private static Rect getSize(TPAtlasTexture tx) { Rect r = new Rect(); float biggestSide; if (tx.width > tx.height) { biggestSide = tx.width; } else { biggestSide = tx.height; } float scale = TexturePackerStyles.TEXTURE_RECT_SIZE / biggestSide; r.width = tx.width * scale; r.height = tx.height * scale; r.x = (TexturePackerStyles.TEXTURE_RECT_SIZE - r.width) / 2f + box_padding; r.y = (TexturePackerStyles.TEXTURE_RECT_SIZE - r.height) / 2f + box_padding; return(r); }
void Awake() { play = TPackManager.getAtlas(Atlases.EXAMPLE).getPngTexture("play"); //Warning to Get Texture2D from atlas, should remain the same size which was generated, //that's why we using another atlas here unityTexture = TPackManager.getAtlas(Atlases.EXAMPLE2).getUnityTexture("play"); }
//-------------------------------------- // INITIALIZE //-------------------------------------- public TPAtlas(string json, Texture atlas, string name) { _atlas = atlas; _name = name; IDictionary JSON = TPMiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(json) as IDictionary; IDictionary frames = JSON["frames"] as IDictionary; IDictionary meta = JSON["meta"] as IDictionary; IDictionary size = meta["size"] as IDictionary; _height = System.Convert.ToSingle(size["h"]); _width = System.Convert.ToSingle(size["w"]); _meta = new TPMeta(); _meta.atlasSize = new Size2D(_width, _height); _meta.imageSize = new Size2D(atlas.width, atlas.height); _meta.scale = System.Convert.ToSingle(meta["scale"]); _meta.format = System.Convert.ToString(meta["format"]); TPAtlasTexture f; foreach (string cKey in frames.Keys) { f = new TPAtlasTexture(cKey, frames[cKey] as IDictionary <string, System.Object>, this); _frames.Add(cKey, f); } }
protected virtual void applayUV() { if (frames.Length > 0) { TPAtlasTexture tx = getTexture(frames[0]); showFrame(tx); } }
//-------------------------------------- // PUBLIC METHODS //-------------------------------------- public static Rect RenderNode(int index, TPAtlas antlas, string name) { Vector2 itemPos = new Vector2(); itemPos.y = 25f; if (index + 1 > colItemsCount) { itemPos.y += Mathf.FloorToInt(index / colItemsCount) * TexturePackerStyles.TEXTURE_RECT_SIZE * 1.7f; index = index % colItemsCount; } itemPos.x = itemsSpace / 2f + (index) * (itemsSpace + box_size); GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(itemPos.x, itemPos.y, box_size, box_size * 2f), ""); { if (TexturePackerAtlasEditor.selection.Contains(name)) { drawColordeBox(box_size, box_size,; /* GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect (box_padding, box_padding , TexturePackerStyles.TEXTURE_RECT_SIZE, TexturePackerStyles.TEXTURE_RECT_SIZE), ""); { * drawColordeBox (TexturePackerStyles.TEXTURE_RECT_SIZE, TexturePackerStyles.TEXTURE_RECT_SIZE); * } GUILayout.EndArea (); */ } else { drawColordeBox(box_size, box_size); } TPAtlasTexture tx = antlas.getTexture(name); tx.draw(getSize(tx), true); string texNmae = string.Empty; if (TPEditorData.isExtensionsEnabled) { texNmae =; } else { texNmae = tx.nameNoExtention; } string imageInfo = texNmae + "\n(" + tx.width + "x" + tx.height + ")"; GUILayout.Label(imageInfo, TexturePackerStyles.imageLableStyle, TexturePackerStyles.FixedWidthHeight(110f, 40f)); } GUILayout.EndArea(); return(new Rect(itemPos.x, itemPos.y, box_size, box_size)); }
public void showFrame(int index) { if (frames.Count == 0) { GetComponent <Renderer>().material = null; return; } //index--; TPFameInfo frame = frames[index]; meshTexture.atlas = frame.atlasPath; meshTexture.texture = frame.textureName; GetComponent <Renderer>().material = GetMaterial(frame.atlasPath); meshTexture.applayUV(); TPAtlasTexture texture = GetAtlasTExture(index); Vector3 size = new Vector3(); size.x = texture.spriteSourceSize.w; size.y = texture.spriteSourceSize.h; size.z = size.x; transform.localScale = size / texture.scale; Vector3 pos = new Vector3(); pos.x = texture.spriteSourceSize.x - texture.sourceSize.w * anim.pivotCenterX; pos.y = -texture.spriteSourceSize.y + texture.sourceSize.h * anim.pivotCenterY; pos.z = 0; transform.localPosition = pos / texture.scale; if ("TPPlaneCentred")) { Vector3 p = transform.localPosition; p.y -= transform.localScale.y / 2f; p.x += transform.localScale.x / 2f; transform.localPosition = p; } if (index == 0) { _textureName = texture.nameNoExtention; } if (opacity != 1f) { materialColor.a = opacity; color = materialColor; } }
public TPAtlasTexture getTexture(string textureName) { TPAtlasTexture tx = findTexture(textureName); if (tx == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Texture " + textureName + " not found in " + _name + " atlas"); } return(tx); }
void OnGUI() { play.draw(new Rect(0, 0, play.width * 0.5f, play.height * 0.5f)); play.draw(new Rect(0, 75, play.width, play.height)); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 225, unityTexture.width, unityTexture.height), unityTexture); TPAtlasTexture tex = TPackManager.getAtlas(Atlases.EXAMPLE).getPngTexture("f_share"); tex.draw(new Rect(200, 0, 122, 42)); TPackManager.getAtlas(Atlases.EXAMPLE).draw(new Rect(200, 100, 122, 42), "t_share.png"); }
//-------------------------------------- // PRIVATE METHODS //-------------------------------------- protected void showFrame(TPAtlasTexture texture) { Rect frame; if (texture == null) { frame = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1); } else { if (texture.isRotated) { frame = new Rect(); frame.x = 0 - texture.coords.y - texture.coords.height; frame.y = texture.coords.x; frame.width = texture.coords.height; frame.height = texture.coords.width; isRotated = true; } else { frame = texture.coords; isRotated = false; } } if (useSharedMesh && Application.isPlaying) { if (storedMeshes.Contains(original) || storedMeshes.Contains(sharedMesh)) { return; } else { storedMeshes.Add(original); } } setTile(frame.width, frame.height); setOffset(frame.x, frame.y); }
public Texture2D getUnityTexture(string textureName) { if (_unityTextures.ContainsKey(textureName)) { return(_unityTextures[textureName]); } TPAtlasTexture tx = findTexture(textureName); if (tx == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Texture " + textureName + " not found in " + _name + " atlas"); return(null); } _unityTextures.Add(textureName, tx.generateTexture()); return(_unityTextures[textureName]); }
void Awake() { anim = TPGUIAnimation.Create(); Scaledanim = TPGUIAnimation.Create(); for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) { TPAtlasTexture frame = TPackManager.getAtlas(Atlases.EXAMPLE).getPngTexture("fireball_000" + i.ToString()); anim.addFrame(frame); Scaledanim.addFrame(frame); } anim.pos = new Vector2(200, 200); anim.loop = true; anim.fps = 25; anim.Play(); Scaledanim.pos = new Vector2(300, 200); Scaledanim.loop = true; Scaledanim.fps = 25; Scaledanim.scale = 0.5f; Scaledanim.Play(); }
public void addFrame(TPAtlasTexture texture) { frames.Add(texture); _totalFrames = frames.Count; }
private static Rect getSize(TPAtlasTexture tx) { Rect r = new Rect (); float biggestSide; if(tx.width > tx.height) { biggestSide = tx.width; } else { biggestSide = tx.height; } float scale = TexturePackerStyles.TEXTURE_RECT_SIZE / biggestSide; r.width = tx.width * scale; r.height = tx.height * scale; r.x = (TexturePackerStyles.TEXTURE_RECT_SIZE - r.width) / 2f + box_padding; r.y = (TexturePackerStyles.TEXTURE_RECT_SIZE - r.height) / 2f + box_padding; return r; }
void OnEnable() { atlas = TPackManager.getAtlas ("World"); aTexture = atlas.getTexture(atlas.frameNames [index]); //aTexture.calculateVars(); boundsTexture = atlas.getTexture("MAT_Dirt"); }
public virtual void applayUV() { TPAtlasTexture tx = getTexture(texture); showFrame(tx); }