Пример #1
        public void TestGetHardCodedXmlNodes_ForDesignerOnly()
            FPnl = new TPnlCollapsible(THostedControlKind.hckTaskList, TTestTaskList.GetTestXmlNode());

            // Need to resort to .NET Reflection as GetHardCodedXmlNodes_ForDesignerOnly() is a Private Method...
            MethodInfo InvokedPrivateMethod = FPnl.GetType().GetMethod("GetHardCodedXmlNodes_ForDesignerOnly",
                                                                       BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            XmlNode Nodes = (XmlNode)InvokedPrivateMethod.Invoke(FPnl, new object[] { });

Пример #2
        public void TestEvents()
            // Not just test that Events are fired, but that the RIGHT Events are fired under
            // the RIGHT circumstances, and that no wrong Event is fired under wrong circumstances!
            // (Uses EventHandlerCapture Class for that as NUnit doesn't provide Asserts for
            // something nifty like that!)
            FPnl = new TPnlCollapsible(THostedControlKind.hckUserControl, HOSTEDUSERCONTROL);
            var EhcExpanded  = new TNUnitEventHandlerCheck <System.EventArgs>();
            var EhcCollapsed = new TNUnitEventHandlerCheck <System.EventArgs>();

            FPnl.Expanded  += EhcExpanded.Handler;
            FPnl.Collapsed += EhcCollapsed.Handler;

            // Assert that the Expanded Event is fired when the Control is Expanded (and that the Collapsed Event isn't)
            TNUnitEventAsserter.Assert(EhcExpanded, TNUnitEventAsserter.GotRaised <System.EventArgs>(), () => FPnl.Expand());
            TNUnitEventAsserter.Assert(EhcCollapsed, TNUnitEventAsserter.DidNotGetRaised <System.EventArgs>(), () => FPnl.Expand());

            // Assert that the Collapsed Event is fired when the Control is Expanded (and that the Expanded Event isn't)
            TNUnitEventAsserter.Assert(EhcCollapsed, TNUnitEventAsserter.GotRaised <System.EventArgs>(), () => FPnl.Collapse());
            TNUnitEventAsserter.Assert(EhcExpanded, TNUnitEventAsserter.DidNotGetRaised <System.EventArgs>(), () => FPnl.Collapse());

            FPnl.Expanded  -= EhcExpanded.Handler;
            FPnl.Collapsed -= EhcCollapsed.Handler;

            // Assert that the Expanded/Collapsed Events are fired when the Control's Toggle Button is clicked
            // Need to resort to .NET Reflection as BtnToggleClick() is a Private Method...
            MethodInfo InvokedPrivateMethod = FPnl.GetType().GetMethod("BtnToggleClick",
                                                                       BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            // It might look a bit weird to check Assert AreNotSame, but only this way we find out that the
            // .Invoke calls below do in fact do something!
            FPnl.Expanded += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
                Assert.AreNotSame(FPnl, null);
            FPnl.Expanded += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
                Assert.AreSame(FPnl, sender);
            FPnl.Collapsed += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
                Assert.AreNotSame(FPnl, null);
            FPnl.Collapsed += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
                Assert.AreSame(FPnl, sender);

            InvokedPrivateMethod.Invoke(FPnl, new object[] { FPnl, null });
            InvokedPrivateMethod.Invoke(FPnl, new object[] { FPnl, null });