Пример #1
        // The series of tests below is for ConvertListToBlobWithChecksum()

        // This method is reused by the actual test methods that follow
        public Boolean ComputeTestChecksums(
            TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode u1, short q1, List <TimeSeriesValue> list1, ITimeSeriesTrace trace1,
            TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode u2, short q2, List <TimeSeriesValue> list2, ITimeSeriesTrace trace2)
            TSLibrary tsLib = new TSLibrary();
            int       compressionCode;

                u1, q1, list1.Count,
                list1[0].Date, list1[list1.Count - 1].Date, list1, trace1, out compressionCode);

                u2, q2, list2.Count,
                list2[0].Date, list2[list2.Count - 1].Date, list2, trace2, out compressionCode);

            Assert.IsTrue(trace1.Checksum.Length == 16);
            Assert.IsTrue(trace2.Checksum.Length == 16);

            for (int i = 0; i < trace2.Checksum.Length; i++)
                if (trace1.Checksum[i] != trace2.Checksum[i])

Пример #2
        // The series of tests below is for ConvertBlobToListAll and ConvertListToBlob.
        // The tests take advantage of the fact that the methods are designed so that
        // the series that is put into the BLOB must be identical to the series that
        // comes out of the BLOB.

        // This method is re-used by the actual test methods that follow.
        public void ConvertBlobAll(List <TimeSeriesValue> inList,
                                   TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode timeStepUnit, short timeStepQuantity,
                                   DateTime blobStartDate)
            TSLibrary tsLib = new TSLibrary();
            List <TimeSeriesValue> outList = new List <TimeSeriesValue>();
            int compressionCode;

            byte[] blobData = tsLib.ConvertListToBlobWithChecksum(timeStepUnit, timeStepQuantity,
                                                                  inList.Count, inList.First().Date, inList.Last().Date, inList,
                                                                  new TSTrace {
                TraceNumber = 1
            }, out compressionCode);

            int ret = tsLib.ConvertBlobToListAll(timeStepUnit, timeStepQuantity,
                                                 inList.Count, blobStartDate, blobData, ref outList, compressionCode);

            // The return value of the function must match the number of items in the original list
            Assert.AreEqual(ret, inList.Count);
            // the count in both lists must match
            Assert.AreEqual(outList.Count, inList.Count);

            // now check each item in the two lists
            Boolean AreEqual = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < ret; i++)
                if (outList[i].ValueEquals(inList[i]) == false)
                    AreEqual = false;

Пример #3
        private unsafe int WritingTest()
            String paramTableName  = "OutputTimeSeries";
            String traceTableName  = "OutputTimeSeriesTraces";
            String extraParamNames =
                "RunGUID, TimeSeriesType, VariableType, Unit_Id, VariableName, RunElementGUID";
            String extraParamValues =
                "'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 2, 'Dummy', 2, 'DELETEME', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'";

            int       connectionNumber = 1;
            TSLibrary tsLib            = new TSLibrary();

            connectionNumber = tsLib.OpenConnection(
                "Data Source=.; Database=NYC-SpeedTest; Trusted_Connection=yes;");
            var connection = tsLib.ConnxObject.TSConnectionsCollection[connectionNumber];

            List <Double> valList = new List <Double>();
            DateTime      date    = StartDate;

            int x = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < nVals; i++)
                //x = Math.Abs(x - 1);
                valList.Add(i * Math.PI);
                date = date.AddDays(1);
            var valArray = valList.ToArray();

            //byte[] blob = null;
            for (int j = 0; j < nIter; j++)
                var ts = new TS(connection, paramTableName, traceTableName);

                int id = ts.WriteParametersRegular(true, null,
                                                   (short)TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Day, 1, nVals, StartDate,
                                                   extraParamNames, extraParamValues);
                //int id = 800291;

                for (int i = 0; i < nTrc; i++)
                    ts.WriteTraceRegular(id, true, null, i + 1, valArray);

                    //ITimeSeriesTrace traceObject = new TSTrace
                    //    TraceNumber = i+1,
                    //    TimeStepCount = nVals,
                    //    EndDate = date

                    //blob = TSBlobCoder.ConvertArrayToBlobRegular(valArray, 2, traceObject);

            return(0); // blob.Length;
Пример #4
        public List <ITimeSeriesTrace> Get3TracesRegular(
            TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode u1, short q1, int c1,
            DateTime sDate1, out DateTime eDate1,
            Boolean shouldPerturb = false,
            int perturbTraceIndex = 0, int perturbStep       = 0,
            double perturbVal     = 0, double perturbMinutes = 0)
            eDate1 = DateTime.Now;  // dummy
            TSLibrary tsLib = new TSLibrary();
            List <ITimeSeriesTrace> traceList = new List <ITimeSeriesTrace>();
            int compressionCode;

            for (int t = 0; t < 3; t++)
                TSTrace trace1 = new TSTrace {
                    TraceNumber = t + 1
                List <TimeSeriesValue> tsValues = new List <TimeSeriesValue>();
                DateTime curDate = sDate1;
                Double   curVal  = 20;
                for (int i = 0; i < c1; i++)
                    tsValues.Add(new TimeSeriesValue {
                        Date = curDate, Value = curVal
                    curDate = tsLib.IncrementDate(curDate, u1, q1, 1);
                    curVal  = curVal + i / (t + 1);
                // make a perturbation if called for
                if (shouldPerturb && t == perturbTraceIndex)
                    tsValues[perturbStep].Value += perturbVal;
                    tsValues[perturbStep].Date   = tsValues[perturbStep].Date.AddMinutes(perturbMinutes);
                eDate1 = tsValues.Last().Date;
                    u1, q1, c1,
                    sDate1, eDate1, tsValues, trace1, out compressionCode);

Пример #5
        public void ComputeChecksum_Err1()
            TSLibrary tsLib       = new TSLibrary();
            TSTrace   traceObject = new TSTrace {
                TraceNumber = 1

                byte[] blobData = tsLib.ComputeChecksum(
                    TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Irregular, 3,
                    IrregList1.First().Date, new List <ITimeSeriesTrace>());
                Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception");
            catch (TSLibraryException e)
                Assert.AreEqual(ErrCode.Enum.Checksum_Quantity_Nonzero, e.ErrCode);
Пример #6
        public void ConvertListToBlobWithChecksum_Err4()
            TSLibrary tsLib       = new TSLibrary();
            TSTrace   traceObject = new TSTrace {
                TraceNumber = 1
            int compressionCode;

                byte[] blobData = tsLib.ConvertListToBlobWithChecksum(
                    TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Irregular, 0,
                    IrregList1.Count, IrregList1.First().Date, IrregList1.Last().Date.AddDays(2),
                    IrregList1, traceObject, out compressionCode);
                Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception");
            catch (TSLibraryException e)
                Assert.AreEqual(ErrCode.Enum.Checksum_Improper_EndDate, e.ErrCode);
Пример #7
        public void ConvertListToBlobWithChecksum_Err0()
            TSLibrary tsLib       = new TSLibrary();
            TSTrace   traceObject = new TSTrace {
                TraceNumber = 1
            int compressionCode;

                byte[] blobData = tsLib.ConvertListToBlobWithChecksum(
                    TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Irregular, 0,
                    IrregList1.Count, IrregList1.First().Date, IrregList1.Last().Date,
                    IrregList1, traceObject, out compressionCode);
            catch (TSLibraryException)
                Assert.Fail("Should not throw any exceptions");
Пример #8
        // The series of tests below is for ConvertBlobToListLimited and ConvertListToBlob.
        // The tests take advantage of the fact that the methods are designed so that
        // the series that is put into the BLOB must be identical to the series that
        // comes out of the BLOB.

        // This method is re-used by the actual test methods that follow.
        public void ConvertBlobLimited(List <TimeSeriesValue> inList,
                                       TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode timeStepUnit, short timeStepQuantity,
                                       DateTime blobStartDate,
                                       int nCutStart, // the number of time steps that the test will truncate from the start of the series
                                       int nCutEnd,   // the number of time steps that the test will truncate from the end of the series
                                       int nMax)      // the maximum number of time steps to put into the series
            TSLibrary tsLib = new TSLibrary();
            List <TimeSeriesValue> outList = new List <TimeSeriesValue>();
            int compressionCode;

            byte[] blobData = tsLib.ConvertListToBlobWithChecksum(timeStepUnit, timeStepQuantity,
                                                                  inList.Count, inList.First().Date, inList.Last().Date, inList,
                                                                  new TSTrace {
                TraceNumber = 1
            }, out compressionCode);

            int ret = tsLib.ConvertBlobToListLimited(timeStepUnit, timeStepQuantity,
                                                     inList.Count, blobStartDate,
                                                     nMax, inList[nCutStart].Date, inList[inList.Count - nCutEnd - 1].Date,
                                                     blobData, ref outList, compressionCode);

            // The return value of the function must match the number of items in the original list
            Assert.AreEqual(ret, Math.Min(nMax, inList.Count - nCutStart - nCutEnd));
            // the count in both lists must match
            Assert.AreEqual(outList.Count, Math.Min(nMax, inList.Count - nCutStart - nCutEnd));

            // now check each item in the two lists
            Boolean AreEqual = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < ret; i++)
                if (outList[i].ValueEquals(inList[i + nCutStart]) == false)
                    AreEqual = false;

Пример #9
        // This method is reused by the actual test methods that follow
        public Boolean ComputeTestChecksums(
            TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode u1, short q1,
            DateTime sDate1, List <ITimeSeriesTrace> traceList1,
            TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode u2, short q2,
            DateTime sDate2, List <ITimeSeriesTrace> traceList2)
            TSLibrary tsLib = new TSLibrary();

            byte[] b1 = tsLib.ComputeChecksum(u1, q1, sDate1, traceList1);
            byte[] b2 = tsLib.ComputeChecksum(u2, q2, sDate2, traceList2);

            Assert.IsTrue(b1.Length == 16);
            Assert.IsTrue(b2.Length == 16);

            for (int i = 0; i < b2.Length; i++)
                if (b1[i] != b2[i])

Пример #10
        // Note--this test class was created primarily b/c we wanted to individually test the different
        // compression methods.  Hence, we have created the test methods below.  The class TSBlobCoder
        // certainly deserves full test coverage, but that can be developed later.  In the meantime,
        // it is generally expected that TSBlobCoder has adequate test coverage via TSLibraryTest.

        #region Test Methods for ConvertBlobToListAll() and ConvertListToBlob()
        // The series of tests below is for ConvertBlobToListAll and ConvertListToBlob.
        // The tests take advantage of the fact that the methods are designed so that
        // the series that is put into the BLOB must be identical to the series that
        // comes out of the BLOB.

        // This method is re-used by the actual test methods that follow.
        public void ConvertBlobAll(List <TimeSeriesValue> inList,
                                   TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode timeStepUnit, short timeStepQuantity,
                                   DateTime blobStartDate, int compressionCode)
            TSLibrary tsLib = new TSLibrary();

            var traceObject = new TSTrace
                TraceNumber   = 1,
                TimeStepCount = inList.Count,
                EndDate       = inList.Last().Date

            if (timeStepUnit == TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Irregular)
                var    inArray  = inList.Select(v => (TSDateValueStruct)v).ToArray();
                var    outArray = new TSDateValueStruct[inList.Count];
                byte[] blobData = TSBlobCoder.ConvertArrayToBlobIrregular(inArray,
                                                                          compressionCode, traceObject);

                int ret = TSBlobCoder.ConvertBlobToArrayIrregular(inList.Count,
                                                                  false, 0, blobStartDate, blobStartDate,
                                                                  blobData, outArray, compressionCode);

                // The return value of the function must match the number of items in the original list
                Assert.AreEqual(ret, inList.Count);
                // the count in both lists must match
                Assert.AreEqual(inArray.Length, outArray.Length);
                // now check each item in the two lists
                Boolean AreEqual = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < ret; i++)
                    if (outArray[i].Date != inArray[i].Date || outArray[i].Value != inArray[i].Value)
                        AreEqual = false;
                var    inArray  = inList.Select(v => v.Value).ToArray();
                var    outArray = new Double[inList.Count];
                byte[] blobData = TSBlobCoder.ConvertArrayToBlobRegular(inArray,
                                                                        compressionCode, traceObject);

                int ret = TSBlobCoder.ConvertBlobToArrayRegular(timeStepUnit, timeStepQuantity,
                                                                inList.Count, blobStartDate,
                                                                false, 0, blobStartDate, blobStartDate,
                                                                blobData, outArray, compressionCode);

                // The return value of the function must match the number of items in the original list
                Assert.AreEqual(ret, inList.Count);
                // the count in both lists must match
                Assert.AreEqual(inArray.Length, outArray.Length);
                // now check each item in the two lists
                Boolean AreEqual = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < ret; i++)
                    if (outArray[i] != inArray[i])
                        AreEqual = false;