Пример #1
 public bool AddOrder(string chave, TOOrderSession item)
         lock (_dicMsgsCl)
             _dicMsgsCl.Add(chave, item);
     catch (Exception ex)
         logger.Error("Erro ao adicionar o TOOrderSession: " + ex.Message, ex);
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Manipulacao de dicionario
 /// Mensagem BusinessMessageReject (BMR and RReject Messages)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ss"></param>
 /// <param name="dic"></param>
 /// <param name="strChave"></param>
 //public void VerifyOrderSituationBMRandR(SessionID ss, Dictionary<string, TOOrderSession> dic, string strChave)
 public void VerifyOrderSituationBMRandR(SessionID ss, OrderSessionManager dic, string strChave)
         if (null != ss) // Registry found
             // Se houve rejeicao de cancelamento, entao somente excluir do dicionario
             lock (dic)
                 TOOrderSession toOS = null;
                 dic.GetOrder(strChave, out toOS);
                 toOS = null;
     catch (Exception ex)
         logger.Error("VerifyOrderSituationMBR(): " + ex.Message, ex);
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Manipulacao do dicionario em situacoes
 /// (Mensagens de Order Cancel Reject - OCR)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ss"></param>
 /// <param name="dic"></param>
 /// <param name="strChave"></param>
 //public void VerifyOrderSituationOCR(SessionID ss, Dictionary<string, TOOrderSession> dic, string strChave)
 // OBS :strChave sempre ClOrdID até momento
 public void VerifyOrderSituationOCR(OrderCancelReject msg, SessionID ss, OrderSessionManager dic, string strChave, string strChaveExch)
         if (null != ss) // Registry found
             TOOrderSession aux = null;
             dic.GetOrder(strChave, out aux);
             if (null != aux && msg.IsSetField(Tags.OrderID) && msg.OrderID.getValue() != "NONE")
                 if (msg.IsSetField(Tags.Account))
                     aux.ExchangeNumberID = msg.OrderID.getValue() + "-" + msg.Account.getValue() + "-" + msg.Symbol.getValue();
             // Se houve rejeicao de cancelamento, entao somente excluir do dicionario
             lock (dic)
                 TOOrderSession toOS = null;
                 int            ret  = dic.GetOrder(strChave, out toOS, strChaveExch);
                 if (null != toOS)
                     if (ret == FindType.EXCHANGE_NUMBER)
                 toOS = null;
     catch (Exception ex)
         logger.Error("VerifyOrderSituationOCR(): " + ex.Message, ex);
Пример #4
        // 1: return by chave
        // 2: return by chaveExchNumber
        public int GetOrder(string chave, out TOOrderSession to, string chaveExchNumber = "", int keyType = 1, string exchange = "")
                //TOOrderSession ord = null;
                lock (_dicMsgsCl)
                    if (_dicMsgsCl.TryGetValue(chave, out to))
                        //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(chaveExchNumber))
                        //    return FindType.CLORDID;

                            //KeyValuePair<string, TOOrderSession> item = new KeyValuePair<string, TOOrderSession>();
                            List <TOOrderSession> lst = _dicMsgsCl.Select(x => x.Value).Where(x => x.ExchangeNumberID == chaveExchNumber).ToList();

                            TOOrderSession item = null;
                            if (KeyType.CLORDID == keyType)
                                item = lst.OrderByDescending(x => x.ExchangeSeqNum).FirstOrDefault();
                                item = lst.OrderByDescending(x => x.ExchangeSeqNum).LastOrDefault();

                            to = item;
                            if (null != to)
                            // Nao achou a ordem. Tentará busca a partir do banco de dados. //TODO[FF]: Fazer a busca e remontar o TO com as informacoes existentes
                                string[] arr = chave.Split('-');
                                string   clord;
                                string   strAcc = string.Empty;
                                int      account;
                                string   symbol;
                                if (arr.Length != 3)
                                clord = arr[0];
                                if (exchange.Equals(ExchangePrefixes.BOVESPA, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                    strAcc = arr[1].Substring(0, arr[1].Length - 1);
                                    strAcc = arr[1];
                                account = Convert.ToInt32(strAcc);
                                symbol  = arr[2];
                                DbFix       db     = new DbFix();
                                OrderDbInfo retOrd = db.BuscarOrdem(clord, account, symbol);
                                if (0 == retOrd.OrderID)
                                    to = null;
                                    TOOrderSession toAux = this.OrderDbInfo2OrderSession(retOrd, chave);
                                    to = toAux;
                to = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("Erro ao buscar o TOOrderSession: " + ex.Message, ex);
                to = null;
Пример #5
        private TOOrderSession OrderDbInfo2OrderSession(OrderDbInfo ord, string chave)
                TOOrderSession ret = new TOOrderSession();
                string         ss  = ord.SessionIDOriginal;
                string []      aux = ss.Split(new string[] { ":", "/", "->" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                string beginstr;
                string sender;
                string sendersub = string.Empty;
                string target;
                string targetsub = string.Empty;
                // Se tiver '/', existe sender sub e targetsub
                bool isSub = false;
                if (ss.IndexOf("/") > 0)
                    beginstr  = aux[0];
                    sender    = aux[1];
                    sendersub = aux[2];
                    target    = aux[3];
                    targetsub = aux[4];
                    isSub     = true;
                    beginstr = aux[0];
                    sender   = aux[1];
                    target   = aux[2];
                if (isSub)
                    ret.Sessao = new QuickFix.SessionID(beginstr, sender, sendersub, target, targetsub);
                    ret.Sessao = new QuickFix.SessionID(beginstr, sender, target);
                ret.TipoExpiracao    = ord.TimeInForce;
                ret.DataExpiracao    = ord.ExpireDate == DateTime.MinValue? "" : ord.ExpireDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
                ret.DataEnvio        = ord.RegisterTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss.fff");
                ret.MsgSeqNum        = ord.FixMsgSeqNum;
                ret.OrigClOrdID      = ord.OrigClOrdID;
                ret.ClOrdID          = ord.ClOrdID;
                ret.Account          = ord.Account;
                ret.ExchangeNumberID = ord.ExchangeNumberID;
                ret.ExchangeSeqNum   = 1;
                ret.ChaveDicionario  = chave;

                // Remontar a mensagem fix
                string msg = ord.MsgFix.Replace('|', '\x01');

                ret.MensagemQF = new QuickFix.Message(msg, this.Dict, true);
                // Remontar party id a partir da mensagem fix
                int lenPID = ret.MensagemQF.IsSetField(Tags.NoPartyIDs) ? ret.MensagemQF.GetInt(Tags.NoPartyIDs) : 0;
                for (int x = 1; x <= lenPID; x += 1)
                    Group noPartyIds = new Group(ret.MensagemQF.GetGroup(x, Tags.NoPartyIDs));
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("OrderDbInfo2OrderSession(): " + ex.Message, ex);
Пример #6
        public void ExpireOrderSessions()
                List <string> lstToPurge = new List <string>();
                Dictionary <string, TOOrderSession> dicAux = _dicMsgsCl;
                lock (dicAux)
                    if (dicAux.Count > 0)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, TOOrderSession> item in dicAux)
                            TOOrderSession aux           = item.Value;
                            DateTime       dtSendingTime = DateTime.MinValue;
                            DateTime       dtExpireDate;
                            switch (aux.TipoExpiracao)
                            // Validar a DateTimeNow com SendingTime
                            case "":      // Day
                            case "0":     // Day
                            case "3":     // Immediate or Cancel
                            case "4":     // Fill Or Kill
                            case "7":     // At the close
                            case "A":     // Good For Auction
                                // Valida a data de envio para expiracao da ordem
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(aux.DataEnvio))
                                    if (aux.MensagemQF != null)
                                        string dtAux = aux.MensagemQF.Header.GetField(Tags.SendingTime);
                                        dtSendingTime = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtAux)?
                                                        DateTime.ParseExact(dtAux, "yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss.fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToLocalTime() :
                                    dtSendingTime = DateTime.ParseExact(aux.DataEnvio, "yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss.fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToLocalTime();
                                if (dtSendingTime.Date < DateTime.Now.Date || dtSendingTime == DateTime.MinValue)

                            case "6":     // Good till Date
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aux.DataExpiracao))
                                    dtExpireDate = DateTime.ParseExact(aux.DataExpiracao, "yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    if (dtExpireDate.Date < DateTime.Now.Date)

                    // Delete itens from dictionary
                    foreach (string it in lstToPurge)
                        TOOrderSession xx = null;
                        dicAux.TryGetValue(it, out xx);
                        xx = null;
                        logger.Info("Chave removida: " + it);
                    lstToPurge = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("ExpireOrderSessions(): " + ex.Message, ex);
Пример #7
         * public void SaveSessionIDS(string filename)
         * {
         *  FileStream fs = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
         *  try
         *  {
         *      // Serialize Dictionary to dat file
         *      List<TOMessageBackup> lst = new List<TOMessageBackup>();
         *      if (!_serializing)
         *      {
         *          _serializing = true;
         *          Dictionary<string, TOOrderSession> regs = new Dictionary<string, TOOrderSession>(_dicMsgsCl);
         *          foreach (KeyValuePair<string, TOOrderSession> item in regs)
         *          {
         *              TOMessageBackup to = new TOMessageBackup();
         *              to.Key = item.Key;
         *              to.BeginString = item.Value.Sessao.BeginString;
         *              to.SenderCompID = item.Value.Sessao.SenderCompID;
         *              to.SenderSubID = item.Value.Sessao.SenderSubID;
         *              to.TargetCompID = item.Value.Sessao.TargetCompID;
         *              to.TargetSubID = item.Value.Sessao.TargetSubID;
         *              to.TipoExpiracao = item.Value.TipoExpiracao;
         *              to.DataExpiracao = item.Value.DataExpiracao;
         *              to.DataEnvio = item.Value.DataEnvio;
         *              to.MsgSeqNum = item.Value.MsgSeqNum.ToString();
         *              to.ClOrdID = item.Value.ClOrdID;
         *              to.OrigClOrdID = item.Value.OrigClOrdID;
         *              to.Account = item.Value.Account.ToString();
         *              int lenPid = item.Value.PartyIDs.Count;
         *              for (int i = 0; i < lenPid; i++)
         *              {
         *                  PartyIDBackup pId = new PartyIDBackup();
         *                  pId.PartyID = item.Value.PartyIDs[i].GetField(Tags.PartyID);
         *                  pId.PartyIDSource = item.Value.PartyIDs[i].GetChar(Tags.PartyIDSource);
         *                  pId.PartyRole = item.Value.PartyIDs[i].GetInt(Tags.PartyRole);
         *                  to.PartyIDs.Add(pId);
         *              }
         *              // to.MensagemQF = item.Value.MensagemQF.ToString();
         *              to.TipoLimite = (int)item.Value.TipoLimite;
         *              to.Order = item.Value.Order;
         *              to.MensagemQF = item.Value.MensagemQF.ToString();
         *              to.ExchangeNumberID = item.Value.ExchangeNumberID;
         *              to.ExchangeSeqNum = item.Value.ExchangeSeqNum;
         *              //to.SecondaryOrderID = item.Value.SecondaryOrderID;
         *              //to.TradeDate = item.Value.TradeDate;
         *              lst.Add(to);
         *              to = null;
         *          }
         *          BinaryFormatter bs = new BinaryFormatter();
         *          bs.Serialize(fs, lst);
         *          bs = null;
         *          logger.InfoFormat("SaveSessionIDS(): Registros serializados: [{0}] [{1}]", lst.Count, filename);
         *          // Efetuar limpeza da lista
         *          int len = lst.Count;
         *          for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
         *          {
         *              TOMessageBackup aux = lst[i];
         *              aux = null;
         *          }
         *          lst.Clear();
         *          lst = null;
         *          fs.Close();
         *          fs = null;
         *          regs.Clear();
         *          regs = null;
         *          _serializing = false;
         *      }
         *      else
         *      {
         *          if (_serializing)
         *              logger.Debug("SaveSessionIDS(): Processo de serializacao já em execucao!!!");
         *      }
         *  }
         *  catch (Exception ex)
         *  {
         *      logger.Error("SaveSessionIDS(): Erro na serializacao dos registros do dicionario: " + ex.Message, ex);
         *      _serializing = false; // mudar para false para tentar backupear no proximo "ciclo"
         *      fs.Close();
         *      fs = null;
         *  }
         * }
         * public void LoadSessionIDs(string fileName, QuickFix.DataDictionary.DataDictionary dataDic)
         * {
         *  string msgQF = string.Empty;
         *  try
         *  {
         *      if (File.Exists(fileName))
         *      {
         *          List<TOMessageBackup> lst = new List<TOMessageBackup>();
         *          FileStream fs = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
         *          BinaryFormatter bformatter = new BinaryFormatter();
         *          lst = (List<TOMessageBackup>)bformatter.Deserialize(fs);
         *          int length = lst.Count;
         *          if (lst.Count > 0)
         *          {
         *              lock (_dicMsgsCl)
         *              {
         *                  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
         *                  {
         *                      TOMessageBackup to = lst[i];
         *                      TOOrderSession toOrder = new TOOrderSession();
         *                      SessionID ssID = null;
         *                      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(to.SenderSubID) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(to.TargetSubID)))
         *                          ssID = new SessionID(to.BeginString, to.SenderCompID, to.SenderSubID, to.TargetCompID, to.TargetSubID);
         *                      else
         *                          ssID = new SessionID(to.BeginString, to.SenderCompID, to.TargetCompID);
         *                      toOrder.Sessao = ssID;
         *                      toOrder.TipoExpiracao = to.TipoExpiracao;
         *                      toOrder.DataExpiracao = to.DataExpiracao;
         *                      toOrder.DataEnvio = to.DataEnvio;
         *                      toOrder.MsgSeqNum = Convert.ToInt32(to.MsgSeqNum);
         *                      toOrder.ClOrdID = to.ClOrdID;
         *                      toOrder.OrigClOrdID = to.OrigClOrdID;
         *                      toOrder.Account = Convert.ToInt32(to.Account);
         *                      int len = to.PartyIDs.Count;
         *                      for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
         *                      {
         *                          QuickFix.FIX44.NewOrderSingle.NoPartyIDsGroup grp = new QuickFix.FIX44.NewOrderSingle.NoPartyIDsGroup();
         *                          grp.Set(new PartyID(to.PartyIDs[j].PartyID));
         *                          grp.Set(new PartyIDSource(to.PartyIDs[j].PartyIDSource));
         *                          grp.Set(new PartyRole(to.PartyIDs[j].PartyRole));
         *                          toOrder.PartyIDs.Add(grp);
         *                      }
         *                      toOrder.TipoLimite = (TipoLimiteEnum)to.TipoLimite;
         *                      toOrder.Order = to.Order;
         *                      toOrder.MensagemQF = new QuickFix.Message(to.MensagemQF, dataDic, true);
         *                      toOrder.ExchangeNumberID = to.ExchangeNumberID;
         *                      toOrder.ExchangeSeqNum = to.ExchangeSeqNum;
         *                      //toOrder.SecondaryOrderID = to.SecondaryOrderID;
         *                      //toOrder.TradeDate = to.TradeDate;
         *                      _dicMsgsCl.Add(to.Key, toOrder);
         *                  }
         *              }
         *              logger.Info("LoadSessionIDs(): Registros recuperados: " + lst.Count);
         *              lst.Clear();
         *              lst = null;
         *          }
         *          if (fs != null)
         *          {
         *              fs.Close();
         *              fs = null;
         *          }
         *      }
         *  }
         *  catch (Exception ex)
         *  {
         *      logger.Error("LoadSessionIDs(): Erro na deserializacao dos registros do dicionario: MsgQF: " + msgQF + " " + ex.Message, ex);
         *  }
         * }
        public void LoadOrderSessionIDsFromDB(int idSession, QuickFix.DataDictionary.DataDictionary dataDic)
                DbFix dbFix = new DbFix();
                List <TOMessageBackup> lst = dbFix.BuscarOrderSessionIDs(idSession);

                int length = lst.Count;
                if (lst.Count > 0)
                    lock (_dicMsgsCl)
                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                            TOMessageBackup to      = lst[i];
                            TOOrderSession  toOrder = new TOOrderSession();
                            SessionID       ssID    = null;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(to.SenderSubID) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(to.TargetSubID)))
                                ssID = new SessionID(to.BeginString, to.SenderCompID, to.SenderSubID, to.TargetCompID, to.TargetSubID);
                                ssID = new SessionID(to.BeginString, to.SenderCompID, to.TargetCompID);
                            toOrder.Sessao        = ssID;
                            toOrder.TipoExpiracao = to.TipoExpiracao;
                            toOrder.DataExpiracao = to.DataExpiracao;
                            toOrder.DataEnvio     = to.DataEnvio;
                            toOrder.MsgSeqNum     = Convert.ToInt32(to.MsgSeqNum);
                            toOrder.ClOrdID       = to.ClOrdID;
                            toOrder.OrigClOrdID   = to.OrigClOrdID;
                            toOrder.Account       = Convert.ToInt32(to.Account);
                            int len = to.PartyIDs.Count;
                            for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
                                QuickFix.FIX44.NewOrderSingle.NoPartyIDsGroup grp = new QuickFix.FIX44.NewOrderSingle.NoPartyIDsGroup();
                                grp.Set(new PartyID(to.PartyIDs[j].PartyID));
                                grp.Set(new PartyIDSource(to.PartyIDs[j].PartyIDSource));
                                grp.Set(new PartyRole(to.PartyIDs[j].PartyRole));

                            toOrder.TipoLimite       = (TipoLimiteEnum)to.TipoLimite;
                            toOrder.Order            = to.Order;
                            toOrder.MensagemQF       = new QuickFix.Message(to.MensagemQF, dataDic, true);
                            toOrder.ExchangeNumberID = to.ExchangeNumberID;
                            toOrder.ExchangeSeqNum   = to.ExchangeSeqNum;
                            _dicMsgsCl.Add(to.Key, toOrder);
                    logger.Info("LoadOrderSessionIDsFromDB(): Registros recuperados: " + lst.Count);
                    lst = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("LoadOrderSessionIDsFromDB(): Erro na deserializacao dos registros a partir do banco de dados: " + ex.Message, ex);
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Validar os estados da ordem e executar as respectivas operacoes no dicionario de mensagens
        /// (Mensagens de Execution Report - ER)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="eType"></param>
        /// <param name="oStatus"></param>
        /// <param name="dic"></param>
        /// Retorna o TOORderSession referente ao Execution Report
        /// OBS: strChave - no momento esta considerando sempre clOrdID
        public void VerifyOrderSituationER(ExecutionReport msg, char e, char o, SessionID ss,
                                           OrderSessionManager dic, string strChave, out TOOrderSession ord)

            ord = null;
                string strOrigClChave     = string.Empty;
                string strExchNumberChave = msg.OrderID.ToString() + "-" + msg.Account.ToString() + "-" + msg.Symbol.ToString();
                if (null != ss)// Registry found
                    // Atualiza o TO com o ExchangeNumber (Tag 37, order ID)
                    TOOrderSession aux = null;
                    dic.GetOrder(strChave, out aux);
                    if (null != aux)
                        aux.ExchangeNumberID = strExchNumberChave;

                    // New Order, Exec: New, OrdStatus: New - nao faz nada, somente retorna o TOOrderSession correspondente
                    if (e == ExecType.NEW && o == OrdStatus.NEW)
                        // Por ser new order, nao se aplica fazer busca pelo exchange number id
                        // pois ainda não foi atualizado
                        dic.GetOrder(strChave, out ord);
                        //ord.ExchangeNumberID = msg.OrderID.getValue() + "-" + msg.Account.getValue() + "-" + msg.Symbol.getValue();
                    // Retornar o TOOrderSession correspondente para
                    if (o == OrdStatus.FILLED || o == OrdStatus.PARTIALLY_FILLED)
                        dic.GetOrder(strChave, out ord, strExchNumberChave);
                        //ord.ExchangeNumberID = msg.OrderID.getValue() + "-" + msg.Account.getValue() + "-" + msg.Symbol.getValue();

                    // Stop Order Entry, Exec: New, OrdStatus: New - nao faz nada
                    // No request stop order trigger, Exec: New, OrdStatus: New - nao faz nada
                    // Order with on close, Exec: New, OrdStatus: New
                    // Order with on close attribute is activated when the closing auction starts, Exec: New, Order: New
                    // MinQty order entry, not enough quantity, Exec: new, Order: new

                    // New Order, Exec: Rejected, OrdStatus: Rejected - excluir a chave
                    // New Order, Exec: Suspended, OrdStatus: Suspended
                    // No request, Exec: Trade, OrdStatus: Filled
                    if ((e == ExecType.REJECTED && o == OrdStatus.REJECTED) ||
                        (e == ExecType.SUSPENDED && o == OrdStatus.SUSPENDED) ||
                        (e == ExecType.TRADE && o == OrdStatus.FILLED) ||
                        (e == ExecType.EXPIRED && o == OrdStatus.EXPIRED))
                        lock (dic)
                            TOOrderSession toOS = null;
                            int            ret  = dic.GetOrder(strChave, out toOS, strExchNumberChave);
                            ord  = toOS;
                            toOS = null;
                            if (ret == FindType.EXCHANGE_NUMBER)
                    // Order Modify, Exec: Replace, OrdStatus: Replaced
                    if (e == ExecType.REPLACE && o == OrdStatus.REPLACED)
                        strOrigClChave = msg.OrigClOrdID.ToString() + "-" + msg.Account.ToString() + "-" + msg.Symbol.ToString();
                        lock (dic)
                            //if (dic.ExistOrder(strOrigClChave))
                            TOOrderSession toOS = null;
                            int            ret  = dic.GetOrder(strOrigClChave, out toOS, strExchNumberChave, KeyType.ORIGCLORDID);
                            ord  = toOS;
                            toOS = null;
                            if (ret == FindType.EXCHANGE_NUMBER)
                    // Cancelation, Exec: Cancelled, OrdStatus: Cancelled
                    // No request FAK Partially Filled, Exec: Canceled, OrdStatus: Canceled
                    // No request FOK Partially Filled, Exec: Canceled, OrdStatus: Canceled
                    // MinQty order entry, not enough quantity  rejected, Exec: Cancelled, Order: Cancelled
                    if (e == ExecType.CANCELED && o == OrdStatus.CANCELED)
                        bool processOrig = true;
                        // Tratamento de outros tipos de timeinforce (para execucao e cancelamento, o orig clord id não é fornecido)
                        if (msg.IsSetField(Tags.TimeInForce))
                            switch (msg.TimeInForce.getValue())
                            case TimeInForce.IMMEDIATE_OR_CANCEL:
                            case TimeInForce.FILL_OR_KILL:
                                processOrig    = false;
                                strOrigClChave = msg.ClOrdID.ToString() + "-" + msg.Account.ToString() + "-" + msg.Symbol.ToString();

                                // Caso o cancelamento tenha partido da bolsa, tambem nao eh fornecido o OrigClOrdID
                                // entao tenta-se utilizar o ClOrdID vindo do ExecutionReport
                                string aux1 = msg.IsSetOrigClOrdID() ? msg.OrigClOrdID.ToString() : msg.ClOrdID.ToString();
                                strOrigClChave = aux1 + "-" + msg.Account.ToString() + "-" + msg.Symbol.ToString();
                            // TimeInForce = 0 (DAY) - Default
                            // Caso o Orig nao esteja na mensagem, tenta-se buscar pelo ClOrdID
                            string aux1 = msg.IsSetOrigClOrdID() ? msg.OrigClOrdID.ToString() : msg.ClOrdID.ToString();
                            strOrigClChave = aux1 + "-" + msg.Account.ToString() + "-" + msg.Symbol.ToString();
                        lock (dic)
                            TOOrderSession toOS = null;
                            int            ret  = 0;
                            ret = dic.GetOrder(strOrigClChave, out toOS, strExchNumberChave, KeyType.ORIGCLORDID);
                            if (null != toOS)
                                ord  = toOS;
                                toOS = null;
                                if (ret == FindType.EXCHANGE_NUMBER)
                            if (processOrig)
                                ret = dic.GetOrder(strChave, out toOS, strExchNumberChave);
                                if (ret == FindType.EXCHANGE_NUMBER)
                                toOS = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("VerifyOrderSituationER(): " + ex.Message, ex);