Пример #1
        private void ExportHardcodedSounds(IEnumerable <int> indices)
            short id = -2;

            foreach (int index in indices)
                Definition.HardcodedSound.SoundMapIndices[index] = id--;

            int offset = 2;

            foreach (short index in Definition.HardcodedSound.SoundMapIndices.Keys)
                short          val     = Definition.HardcodedSound.SoundMapIndices[index];
                TRSoundDetails details = Level.SoundDetails[Level.SoundMap[index]];

                uint[] sampleIndices = new uint[details.NumSounds];
                for (int i = 0; i < details.NumSounds; i++)
                    sampleIndices[i] = Level.SampleIndices[(ushort)(details.Sample + i)];

                Definition.HardcodedSound.SampleIndices[(ushort)(ushort.MaxValue - offset)] = sampleIndices;

                Definition.HardcodedSound.SoundDetails[val] = new TRSoundDetails
                    Chance          = details.Chance,
                    Characteristics = details.Characteristics,
                    Sample          = (ushort)(ushort.MaxValue - offset),
                    Volume          = details.Volume
Пример #2
        private void PackAnimSounds(PackedAnimation packedAnimation)
            foreach (PackedAnimationCommand cmd in packedAnimation.Commands.Values)
                if (cmd.Command == TR2AnimCommand.PlaySound)
                    int   soundMapIndex     = cmd.Params[1] & 0x3fff;
                    short soundDetailsIndex = Level.SoundMap[soundMapIndex];
                    packedAnimation.Sound.SoundMapIndices[soundMapIndex] = soundDetailsIndex;
                    if (soundDetailsIndex != -1)
                        TRSoundDetails soundDetails = Level.SoundDetails[soundDetailsIndex];
                        packedAnimation.Sound.SoundDetails[soundDetailsIndex] = soundDetails;

                        uint[] sampleIndices = new uint[soundDetails.NumSounds];
                        for (int i = 0; i < soundDetails.NumSounds; i++)
                            sampleIndices[i] = Level.SampleIndices[(ushort)(soundDetails.Sample + i)];

                        packedAnimation.Sound.SampleIndices[soundDetails.Sample] = sampleIndices;
Пример #3
        private void ResortSoundIndices()
            // Store the values from SampleIndices against their current positions
            // in the list.
            List <uint>            sampleIndices = Level.SampleIndices.ToList();
            Dictionary <int, uint> indexMap      = new Dictionary <int, uint>();

            for (int i = 0; i < sampleIndices.Count; i++)
                indexMap[i] = sampleIndices[i];

            // Sort the indices to avoid the game crashing

            // Remap each SoundDetail to use the new index of the sample it points to
            foreach (TRSoundDetails soundDetails in Level.SoundDetails)
                soundDetails.Sample = (ushort)sampleIndices.IndexOf(indexMap[soundDetails.Sample]);

            // Save the samples back to the level
            Level.SampleIndices = sampleIndices.ToArray();

            // Repeat for SoundMap -> SoundDetails
            Dictionary <int, TRSoundDetails> soundMapIndices = new Dictionary <int, TRSoundDetails>();
            List <short> soundMap = Level.SoundMap.ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < soundMap.Count; i++)
                if (soundMap[i] != -1)
                    soundMapIndices[i] = Level.SoundDetails[soundMap[i]];

            List <TRSoundDetails> soundDetailsList = Level.SoundDetails.ToList();

            soundDetailsList.Sort(delegate(TRSoundDetails d1, TRSoundDetails d2)

            foreach (int mapIndex in soundMapIndices.Keys)
                TRSoundDetails details = soundMapIndices[mapIndex];
                soundMap[mapIndex] = (short)soundDetailsList.IndexOf(details);

            Level.SoundDetails = soundDetailsList.ToArray();
            Level.SoundMap     = soundMap.ToArray();
Пример #4
        private void GenerateSoundDetailsMap()
            // Update each SoundDetails.Sample with the new SampleIndex values. Store
            // a map of old SoundsDetails indices to new.
            _soundDetails    = _level.SoundDetails.ToList();
            _soundDetailsMap = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            foreach (int soundDetailsIndex in _sound.SoundDetails.Keys)
                TRSoundDetails details = _sound.SoundDetails[soundDetailsIndex];
                details.Sample = _sampleMap[details.Sample];
                _soundDetailsMap[soundDetailsIndex] = _soundDetails.Count;