private byte ReadTOD(TOD register) { bool latch = _todLatch; if (register == TOD.TENTH) { _todLatch = false; } else if (register == TOD.HOURS) { for (sbyte i = (sbyte)(_tod.GetLength(1) - 1); i >= 0; i--) { _tod[(byte)TOD_R.LATCH, i] = _tod[(byte)TOD_R.CURRENT, i]; } _todLatch = true; } byte value = ToBCD(_tod[latch ? (byte)TOD_R.CURRENT : (byte)TOD_R.LATCH, (byte)register]); if (register == TOD.HOURS) { value |= (byte)(value << 7); } return(value); }
private void Update() { _speedOfTime = Mathf.Abs(_speedOfTime); _totalMinutes += _speedOfTime * Time.deltaTime; // There are 1,440 minutes in a 24-hour day. if (_totalMinutes >= 1440) { // I do not set it to zero in case the speed of time is not a multiple of 1,440 (aka the time ends up X seconds after midnight). _totalMinutes -= 1440; _daysSinceStart++; } // Calculates the percentage through the day it currently is, then multiplies that by the maximum rotation, 360. _dayPercentage = _totalMinutes / 1440f; float angleOfSun = _dayPercentage * 360f; _dayNightLight.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(angleOfSun - 90f, 0f, 0f); // TODO allow any Y-rotation, atm it makes the light flicker after midday _dayNightLight.GetComponent <Light>().intensity = _brightnessCurve.Evaluate(_dayPercentage); if (_dayPercentage >= 0.25f && _dayPercentage <= 0.875f) { _TimeOfDay = TOD.Day; } else { _TimeOfDay = TOD.Night; } DisplayTime(); }
private void WriteTOD(TOD register, byte value) { byte pm = (byte)(value >> 7); if (register == TOD.HOURS) { value &= 0x7f; } value = FromBCD(value); if ((_timerB._controlReg & (byte)TB_CR.TDA) == 0) { if (register == TOD.TENTH) { _todPause = false; } else if (register == TOD.HOURS) { _todPause = true; _tod[(byte)TOD_R.CURRENT, (byte)TOD.AM_PM] = pm; } _tod[(byte)TOD_R.CURRENT, (byte)register] = value; } else { if (register == TOD.HOURS) { _tod[(byte)TOD_R.ALARM, (byte)TOD.AM_PM] = pm; } _tod[(byte)TOD_R.ALARM, (byte)register] = value; } }
protected void MontarTod(string plazoEntregaCodificado4053) { var tod = new TOD(null, null, new PlazoEntrega(plazoEntregaCodificado4053, null, null, null, null)); Segmentos.Add(tod); Mensaje += tod.getSegmento(); }
public static DateTime AtTime(this DateTime @this, int hours, int minutes, TOD timeOfDay) { if (timeOfDay == TOD.PM) { hours += 12; } return(@this.Add(new TimeSpan(hours, minutes, 0))); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { weather = GetComponent<Weather>(); tod = GetComponentInChildren<TOD>(); }
public AdsErrorCode ReadAny(uint indexGroup, uint indexOffset, Type type, bool throwAdsException, out object value) { AdsErrorCode code; if (!type.IsPrimitive) { if (type == typeof(string)) { throw new ArgumentException("Use overload ReadAnyString(uint indexGroup, uint indexOffset, Type type, int characters) for strings.", "type"); } if (type.IsArray) { throw new ArgumentException("Use overload ReadAny(uint indexGroup, uint indexOffset, Type type, int[] args) for arrays.", "type"); } if (type == typeof(TimeSpan)) { uint milliseconds = base.ReadUInt32(indexGroup, indexOffset, throwAdsException, out code); value = PlcOpenTimeConverter.MillisecondsToTimeSpan(milliseconds); } else if (type == typeof(DateTime)) { uint dateValue = base.ReadUInt32(indexGroup, indexOffset, throwAdsException, out code); value = PlcOpenDateConverterBase.ToDateTime(dateValue); } else if (type == typeof(TIME)) { uint timeValue = base.ReadUInt32(indexGroup, indexOffset, throwAdsException, out code); value = new TIME(timeValue); } else if (type == typeof(LTIME)) { ulong timeValue = base.ReadUInt64(indexGroup, indexOffset, throwAdsException, out code); value = new LTIME(timeValue); } else if (type == typeof(TOD)) { uint time = base.ReadUInt32(indexGroup, indexOffset, throwAdsException, out code); value = new TOD(time); } else if (type == typeof(DATE)) { uint dateValue = base.ReadUInt32(indexGroup, indexOffset, throwAdsException, out code); value = new DATE(dateValue); } else if (type != typeof(DT)) { value = base.ReadStruct(indexGroup, indexOffset, type, throwAdsException, out code); } else { uint dateValue = base.ReadUInt32(indexGroup, indexOffset, throwAdsException, out code); value = new DT(dateValue); } } else if (type == typeof(bool)) { value = base.ReadBoolean(indexGroup, indexOffset, throwAdsException, out code); } else if (type == typeof(int)) { value = base.ReadInt32(indexGroup, indexOffset, throwAdsException, out code); } else if (type == typeof(short)) { value = base.ReadInt16(indexGroup, indexOffset, throwAdsException, out code); } else if (type == typeof(byte)) { value = base.ReadUInt8(indexGroup, indexOffset, throwAdsException, out code); } else if (type == typeof(float)) { value = base.ReadReal32(indexGroup, indexOffset, throwAdsException, out code); } else if (type == typeof(double)) { value = base.ReadReal64(indexGroup, indexOffset, throwAdsException, out code); } else if (type == typeof(long)) { value = base.ReadInt64(indexGroup, indexOffset, throwAdsException, out code); } else if (type == typeof(uint)) { value = base.ReadUInt32(indexGroup, indexOffset, throwAdsException, out code); } else if (type == typeof(ushort)) { value = base.ReadUInt16(indexGroup, indexOffset, throwAdsException, out code); } else if (type == typeof(ulong)) { value = base.ReadUInt64(indexGroup, indexOffset, throwAdsException, out code); } else { if (type != typeof(sbyte)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to marshal type.", "type"); } value = base.ReadInt8(indexGroup, indexOffset, throwAdsException, out code); } return(code); }
private void WriteTOD(TOD register, byte value) { byte pm = (byte)(value >> 7); if (register == TOD.HOURS) value &= 0x7f; value = FromBCD(value); if ((_timerB._controlReg & (byte)TB_CR.TDA) == 0) { if (register == TOD.TENTH) _todPause = false; else if (register == TOD.HOURS) { _todPause = true; _tod[(byte)TOD_R.CURRENT, (byte)TOD.AM_PM] = pm; } _tod[(byte)TOD_R.CURRENT, (byte)register] = value; } else { if (register == TOD.HOURS) _tod[(byte)TOD_R.ALARM, (byte)TOD.AM_PM] = pm; _tod[(byte)TOD_R.ALARM, (byte)register] = value; } }
private byte ReadTOD(TOD register) { bool latch = _todLatch; if (register == TOD.TENTH) _todLatch = false; else if (register == TOD.HOURS) { for (sbyte i = (sbyte)(_tod.GetLength(1) - 1); i >= 0; i--) _tod[(byte)TOD_R.LATCH, i] = _tod[(byte)TOD_R.CURRENT, i]; _todLatch = true; } byte value = ToBCD(_tod[latch ? (byte)TOD_R.CURRENT : (byte)TOD_R.LATCH, (byte)register]); if (register == TOD.HOURS) value |= (byte)(value << 7); return value; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { inventory = GameObject.Find("Inventory").GetComponent<InventarScript>(); ui = GameObject.Find ("GUI").GetComponent<UIScript> (); if(tod == null) tod = GameObject.Find ("TOD").GetComponent<TOD> (); lastTimeFish = -1F; }
void Start() { todScript = GetComponent<TOD>(); GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("GameManager").GetComponent<GameManager> ().todScript = todScript; }
public TODAnimation(TOD tod, List <Mesh> objectTable, Material mat) { Tod = tod; ObjectTable = objectTable; Material = mat; }