static int Main(string[] args) { /* install global Exception handler * Won't do much more than pretify'ing the error messages but better * fail gracefully that terribly */ System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += UnhandledExceptionTrapper; bool errors_encountered = false; CommandLineParser cmd_parser = new CommandLineParser(); if (cmd_parser.parse_command_line(args) == false) { return(RETURN_INVALID_CMDLINE); } /******************************** * SEED EROS Bdrige mode enable/disable requests */ /* SEED EROS Bridge Enable */ if (cmd_parser.bootloader_operations.Contains(CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.SEEDEROS_BRIDGEENABLE)) { System.IO.Ports.SerialPort serial_port = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort(); serial_port.BaudRate = cmd_parser.baudrate_bps; serial_port.PortName = cmd_parser.port_name; serial_port.Encoding = Encoding.ASCII; try { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Seed Robotics Eros: Enabling bridge mode..."); serial_port.Open(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(cmd_parser.prewait_ms); /* clear out any wrong/previous commands that might exist on the board buffer * This ensures we're at a clean state of the command parser when we send the bridge enable command */ serial_port.Write("\r\n"); wait_for_reply(serial_port, cmd_parser.replytimeout_ms); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); /* wait another 500ms to fully receive all comms */ serial_port.ReadExisting(); /* read and discard */ /* now send the actual command */ /* 20 = 4 + 16 (Int bus to USB with DTR reset) */ serial_port.Write("commbridge 20\r\n"); /* this command is specific to the EROS firmware CONSOLE; if you * don't have a console on the port you are trying to open, this is * not necessary; * It bridges the USB interface to the Internal bus, using the * a special bridge mode built for flashing the servos * (it will auto reset the bus on Serial connect, uses a softserial library to * cope with the device side of TSB weird timing, etc.) */ wait_for_reply(serial_port, cmd_parser.replytimeout_ms); if (serial_port.BytesToRead < 1) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR"); Console.WriteLine("No reply from the Seed Eros device."); Console.WriteLine("(Is this Serial Port connected to a Seed Eros device? Is the device already in bridge mode?)"); return(RETURN_SEEDEROS_COMMAND_FAILED); } else { Console.Write(" < Reply: "); while (serial_port.BytesToRead > 0) { Console.WriteLine(serial_port.ReadLine().ToString()); } } serial_port.Close(); return(0); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Pre requisite command (SeedEros) failed. Ending session."); return(RETURN_SEEDEROS_COMMAND_FAILED); } } /* SEED EROS Bridge Disable */ if (cmd_parser.bootloader_operations.Contains(CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.SEEDEROS_BRIDGEDISABLE)) { System.IO.Ports.SerialPort serial_port = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort(); /* to exit bridge mode, we open and close the port at 1200 bps */ serial_port.BaudRate = 1200; serial_port.PortName = cmd_parser.port_name; serial_port.Encoding = Encoding.ASCII; try { Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("> Seed Robotics Eros: Sending Host request to disable bridge mode..."); serial_port.Open(); serial_port.DtrEnable = true; /* on Mono / .Net we apparently need to explicitly set DTR */ System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(800); /* wait a couple of seconds */ serial_port.Close(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); /* wait a couple of seconds */ Console.WriteLine(" Done.\n"); Console.WriteLine(" ( If your firmware supports host request to exit bridge mode, the unit's LEDs should be back to white/three colours."); Console.WriteLine(" If the LED colour hasn't changed, you need to manually power cycle your unit (including disconnecting the USB cable) to resume regular operation.)"); return(0); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Post process command (SeedEros) failed."); return(RETURN_SEEDEROS_COMMAND_FAILED); } } /* Emergency Erase Request * Emergency Erase restoresbootloader acces sin case of lost password, by wiping * the full FLASH and EEPROM memory areas */ if (cmd_parser.bootloader_operations.Contains(CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.EMERGENCY_ERASE)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("WARNING: Emergency Erase deletes all Application Flash"); Console.WriteLine("and EEPROM data, as well as Timeout and Password."); Console.WriteLine("No Firmware or EEPROM data will be left on the device after"); Console.WriteLine("this operation."); Console.WriteLine("This provides for a clean TSB with default values."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("IMPORTANT! An Emergency Erase DOES NOT target an individual"); Console.WriteLine("device; if the device is connected on a BUS (Daisy chain),"); Console.WriteLine("ALL the devices will perform the Emergency Erase."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("This function should ONLY be used by experienced users."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Do you fully understand the information above? (Y/n) "); if (!get_YesNo_reply()) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Operation cancelled. Nothing was done."); return(0); } Console.Write("Do you wish to continue? (Y/n) "); if (!get_YesNo_reply()) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Operation cancelled. Nothing was done."); return(0); } Console.WriteLine(); TSBInterfacing tsb = new TSBInterfacing(); if (!tsb.EmergencyErase(cmd_parser.port_name, cmd_parser.baudrate_bps, cmd_parser.prewait_ms, cmd_parser.replytimeout_ms)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error while performing Emergency Erase operation."); return(RETURN_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED); } else { return(0); } } /********** Main cycle for multi-device bootloader operations ************** * /* Cycle through the passwords specified for the bootloader */ if (cmd_parser.bootloader_passwords.Count() == 0) { /* add a bogus entry with an empty password. Assuming user intends to start the session * with no password. */ cmd_parser.bootloader_passwords.Add(""); } /* only advance to TSB if we have more commands lined up and requested at the command line */ if (cmd_parser.bootloader_operations.Count == 0 || (cmd_parser.bootloader_operations.Count == 1 && cmd_parser.bootloader_operations.Contains(CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.SEEDEROS_BRIDGEDISABLE))) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> No bootloader actions specified. Ending session"); return(0); } foreach (string pwd in cmd_parser.bootloader_passwords) { if (pwd.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Activating bootloader for device with password: {0}", pwd); Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Activating bootloader (no device password specified)"); Console.WriteLine(); } /* build a new instance for every new device; this ensures variables and * control structures come from a clean slate, which makes sense, since we're * starting a whole new session */ TSBInterfacing tsb = new TSBInterfacing(); if (tsb.ActivateBootloader(cmd_parser.port_name, cmd_parser.baudrate_bps, cmd_parser.prewait_ms, cmd_parser.replytimeout_ms, pwd)) { /* Bootloader is active. Print all bootloader information */ PrintDeviceInfo(tsb); if (cmd_parser.patch_daisychain_bug) { if (tsb.session_data_.daisychain_patch_in_lastpage == false) { /* forcing a LastPageWrite will write the data with the necessary * patches in place to cope with this bug */ Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Patching for daisy chain operation", pwd); Console.WriteLine(); tsb.LastPage_Write(); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Daisy chain patch is already applied", pwd); Console.WriteLine(); } } /* check if the user asked to tag the file names. * This MUST be done here for the cases where we use multiple * passwords; in that case, we have sessins starting at different times * (initiated here) and also different passwords */ string tag = string.Format("_{0:yyMMdd}_{0:HHmmss}", DateTime.Now); if (pwd.Length > 0) { tag += string.Format("_{0}", pwd); } string eep_filename = cmd_parser.eeprom_file_name; string flash_filename = cmd_parser.flash_file_name; if (cmd_parser.tag_eepromfilename_withdatetimepwd && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd_parser.eeprom_file_name)) { eep_filename = AddTagToFilename(cmd_parser.eeprom_file_name, tag); } if (cmd_parser.tag_flashfilename_withdatetimepwd && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd_parser.flash_file_name)) { flash_filename = AddTagToFilename(cmd_parser.flash_file_name, tag); } /* loop through the various operations requested */ foreach (CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations bootloader_op in cmd_parser.bootloader_operations) { switch (bootloader_op) { case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.DISPLAY_DEVICE_INFO: /* do nothing; when we activated TSB it already displayed the device info */ break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.EEP_ERASE: if (!tsb.EEProm_Erase()) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Erasing EEProm."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.EEP_WRITE: if (!tsb.EEProm_Write(eep_filename)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Writing EEPROM."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.EEP_VERIFY: if (!tsb.EEProm_Verify(eep_filename)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Verifying EEPROM."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.EEP_READ: if (!tsb.EEProm_Read(eep_filename)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Reading EEPROM."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.FW_ERASE: if (!tsb.Flash_Erase()) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Erasing Flash."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.FW_WRITE: if (!tsb.Flash_Write(flash_filename)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Writing Flash."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.FW_VERIFY: if (!tsb.Flash_Verify(flash_filename)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Verifying Flash."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.FW_READ: if (!tsb.Flash_Read(flash_filename)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Reading Flash."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.PASSWORD_CHANGE: /* ask the user for a password */ Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Please enter the new Password (max. {0} chars): ", TSBInterfacing.max_pwd_length); string new_pwd = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(new_pwd)) { new_pwd = ""; Console.WriteLine("No password specified. The bootloader will be accessible without password."); } else if (new_pwd.Length > Tsbloader_adv.TSBInterfacing.max_pwd_length) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Password is too long. Maximum password length supported by this tool is {0} characters.", Tsbloader_adv.TSBInterfacing.max_pwd_length); Console.WriteLine("> Password has not been changed."); } else { Console.WriteLine("New password will be set to: {0}", new_pwd); Console.WriteLine("(if you lose your password, you may use the Emergency Erase option '-XXX')"); } if (request_confirm()) { tsb.session_data_.password = new_pwd; if (!tsb.LastPage_Write()) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error writing bootloader configuration data."); errors_encountered = true; } } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.TIMEOUT_CHANGE: /* ask the user for a timeout */ int new_timeout_setting; while (true) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Please enter the new Timeout setting: "); string new_timeout = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(new_timeout)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid timeout specified. Timeout must be number between 8 and 255."); } else { if (!int.TryParse(new_timeout, out new_timeout_setting)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid timeout specified. Timeout must be number between 8 and 255."); } else if (new_timeout_setting < 8 || new_timeout_setting > 255) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid timeout specified. Timeout must be number between 8 and 255."); } else { break; } } } /* no need to confirm this one; save immediately */ tsb.session_data_.timeout = (byte)new_timeout_setting; if (!tsb.LastPage_Write()) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error writing bootloader configuration data."); errors_encountered = true; } break; default: Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Unknown Bootloader operation in function main()"); return(RETURN_UNKOWN_OPTION_IN_CASE); } } tsb.DeactivateBootloader(); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Could not activate bootloader for the selected device."); tsb.DeactivateBootloader(); errors_encountered = true; } } if (errors_encountered) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Requested operations completed with errors. Please review the error messages above."); return(RETURN_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> All operations complete."); return(0); } }
static int Main(string[] args) { /* install global Exception handler * Won't do much more than pretify'ing the error messages but better * fail gracefully that terribly */ System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += UnhandledExceptionTrapper; bool errors_encountered = false; CommandLineParser cmd_parser = new CommandLineParser(); if (cmd_parser.parse_command_line(args) == false) { return(RETURN_INVALID_CMDLINE); } /****** SEED EROS Bdrige mode enable/disable requests */ if (cmd_parser.bootloader_operations.Contains(CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.SEEDEROS_BRIDGEENABLE)) { return(EROS_EnableBridgeMode(ref cmd_parser)); } if (cmd_parser.bootloader_operations.Contains(CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.SEEDEROS_BRIDGEDISABLE)) { return(EROS_DisableBridgeMode(ref cmd_parser)); } /****** Emergency Erase Request * Emergency Erase restores bootloader access in case of lost password, by wiping * the full FLASH and EEPROM memory areas */ if (cmd_parser.bootloader_operations.Contains(CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.EMERGENCY_ERASE)) { enEmergencyEraseConfirmResult eresult = ConfirmEmergencyErase(ref cmd_parser); if (eresult == enEmergencyEraseConfirmResult.ER_CONFIRMED) { TSBInterfacing tsb = new TSBInterfacing(UpdateStatusOnScreen, AskQuestion_ToUser); if (!tsb.EmergencyErase(cmd_parser.port_name, cmd_parser.baudrate_bps, cmd_parser.prewait_ms, cmd_parser.replytimeout_ms)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error while performing Emergency Erase operation."); return(RETURN_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED); } else { return(0); } } else if (eresult == enEmergencyEraseConfirmResult.ER_ERROR) { return(RETURN_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED); } else { return(0); } } /********** Main cycle for multi-device bootloader operations * We will cycle through the list of passwords supplied * (or use empty password if none supplied) * * On every iteration we will run the same operations but we will collect user * options on each iteration (bc user may want different options for each * device) */ if (cmd_parser.bootloader_passwords.Count() == 0) { /* add a bogus entry with an empty password. Assuming user intends to start the session * with no password. */ cmd_parser.bootloader_passwords.Add(""); } /* only advance to TSB if we have more commands lined up and requested at the command line */ if (cmd_parser.bootloader_operations.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> No bootloader actions specified. Ending session"); return(0); } foreach (string pwd in cmd_parser.bootloader_passwords) { TSBInterfacing tsb = new TSBInterfacing(UpdateStatusOnScreen, AskQuestion_ToUser); bool activation_result = false; /* from TSB versions of 2020 onwards, we now have an operation timeout * which means the commands must get their complete input in a limited timespan * * This means that, for setting password, timeout and/or magic bytes * we should ask the user for them beforehand so that they'r ready to go * If we wait for the user input while the sesison is active, the session * will likely timeout. */ TSBInterfacing.str_tsb_session_data new_user_data = default(TSBInterfacing.str_tsb_session_data); new_user_data.magic_bytes = new byte[2]; // we need to explicit allocate space for this if (pwd.Length > 0) { if (cmd_parser.activation_mode == CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_activation_mode.COLD_BOOT) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Preparing to activate bootloader for device with password: {0}", pwd); CollectUserOptions_AndUpdateCachedSessionData(ref cmd_parser, ref new_user_data); activation_result = tsb.ActivateBootloaderFromColdStart(cmd_parser.port_name, cmd_parser.baudrate_bps, cmd_parser.prewait_ms, cmd_parser.replytimeout_ms, pwd, cmd_parser.verbose_output); } else { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Bootloader passwords can only be specified when activating in 'cold' [boot] mode."); return(RETURN_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED); } } else if (cmd_parser.activation_mode == CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_activation_mode.COLD_BOOT) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Preparing to activate bootloader (no device password specified)"); CollectUserOptions_AndUpdateCachedSessionData(ref cmd_parser, ref new_user_data); activation_result = tsb.ActivateBootloaderFromColdStart(cmd_parser.port_name, cmd_parser.baudrate_bps, cmd_parser.prewait_ms, cmd_parser.replytimeout_ms, pwd, cmd_parser.verbose_output); } else if (cmd_parser.activation_mode == CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_activation_mode.LIVE_VIA_DYNAMIXEL) { if (cmd_parser.dynid < 0 || cmd_parser.dynid > 253) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: 'live' bootloader activation mode was selected but the '-dynid' parameter was not given or is invalid. Please set a valid '-dynid' for 'live' activation mode."); return(RETURN_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Preparing to activate bootloader 'live', on device with DynID {0}", cmd_parser.dynid); CollectUserOptions_AndUpdateCachedSessionData(ref cmd_parser, ref new_user_data); // baud after activation should not be hard coded as we may need to speak at higher bauds if going through the EROS board. // timeout for bootloader activation must exceed the time set in the servo firmware. activation_result = tsb.ActivateBootloaderFromDynamixel(cmd_parser.port_name, cmd_parser.baudrate_bps, 9600, (byte)cmd_parser.dynid, 3500, 6000, TSBInterfacing.en_dyn_protocol_version.DYNAMIXEL_1, cmd_parser.verbose_output); } if (activation_result == true) { /* Bootloader is active. Print all bootloader information */ PrintDeviceInfo(tsb); /* check if the user asked to tag the file names. * This MUST be done here for the cases where we use multiple * passwords; in that case, we have sessins starting at different times * (initiated here) and also different passwords */ string tag = string.Format("_{0:yyMMdd}_{0:HHmmss}", DateTime.Now); if (pwd.Length > 0) { tag += string.Format("_{0}", pwd); } string eep_filename = cmd_parser.eeprom_file_name; string flash_filename = cmd_parser.flash_file_name; if (cmd_parser.tag_eepromfilename_withdatetimepwd && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd_parser.eeprom_file_name)) { eep_filename = AddTagToFilename(cmd_parser.eeprom_file_name, tag); } if (cmd_parser.tag_flashfilename_withdatetimepwd && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd_parser.flash_file_name)) { flash_filename = AddTagToFilename(cmd_parser.flash_file_name, tag); } bool request_last_page_write = false; /* loop through the various operations requested */ foreach (CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations bootloader_op in cmd_parser.bootloader_operations) { switch (bootloader_op) { case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.DISPLAY_DEVICE_INFO: /* do nothing; when we activated TSB it already displayed the device info */ break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.EEP_ERASE: if (!tsb.EEProm_Erase()) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Erasing EEProm."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.EEP_WRITE: if (!tsb.EEProm_Write(eep_filename)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Writing EEPROM."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.EEP_VERIFY: if (!tsb.EEProm_Verify(eep_filename)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Verifying EEPROM."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.EEP_READ: if (!tsb.EEProm_Read(eep_filename)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Reading EEPROM."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.FW_ERASE: if (!tsb.Flash_Erase()) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Erasing Flash."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.FW_WRITE: if (!tsb.Flash_Write(flash_filename)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Writing Flash."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.FW_VERIFY: if (!tsb.Flash_Verify(flash_filename)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Verifying Flash."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.FW_READ: if (!tsb.Flash_Read(flash_filename)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Reading Flash."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.PASSWORD_CHANGE: tsb.session_data_.password = new_user_data.password; request_last_page_write = true; break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.TIMEOUT_CHANGE: tsb.session_data_.timeout = new_user_data.timeout; request_last_page_write = true; break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.WRITE_MAGIC_BYTES: tsb.session_data_.magic_bytes[0] = new_user_data.magic_bytes[0]; tsb.session_data_.magic_bytes[1] = new_user_data.magic_bytes[1]; request_last_page_write = true; break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.PATCH_DAISY_CHAIN_BUG: request_last_page_write = true; // a simple last page write, applies the patch break; default: Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Unknown Bootloader operation in function main()"); return(RETURN_UNKOWN_OPTION_IN_CASE); } } // check if there are updated settings in last page, and commit them if (request_last_page_write) { if (!tsb.LastPage_Write()) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error updating bootloader configuration data."); Console.WriteLine("> (Daisy chain patch, Timeout, password and/or Magic bytes might not have been updated)"); errors_encountered = true; } request_last_page_write = false; } tsb.DeactivateBootloader(); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Could not activate bootloader for the selected device."); Console.WriteLine("> Hint: Is password correct? Is BAUD rate correct?"); tsb.DeactivateBootloader(); errors_encountered = true; } } if (errors_encountered) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Requested operations completed with errors. Please review the error messages above."); return(RETURN_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> All operations complete."); return(0); } }
static int Main(string[] args) { /* install global Exception handler * Won't do much more than pretify'ing the error messages but better * fail gracefully that terribly */ System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += UnhandledExceptionTrapper; bool errors_encountered = false; CommandLineParser cmd_parser = new CommandLineParser(); if (cmd_parser.parse_command_line(args) == false) { return(RETURN_INVALID_CMDLINE); } /******************************** * SEED EROS Bdrige mode enable/disable requests */ /* SEED EROS Bridge Enable */ if (cmd_parser.bootloader_operations.Contains(CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.SEEDEROS_BRIDGEENABLE)) { System.IO.Ports.SerialPort serial_port = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort(); serial_port.BaudRate = cmd_parser.baudrate_bps; serial_port.PortName = cmd_parser.port_name; serial_port.Encoding = Encoding.ASCII; try { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Seed Robotics Eros: Enabling bridge mode..."); serial_port.Open(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(cmd_parser.prewait_ms); /* clear out any wrong/previous commands that might exist on the board buffer * This ensures we're at a clean state of the command parser when we send the bridge enable command */ serial_port.Write("\r\n"); wait_for_reply(serial_port, cmd_parser.replytimeout_ms); //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); /* wait another 500ms to fully receive all comms */ serial_port.ReadExisting(); /* read and discard */ /* now send the actual command */ /* 20 = 4 + 16 (Int bus to USB with DTR reset) */ serial_port.Write("commbridge 20\r\n"); /* this command is specific to the EROS firmware CONSOLE; if you * don't have a console on the port you are trying to open, this is * not necessary; * It bridges the USB interface to the Internal bus, using the * a special bridge mode built for flashing the servos * (it will auto reset the bus on Serial connect, uses a softserial library to * cope with the device side of TSB weird timing, etc.) */ wait_for_reply(serial_port, cmd_parser.replytimeout_ms); if (serial_port.BytesToRead < 1) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR"); Console.WriteLine("No reply from the Seed Eros device."); Console.WriteLine("(Is this the Serial Port of the Seed Eros device? Is the device already in bridge mode?)"); return(RETURN_SEEDEROS_COMMAND_FAILED); } else { Console.Write(" < Reply: "); while (serial_port.BytesToRead > 0) { Console.WriteLine(serial_port.ReadLine().ToString()); } } serial_port.Close(); return(0); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Pre requisite command (SeedEros) failed. Ending session."); return(RETURN_SEEDEROS_COMMAND_FAILED); } } /* SEED EROS Bridge Disable */ if (cmd_parser.bootloader_operations.Contains(CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.SEEDEROS_BRIDGEDISABLE)) { System.IO.Ports.SerialPort serial_port = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort(); /* to exit bridge mode, we open and close the port at 1200 bps */ serial_port.BaudRate = 1200; serial_port.PortName = cmd_parser.port_name; serial_port.Encoding = Encoding.ASCII; try { Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("> Seed Robotics Eros: Sending Host request to disable bridge mode..."); serial_port.Open(); serial_port.DtrEnable = true; /* on Mono / .Net we apparently need to explicitly set DTR */ System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(800); /* wait a moment */ serial_port.Close(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); /* wait some other moment; just give Serial driver some spare time */ Console.WriteLine(" Done.\n"); Console.WriteLine(" ( If your firmware supports host request to exit bridge mode, the unit's LEDs should be back to white/three colours."); Console.WriteLine(" If the LED colour hasn't changed, you need to manually power cycle your unit (including disconnecting the USB cable) to resume regular operation.)"); return(0); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Post process command (SeedEros) failed."); return(RETURN_SEEDEROS_COMMAND_FAILED); } } /* Emergency Erase Request * Emergency Erase restoresbootloader access in case of lost password, by wiping * the full FLASH and EEPROM memory areas */ if (cmd_parser.bootloader_operations.Contains(CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.EMERGENCY_ERASE)) { if (cmd_parser.activation_mode != CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_activation_mode.COLD_BOOT) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Emergency Erase can only be done in Cold [boot] activation mode."); return(RETURN_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("WARNING: Emergency Erase deletes all Application Flash"); Console.WriteLine("and EEPROM data, as well as:"); Console.WriteLine(" Timeout, Password and Magic Byte!"); Console.WriteLine("No Firmware or EEPROM data will be left on the device after"); Console.WriteLine("this operation."); Console.WriteLine("This creates a clean TSB configuration with default values."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("IMPORTANT! An Emergency Erase DOES NOT target an individual"); Console.WriteLine("device; if the device is connected on a BUS (Daisy chain),"); Console.WriteLine("ALL the devices will perform the Emergency Erase."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("This function should ONLY be used by experienced users."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Do you fully understand the information above? (Y/n) "); if (!get_YesNo_reply()) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Operation cancelled. Nothing was done."); return(0); } Console.Write("Do you wish to continue? (Y/n) "); if (!get_YesNo_reply()) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Operation cancelled. Nothing was done."); return(0); } Console.WriteLine(); TSBInterfacing tsb = new TSBInterfacing(UpdateStatusOnScreen, AskQuestion_ToUser); if (!tsb.EmergencyErase(cmd_parser.port_name, cmd_parser.baudrate_bps, cmd_parser.prewait_ms, cmd_parser.replytimeout_ms)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error while performing Emergency Erase operation."); return(RETURN_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED); } else { return(0); } } /********** Main cycle for multi-device bootloader operations ************** * /* Cycle through the passwords specified for the bootloader */ if (cmd_parser.bootloader_passwords.Count() == 0) { /* add a bogus entry with an empty password. Assuming user intends to start the session * with no password. */ cmd_parser.bootloader_passwords.Add(""); } /* only advance to TSB if we have more commands lined up and requested at the command line */ if (cmd_parser.bootloader_operations.Count == 0 || (cmd_parser.bootloader_operations.Count == 1 && cmd_parser.bootloader_operations.Contains(CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.SEEDEROS_BRIDGEDISABLE))) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> No bootloader actions specified. Ending session"); return(0); } foreach (string pwd in cmd_parser.bootloader_passwords) { TSBInterfacing tsb = new TSBInterfacing(UpdateStatusOnScreen, AskQuestion_ToUser); bool activation_result = false; if (pwd.Length > 0) { if (cmd_parser.activation_mode == CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_activation_mode.COLD_BOOT) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Activating bootloader for device with password: {0}", pwd); Console.WriteLine(); activation_result = tsb.ActivateBootloaderFromColdStart(cmd_parser.port_name, cmd_parser.baudrate_bps, cmd_parser.prewait_ms, cmd_parser.replytimeout_ms, pwd); } else { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Bootloader passwords can only be specified when activating in 'cold' [boot] mode."); return(RETURN_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED); } } else if (cmd_parser.activation_mode == CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_activation_mode.COLD_BOOT) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Activating bootloader (no device password specified)"); Console.WriteLine(); activation_result = tsb.ActivateBootloaderFromColdStart(cmd_parser.port_name, cmd_parser.baudrate_bps, cmd_parser.prewait_ms, cmd_parser.replytimeout_ms, pwd); } else if (cmd_parser.activation_mode == CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_activation_mode.LIVE_VIA_DYNAMIXEL) { if (cmd_parser.dynid < 0 || cmd_parser.dynid > 253) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: 'live' bootloader activation mode was selected but the '-dynid' parameter was not given or is invalid. Please set a valid '-dynid' for 'live' activation mode."); return(RETURN_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Activating bootloader on 'live' device with Dynamixel ID {0}", cmd_parser.dynid); Console.WriteLine(); // baud after activation should not be hard coded as we may need to speak at higher bauds if going through the EROS board. // timeout for bootloader activation must exceed the time set in the servo firmware. activation_result = tsb.ActivateBootloaderFromDynamixel(cmd_parser.port_name, cmd_parser.baudrate_bps, 9600, (byte)cmd_parser.dynid, 3500, 6000, TSBInterfacing.en_protocol_version.DYNAMIXEL_1); } /* build a new instance for every new device; this ensures variables and * control structures come from a clean slate, which makes sense, since we're * starting a whole new session */ if (activation_result == true) { /* Bootloader is active. Print all bootloader information */ PrintDeviceInfo(tsb); if (cmd_parser.patch_daisychain_bug) { if (tsb.session_data_.daisychain_patch_in_lastpage == false) { /* forcing a LastPageWrite will write the data with the necessary * patches in place to cope with this bug */ Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Patching for daisy chain operation", pwd); Console.WriteLine(); tsb.LastPage_Write(); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Daisy chain patch is already applied", pwd); Console.WriteLine(); } } /* check if the user asked to tag the file names. * This MUST be done here for the cases where we use multiple * passwords; in that case, we have sessins starting at different times * (initiated here) and also different passwords */ string tag = string.Format("_{0:yyMMdd}_{0:HHmmss}", DateTime.Now); if (pwd.Length > 0) { tag += string.Format("_{0}", pwd); } string eep_filename = cmd_parser.eeprom_file_name; string flash_filename = cmd_parser.flash_file_name; if (cmd_parser.tag_eepromfilename_withdatetimepwd && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd_parser.eeprom_file_name)) { eep_filename = AddTagToFilename(cmd_parser.eeprom_file_name, tag); } if (cmd_parser.tag_flashfilename_withdatetimepwd && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd_parser.flash_file_name)) { flash_filename = AddTagToFilename(cmd_parser.flash_file_name, tag); } /* loop through the various operations requested */ foreach (CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations bootloader_op in cmd_parser.bootloader_operations) { switch (bootloader_op) { case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.DISPLAY_DEVICE_INFO: /* do nothing; when we activated TSB it already displayed the device info */ break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.EEP_ERASE: if (!tsb.EEProm_Erase()) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Erasing EEProm."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.EEP_WRITE: if (!tsb.EEProm_Write(eep_filename)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Writing EEPROM."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.EEP_VERIFY: if (!tsb.EEProm_Verify(eep_filename)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Verifying EEPROM."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.EEP_READ: if (!tsb.EEProm_Read(eep_filename)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Reading EEPROM."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.FW_ERASE: if (!tsb.Flash_Erase()) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Erasing Flash."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.FW_WRITE: if (!tsb.Flash_Write(flash_filename)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Writing Flash."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.FW_VERIFY: if (!tsb.Flash_Verify(flash_filename)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Verifying Flash."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.FW_READ: if (!tsb.Flash_Read(flash_filename)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error Reading Flash."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.PASSWORD_CHANGE: /* ask the user for a password */ Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the new Password (max. {0} chars): ", TSBInterfacing.max_pwd_length); string new_pwd = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(new_pwd)) { new_pwd = ""; Console.WriteLine("No password specified. The bootloader will be accessible without password."); } else if (new_pwd.Length > Tsbloader_adv.TSBInterfacing.max_pwd_length) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Password is too long. Maximum password length supported by this tool is {0} characters.", Tsbloader_adv.TSBInterfacing.max_pwd_length); Console.WriteLine("> Password has not been changed."); } else { Console.WriteLine("New password will be set to: {0}", new_pwd); Console.WriteLine("(if you lose your password, you may use the Emergency Erase option '-XXX')"); } if (request_confirm()) { tsb.session_data_.password = new_pwd; if (!tsb.LastPage_Write()) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error writing bootloader configuration data."); errors_encountered = true; } } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.TIMEOUT_CHANGE: /* ask the user for a timeout */ int new_timeout_setting; while (true) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Current timeout is set to value {0}", tsb.session_data_.timeout); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the new Timeout setting: "); string new_timeout = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(new_timeout)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid timeout specified. Timeout must be number between {0} and 255.", MINIMUM_TIMEOUT_SETTING); } else { if (!int.TryParse(new_timeout, out new_timeout_setting)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid timeout specified. Timeout must be number between {0} and 255.", MINIMUM_TIMEOUT_SETTING); } else if (new_timeout_setting < MINIMUM_TIMEOUT_SETTING || new_timeout_setting > 255) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid timeout value specified. Timeout must be number between {0} and 255.", MINIMUM_TIMEOUT_SETTING); } else { Console.WriteLine("New Timeout will be set to: {0}", new_timeout_setting); break; } } } /* no need to confirm this one; save immediately */ tsb.session_data_.timeout = (byte)new_timeout_setting; if (!tsb.LastPage_Write()) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error writing bootloader configuration data."); errors_encountered = true; } break; case CommandLineParser.en_bootloader_operations.WRITE_MAGIC_BYTES: /* ask the user for the new magic bytes */ string[] s_magic_bytes_names = { "First", "Second" }; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Current Magic Bytes are set to [0x{0:X02}] [0x{1:X02}]", tsb.session_data_.magic_bytes[0], tsb.session_data_.magic_bytes[1]); for (byte b = 0; b < 2; b++) { while (true) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the {0} Magic Byte, in HEX format (i.e. '0xA6', type 'A6', omitting the '0x'):", s_magic_bytes_names[b]); string magic_byte = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(magic_byte)) { Console.WriteLine("Empty Magic Byte specified; setting it to 0xFF"); magic_byte = "FF"; } int mb; try { // based on tips for parsing HEX here mb = int.Parse(magic_byte, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); if (mb > 255) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: HEX number too big. Magic bytes are of BYTE type in range 0x0 to 0xFF."); } else { tsb.session_data_.magic_bytes[b] = (byte)mb; break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Invalid HEX value. Magic bytes are set in HEX. Example: set to 0xA7, type 'A7' and ommit the '0x' part."); } } } /* Save now */ Console.WriteLine("Magic Bytes will be set to: [0x{0:X02}] [0x{1:X02}]", tsb.session_data_.magic_bytes[0], tsb.session_data_.magic_bytes[1]); if (!tsb.LastPage_Write()) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Error writing bootloader configuration data."); errors_encountered = true; } break; default: Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Unknown Bootloader operation in function main()"); return(RETURN_UNKOWN_OPTION_IN_CASE); } } tsb.DeactivateBootloader(); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Could not activate bootloader for the selected device."); tsb.DeactivateBootloader(); errors_encountered = true; } } if (errors_encountered) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> Requested operations completed with errors. Please review the error messages above."); return(RETURN_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("> All operations complete."); return(0); } }