private void CheckLevelUpPlayer() { dicLeveler = new Dictionary <int, int>(); for (int i = 0; i < RoomManager.Instance.RU.Length; i++) { int level = XpManager.Instance.GetLevel(RoomManager.Instance.RU[i].prevXp); int level2 = XpManager.Instance.GetLevel(RoomManager.Instance.RU[i].nextXp); if (level2 > level) { GameObject gameObject = BrickManManager.Instance.Get(RoomManager.Instance.RU[i].seq); if (null != gameObject) { dicLeveler.Add(RoomManager.Instance.RU[i].seq, level2); TPController component = gameObject.GetComponent <TPController>(); if (null != component) { component.Congratulation(); } } if (RoomManager.Instance.RU[i].seq == MyInfoManager.Instance.Seq) { if (!BuildOption.Instance.IsInfernum && BuildOption.Instance.Props.useLevelupCompensation) { ((LevelUpDlg)DialogManager.Instance.Popup(DialogManager.DIALOG_INDEX.LEVELUP, exclusive: true))?.InitDialog(level, level2); } MyInfoManager.Instance.EnResultEvent(MyInfoManager.RESULT_EVENT.LEVEL_UP); CSNetManager.Instance.Sock.SendCS_LEVELUP_EVENT_REQ(); } } } }
private void CheckBoxmen() { HitPart[] array = ExplosionUtil.CheckBoxmen(base.transform.position, radius, includeFriendly: false); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { PlayerProperty[] allComponents = Recursively.GetAllComponents <PlayerProperty>(array[i].transform, includeInactive: false); if (allComponents.Length == 1) { int num = Mathf.FloorToInt(array[i].damageFactor * CalcPowFrom(array[i].transform.position)); if (num > 0) { num = GlobalVars.Instance.applyDurabilityDamage(durability, durabilityMax, num); allComponents[0].Desc.accumDamaged += num; } } } GameObject[] array2 = BrickManManager.Instance.ToGameObjectArray(); for (int j = 0; j < array2.Length; j++) { int num2 = (int)weaponBy; TPController component = array2[j].GetComponent <TPController>(); if (component != null && !MyInfoManager.Instance.IsBelow12() && component.IsChild) { num2 = (int)weaponByForChild; } PlayerProperty component2 = array2[j].GetComponent <PlayerProperty>(); if (null != component2 && component2.Desc.accumDamaged > 0) { P2PManager.Instance.SendPEER_BOMBED(MyInfoManager.Instance.Seq, component2.Desc.Seq, component2.Desc.accumDamaged, rigidity, num2); component2.Desc.accumDamaged = 0; } } }
public static SEND_PACKET_LEVEL checkHITMAN(GameObject hitman, GameObject thirdPlayer, Vector3 myPos) { if (hitman == null || thirdPlayer == null) { return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.NONE); } TPController component = thirdPlayer.GetComponent <TPController>(); if ((bool)component) { myPos.y += 1.2f; float num = Vector3.Distance(myPos, component.transform.position); bool flag = false; if (num < inputMinDistance) { flag = true; } bool flag2 = false; if (num > inputMaxDistance) { flag2 = true; } if (flag) { return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.ALL); } if (flag2) { return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.NONE); } Camera[] componentsInChildren = thirdPlayer.GetComponentsInChildren <Camera>(); if (componentsInChildren.Length > 0) { camera = componentsInChildren[0]; camera.fieldOfView = 75f; camera.nearClipPlane = 0.3f; camera.farClipPlane = 1000f; } camera.enabled = true; Vector3 position = thirdPlayer.transform.position; float x = position.x; Vector3 position2 = thirdPlayer.transform.position; float y = position2.y + 1.2f; Vector3 position3 = thirdPlayer.transform.position; Vector3 position4 = new Vector3(x, y, position3.z); camera.transform.position = position4; camera.transform.rotation = thirdPlayer.transform.rotation; Plane[] planes = GeometryUtility.CalculateFrustumPlanes(camera); if (GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB(planes, hitman.collider.bounds)) { camera.enabled = false; return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.ALL); } camera.enabled = false; return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.EXCEPT_EFFECT); } return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.ALL); }
// Use this when the object is created private void Awake () { transportando = false; //Inicializamos el componente CharacterController //Inicializamos la variable instancia characterController = GetComponent<CharacterController>(); instance = this; SetState(State.Normal); //creamos o buscamos una camara TPCamera.UseExistingOrCreateMainCamera(); }
// Use this when the object is created private void Awake() { transportando = false; //Inicializamos el componente CharacterController //Inicializamos la variable instancia characterController = GetComponent <CharacterController>(); instance = this; SetState(State.Normal); //creamos o buscamos una camara TPCamera.UseExistingOrCreateMainCamera(); }
public void ClearAllInvisibility() { foreach (KeyValuePair <int, BrickManDesc> item in dicDescriptor) { BrickManDesc value = item.Value; GameObject gameObject = Instance.Get(item.Key); if (gameObject != null && value != null) { TPController component = gameObject.GetComponent <TPController>(); if (null != component && !component.IsLocallyControlled) { value.IsInvisibilityOn = false; } } } }
public void Remove(int seq) { GameObject gameObject = Get(seq); if (gameObject != null) { LetMeKnowABrickManIsBeingRemoved(gameObject); Camera[] componentsInChildren = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Camera>(); if (componentsInChildren != null) { for (int i = 0; i < componentsInChildren.Length; i++) { if (null != componentsInChildren[i]) { componentsInChildren[i].enabled = false; if (null != componentsInChildren[i].targetTexture) { freeOverlayQ.Enqueue(componentsInChildren[i].targetTexture); } } } } TPController component = gameObject.GetComponent <TPController>(); if (component != null) { component.destroyCongratulation(); } PlayerProperty componentInChildren = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <PlayerProperty>(); if (null != componentInChildren) { freeInvisiblePositionQ.Enqueue(componentInChildren.InvisiblePosition); } InvincibleArmor component2 = gameObject.GetComponent <InvincibleArmor>(); if (null != component2) { component2.Destroy(); } Object.Destroy(gameObject); dicBrickMan.Remove(seq); } if (dicDescriptor.ContainsKey(seq)) { dicDescriptor.Remove(seq); } }
private void EmotionalAct() { for (int i = 0; i < RoomManager.Instance.RU.Length; i++) { GameObject gameObject = BrickManManager.Instance.Get(RoomManager.Instance.RU[i].seq); if (null != gameObject) { TPController component = gameObject.GetComponent <TPController>(); if (null != component) { string empty = string.Empty; float num = (float)i / (float)RoomManager.Instance.RU.Length; empty = ((num < 0.2f) ? grade1st[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, grade1st.Length)] : ((!(num < 0.6f)) ? grade3rd[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, grade3rd.Length)] : grade2nd[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, grade2nd.Length)])); component.EmotionalAct(empty); } } } }
public static SEND_PACKET_LEVEL checkSendMove(GameObject player, Vector3 myPos, Bounds bounds) { if (null == player) { return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.NONE); } TPController component = player.GetComponent <TPController>(); if ((bool)component) { if (IsMyCamIn(player.collider.bounds)) { return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.ALL); } Vector3 position = component.transform.position; float x = position.x; Vector3 position2 = component.transform.position; float y = position2.y + 1.2f; Vector3 position3 = component.transform.position; Vector3 position4 = new Vector3(x, y, position3.z); Camera[] componentsInChildren = player.GetComponentsInChildren <Camera>(); if (componentsInChildren.Length > 0) { camera = componentsInChildren[0]; camera.fieldOfView = 60f; camera.nearClipPlane = 0.3f; camera.farClipPlane = 1000f; } camera.transform.position = position4; camera.transform.rotation = component.transform.rotation; Plane[] planes = GeometryUtility.CalculateFrustumPlanes(camera); if (GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB(planes, bounds)) { camera.enabled = false; return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.ALL); } camera.enabled = false; return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.NONE); } return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.ALL); }
private void CheckSlash() { if (isValidRange) { int layerMask = (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Chunk")) | (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Brick")) | (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("BoxMan")) | (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Mon")) | (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("InvincibleArmor")) | (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Bomb")) | (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("InstalledBomb")); Ray ray = cam.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3((float)(Screen.width / 2), (float)(Screen.height / 2), 0f)); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit hitInfo, GetComponent <Weapon>().range, layerMask)) { GameObject gameObject = null; GameObject gameObject2 = hitInfo.transform.gameObject; if (gameObject2.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Chunk") || gameObject2.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Brick")) { BrickProperty brickProperty = null; GameObject gameObject3 = null; if (gameObject2.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Brick")) { BrickProperty[] allComponents = Recursively.GetAllComponents <BrickProperty>(gameObject2.transform, includeInactive: false); if (allComponents.Length > 0) { brickProperty = allComponents[0]; } } else { gameObject = BrickManager.Instance.GetBrickObjectByPos(Brick.ToBrickCoord(hitInfo.normal, hitInfo.point)); if (null != gameObject) { brickProperty = gameObject.GetComponent <BrickProperty>(); } } if (null != brickProperty) { P2PManager.Instance.SendPEER_HIT_BRICK(brickProperty.Seq, brickProperty.Index, hitInfo.point, hitInfo.normal, isBullet: false); gameObject3 = BrickManager.Instance.GetBulletImpact(brickProperty.Index); Brick brick = BrickManager.Instance.GetBrick(brickProperty.Index); if (brick != null && brick.destructible) { brickProperty.Hit((int)CalcAtkPow()); if (brickProperty.HitPoint <= 0) { if (!Application.loadedLevelName.Contains("Tutor")) { CSNetManager.Instance.Sock.SendCS_DESTROY_BRICK_REQ(brickProperty.Seq); } gameObject3 = null; if (brickProperty.Index == 115 || brickProperty.Index == 193) { CheckMyself(gameObject.transform.position, GlobalVars.Instance.BoomRadius); CheckBoxmen(gameObject.transform.position, GlobalVars.Instance.BoomRadius); CheckMonster(gameObject.transform.position, GlobalVars.Instance.BoomRadius); CheckDestructibles(gameObject.transform.position, GlobalVars.Instance.BoomRadius); } } else { P2PManager.Instance.SendPEER_BRICK_HITPOINT(brickProperty.Seq, brickProperty.HitPoint); } } } if (null != gameObject3) { Object.Instantiate((Object)gameObject3, hitInfo.point, Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, hitInfo.normal)); } } else if (gameObject2.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("BoxMan")) { PlayerProperty[] allComponents2 = Recursively.GetAllComponents <PlayerProperty>(gameObject2.transform, includeInactive: false); TPController[] allComponents3 = Recursively.GetAllComponents <TPController>(gameObject2.transform, includeInactive: false); if (allComponents2.Length != 1) { Debug.LogError("PlayerProperty should be unique for a box man, but it has multiple PlayerProperty components or non "); } if (allComponents3.Length != 1) { Debug.LogError("TPController should be unique for a box man, but it has multiple TPController components or non "); } PlayerProperty playerProperty = null; TPController tPController = null; if (allComponents2.Length > 0) { playerProperty = allComponents2[0]; } if (allComponents3.Length > 0) { tPController = allComponents3[0]; } if (playerProperty != null && tPController != null) { int num = 0; HitPart component = gameObject2.GetComponent <HitPart>(); if (component != null) { if (component.GetHitImpact() != null) { Object.Instantiate((Object)component.GetHitImpact(), hitInfo.point, Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, 0f)); } num = (int)(CalcAtkPow() * component.damageFactor); if (!playerProperty.IsHostile()) { num = 0; } WeaponFunction component2 = GetComponent <WeaponFunction>(); if (null == component2) { Debug.LogError("wpnFunc == nulll"); } TWeapon tWeapon = (TWeapon)GetComponent <Weapon>().tItem; if (tWeapon == null) { Debug.LogError("wpn == null"); } Item item = MyInfoManager.Instance.GetItemBySequence(component2.ItemSeq); if (item == null) { item = MyInfoManager.Instance.GetUsingEquipByCode(tWeapon.code); } num = GlobalVars.Instance.applyDurabilityDamage(item?.Durability ?? (-1), tWeapon.durabilityMax, num); P2PManager.Instance.SendPEER_HIT_BRICKMAN(MyInfoManager.Instance.Seq, playerProperty.Desc.Seq, (int)component.part, hitInfo.point, hitInfo.normal, lucky: false, 0, ray.direction); P2PManager.Instance.SendPEER_PIERCE(MyInfoManager.Instance.Seq, playerProperty.Desc.Seq, num, Rigidity, (int)weaponBy); } tPController.GetHit(num, playerProperty.Desc.Seq); } } else if (gameObject2.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Mon")) { MonProperty[] allComponents4 = Recursively.GetAllComponents <MonProperty>(gameObject2.transform, includeInactive: false); MonProperty monProperty = null; if (allComponents4.Length > 0) { monProperty = allComponents4[0]; } if (monProperty != null) { HitPart component3 = gameObject2.GetComponent <HitPart>(); if (component3 != null) { if ((MyInfoManager.Instance.Slot < 4 && monProperty.Desc.bRedTeam) || (MyInfoManager.Instance.Slot >= 4 && !monProperty.Desc.bRedTeam)) { return; } if (component3.GetHitImpact() != null) { Object.Instantiate((Object)component3.GetHitImpact(), hitInfo.point, Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, 0f)); } if (monProperty.Desc.Xp <= 0) { return; } int num2 = (int)(CalcAtkPow() * component3.damageFactor); if (monProperty.Desc.bHalfDamage) { num2 /= 2; } MonManager.Instance.Hit(monProperty.Desc.Seq, num2, 0f, (int)weaponBy,,, -1); } } } else if (gameObject2.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("InvincibleArmor") || gameObject2.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Bomb") || gameObject2.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("InstalledBomb")) { GameObject impact = VfxOptimizer.Instance.GetImpact(gameObject2.layer); if (null != impact) { Object.Instantiate((Object)impact, hitInfo.point, Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, hitInfo.normal)); P2PManager.Instance.SendPEER_HIT_IMPACT(gameObject2.layer, hitInfo.point, hitInfo.normal); } } isValidRange = false; } } }
public static SEND_PACKET_LEVEL check3rdPersonSendOrNoSend(GameObject player, Vector3 shootpos, Vector3 hitpoint, Vector3 shootdir, Vector3 hitnormal, int brickSeq, float range, bool possibleCan) { if (null == player) { return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.NONE); } int layerMask = (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Chunk")) | (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Brick")); GameObject gameObject = null; BrickProperty brickProperty = null; Ray ray = default(Ray); bool flag = true; bool flag2 = true; float num = 0f; Plane plane = default(Plane); shootpos.y += 1.2f; TPController component = player.GetComponent <TPController>(); if ((bool)component) { float num2 = Vector3.Distance(shootpos, component.transform.position); bool flag3 = false; if (num2 < inputMinDistance) { flag3 = true; } bool flag4 = false; if (num2 > inputMaxDistance) { flag4 = true; } Vector3 position = component.transform.position; Vector3 position2 = component.transform.position; position2.y += 10f; Vector3 c = component.transform.position + component.lookAt() * 30f; plane.Set3Points(position, position2, c); flag = true; Vector3 rhs = shootpos - component.transform.position; rhs.Normalize(); num = Vector3.Dot(component.lookAt(), rhs); if (num < 0.2f) { flag = false; } flag2 = true; rhs = hitpoint - component.transform.position; rhs.Normalize(); num = Vector3.Dot(component.lookAt(), rhs); if (num <= 0.2f) { flag2 = false; } if (flag3) { return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.ALL); } if (flag4) { return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.NONE); } Vector3 position3 = component.transform.position; position3.y += 1.2f; ray.origin = position3; ray.direction = Vector3.Normalize(hitpoint - ray.origin); bool flag5 = false; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit hitInfo, range, layerMask)) { GameObject gameObject2 = hitInfo.transform.gameObject; if (gameObject2.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Brick")) { BrickProperty[] allComponents = Recursively.GetAllComponents <BrickProperty>(gameObject2.transform, includeInactive: false); if (allComponents.Length > 0) { brickProperty = allComponents[0]; } } else { gameObject = BrickManager.Instance.GetBrickObjectByPos(Brick.ToBrickCoord(hitInfo.normal, hitInfo.point)); if (null != gameObject) { brickProperty = gameObject.GetComponent <BrickProperty>(); } } if (null != brickProperty && brickSeq != brickProperty.Seq) { flag5 = true; } } ray.direction = Vector3.Normalize(shootpos - ray.origin); bool flag6 = false; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo, num2 + 1f, layerMask)) { float num3 = Vector3.Distance(hitInfo.point, component.transform.position); if (num2 > num3) { flag6 = true; } } if (!flag && !flag2) { return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.NONE); } if (!flag5 && !flag6) { return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.ALL); } if (flag5 || !flag2) { if (!flag6) { return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.EXCEPT_EFFECT); } if (num2 < 20f) { return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.ONLY_SOUND); } return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.NONE); } if (!possibleCan && flag5 && flag6) { float distanceToPoint = plane.GetDistanceToPoint(shootpos); float distanceToPoint2 = plane.GetDistanceToPoint(hitpoint); if (distanceToPoint < distanceToPoint2) { return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.NONE); } if (distanceToPoint * distanceToPoint2 < 0f) { Vector3 intersection =; if (LinePlaneIntersection(out intersection, shootpos, shootdir, plane.normal, position3)) { ray.direction = component.lookAt(); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo, 30f, layerMask)) { return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.EXCEPT_EFFECT); } } } } return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.ALL); } return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.ALL); }
public static SEND_PACKET_LEVEL checkSendDir(GameObject player, Vector3 myPos, Bounds bounds) { if (null == player) { return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.NONE); } GameObject gameObject = null; BrickProperty brickProperty = null; TPController component = player.GetComponent <TPController>(); if ((bool)component) { Vector3 vector = new Vector3(myPos.x, myPos.y + 1.2f, myPos.z); Vector3 position = component.transform.position; float x = position.x; Vector3 position2 = component.transform.position; float y = position2.y + 1.2f; Vector3 position3 = component.transform.position; Vector3 vector2 = new Vector3(x, y, position3.z); float num = Vector3.Distance(myPos, component.transform.position); Camera[] componentsInChildren = player.GetComponentsInChildren <Camera>(); if (componentsInChildren.Length > 0) { camera = componentsInChildren[0]; camera.fieldOfView = 75f; camera.nearClipPlane = 0.3f; camera.farClipPlane = 1000f; } camera.transform.position = vector2; camera.transform.rotation = component.transform.rotation; Plane[] planes = GeometryUtility.CalculateFrustumPlanes(camera); if (GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB(planes, bounds)) { int layerMask = (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Chunk")) | (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Brick")); Ray ray = default(Ray); ray.origin = vector2; ray.direction = Vector3.Normalize(vector - ray.origin); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit hitInfo, 1000f, layerMask)) { float num2 = Vector3.Distance(hitInfo.point, vector2); if (num > num2) { GameObject gameObject2 = hitInfo.transform.gameObject; if (gameObject2.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Brick")) { BrickProperty[] allComponents = Recursively.GetAllComponents <BrickProperty>(gameObject2.transform, includeInactive: false); if (allComponents.Length > 0) { brickProperty = allComponents[0]; } } else { gameObject = BrickManager.Instance.GetBrickObjectByPos(Brick.ToBrickCoord(hitInfo.normal, hitInfo.point)); if (null != gameObject) { brickProperty = gameObject.GetComponent <BrickProperty>(); } } if (null != brickProperty && IsTransparent(brickProperty.Index) && IsFaceToMeSameBrick(vector, vector2, num, brickProperty.Seq)) { camera.enabled = false; return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.ALL); } camera.enabled = false; return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.NONE); } } camera.enabled = false; return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.ALL); } camera.enabled = false; return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.NONE); } return(SEND_PACKET_LEVEL.ALL); }
public GameObject AddBrickMan(BrickManDesc desc) { Vector3 position = new Vector3(0f, 11000f, 0f); if (freeInvisiblePositionQ.Count <= 0) { Debug.LogError("No more free Invisible Position "); } else { position = freeInvisiblePositionQ.Dequeue(); } GameObject gameObject = Object.Instantiate((Object)brickMan, position, Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, 0f)) as GameObject; if (null == gameObject) { Debug.LogError("Fail to instantiate a brick man "); return(null); } PlayerProperty component = gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerProperty>(); if (null == component) { Object.DestroyImmediate(gameObject); Debug.LogError("New brickman doesnt have PlayerProperty "); return(null); } component.Desc = desc; component.InvisiblePosition = position; TPController component2 = gameObject.GetComponent <TPController>(); if (null == component2) { Object.DestroyImmediate(gameObject); Debug.LogError("New brickman doesnt have ThirdPersonController"); return(null); } Camera camera = null; Camera[] componentsInChildren = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Camera>(); if (componentsInChildren != null) { string value = "Near"; if (Application.loadedLevelName == "Result4Defense") { value = "Far"; } int num = 0; while (camera == null && num < componentsInChildren.Length) { if (componentsInChildren[num].name.Contains(value)) { camera = componentsInChildren[num]; } num++; } } if (null == camera) { Object.DestroyImmediate(gameObject); Debug.LogError(" New brickman doesnt have Overlay camera "); return(null); } if (freeOverlayQ.Count <= 0) { Debug.LogError("No more freeOverlay "); } camera.enabled = true; camera.targetTexture = freeOverlayQ.Dequeue(); Weapon.isInitialize = true; LookCoordinator component3 = gameObject.GetComponent <LookCoordinator>(); if (null == component3) { Object.DestroyImmediate(gameObject); Debug.LogError("New brickman doesnt have LookCoordinator"); return(null); } component3.Init(mirror: false); for (int i = 0; i < desc.Equipment.Length; i++) { TItem tItem = TItemManager.Instance.Get <TItem>(desc.Equipment[i]); if (tItem != null) { string itemCode = desc.Equipment[i]; if (tItem.type == TItem.TYPE.WEAPON) { TWeapon tWeapon = (TWeapon)tItem; int num2 = 0; while (desc.WpnChg != null && num2 < desc.WpnChg.Length) { TItem tItem2 = TItemManager.Instance.Get <TItem>(desc.WpnChg[num2]); if (tItem2 != null && tItem2.type == TItem.TYPE.WEAPON) { TWeapon tWeapon2 = (TWeapon)tItem2; if (tWeapon.slot == tWeapon2.slot) { itemCode = desc.WpnChg[num2]; } } num2++; } int num3 = 0; while (desc.DrpItm != null && num3 < desc.DrpItm.Length) { TItem tItem3 = TItemManager.Instance.Get <TItem>(desc.DrpItm[num3]); if (tItem3 != null && tItem3.type == TItem.TYPE.WEAPON) { TWeapon tWeapon3 = (TWeapon)tItem3; if (tWeapon.slot == tWeapon3.slot) { itemCode = desc.DrpItm[num3]; } } num3++; } } component3.Equip(itemCode); } } component3.ChangeWeapon(RoomManager.Instance.DefaultWeaponType); dicBrickMan.Add(desc.Seq, gameObject); Weapon.isInitialize = false; return(gameObject); }
private void Shoot() { Vector2 vector = accuracy.CalcDeflection(); int layerMask = (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Chunk")) | (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Brick")) | (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("BoxMan")) | (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Mon")) | (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("InvincibleArmor")) | (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Bomb")) | (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("InstalledBomb")); Ray ray = cam.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3(vector.x, vector.y, 0f)); if (!Application.loadedLevelName.Contains("Tutor")) { P2PManager.Instance.SendPEER_CANNON_FIRE(BrickSeq, shooter, ray.origin, ray.direction); } if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit hitInfo, Range, layerMask)) { GameObject gameObject = hitInfo.transform.gameObject; if (gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Brick") || gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Chunk")) { GameObject gameObject2 = null; BrickProperty brickProperty = null; GameObject original = null; Texture2D mark = null; if (gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Brick")) { BrickProperty[] allComponents = Recursively.GetAllComponents <BrickProperty>(gameObject.transform, includeInactive: false); if (allComponents.Length > 0) { brickProperty = allComponents[0]; } } else { gameObject2 = BrickManager.Instance.GetBrickObjectByPos(Brick.ToBrickCoord(hitInfo.normal, hitInfo.point)); if (null != gameObject2) { brickProperty = gameObject2.GetComponent <BrickProperty>(); } } if (null != brickProperty) { P2PManager.Instance.SendPEER_HIT_BRICK(brickProperty.Seq, brickProperty.Index, hitInfo.point, hitInfo.normal, isBullet: true); mark = BrickManager.Instance.GetBulletMark(brickProperty.Index); original = BrickManager.Instance.GetBulletImpact(brickProperty.Index); Brick brick = BrickManager.Instance.GetBrick(brickProperty.Index); if (brick != null && brick.destructible) { brickProperty.Hit((int)AtkPow); if (brickProperty.HitPoint <= 0) { CSNetManager.Instance.Sock.SendCS_DESTROY_BRICK_REQ(brickProperty.Seq); mark = null; original = null; if (brickProperty.Index == 115 || brickProperty.Index == 193) { ExplosionUtil.CheckMyself(gameObject2.transform.position, GlobalVars.Instance.BoomDamage, GlobalVars.Instance.BoomRadius, -3); ExplosionUtil.CheckBoxmen(gameObject2.transform.position, GlobalVars.Instance.BoomDamage, GlobalVars.Instance.BoomRadius, -3, Rigidity); ExplosionUtil.CheckMonster(gameObject2.transform.position, GlobalVars.Instance.BoomDamage, GlobalVars.Instance.BoomRadius); ExplosionUtil.CheckDestructibles(gameObject2.transform.position, GlobalVars.Instance.BoomDamage, GlobalVars.Instance.BoomRadius); } } else { P2PManager.Instance.SendPEER_BRICK_HITPOINT(brickProperty.Seq, brickProperty.HitPoint); } } } if (null != gameObject2 && null != mark) { GameObject gameObject3 = Object.Instantiate((Object)BrickManager.Instance.bulletMark, hitInfo.point, Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, -hitInfo.normal)) as GameObject; BulletMark component = gameObject3.GetComponent <BulletMark>(); component.GenerateDecal(mark, gameObject, gameObject2); } if (null != original) { Object.Instantiate((Object)original, hitInfo.point, Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, hitInfo.normal)); } } else if (gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("BoxMan")) { PlayerProperty[] allComponents2 = Recursively.GetAllComponents <PlayerProperty>(gameObject.transform, includeInactive: false); TPController[] allComponents3 = Recursively.GetAllComponents <TPController>(gameObject.transform, includeInactive: false); if (allComponents2.Length != 1) { Debug.LogError("PlayerProperty should be unique for a box man, but it has multiple PlayerProperty components or non "); } if (allComponents3.Length != 1) { Debug.LogError("TPController should be unique for a box man, but it has multiple TPController components or non "); } PlayerProperty playerProperty = null; TPController tPController = null; if (allComponents2.Length > 0) { playerProperty = allComponents2[0]; } if (allComponents3.Length > 0) { tPController = allComponents3[0]; } if (playerProperty != null && tPController != null) { int num = 0; HitPart component2 = gameObject.GetComponent <HitPart>(); if (component2 != null) { bool flag = false; if (component2.part == HitPart.TYPE.HEAD) { int layerMask2 = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Brain"); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit hitInfo2, Range, layerMask2)) { if (playerProperty.Desc.IsLucky()) { flag = true; } else { component2 = hitInfo2.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <HitPart>(); } } } if (component2.GetHitImpact() != null) { GameObject original2 = component2.GetHitImpact(); if (flag && null != component2.luckyImpact) { original2 = component2.luckyImpact; } Object.Instantiate((Object)original2, hitInfo.point, Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, 0f)); } num = (int)(AtkPow * component2.damageFactor); if (!playerProperty.IsHostile()) { num = 0; } P2PManager.Instance.SendPEER_HIT_BRICKMAN(MyInfoManager.Instance.Seq, playerProperty.Desc.Seq, (int)component2.part, hitInfo.point, hitInfo.normal, flag, 0, ray.direction); P2PManager.Instance.SendPEER_SHOOT(MyInfoManager.Instance.Seq, playerProperty.Desc.Seq, num, Rigidity, (int)weaponBy, (int)component2.part, flag, rateOfFire); } tPController.GetHit(num, playerProperty.Desc.Seq); } } else if (gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Mon")) { MonProperty[] allComponents4 = Recursively.GetAllComponents <MonProperty>(gameObject.transform, includeInactive: false); MonProperty monProperty = null; if (allComponents4.Length > 0) { monProperty = allComponents4[0]; } if (monProperty != null) { HitPart component3 = gameObject.GetComponent <HitPart>(); if (component3 != null && (MyInfoManager.Instance.Slot >= 4 || !monProperty.Desc.bRedTeam) && (MyInfoManager.Instance.Slot < 4 || monProperty.Desc.bRedTeam)) { if (component3.GetHitImpact() != null) { Object.Instantiate((Object)component3.GetHitImpact(), hitInfo.point, Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, 0f)); } if (monProperty.Desc.Xp > 0) { int num2 = (int)(AtkPow * component3.damageFactor); num2 += DefenseManager.Instance.AddAtkPower; if (monProperty.Desc.bHalfDamage) { num2 /= 2; } MonManager.Instance.Hit(monProperty.Desc.Seq, num2, 0f, (int)weaponBy, hitInfo.point, hitInfo.normal, -1); } } } } else if (gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("InvincibleArmor") || gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Bomb") || gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("InstalledBomb")) { GameObject impact = VfxOptimizer.Instance.GetImpact(gameObject.layer); if (null != impact) { Object.Instantiate((Object)impact, hitInfo.point, Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, hitInfo.normal)); P2PManager.Instance.SendPEER_HIT_IMPACT(gameObject.layer, hitInfo.point, hitInfo.normal); } } } }
public void SetShooter(int player) { if (shooter == MyInfoManager.Instance.Seq) { shooter = -1; localController = null; Recursively.ChangeLayer(base.transform, LayerMask.NameToLayer("FpsBrick"), LayerMask.NameToLayer("Brick")); } else if (shooter >= 0) { GameObject gameObject = BrickManManager.Instance.Get(shooter); if (null != gameObject) { gameObject.BroadcastMessage("OnLeaveCannon"); gameObject.transform.parent = null; } SaveAxleAngle(); } shooter = player; if (shooter == MyInfoManager.Instance.Seq) { GameObject gameObject2 = GameObject.Find("Me"); if (null != gameObject2) { localController = gameObject2.GetComponent <LocalController>(); } if (null == gameObject2 || null == localController || localController.IsDead) { localController = null; shooter = -1; } else { Recursively.ChangeLayer(base.transform, LayerMask.NameToLayer("Brick"), LayerMask.NameToLayer("FpsBrick")); gameObject2.BroadcastMessage("OnGetCannon", this); cyclic = false; heat = 0f; overHeatTime = 0f; overHeated = false; SaveAxleAngle(); lastNotified = 0f; } } else if (shooter >= 0) { TPController tPController = null; GameObject gameObject3 = BrickManManager.Instance.Get(shooter); if (null != gameObject3) { tPController = gameObject3.GetComponent <TPController>(); } if (null == gameObject3 || null == tPController || tPController.IsDead) { shooter = -1; } else { gameObject3.BroadcastMessage("OnGetCannon", this); gameObject3.transform.parent = tpsLink.transform; gameObject3.transform.position = tpsLink.transform.position; gameObject3.transform.rotation = tpsLink.transform.rotation; } } }
void Awake() { CharacterController = GetComponent("CharacterController") as CharacterController; Instance = this; TPCamera.SpawnCamera(); }
private void OnGUI() { if (MyInfoManager.Instance.isGuiOn && on) { VerifyLocalController(); = GUISkinFinder.Instance.GetGUISkin(); GUI.depth = (int)guiDepth; GUI.enabled = !DialogManager.Instance.IsModal; GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(((float)Screen.width - crdFrame.x) / 2f, ((float)Screen.height - crdFrame.y) / 2f, crdFrame.x, crdFrame.y)); GUI.Box(new Rect(0f, 0f, crdFrame.x, crdFrame.y), string.Empty, "BoxResult"); Room room = RoomManager.Instance.GetRoom(RoomManager.Instance.CurrentRoom); if (room != null) { LabelUtil.TextOut(crdRoomTitle, room.GetString(), "MiniLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.UpperLeft); } GUI.Box(crdBoxGreen, string.Empty, "BoxGreen02"); GUI.Box(crdFirstLow, string.Empty, "BoxResultText"); TextureUtil.DrawTexture(crdIndIcon, indIcon, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2(markX, resultY), StringMgr.Instance.Get("MARK"), "MiniLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter); LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2(badgeX, resultY), StringMgr.Instance.Get("BADGE"), "MiniLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter); LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2(nickX, resultY), StringMgr.Instance.Get("CHARACTER"), "MiniLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter); LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2(zombieX, resultY), StringMgr.Instance.Get("ZOMBIE") + "/" + StringMgr.Instance.Get("BRICKMAN"), "MiniLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter); LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2(scoreX, resultY), StringMgr.Instance.Get("SCORE"), "MiniLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter); LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2(pingX, resultY), StringMgr.Instance.Get("PING"), "MiniLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter); float num = yy; GUI.Box(crdSituation, string.Empty, "BoxResult01"); bool flag = false; List <KeyValuePair <int, BrickManDesc> > list = BrickManManager.Instance.ToSortedList(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { BrickManDesc value = list[i].Value; if (value != null && value.Slot < 16) { GameObject gameObject = BrickManManager.Instance.Get(value.Seq); if (!(null == gameObject)) { TPController component = gameObject.GetComponent <TPController>(); if (!(null == component)) { if (!flag && (MyInfoManager.Instance.Score > value.Score || (MyInfoManager.Instance.Score == value.Score && MyInfoManager.Instance.Kill > value.Kill))) { flag = true; float num2 = num; num = GridOut(MyInfoManager.Instance.ClanMark, MyInfoManager.Instance.Xp, MyInfoManager.Instance.Rank, MyInfoManager.Instance.Nickname, ZombieVsHumanManager.Instance.IsZombie(MyInfoManager.Instance.Seq), MyInfoManager.Instance.ControlMode == MyInfoManager.CONTROL_MODE.PLAYING_SPECTATOR, MyInfoManager.Instance.Score, MyInfoManager.Instance.PingTime, MyInfoManager.Instance.Status, localController.IsDead, num, MyInfoManager.Instance.Seq == RoomManager.Instance.Master); GUI.Box(new Rect(myRowX, num2 - myRowSize.y / 2f + 2f, myRowSize.x, myRowSize.y), string.Empty, "BoxMyInfo"); } Peer peer = P2PManager.Instance.Get(value.Seq); num = GridOut(value.ClanMark, value.Xp, value.Rank, value.Nickname, ZombieVsHumanManager.Instance.IsZombie(value.Seq), value.IsHidePlayer, value.Score, peer?.PingTime ?? float.PositiveInfinity, value.Status, component.IsDead, num, value.Seq == RoomManager.Instance.Master); } } } } if (!flag) { GridOut(MyInfoManager.Instance.ClanMark, MyInfoManager.Instance.Xp, MyInfoManager.Instance.Rank, MyInfoManager.Instance.Nickname, ZombieVsHumanManager.Instance.IsZombie(MyInfoManager.Instance.Seq), MyInfoManager.Instance.ControlMode == MyInfoManager.CONTROL_MODE.PLAYING_SPECTATOR, MyInfoManager.Instance.Score, MyInfoManager.Instance.PingTime, MyInfoManager.Instance.Status, localController.IsDead, num, MyInfoManager.Instance.Seq == RoomManager.Instance.Master); GUI.Box(new Rect(myRowX, num - myRowSize.y / 2f + 2f, myRowSize.x, myRowSize.y), string.Empty, "BoxMyInfo"); } GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.enabled = true; } }
private void OnGUI() { if (MyInfoManager.Instance.isGuiOn && isVisible) { = GUISkinFinder.Instance.GetGUISkin(); GUI.depth = (int)guiDepth; GUI.enabled = !DialogManager.Instance.IsModal; GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)bkgnd.width, (float)bkgnd.height)); TextureUtil.DrawTexture(new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)bkgnd.width, (float)bkgnd.height), bkgnd); if (null != cameraController) { Vector2 center = new Vector2((float)(bkgnd.width / 2), (float)(bkgnd.height / 2)); Vector3 position = cameraController.transform.position; Vector3 toDirection = cameraController.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward); toDirection.y = 0f; toDirection = toDirection.normalized; Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, toDirection); GameObject[] array = BrickManManager.Instance.ToGameObjectArray(); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { TPController component = array[i].GetComponent <TPController>(); PlayerProperty component2 = array[i].GetComponent <PlayerProperty>(); if (null != component2 && null != component && !component2.IsHostile() && component2.Desc.Status == 4 && !component2.Desc.IsHidePlayer) { Vector3 vector = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * (component2.transform.position - position); Vector2 a = new Vector2(vector.x, vector.z); Vector2 vector2 = hudRadius / radarRadius * a; vector2.y = -1f * vector2.y; if (Vector2.Distance(vector2, > hudRadius) { vector2 = hudRadius * vector2.normalized; } if (dicRadioSenders.ContainsKey(component2.Desc.Seq)) { float signalStrength = dicRadioSenders[component2.Desc.Seq].GetSignalStrength(); if (signalStrength > 0f) { DrawSignal(center, vector2, signalStrength); } } DrawPin(component.IsDead, center, vector2); } } Trigger[] enabledScriptables = BrickManager.Instance.GetEnabledScriptables(); for (int j = 0; j < enabledScriptables.Length; j++) { Vector3 vector3 = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * (enabledScriptables[j].transform.position - position); Vector2 a2 = new Vector2(vector3.x, vector3.z); Vector2 vector4 = hudRadius / radarRadius * a2; vector4.y = -1f * vector4.y; if (Vector2.Distance(vector4, > hudRadius) { vector4 = hudRadius * vector4.normalized; } DrawPin(isDead: false, center, vector4); } if (RoomManager.Instance.CurrentRoomType == Room.ROOM_TYPE.CAPTURE_THE_FLAG && BrickManager.Instance.userMap != null) { SpawnerDesc spawner = BrickManager.Instance.userMap.GetSpawner(Brick.SPAWNER_TYPE.RED_FLAG_SPAWNER, 0); if (spawner != null) { Vector3 vector5 = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * (spawner.position - position); Vector2 a3 = new Vector2(vector5.x, vector5.z); Vector2 vector6 = hudRadius / radarRadius * a3; vector6.y = -1f * vector6.y; if (Vector2.Distance(vector6, > hudRadius) { vector6 = hudRadius * vector6.normalized; } DrawFlagR(isDead: false, center, vector6); } spawner = BrickManager.Instance.userMap.GetSpawner(Brick.SPAWNER_TYPE.BLUE_FLAG_SPAWNER, 0); if (spawner != null) { Vector3 vector7 = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * (spawner.position - position); Vector2 a4 = new Vector2(vector7.x, vector7.z); Vector2 vector8 = hudRadius / radarRadius * a4; vector8.y = -1f * vector8.y; if (Vector2.Distance(vector8, > hudRadius) { vector8 = hudRadius * vector8.normalized; } DrawFlagB(isDead: false, center, vector8); } if (BrickManManager.Instance.haveFlagSeq < 0) { Vector3 vector9 = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * (BrickManManager.Instance.vFlag - position); Vector2 a5 = new Vector2(vector9.x, vector9.z); Vector2 vector10 = hudRadius / radarRadius * a5; vector10.y = -1f * vector10.y; if (Vector2.Distance(vector10, > hudRadius) { vector10 = hudRadius * vector10.normalized; } DrawFlag(isDead: false, center, vector10); } } if (RoomManager.Instance.CurrentRoomType == Room.ROOM_TYPE.EXPLOSION) { for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) { if (BrickManager.Instance.userMap != null) { SpawnerDesc spawner2 = BrickManager.Instance.userMap.GetSpawner(Brick.SPAWNER_TYPE.BOMB_SPAWNER, k); if (spawner2 != null) { Vector3 vector11 = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * (spawner2.position - position); Vector2 a6 = new Vector2(vector11.x, vector11.z); Vector2 vector12 = hudRadius / radarRadius * a6; vector12.y = -1f * vector12.y; if (Vector2.Distance(vector12, > hudRadius) { vector12 = hudRadius * vector12.normalized; } DrawBomb(blastTarget[k], center, vector12); } } } } if (heartBeatTime < heartBeatMax && showHeartBeat) { GameObject[] array2 = BrickManManager.Instance.ToGameObjectArray(); for (int l = 0; l < array2.Length; l++) { TPController component3 = array2[l].GetComponent <TPController>(); PlayerProperty component4 = array2[l].GetComponent <PlayerProperty>(); if (null != component4 && null != component3 && component4.IsHostile() && !component3.IsDead && component4.Desc.Status == 4 && !component4.Desc.IsHidePlayer) { Vector3 vector13 = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * (component4.transform.position - position); Vector2 a7 = new Vector2(vector13.x, vector13.z); Vector2 vector14 = hudRadius / radarRadius * a7; vector14.y = -1f * vector14.y; if (Vector2.Distance(vector14, > hudRadius) { vector14 = hudRadius * vector14.normalized; } DrawEnemy(center, vector14); } } } } DrawConcentric(); GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.enabled = true; } }
private void EmotionalAct() { int num = 0; TPController tPController = null; for (int i = 0; i < RoomManager.Instance.RU.Length; i++) { if (!RoomManager.Instance.RU[i].red) { GameObject gameObject = BrickManManager.Instance.Get(RoomManager.Instance.RU[i].seq); if (null != gameObject) { TPController component = gameObject.GetComponent <TPController>(); if (null != component) { string ani = win[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, win.Length)]; if (cvtEndCode == -1) { ani = lose[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, lose.Length)]; tPController = component; } else if (num == 0) { ani = winner[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, winner.Length)]; } num++; component.EmotionalAct(ani); } } } } num = 0; for (int j = 0; j < RoomManager.Instance.RU.Length; j++) { if (RoomManager.Instance.RU[j].red) { GameObject gameObject2 = BrickManManager.Instance.Get(RoomManager.Instance.RU[j].seq); if (null != gameObject2) { TPController component2 = gameObject2.GetComponent <TPController>(); if (null != component2) { string ani2 = win[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, win.Length)]; if (cvtEndCode == 1) { ani2 = lose[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, lose.Length)]; tPController = component2; } else if (num == 0) { ani2 = winner[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, winner.Length)]; } num++; component2.EmotionalAct(ani2); } } } } if (null != tPController) { tPController.EmotionalAct(loser[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, loser.Length)]); } }
private void OnGUI() { if (MyInfoManager.Instance.isGuiOn && on) { VerifyLocalController(); = GUISkinFinder.Instance.GetGUISkin(); GUI.depth = (int)guiDepth; GUI.enabled = !DialogManager.Instance.IsModal; GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(((float)Screen.width - crdFrame.x) / 2f, ((float)Screen.height - crdFrame.y) / 2f, crdFrame.x, crdFrame.y)); GUI.Box(new Rect(0f, 0f, crdFrame.x, crdFrame.y), string.Empty, "BoxResult"); Room room = RoomManager.Instance.GetRoom(RoomManager.Instance.CurrentRoom); if (room != null) { LabelUtil.TextOut(crdRoomTitle, room.GetString(), "MiniLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.UpperLeft); } GUI.Box(crdRedTeamTitle, string.Empty, "BoxRed02"); GUI.Box(crdRedFirstLow, string.Empty, "BoxResultText"); TextureUtil.DrawTexture(crdRedTeamIcon, redTeam, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2(markX, redResultY), StringMgr.Instance.Get("MARK"), "MiniLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter); LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2(badgeX, redResultY), StringMgr.Instance.Get("BADGE"), "MiniLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter); LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2(nickX, redResultY), StringMgr.Instance.Get("CHARACTER"), "MiniLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter); LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2(killX, redResultY), StringMgr.Instance.Get("KILL") + "/" + StringMgr.Instance.Get("ASSIST") + "/" + StringMgr.Instance.Get("DEATH"), "MiniLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter); LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2(scoreX, redResultY), StringMgr.Instance.Get("SCORE"), "MiniLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter); LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2(pingX, redResultY), StringMgr.Instance.Get("PING"), "MiniLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter); float num = redY; GUI.Box(crdRedTeamSituation, string.Empty, "BoxResult01"); bool flag = false; List <KeyValuePair <int, BrickManDesc> > list = BrickManManager.Instance.ToSortedList(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { BrickManDesc value = list[i].Value; if (value != null && value.Slot < 8) { GameObject gameObject = BrickManManager.Instance.Get(value.Seq); if (!(null == gameObject)) { TPController component = gameObject.GetComponent <TPController>(); if (!(null == component)) { if (MyInfoManager.Instance.Slot < 8 && !flag && (MyInfoManager.Instance.Score > value.Score || (MyInfoManager.Instance.Score == value.Score && MyInfoManager.Instance.Kill > value.Kill))) { flag = true; float num2 = num; num = GridOut(MyInfoManager.Instance.ClanMark, MyInfoManager.Instance.Xp, MyInfoManager.Instance.Rank, MyInfoManager.Instance.Nickname, MyInfoManager.Instance.Kill, MyInfoManager.Instance.Death, MyInfoManager.Instance.Assist, MyInfoManager.Instance.Score, MyInfoManager.Instance.PingTime, MyInfoManager.Instance.Status, localController.IsDead, num, MyInfoManager.Instance.Seq == RoomManager.Instance.Master); GUI.Box(new Rect(myRowX, num2 - myRowSize.y / 2f + 2f, myRowSize.x, myRowSize.y), string.Empty, "BoxMyInfo"); } Peer peer = P2PManager.Instance.Get(value.Seq); num = GridOut(value.ClanMark, value.Xp, value.Rank, value.Nickname, value.Kill, value.Death, value.Assist, value.Score, peer?.PingTime ?? float.PositiveInfinity, value.Status, component.IsDead, num, value.Seq == RoomManager.Instance.Master); } } } } if (MyInfoManager.Instance.Slot < 8 && !flag) { GridOut(MyInfoManager.Instance.ClanMark, MyInfoManager.Instance.Xp, MyInfoManager.Instance.Rank, MyInfoManager.Instance.Nickname, MyInfoManager.Instance.Kill, MyInfoManager.Instance.Death, MyInfoManager.Instance.Assist, MyInfoManager.Instance.Score, MyInfoManager.Instance.PingTime, MyInfoManager.Instance.Status, localController.IsDead, num, MyInfoManager.Instance.Seq == RoomManager.Instance.Master); GUI.Box(new Rect(myRowX, num - myRowSize.y / 2f + 2f, myRowSize.x, myRowSize.y), string.Empty, "BoxMyInfo"); } GUI.Box(crdBlueTeamTitle, string.Empty, "BoxBlue02"); GUI.Box(crdBlueFirstLow, string.Empty, "BoxResultText"); TextureUtil.DrawTexture(crdBlueTeamIcon, blueTeam, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2(markX, blueResultY), StringMgr.Instance.Get("MARK"), "MiniLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter); LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2(badgeX, blueResultY), StringMgr.Instance.Get("BADGE"), "MiniLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter); LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2(nickX, blueResultY), StringMgr.Instance.Get("CHARACTER"), "MiniLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter); LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2(killX, blueResultY), StringMgr.Instance.Get("KILL") + "/" + StringMgr.Instance.Get("ASSIST") + "/" + StringMgr.Instance.Get("DEATH"), "MiniLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter); LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2(scoreX, blueResultY), StringMgr.Instance.Get("SCORE"), "MiniLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter); LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2(pingX, blueResultY), StringMgr.Instance.Get("PING"), "MiniLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter); num = blueY; GUI.Box(crdBlueTeamSituation, string.Empty, "BoxResult01"); for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++) { BrickManDesc value2 = list[j].Value; if (value2 != null && value2.Slot >= 8) { GameObject gameObject2 = BrickManManager.Instance.Get(value2.Seq); if (!(null == gameObject2)) { TPController component2 = gameObject2.GetComponent <TPController>(); if (!(null == component2)) { if (MyInfoManager.Instance.Slot >= 8 && !flag && (MyInfoManager.Instance.Score > value2.Score || (MyInfoManager.Instance.Score == value2.Score && MyInfoManager.Instance.Kill > value2.Kill))) { flag = true; float num3 = num; num = GridOut(MyInfoManager.Instance.ClanMark, MyInfoManager.Instance.Xp, MyInfoManager.Instance.Rank, MyInfoManager.Instance.Nickname, MyInfoManager.Instance.Kill, MyInfoManager.Instance.Death, MyInfoManager.Instance.Assist, MyInfoManager.Instance.Score, MyInfoManager.Instance.PingTime, MyInfoManager.Instance.Status, localController.IsDead, num, MyInfoManager.Instance.Seq == RoomManager.Instance.Master); GUI.Box(new Rect(myRowX, num3 - myRowSize.y / 2f + 2f, myRowSize.x, myRowSize.y), string.Empty, "BoxMyInfo"); } Peer peer2 = P2PManager.Instance.Get(value2.Seq); num = GridOut(value2.ClanMark, value2.Xp, value2.Rank, value2.Nickname, value2.Kill, value2.Death, value2.Assist, value2.Score, peer2?.PingTime ?? float.PositiveInfinity, value2.Status, component2.IsDead, num, value2.Seq == RoomManager.Instance.Master); } } } } if (MyInfoManager.Instance.Slot >= 8 && !flag) { GridOut(MyInfoManager.Instance.ClanMark, MyInfoManager.Instance.Xp, MyInfoManager.Instance.Rank, MyInfoManager.Instance.Nickname, MyInfoManager.Instance.Kill, MyInfoManager.Instance.Death, MyInfoManager.Instance.Assist, MyInfoManager.Instance.Score, MyInfoManager.Instance.PingTime, MyInfoManager.Instance.Status, localController.IsDead, num, MyInfoManager.Instance.Seq == RoomManager.Instance.Master); GUI.Box(new Rect(myRowX, num - myRowSize.y / 2f + 2f, myRowSize.x, myRowSize.y), string.Empty, "BoxMyInfo"); } if (MyInfoManager.Instance.IsRedTeam()) { redTeamMyTeam.Draw(); } else { blueTeamMyTeam.Draw(); } GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.enabled = true; } }