Пример #1
        internal MouseTrigger(ActionTriggers triggers, Action <MouseTriggerArgs> action, KMod mod, KMod modAny, TMFlags flags, TMScreen screen, string paramsString) : base(triggers, action, true)
            const KMod csaw = KMod.Ctrl | KMod.Shift | KMod.Alt | KMod.Win;

            modMask          = ~modAny & csaw;
            modMasked        = mod & modMask;
            this.flags       = flags;
            this.screenIndex = screen;
            _paramsString    = paramsString;
Пример #2
        MouseTrigger _Add(Action <MouseTriggerArgs> f, ESubtype subtype, string modKeys, TMFlags flags, byte data, TMScreen screen, string sData)
            bool noMod = modKeys.NE();

            string ps;

            using (new Util.StringBuilder_(out var b)) {
                b.Append(subtype.ToString()).Append(' ').Append(sData);
                b.Append(" + ").Append(noMod ? "none" : (modKeys == "?" ? "any" : modKeys));
                if (flags != 0)
                    b.Append(" (").Append(flags.ToString()).Append(')');
                if (subtype == ESubtype.Edge || subtype == ESubtype.Move)
                    if (screen == 0)
                        b.Append(", primary screen");
                    else if (screen > 0)
                        b.Append(", non-primary screen ").Append((int)screen);
                    else if (screen == TMScreen.Any)
                        b.Append(", any screen");
                    else if (screen == TMScreen.OfActiveWindow)
                        b.Append(", screen of the active window");
                        throw new ArgumentException();
                ps = b.ToString();                 //AOutput.Write(ps);

            KMod mod = 0, modAny = 0;

            if (noMod)
                if (flags.HasAny(subtype == ESubtype.Click ? TMFlags.LeftMod | TMFlags.RightMod : TMFlags.LeftMod | TMFlags.RightMod | TMFlags.ButtonModUp))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid flags.");
                if (!AKeys.More.ParseHotkeyTriggerString_(modKeys, out mod, out modAny, out _, true))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid modKeys string.");
            var t = new MouseTrigger(_triggers, f, mod, modAny, flags, screen, ps);

            t.DictAdd(_d, _DictKey(subtype, data));
            _lastAdded       = t;
            UsedHookEvents_ |= HooksThread.UsedEvents.Mouse;             //just sets the hook
            switch (subtype)
            case ESubtype.Click: UsedHookEvents_ |= HooksThread.UsedEvents.MouseClick; break;

            case ESubtype.Wheel: UsedHookEvents_ |= HooksThread.UsedEvents.MouseWheel; break;

            default: UsedHookEvents_ |= HooksThread.UsedEvents.MouseEdgeMove; break;
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a mouse move trigger.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="move"></param>
 /// <param name="modKeys">See <see cref="this[TMClick, string, TMFlags]"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="flags"></param>
 /// <param name="screen">See <see cref="this[TMEdge, string, TMFlags, TMScreen]"/>.</param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Invalid modKeys string or flags.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Cannot add triggers after <c>Triggers.Run</c> was called, until it returns.</exception>
 /// <example> See <see cref="ActionTriggers"/>.</example>
 public Action <MouseTriggerArgs> this[TMMove move, string modKeys = null, TMFlags flags = 0, TMScreen screen = 0] {
     set {
         var t = _Add(value, ESubtype.Move, modKeys, flags, (byte)move, screen, move.ToString());
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a mouse wheel trigger.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="direction"></param>
 /// <param name="modKeys">See <see cref="this[TMClick, string, TMFlags]"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="flags"></param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Invalid modKeys string or flags.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Cannot add triggers after <c>Triggers.Run</c> was called, until it returns.</exception>
 /// <example> See <see cref="ActionTriggers"/>.</example>
 public Action <MouseTriggerArgs> this[TMWheel direction, string modKeys = null, TMFlags flags = 0] {
     set {
         var t = _Add(value, ESubtype.Wheel, modKeys, flags, (byte)direction, 0, direction.ToString());
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a mouse click trigger.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="button"></param>
 /// <param name="modKeys">
 /// Modifier keys, like with the <see cref="AKeys.Key"/> function.
 /// Examples: "Ctrl", "Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Win".
 /// To ignore modifiers: "?". Then the trigger works with any combination of modifiers.
 /// To ignore a modifier: "Ctrl?". Then the trigger works with or without the modifier. More examples: "Ctrl?+Shift?", "Ctrl+Shift?".
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="flags"></param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Invalid modKeys string or flags.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Cannot add triggers after <c>Triggers.Run</c> was called, until it returns.</exception>
 /// <example> See <see cref="ActionTriggers"/>.</example>
 public Action <MouseTriggerArgs> this[TMClick button, string modKeys = null, TMFlags flags = 0] {
     set {
         var t = _Add(value, ESubtype.Click, modKeys, flags, (byte)button, 0, button.ToString());
Пример #6
 internal MouseTrigger(ActionTriggers triggers, Action <MouseTriggerArgs> action,
                       TMKind kind, byte data, KMod mod, KMod modAny, TMFlags flags, TMScreen screenIndex,
                       string paramsString, (string, int) source) : base(triggers, action, true, source)