpos.x), CustomMath.FloatToFP(tpos.y), CustomMath.FloatToFP(tpos.z));

                    //get center
                    int idx = _map.GetGridNodeId(pos);
                    pos = _map.GetWorldPosition(idx);

                    TSVector targetPos = pos;

                    FP            attackRange = _atkRanges[countLimit % _atkRanges.Length];
                    FP            range       = TSMath.Max(attackRange + GridMap.GetNodeSize() * CustomMath.FPHalf, FP.One * 3 * GridMap.GetNodeSize());
                    AgentBaseData data        = new AgentBaseData();
                    data.id         = countLimit;
                    data.mapId      = 0;
                    data.playerId   = camp;
                    data.eAgentType = EAgentType.none;        //data.id%5== 0? EAgentType.ingoreObstacle:
                    data.defaultTargetPos = TSVector.zero;    //astar
                    data.defaultTargetPos = targetPos;
                    data.loopCallback      = tagent.Loop;
                    data.boidsType         = (byte)EBoidsActiveType.all;
                    data.maxSpeed          = FP.One * maxSpeed;
                    data.position          = sPos;
                    data.collidesWithLayer = 1;
                    data.viewRadius        = FP.One * 6 * GridMap.GetNodeSize();
                    data.neighbourRadius   = range;
                    data.random            = random;
                    data.colliderRadius    = 0.5f;    //test
                    data.pfm                = _pfm;
                    data.groupId            = (byte)(data.eAgentType == EAgentType.ingoreObstacle ? 1 : 0);
                    data.targetFailCallback = tagent.FailFindPathCallback;

                    unit.enabled = false;
                    EAgentType agentType = EAgentType.astar;
                    agentType = EAgentType.flowFiled;
                    unit.ChangeAgentType(data.eAgentType == EAgentType.ingoreObstacle? data.eAgentType
                                : agentType);
                    unit.agent.TargetPos = targetPos;
                    // unit.OnEnable();//?????????
                    tagent.attackRange  = attackRange;       // FP.One * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.8f, 5);
                    tagent._attackRange = attackRange.AsFloat();
                    // unit.AgentType = EAgentType.flowFiled;
                    unit.ChangeAgentType(EAgentType.astar);    //astar

                    if (groupCount > 0)
                        AgentGroupManager.instance.UpdateGroup(unit, countLimit % groupCount);

                    tagent.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = _campColor[camp];

                    // unit.agent.StartPos = unit.position;
                    // unit._agent.TargetPos = (TSVector)destination;
                    tagent.gameObject.name = "unit" + countLimit;
                    // unit.agent.TargetPos = targetPos;

                    // unit.agent._activeBoids = (byte)EBoidsActiveType.all;

                    // PathFindingManager.Instance.AddAgent(this);
                    //_pm.FindFastPath(unit._agent, unit._agent.StartPos, unit._agent.TargetPos);//, unit._agent._vecPath
                    // break;
                    if (unit.group != null && (unit.group.leader as PathFindingAgentBehaviour) == unit && unit.AgentType == EAgentType.astar)
                        _pm.FindQuickPath(unit.agent, 10, unit.agent.StartPos, unit.agent.TargetPos, unit.map, false);
                    //    unit.agent._activeBoids = (byte)EBoidsActiveType.alignment& (byte)EBoidsActiveType.cohesion & (byte)EBoidsActiveType.terrainSeperation
                    if (countLimit % 5 == 0)
                        yield return(_wait);
        yield return(null);
Пример #18
    public override void OnSyncedUpdate()

        if (!m_IsActive || m_HoleIndex < 0)

        // Get Simulation info.

        int currentTick    = TrueSyncManager.ticksMain;
        int rollbackWindow = TrueSyncManager.rollbackWindowMain;

        // Check current collision

        TSVector2 myPosition = tsTransform2D.position;

        for (int targetIndex = 0; targetIndex < m_Targets.Count; ++targetIndex)
            tnHoleTarget holeTarget = m_Targets[targetIndex];

            if (holeTarget == null)

            TSTransform2D otherTransform = holeTarget.GetComponent <TSTransform2D>();

            if (otherTransform == null)

            TSVector2 targetPosition = otherTransform.position;

            TSVector2 positionDelta = targetPosition - myPosition;

            FP distance2 = positionDelta.LengthSquared();
            if (distance2 < m_Threshold * m_Threshold)
                // Notify collision.


                // Add object to pending list.

                if (holeTarget.canEnterHole && !holeTarget.isTeleporting)
                    Internal_CacheTarget(currentTick, holeTarget);

        // Check pending objects.

        for (int index = 0; index < m_Pending.count; ++index)
            int tick = m_Pending.GetKey(index);

            if (currentTick == tick + rollbackWindow)
                List <tnHoleTarget> holeTargets = m_Pending.GetValue(tick);
                if (holeTargets != null)
                    for (int targetIndex = 0; targetIndex < holeTargets.Count; ++targetIndex)
                        tnHoleTarget holeTarget = holeTargets[targetIndex];

                        if (holeTarget == null)

                        RespawnPoint respawnPoint = GetRandomSpawnPoint();

                        if (respawnPoint == null || respawnPoint.transform == null)

                        TSTransform2D targetTransform = holeTarget.tsTransform2D;
                        TSRigidBody2D targetRigidbody = holeTarget.GetComponent <TSRigidBody2D>();

                        // Snap position.

                        if (targetRigidbody != null)
                            targetTransform.position = tsTransform2D.position;

                        // Set rigidbody velocity,

                        if (targetRigidbody != null)
                            targetRigidbody.velocity = TSVector2.zero;

                        // Eavluate force

                        TSVector2 forceDirection = respawnPoint.forceDirection;

                        if (MathFP.Abs(respawnPoint.errorAngle) > FP.Zero)
                            int random      = TSRandom.Range(0, 101);
                            FP  t           = ((FP)random) / 100;
                            FP  randomError = MathFP.Lerp(-respawnPoint.errorAngle, respawnPoint.errorAngle, t);
                            forceDirection = forceDirection.Rotate(randomError);

                        TSVector2 outForce = forceDirection * respawnPoint.forceIntensity;

                        // Teleport.

                        holeTarget.Teleport(m_HoleIndex, respawnPoint.respawnPosition, outForce, m_RespawnTime, m_InEffect, m_OutEffect);

        // Remove old data from dictionary.

        for (int index = 0; index < m_Pending.count; ++index)
            int tick          = m_Pending.GetKey(index);
            int executionTick = tick + rollbackWindow;

            bool isSafeTick = TrueSyncManager.IsTickOutOfRollbackMain(executionTick);
            if (isSafeTick)
                index = -1;
Пример #19
    /// <summary>
    // deterministic start.
    /// <summary>
    public void StartMain(int inputint)
        started      = true;
        i            = inputint;
        startcount   = 0;
        customran    = TSRandom.New(transform.parent.GetComponent <PhotonView>().viewID + inputint);
        parentscript = transform.parent.GetComponent <_Ship>();
        if (guntypemain == guntype.EngineUpgrade)
            parentscript.MaxSpeed = parentscript.MaxSpeed * 1.15f;
        if (guntypemain == guntype.HPUpgrade)
            parentscript.Armor = Mathf.RoundToInt(parentscript.Armor * 1.15f);
        if (guntypemain == guntype.WeaponUpgrade)
            foreach (Transform gun in transform.parent)
                if (gun.tag == "Pickup")
                    _Weapon gunwep = gun.GetComponent <_Weapon>();
                    gunwep.timebetweenshots = gunwep.timebetweenshots * 1.15;
        if (guntypemain == guntype.Cloak)
            parentscript.iscloacked = true;
        if (guntypemain == guntype.Tracker)
            parentscript.isTracker = true;
        unittargetcontrol = GameObject.Find("Controllers").GetComponent <UnitMovementcommandcontroller>();
        poolmanager       = GameObject.Find("F3dPoolManager").GetComponent <F3DPoolManager>();
        team = parentscript.ShipColor;
        if (verticalmovechild == null && transform.childCount > 0 && transform.GetChild(0).childCount > 0)
            verticalmovechild = transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).gameObject;
        _Ship parent = transform.parent.GetComponent <_Ship>();

        if (Cannon_Projectile != null)
            parent.Cannon_Projectile = Cannon_Projectile;
        if (Missile_Projectile != null)
            parent.Missile_Projectile = Missile_Projectile;
        if (MiniGun_Projectile != null)
            parent.MiniGun_Projectile = MiniGun_Projectile;
        if (Lazer_Proectile != null)
            parent.Lazer_Shot = Lazer_Proectile;
        parent.shieldmaterial = shieldmatgam;
        damage      = Calculate_damage();
        audiosource = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
        WorldBase   = GameObject.Find("WorldScaleBase");
        timepassed  = 0;
Пример #20
 internal static void Init()
     instance = New(1);